(2013/02) March 2013

my girl is the opposite leh.. she is not sticky to me, rather she ask me go away.. hahaha...

if hubby not ard, then i got hard time handling her, cuz she reject me.. haiz..

Looks like I must start looking for confinement nanny soon .. My mum did #1 confinement for me ... But now I think cannot manage cos got 2 ..

Winnie: my son cried for a week at drop off in school when we knew I was pregnant .. Fortunately he stops already ..

We bought him some books to introduce him to new baby and he wanted me to read the book like a million times last night .. Good to see him excited but I was really sick of reading it and he refused to let my hubby read it!!!
Lynn and happymum - me too finding hard to sleep at might. Woke up at 5am last nite to pee den cannot slp le.

Winnie - My girl now more sticky to me. Only i can arry her out of the car, she dun let my huns carry.

Hj - i think its good to read to them and let them know they are going to have another sibling. Think i'll do tat too soon!
U try to bond with her, maybe now it's a gd timing while Ur hb is away? But with terrible ms also quite tough for u. At nite try to take supper before slp. I will try to take milk and bread then quickly go slp. Will help.

U can order maternity online. So much cheaper . $5-$40. For example old navy maternity dress about $20. Gap maternity. But online u run the risk of having bigger sizes. So far I bought online , I try to read reviews . If they run bigger sizes, I buy one size smaller than my usual size since thy are america sizes. So far works for me.
@ Shirley: Yup Dec2010 Thread

@ diamantz: Yah man if twins can close shop but nightmare will easily double.

@ Happymum: don't be discourage because cannot see sac yet. For #1 I did not see sac even at 5 weeks. I thought had problem conceiving so when I went back for checkup at 2-3 weeks later I was already 8 weeks by then. Stay positive and dun stress.

Oh lovely... can start shopping for M sized clothes... I mean Maternity Sized clothes =) Overseas sizes i feel generally feel bigger and comfty for me esp since I'm of a bigger frame and the korean sizes one usually very tight at the shoulders and bust area for me. Good only for pettite ladies
sunflower: i try ur method too, eat bread and drink HL milk before i go zzz...

the problem lies with when i wake up in the middle of the nite i pee, then i feel hunger pang again...

i hate to wake up in the middle of the nite.. today im like a zombie..

she simply reject me now no matter how i shower her with my care..

eveything wan daddy..
maternity clothes:

i didnt buy many for my first pregnancy.
I bought mostly dresses and loose tops that are 2 sizes bigger and pair with maternity leggings & pants.
Maternity clothes really overpriced
diamantz, melissa & happymum, glad that im not alone. this sleep deprieve is making me feel very very tired and not able to concentrate well at work.

happymum, i also can't see when i last went for my check. but it was only 3 weeks old. doc schedule me to go back next monday, which i calculated im 6 weeks. hopefully also not a wasted trip.
Hi mummies, I'm a Sept 2012 mummy. :)
Letting go of brand new baby cot mattress as we got the measurements wrong: Sandman Orthopedic Comfort by Sleeppost 68cm x 118cm x 10cm.
$150, price negotiable. :)
Pls PM if interested. Thks!!
Hahaha I can't help feeling so not alone, waking up hungry, cant sleep, want to puke and my hormones so hay wired I told my hubby I can't stand the sight of my mil when she is a sweet old lady who comes to take care of my no1 with her bad knee, cooks and ask me if it suits my taste.

But I really feel like throwing my no 1 away for a while and run to my mum and call mummy....

Most not win win situation.. I am puking and putting on weight! I put on 2 kg Liao super sad!!!

But well ;) I still look forward that round round tummy ;) and the little one to be put on my chest next march/April..

Hahah I super ks I haven't found the sac but book my CL already... Sincerely I think Confiment was worst than labour pain. Confiment was just beyond me completely. I felt so fat ugly lonely uncomfortable confined helpless and depressed.. So it's important to get good Confiment ;) I refused to let aunties and mil get near me during that time. Only my mum and hubby hahahaa

Probably that's my secret in being a happy mum ;)

Work is a joke I just hecked care completely. Complaint I just say whatever problems I just say wait cos I feel so puky the whole day I feel quite bad towards our economy ;)
Happymum, I also look forward to the round round tummy !!!
Coz hor.. I haven't shaken off the spare tyres from my first pregnancy yet.. So of got round tummy I can say "I'm not fat, I'm just pregnant!" and no need to wear loose loose tops to hide the fats anymore!!!! Just flaunt the pregnancy curves !!!! :D
Hi all mummies, I'm first time mtb with almost 9 wks preg. Edd 9 Mar 13.

Hope to get some experience sharing n advice from u all cos I very noob. Didn't even realize that I'm preg till 8 wks when ppl ard me suspected and urged me to check. my mind gone blank when my HPT shown positive cos I was taking medicines due to cough n flu for 3 weeks. Luckily after gynea checked my medicine said no problem.

