(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

nb01 and peapea>> ok for me.
oyea... we are all 幸福!!

nb01: i should be in the same region as you. ;p

Agie: dunno about others, but i married for many years. passed 7th itch year already. hehe!
<font color="purple">hehee... i tink mi and mrs ho can meet up first.. cos we aredi know each other liau! hahaaa... </font>
I think the best way is to have the contact numbers of everyone. And I don't mind being the main contact coz I think I will be the earliest there.

So can all those on the list/interested in the meetup, please PM your email address and mobile no. I will also let you have mine. Do also let me know if you are ok to share it with the other ladies on the list or I will just keep it for myself so I can contact you on the day in case you MIA. Hee...

Date: Wed, 6th July, 7pm

Location: City Hall, Japanese Marche at Basement

1. nb01
2. peapea
3. bearGE
4. Miloqueen
5. Mrs ho
6. SJX
7. Agie
8. Sonel
9. Starrie
10. Olivia
okay.. this is what we do when i meet the gals from other forum.

PM the organiser all our email add. the organiser will send email to the attendees on the time and venue. in the same email, can link our nick to our name. we can then try to rem who is who b4 we meet.
on the day itself, meet at venue. trust me, once we see each other, we will know it. woman's sixth sense.

it was pretty exciting when i met the gals from other forum. we have so much things to talk. haha!
You are also together for so long!!! ROM 12 years!

I am married for 3 years but was living together since overseas so if count that in, will be 7 years "married life". So similar to sonel.
sonel has good suggestions. 1st time organising meetup. Hee..

So ladies, please PM me:
1. Email address
2. Mobile
3. Real name

I will link everything in 1 email and send to everyone. Easier to coordinate too. Tks!
<font color="green">back...
LRD is to womb ur womb so that during 2ww will be good for sticky baby

today in confusion haaa dont know what is my mood yet haaa still figuring
but can say better than yesterday...

ya ya changing till i find the color suit my mood today.. still searching...

wahaha i think i need to claim ClearBlue singapore 代言 fee haaaa
but how tall are u! i only 155 lor so 53kg make me real fat and aunty.. then ah... 2 years ago i like 43 ONLY lor

yes i love the food there!! but ah.. how to we XIANG HUI each other haaa... i dont know who is who
gingerbreadger >> ya .. we same cycle, same no. of yrs ... and more to be same haha .. hopefully same have dragon bb to make our family complete ...
oppps nb01 didnt see that you've asked for our contacts le. ;p
PM you already.

Agie, bearGE: ya.. married young. ki siao lor. haha

coyote: wow 12 yrs!!
hahaa.. u gals are relatively young but 'old' in terms of marriage.. heheee.. ;)

mi only rom in '08 and married in '09
sonel>> no lar..is fate ma. when fate come, it just strike ma.. for mine, i am just abit unfortunate. BUT, i am glad to tied down with my hubby now.

btw, wanna exchange msn? so that we can more or less see our face to recognise each other on that day? :p nb01 can start add us if all of us is ok as she has gathered all our email address...
<font color="green">Starrie
u are like me!! we also date 8/9 years then married... we married is cos we want kid

o_O wahaha so long!!!
how old are u??

PM u already

By the way can i roughly know how old are u ladies...
u know i very shy one... not real as i am here haaa.... in forum i can chat like nobody business but in real fact i very no sociable :p only when i know the person then can i SHAN BA with the person
peapea>> ya, i also saw the news.. i think i saw in the thread that the ladies are being nab by police already. Now under bail. dont know can the victims get their hard earn money back or not..

sjx>> me too.. i also cant speak out when have not "warm up" lol... me 34 liao lor.. i think i am the oldest here?
<font color="000080">Hello! Very busy at work yesterday and today, so just managed to log in.

nb01, I'm ok with the meet up too! Will PM you

Maybe we should all wear the same colour clothes on that day :p</font>
<font color="green">bearGE..
me 31 this year... u not that old lah...

heee dont come out funny colour ok as my clothing is like black black only heee</font>
ya, the news on RWS, the conned amount snowballed to 78k, so much. actually this case was also on SGmotherhood forum and the moderator and some of the victims in the forum had also reported the case to the police too.
sjx, starrie>> yap, me too..my clothing inside wardrobe are all black de worr....maybe all of us dress black on that day.
women in black gathering. wahahaha
Checking my email now. Got a flood of emails! LOL...

As to adding in MSN, you pple add yourself can? Coz I dunno how to operate it. Never use before. Haha... So I will be sending the email out to everyone and then you add ok?

Btw, can I put everyone's contact no on the email also?
Oh no.. I just realised that I am revealing my mobile number to the ladies here especially peapea and bearGE!!! Can foresee myself getting "wake up" calls from now on!!! Hahaha...

nb01..... and i dropped you a msg back on that via email.......... that you can whats app me in the middle on night............oh noooooo


lets just trust each other not to violate privacy ;)
