(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

Chloie!!! Excited for you....hehehe!

tethysea>Yup yup, ping chang xin. Yesterday become emo la....so not feeling well...haha. Today so much better! But I made up my mind to wait till Sat...no changing...so I won't think so much and become emo again. Haha. *Grabs your bbdust*

I think I a bit "bian tai". Haha...so many preggies around then everytime I see them, I will imagine myself rubbing their tummy for some good luck! lol!

<font color="000080">Chloie >> I just wish for healthy, gender I don't really mind lar. Although it would have been nice to get a boy and get my mil off my back once and for all, haha :p

Lady Dee >> you think is laughing buddha ah? lol :p No need to rub lar, I give you a lot of virtual one *showers*</font>
Thanks gals...yeahh Ping Chang Xin!!

Where is SiuPing...maybe she got good news soon..I am waiting to grab more baby dusts..

Lady Dee..yeah I envy also and currently my co. got 3 preggy ladies with 2 gg to give birth soon. I just rub one of colleague tummy today to feel her son's movement so cute
tethysea> ya, most importantly, bb is not important to me too. This time round no feel, no specifically want boy or girl. The previous time, die die want a girl. N I got!!!! Can't wait for bb to come out. *smiling so silly-ing to myself*
I'm here I'm here.....mi still unknown yet...still no see red....hmm, maybe test again tml or fri....anxious to know but yet dun wish to be disappointed....:p
Hello.. Am back from Gynae visit and Oscar scan..

Beanie is good!! Measured at 5.07cm at 11 weeks 6 days.. Haa

The Oscar scan was a fast one! Expect 1 hr but an out in 15 mins! E person who did my scan said tat bb was very cooperative and behaving well.. She get all e measurement she wanted.. Shown us e face, mouth nose.. Hands and legs.. Saw bb waving at us la.. Haa.. Really an amazing feeling to see bb moving.. Haa.. I still can't feel.. Got I hear bb heartbeat.. =D

Again!! Baby dust to all!!!! =D
<font color="000080">Congrats Vanilla! First time mom supposed to won't feel or won't recognise the feeling of bb moving so soon. I felt the first flutters when I was already 16weeks.

Julie >> *hugs* Yes the process of ttc really very stressful... maybe take a break don't think about it for a few months? Cos I think the more stressed you are the worse it gets actually. </font>
I am grabbing a bag and going to collect more baby dusts from here. Siu Ping how many days late you are now?

Vanilla..good to hear good results from you after Oscar...catch catch many baby dusts from you.
hello all! been some time since i've been here.

congrats to all new mummies! pray little ms and sticky beanie for all!

to those trying: dun give up! recently chanced upon a blog where this gal tried a few rounds of IVF but then conceived naturally. mother nature works in a mysterious way. jia you!

as for me, i've just done amnio yesterday at 16 weeks and confirmed bb boy. results out in 2 weeks. originally thought once received good results in 2 weeks everything will be fine. but doctor said wait till detailed scan over cos amnio cannot detect missing organs and hole in heart, cleft lip etc. hai... but it's ok... i have faith.

cos bb so active and naughty kept moving during the amnio. end up i have so many injection holes on my tummy now.

bb dusts to all!! ~~~****~~~***~~~***
tangerinez..hihi..is it that every one need go thru this amnio test? Is it very painful? Imagine a big needle poke in the tummy.....eeeppsss!!
<font color="000080">tangerinez >> Congrats on your baby boy! I think it's ok de lar... my gynae actually told me amnio results ok and normal scans look ok so don't need to do detailed scan. But I kiasu so I opted for it anyway... my family both side have history of hole in the heart, so I thought safer.

Verone >> Amnio is optional. Usually gynae will recommend if mother is >35yrs old, or the OSCAR results / triple screen blood test suggest something is wrong. It's not painful lar, I find draw blood is more uncomfortable than amnio! But there is a very small risk of miscarriage for amnio.</font>
I was wondering.... Amnio during week 16 when our tum tum is still not big yet. I think quite painful lei. The other time I did it at week 31, tum was extremely big cos of the excessive fluid. The gyne hold the scan on one hand then suddenly poke the needle in. I dont even have time to react lor. And it's not painful as well. The fluid even leak out when the doc was trying to fit in another tube to draw the fluid. This time round, I feel scare, scare of the pain. *pray hard* I better take panadol before I go for the amnio.
<font color="000080">Chloie >> I think it's the same lar. Big tummy or small tummy, the amount of nerves in that area is the same. My gynae also chop chop quickly poke liao 1-2 min to draw, pull out. I didn't watch the ultrasound cos I think if I did I would move involuntarily, just close my eyes and tell bb don't move and keep out of the way of the needle.</font>
eh, how come your amnio done by one doc de? mine i had 3 people in the room, one scanning, the doctor poking, and another person drawing the fluid.

it's definitely not as painful as i thought. but still i got poked at least 5 to 7 times (some on the surface, some deeper, but only one into the waterbag) so the discomfort definitely there.

tethysea: thanks. i'm sure ur bb gal will be fine too. yup, just do it for a peace of mind, and a chance to see the baby longer! haha
<font color="000080">tangerinez >> Wah, 3 ppl! My doc one hand do scan, one hand poke and draw, the nurse only standing there to pass him the stuff. LOL.