Had been spotting for almost 2 weeks before i see a gynea so gynea straightaway gave me 5 days mc to rest on bed. >< it seems to have stopped and my next gynea appt will be next weekend. Already done first ultra scan and saw bb 2cm with heartbeat.

Haha, why Ur hormone really upside down leh. Why u wana throw Ur no 1 away? Haha. And u mil so nice , u r really bless leh. I hope I have a nice mil leh.

Welcome. I have cough and flu when I'm wk 4 too. Heard it's a symptom for some preg women.
Morning mummies!! Am on the way to Malacca for a short trip...hope I can survive the bus ride...have a gd weekend all!!
Repost: Price reduced!
Was selling at $150, now selling at $120.

The Sandman Orthopedic Comfort cot mattress.
68cm x 118cm x 10cm.
Brand new, still plastic-wrapped.
Selling off as we ordered wrong measurements.
*Throwing in 3 pre-loved, lightly-used cot sheets which fit!*

Mattress is high quality orthopedic PU Foam, great for developing baby's spine.
Excellent Ventilation ....(Thickness 4 inches)
Anti Dustmite - Anti Bacteria - Anti Fungal, Damask Fabric With Quilting
Firmness Scale:6/10 Firm

If interested, pls PM me.
Self-collect at Bukit Batok/ location can be discussed.
Re: cough and flu
I'm having both illnesses at the moment and the doc gave me med suitable for pregnant women. I trust him lah cos when I had my #1, I also took cough and flu med before.
winnie how old is your first? 2 years old? they always say 2 years old harder to manage.. but it will pass i 2nd mummy..

went gynae yesterday so nostalgic to see the little peanut.. and this pregnant i drink a lot of suan stuff. .. lime juice tom yum.. sour plums..
Today I threw up both my lunch n dinner.. first time this happened in this pregnancy n I can only feel the ms getting worst!!
However, peppermint tea helped eased the nausea a lot..
I took it for my first pregnancy too.. I drink the caffeine free one so it's safe.. It's a must-have for me
Mummies with bad ms, try peppermint tea k..
hi blue swimmer. my gynae gave me hospitalization leave but to rest at home.i'm on terrible MS. i'm starting to eat much much more lately but i feel like i'm on motion sickness every single day. *eNDURE*

Nana-mum: i didnt buy any maternity clothes as well! very expensive! i just make do with what i have first. been shopping around and reading as much on breast pump, baby cot, strollers etc. not sure where to even start on my shopping list!

i threw up today as well. but mainly sour gastric juice. so most of the food still retain inside >.<
My nausea starts after 2pm and last all the way thru the nite then i'll be fine the next morn and it will start again after 2pm the next day. the feeling is like i've got a fever, head n body heavy, only feel like lying in bed, very difficult to get out of it.

I got some pants fr uniqlo over the weekend, its like tights, tot its quite good for pregnancy wear.
Was at the taka baby fair too, completely lost.. No idea what i shd get, so many things...
morning ladies... hope everyone's feeling good!! another 1 month or lesser is the end of 1st trim!!!

these 2 nights was bad... keep waking up 2-4 times to pee.. zzzz
morning, juz seen a GP.. i hav a very bad cough last nite, i got fever also..

juz puke in the morning...haiz... im so sian...can't wait for the 1st trimster to end..

later might pop by gyane n checkup..
Morning Mummies,

Berry: Try drinking less and not after 8pm. Tendency to pee will be less. I woke yesterday and wanted to pee as well but I think I was too tired so never wake hahahaa...

Yay abt 1month +/- to 2nd trimester!! So fast! I went to the gynae on sat and managed to see the little twinkling heartbeat of the baby. Booked in for my Oscar testing as well for next month.=)

Mummies, if you don't mind I have a list of things to get for baby which I compiled last time. If you like I can email you a copy.
Winnie: Don't anyhow take cough mixture given by GP ok. From what I remember panadol is safe but not codine. Do check with Gynae or even just ring the gynae clinic to find out.

Today i feel so so bloated any remedy to get rid of the gassy feel?

Lovebyte08 can i have the list? PM me can? Thx
morning mummies,

im beginning of my 11th week. counting down 2-3 weeks more to end this terrible MS. think im going to survive with milo throughout the day again.

actually GP med should be safe as long as u tell them u are preg..but their med not effective cos they try to give u mild ones. And during pregnancy, our immune is weak, so mild ones very hard to recover..can take 2-3weeks to recover. try to ask gynae for their med, i find their med vvvv effective..within days u see improvement.
morning mummies,

i'm coming to my 9th week. My MS is getting worse. can't eat most things. i'm just so tired.

my gynae told me i've 4 more weeks to endure. i dunno how much longer i can take. the fatigue and the frustration.
cheery.sue! dun give up! just one more month! totaly feeling you. super super tired!!!! is this normal? my gym trainer tells me to exercise more in future! =(
Hmm... after looking thru the list of all the Mommy's in this thread, seems like I'm the oldest...
Oh my, feeling so old!!!

