(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

Lil'thing >> Congrats ! But what u mean u test OPK -ve ? U mean throughout the cycle u tested -ve and didn't get +ve but still whack ? Advise us on this .. cuz Starrie & I still looking at -ve haha

Grab ur bb dust ! This month we r all soaking in BB dust !

congrats lil'thing, enjoy ur pregnancy journey follow by motherhood ya
Hi dee

Thanks. I was seeing Dr. Tan at Thong Chai and she only sees patients in the day time and on weekdays only. I've also seen Dr. Tan at Clementi whose appt slots were so difficult to book for after work hrs. It got all too troublesome and stressful that I felt too taxing to continue. I was taking TCM herbs for more than 1 year - spent a subtantial amt at Dr Tan of Clementi.
<font color="green">Hi Let there be HOPE…
sigh....same here.. spent a lot... on TCM and TTC....am thinking to give up...but!!!! for dragon bb! i not doing so!</font>
Ecups/SJX/Mrs Ho/yukie:: thanks!! *babydust*

I took folic acid and vit c daily too. Oh yes, and HB took a cup of kopi-gao before we bd-ed.
I also cut down on my intake of mushrooms as was told that mushrooms adds as a good bacteria and may expel hb's troop. Not sure if this is true but i did try to cut down.

Mrs Ho:: I got -ve throughout the cycle and just anyhow BD (though no positive) based on previous bbt. I did realize there's a lil sticky discharge on that day too. I drained up all 7 test kits and All negative.
Did you happen to know your O day? or see any sticky discharge?
Lil'thing >> for me till now no sticky discharge yet .. and BBT dip on CD10 and i'm in CD13 now .. so am not sure if i missed it anot .. any advise ?
Lil'thing - tot caffine is no good, why ur HB took kopi-gao b4 BD?

I knew gd bacteria will expel the troop, I didn't know mushroom (my fave) cld be one of them.
It's the same TCM physician - Dr. Tan Siew Buoy.

Before I got married, I always think that getting pregnant is so easy. But, after 6months, 1 year, 1.5 years and till now almost 3 years then realise it's not that easy afterall. I've a friend who could get pregnant easily and she doesn't understand why my husband and I are still childless. It's depressing whenever she asks if we are planning to have kids although I know she is genuinely concern but I can't help but feel invaded. Just grumbling, hope you don't mind.
waves - its ok to grumble here, we are all in the same shoe where caring frds/relatives will ask the same old old old question again n again.
<font color="green">Let there be HOPE
i totally understand how u feel
dont worry with the help and baby dust here
it will be ur turn soon
Mrs Ho:: if i'm not wrong, I suspect you haven missed your O yet ;) coz for my chart, it's usually like::
CD1-CD17: 36.2-36.5
CD18: 35.7-35.8
CD19onwards: 36.7and above
There will be a sudden rise in temperature after the dip and that's when o is over. I BD-ed on the day before dip and the day temp dip.
hmmm, you happen to know when your O normally is?

yukie:: hmmm,not sure too, some say coffee no good for man (heaty body), some say coffee good for man
(helps troop swim faster), but All say no good for woman lah! I used to be a coffee addict, change to drinking tea after joining this thread.
For me, i din know good bacteria expels troops. So maybe don't eat mushrooms really helps ;)Can try to cut down!!
ConGrats lilthing! :D

Gers who r sick - hope u r on ur way to recovery sooon!

nb01 - no news yet.. will wait for another week... ;)
<font color="green">ladies
need ur help... sorry

as i got toooo much EWDC so i went to test OPK.. then I think i saw fainted line.. does this mean I am still ovulating???
as toooo long never use OPK i kinda confuse...

<font color="ff6000">sjx-Go and bd since the troops can stay in d favourable ewcm for days...and i agree with Mrs Ho tat u may get +ve on sat...
Thanks xiu03 and agie!! ;)

Mrs Ho:: maybe u continue to keep track of bbt, discharge and test at the same time!

Gingerbreadger:: yup! It happened to me! Hb and I din think we'll have chance initially too.

SJX:: I agree with the rest!! BD!! just do it!! *bbdust!!*
<font color="0077aa">SJX-Maybe u o late...My tcm advises to bd as long u saw ewcm so juz dun tink so much and whack...haha, whack sounds so violent...</font>
<font color="ff6000">Lil'thing
Thks for sharing!
After listening to your story, I strongly feel that, 'If it meant to be yours, it will be yours'...

Can I chk sthg with u?
Do u hv any 'symptoms' during 2WW?
So yr BBT remained elevated consistently during 2WW?

Just BD lah!
Dun waste yr EWCM...
Maybe after Dr Tan's med, not only it cleared yr nose. It oso 'opened' yr egg after being u r being sick for so long??</font>
<font color="ff6000">Agie
I wish u luck too!
I'm oso testing nx wk if AF hvnt report too...
*Shoo AF away*
<font color="ff6000">SJX
But EWCM dun juz come easily...
Moreover, u juz test a faint line.
But if u feel really sick, then hold on till tom n test yr OPK again.
But make sure yr OPK line got to be dark in order to 'verify' its +ve, as wat I hv read POAS website.</font>
Tks sunshine!! Wish u lucky lucky too! Kinda scared of disappointment n dun dare to read too much into anything tis period of time!
Let's SHOO AF OFF together!! SHOoooo** ;)

Nothing wasted.. jus try.. I also gt weird discharge last wk for a very short while ( considered impossible timing) also jus try.. ;)
<font color="ff6000">SJX
Maybe u did not O at all earlier this month cos u were sick.
And u mentioned that u want to start Clomid, maybe Dr Tan given u a 'boost' dose?
Dun think too much now...
Test tom again bah!
Good luck!</font>
Waves has given you a good explanation. Another expert here... Hee...

Welcome to waves
I also got PCOS. Jia you ok?

Received your PM. Will update contacts.


Congrats to Lilthing
<font color="ff6000">Ecup
I juz re-read the postings...
Yr discharge is red color?
*Shoo* Shoo* Shoo*

Ooh? I tot she might hv given u some med to 'boost'..
Y u scare lei??</font>
Sjx>> dnt scare.. Take it easy
bd and dnt think too much.

Now sipping my warm milk, enjoying the silent night after a long tired day... Have a gd rest and tmr is Friday!!!
<font color="ff6000">SJX
Now i see where yr worry is...
In that case, since u dun hv the intention to TTC tis month.
U can now either ignore this EWCM and concentrate on yr Clomid treatment nx month.
At least u can be certain the egg come out from which tube.
Or juz BD n hope for the best.

I know the fear its there.
Given me in yr position I oso worried.
IMHO, unless I'm very sure I'm fertile n the egg is healthy egg, I will go ahead n BD.
But now I'm not sure, I will wait for nx month.</font>
<font color="ff6000">SJX
Decision is yours to keep...
If u BD n u dun feel good abt it and in the end it caused more stress.
If u dun BD, at least u know u won't be risking another episode of misfortune.
So now, concentrate to rest well n look fwd to yr Jul bah!
Not very long to July anyway,
Sjx- juz to share my previous BD where I conceived. Gynae said my O was late after scanning to cfm my pregnancy wk. So frm my BD record it was probably the least expected O date n I happened to be a bit sick. So, if u want still can try loh. But up to u lah, if u r ready.