My detailed scan is 23Nov... by then I'll be 23weeks liao :S SO FAR AWAY.</font>
wow! its so interesting to read about you girls' amnio experience. Congrats tethysea on your baby girl. Congrats tangerinez on your baby boy!Haha! Wondering when its my turn.

I wanna grab all *baby dusts* *Sticky baby dusts* too. ;p

I'm pretty stressed up recently. Went for checkup with my gynae last week due to some stomach cramp. From the scan, she told me that i should be ovulating in around 5-7 days time, and gave us the green light to ttc, even though i haven got my 1st period after my d&amp;c, as she knows that i am anxious. Haha! But the weird thing is, it has been 9 days and still no sign of ovulation. No EWCM ,opk -ve all the way too... omg! I am so stressed, not sure if its my hormones going haywire after all the drama.
peapea, thks..hope to be able to join us soon too..

LadyDee, i shd be testing again tml.

Verone, I'm 9 days late le...

Grabbing all the baby dusts here....
Hi ladies,

Sorry to interrupt your thread, but I have a brand new unopened box of Clearblue digital ovulation test kit (7 tests) with expiry in Dec 2012 to let go at $40 including normal postage.

Please PM me for a fast deal! Thanks!
Morning ladies.

Done the test but still BFN. Hmmm, but no see red yet...shall wait &amp; see how.

Ladydee, Gd luck to u too. Hope to hear Gd news from u too.
Wow so many mummies .congrats to all new and pretty mummies

Grabbing all the baby dusts into my big fat tummy haha

The rest of us must jia you jia you .
I am officially CD1...no hope for this cycle sighz..for rest waiting for BFP..good luck and wait for more good news.
SiuPing..at least you still got hope, I want AF late always report on time...very on time or sometimes even earlier...I don't welcome it you know ;p
Verone>At least if that month never get lucky, then come on time or earlier better mah....can try again fast fast. We this type play waiting game also very sian....hahaha....wanna faster try again also cannot.
<font color="000080">RaiNe >> *showers bb dust on you* Good to hear that your gynae feels your body has recovered enough to start ttc again. Ping Chang Xin, don't stress out about it - usually first cycle will be a bit strange de. Hope this cycle is your lucky cycle!

Verone >> New cycle new hope!

SiuPing >> Ping Chang Xin, maybe O late. No see red still have hope!</font>
Lady Dee..yeah the whole process is all tiring..when AF came we need prep our mind and soul and body for our next challenge that is finding O date..then we need plan for BD..then waiting game starts...
Tethysea, thanks for your plentiful bb dust! ;) ya trying to keep ping chang xin. Keep telling myself to relax so that bb will come. indeed, this cycle is really strange. Keeping my fingers cross. I've been diligently testing opk 2x a day. Hopefully I won't miss out the surge.

Verone, I agree with lady dee, on time means can try fast fast. It also means your O is on time as well, so easier to catch it! Unlike mine,unpredictable. Anyway, maybe this new cycle is ur lucky one! Jyjy!
Morning ladies! I got my big, fat, bold +.

*showers confetti of babydust, fried potatoes and peas*

The test played a "trick" on me. The - came up so fast, I was like "oh, negative ah." then I was staring at the control window wondering why it was not appearing. When I look back at the result window, the I was appearing to form the + and became so bold in a few a sec. I was so happy! But the control window still not appearing, then start to kan joint that it was spoilt. Haha. The control window took 1 min to appear lor.
Thank you all.

Now have to pray that all is well.

Those who have one ovary, tilted uterus, overweight, late o, low bbt (temp of 35.90-36.20 before o), don't despair. I fit into all the above so if I can do it. You can too!
Lady Dee...congrats..grabbed your baby dust, can you share your BFP secret? Do you mean you have low BBT even now you are preggy?
Hi gals.. Am new here. Have been a silent reader all the while!
Firstly, congrats to all who graduated this mth!!

Me too have low bbt. Average 36.1 before ovulation. Went to Dr Tan TCM@clementi last wk and completed 1st course of Chinese meds &amp; accupuncture.. Hopefully will have good news soon under TCM treatment.

I had my 1st ivf in July but sad to say we failed.. Pinning hope on TCM now!
Actually I haven't gone into "full-blown" ttc. Like I've mentioned before, I only started charting bbt last cycle. So from there, I studied my pattern.

I haven't used OPK this month, planned to use on the next cycle. This month was a bit of guessing work. Whenever I felt like I o, like have o pain, EWCM, I just BD. Then check the next day temp to see if I indeed o. Guess I was lucky I did indeed BD when I o and within the timeframe.

Oh ya, and I'm one of those who got my BFP after taking EYS bai feng wan. It's my first time taking and it's my mil who prepared it for me. My mil didn't give the pill to swallow, she smashed them and boil it to a soup for me. I don't know how she did it as I wasn't there to witness her doing it.

In regards to my bbt, I had the triphasic pattern. On DPO11, it rose to 36.79. My usual is above 36.2-36.5. But I wasn't sure also, cos I had develop a cold about a day ago which lasted for almost 5 days, so I thought it might be because of that. Now my bbt is above 36.6.
Congrats ladydee, hope to grab some bbdust from you! Hearing that you strike with the pre-conditions was really heartening for me. Will jiayou and hope tcm can help me improve my chances. Do take good care of yourself and little beanie.