I'm only 7 weeks..but my tummy is even bigger than when I was 3 mths pregnant with my #1!! I can't fit into all of my bottoms! Gosh!
Piky and Blueswimmercrab: Sent to your emails =)

HazyFuzzy: Why do you feel like you are the oldest? age is just a number. =)
Sue, dun worry. My MS also peak at Week 9 (can't swallow and lose 2kg in 2 days.) I am in my 11th week and MS is getting better. Ocassional vomiting and feel nausea the whole day. Overall better than week 9. Once you cross the week 10, everything would be easier to handle.
blurbabe ,

how u ? long time no hear from u... my MS is equally bad as wk 9 leh..haha like no change leh..
blueswimmercrab, i think breathlessness is 1 of the symptoms of pregnancy. Like you, i walk 50m also feel breathless. And fatique also. Sleep many hours still tired.

Sunflower, i trying to manage my MS le but was reading silently tho. Hee. After wk 10, my MS was like on and off. I tot ur MS getting better liao? Still bad meh? me sometimes will still vomit everything. Abit siao wan. At least i dun puke watever i eat except meat. Haa... i am becoming a vegetarian soon. Nowadays when i 'vomit', its mostly gas like loud burp. My appetite still not very good tho even though minimal vomiting.

there was one week im like getting better, no puke..then since last week im back to terrible MS..surviving on Milo, sometimes french fries..evening time is a nitemare for me, very xinku. dinner im super vegetarian, only a few mouthful of rice with vege, then waiting to be throw out.
Oh dear! You are scaring me too ! Haa.... this is my 1st day with better MS. And i am already surviving on veg and porridge. I can't take rice, meat, deep fried stuff or anything with very strong smell. I can't take my fav choc drink too and plain water. I am survivng on ribena now. Let's look forward to 1 more week and hopefully we get better

*keeping my finger cross coz MS followed my mom till full term.
oh, full term is no gd!

my last pregnancy, MS stopped totally at wk 11..out of a suddenly my appetite regained 100%. eat like a beggar.. its really a total change..hopefully ours last within 1 to 2 weeks time. im really counting down!
hello mummies,

I joined the Feb 2013 mummies cos by last menses my edd suppose to be end feb, however, gynae did a scan and my edd is now 6 March. Can I join you all as well??

I'm a SAHM and my No. 1 is 2yo now.. I'm still breastfeeding her. Because of that, I'm on 2x jab per week and 6 pills per day now cos i got low progestrone level.
Dear all..

IF u r currently stayin w yr ILs and after birth, both ur mum n MIL wanna do confinement for u.... How huh? What will u gals do? Zzzz.... 
Berry: i will still choose whoever im more comfortable with. coz for my confinement i wanna feel at ease as much as possible. otherwise then get a confinement lady then solve ur prob.. Hehe.
Just went back to work yesterday after 5 days mc... was able to work without feeling tired and puking... i can even finish a normal lunch like before...but at night my MS came back and I woke up vomited at 1am!!!! first time really vomited out... Arw, then i can't get back to sleep... today mc again... sien!

I've been not able to sleep well at night lately, keep having nightmare and tends to wake up middle of night... is it normal for preggy woman?
Re: bad MS
I have been feeling nausea but got appetite to eat. Force myself not to vomit out cuz I scare vomit once then it's gonna go on none stop. I think at least I still Havre appetite.mmummies who have bad ms don't give up! Just few more weeks to endure!

I also can't sleep well at night. Think pretty normal as a few mummies also experience such issue.
I'd went to see prof Han yesterday and my edd is on 26 march 2012. So far all is well. Just That I'm slightly overweight now. Need to watch my weight
berrydelight: Yes i agree, choose who you will be more comfortable staying with for the confinement. For me it was my mum cos it hard to not offend your mother in law unintentionally. What if you don't like the food or how she handles the baby, are you able to tell her off or will you just have to fume by yourself. During the confinement you won't have the energy to deal with additional pressure among the pressure of looking after the new born.

Mummies with MS: Jiayou!!! End of first trimester coming soon.

I'm at work now and I'm feeling sooooo sleepy. Attended a wedding last night so reached home late. This morning almost cannot wake up for work. Now just stonning.....

vomiting is really bad and especially when i hv nth much to throw out cos didn't manage to eat much during dinner... i've survived past weeks w/o vomiting but it seems to get more queasy these two days and only at night... whenever hb see me suffering, he will say i very pity hor then 'um chio'... speechless... i noe he very happy, recently keep smiling by himself...glad dat i've his support.

all mummies, jia you!!! just think about our precious bb then everything we suffer now will bcome worth it!
