(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Chris, u wan to bring bb to Yu Guo? Many parents bring bb to see the tcm there.. Even Nadia is aware n brought her daughter there before.. She told me, the tcm will massage bb n put a patch on the belly button.. Bb will cough out phlegm.. She said her daughter had bonichtis at 6 mths.. 3 treatments n recovered.
I m still here! Have not pop yet juz so sleepy over weekend. Busy with my 2 week of project then boss juz keep thinking I m octopus throw work over. Today so many ppl ask who is taking over me. I said my boss... Lots of stares. Juz feel like taking a tape recorder and say my boss take over and stop asking. Whether he can handle his problem. Not mine all I want is rest and no office phone calls

I have to tell my gal she can't come out these 2 weeks. Her daddy is Ill since yesterday. He has cough and will take 2 weeks to get well. Now on my way home to go c doc with my hubby. The doc will sure laugh at the situation.
Oh ya Chris, I also heard yu GUo is gd. Try it!!

This morning I was not allowed to drive so i took mrt to work wah no one Give me seat ppl jus sleep or look away esp china ppl!!!! Y r we So uncivilized now? Somemore I took the early train boarded train around 7.30am!! I avoided the crowd. Can't they c I m preggy and there r seats for preggy woman?
Chris, Nadia also told me her bb High fever last time she also brings her to Yu Guo.. Massage n Gua sha.. Can dun take medicine one.. Yu Guo is v near my Plc.. I can walk there!
Chris, belle enjoyed the massage Nadia gave her.. She was abit cranky as she has abit of colic.. After the massage n milk feed she sleeps soundly till now.. Must wake her up for milk already.. Later I will massage for her...
Hi Hazel,

Ya i know tat western medicine and chinese medicine need to have interval of at least 2hrs, i kiasu give 3-4 hrs interval. heehee thanks
Hi hazel,

I know of Yu Guo, nadia told me before and my sil's and most of my frens brought their bb there to massage too. But mine is only 2wks+ old le dunnoe can or not. Anyway now she sick recovering so dun wanna bring her out, maybe after my confinement then I'll bring her there.
Hi Catherine,

Yup some people are just damn uncivilized dunnoe how to give up seats to preggy woman. I had a few encounters too, where they purposely closed their eyes and pretended to sleep all the way, and they are sitting at the reserved seats!! So during my last 2 mths, my hb fetch me to and from work cos i was too heavy and by end day my feet are swollen from sitting in the office and walking.
Ya catherine!!!

especially those PRC and NRI no offence ha..but they are super selfish especially the guys, they are super MCP, cos in their country they dun give up seats to their woman too!! Tat time i was standing infront of this very well dressed NRI in long shirt and tie, he looked at me and knows jolly well i'm preggy and the train is quite crowded. Guess wat he just stared at me like i owe him $$$$ lor, u should see his "pig" face lor, educated lor, well dressed but uncivilized. He didn't give up his seat to me at all lor, end up another malay guy saw it and gave up his seat to me.
Hehehe! My sis will be coming in march for a week's visit! and i'm going to finger shop lots now..bella band, maternity panties/bras are on my list --still thinking abt some others..Is it too early to get some bbs things now? Eg im thinking of that bean pillow..did anyone of you get it? Any specific uses? Oh btw, anyone got those herbal bath in packet form too?

Ladies What's the market price for birdnests now?
Chrisl, my mum bought the herbal bath packet at Lao ban niang. For the bean pillow, she made herself for my gal. It's supposed to calm down bb. Bird nest, not sure of the price ... My mum bought at Lao ban niang too. For bb stuff, I feel it's never too early or too late to get things. Get it early can ensure if anything is missing u can stock up later. Have fun listing down....
Hi Hazel, Chris, enjoy motherhood! Am sure both of you are taking really good care of your princesses
can you PM me Nadia's contact too? Looks like she is really good ya. Is she singaporean/chinese? I am on week 30 today, praying hard that my babies are patiently waiting for another 7wks

Chrisl, i bought those herbal pack/sacchets from chinatown cheong choon, together with other baby stuffs. I think you should use this opportunity to bring as much baby stuffs
the price is definitely cheaper here, and definitely those birdnest etc you cannot find there..

Catherine, you're so sure your hubby will only recover after 2wks?
hope he gets well soon. Your boss is too much, if i were u i won't care so much. Baby is much more important. Take care and wish u smooth delivery, it'll be soon!!
Hi Chris!

I bought my herbal bath from Lao Ban Niang too..2 pkg can use for 20days, inside every pkg is 20 small sachets. I normally throw 2 sachets in with 2 stalks of lemon grass to boil then mixed with water from the heater. I'll used up all 40 sachets in 20 days. So I bought my other pkt from "FU HUA" inside there is only 10 big sachets at around the same price around $20 for another 10 days.
Hi Catherine,
Mine was worst... I was sitting at reserved seat & this ang mo lightly kick my leg cos I was asleep... When I woke up he told me I should give up the seat to the old man... I was so mad nt becos he didn't realized I was preggie but becos he kick my feet and woke me up. I just told him off that I am preggie then he aplogise again and again... But I was mad for his action. When I get dw I rethink the whole incident I almost tear... And I told my bb it ok ppl don't kw ur existence. Another time also same thing I told the reserve seat and this lady ask me to give seat to the old man without thinking I give up the seat and when I realized I was preggie ma... In the end I took a cab cos I feel nausea when I stand too long... Hai...
Hi ashley,

Sorry I dunnoe how to pm, are you okie to give me your email address? I'll send it together Nadia's contact to you and Amelia later.
Hi Hazel,

Me got engorgement last nite, I was fell asleep around 10pm+ while watching TV and woke up around 12.45am when my hb came in the bedroom after feeding my gal antibiotics. Then i realised right boobs engorged with a huge lump, i didn't bother and went to sleep. Then around 4.30am+ i woke up, cos the pain is too uncomfy that i can't sleep on one side so went to massage and express the milk out asap at around 5am. This morning, around 8.30am still got the lump there and pain manz..So i called the lactation consultant from Mt A for adivse, and she told me to apply cold cabbage to that engorged area to relieve the swelling. She said to leave it on for 15-20mins, once the swelling subside to immediately try to massage in a circular motion. She told me not to apply for than once unless its quite severe (2x will do) cos cabbage might stop milkflow if apply too often in a day. But it is very good to relieve swelling during engorgement.
Faithfully, yucks the Ang mo so rude.... Kick yr leg! This morning I was thinking I take mrt from tiong bahru better cos only 2 stops to office. An Ang mo take the reserved seat and play his blackberry and din offer a seat to me! Lucky another guy gave me a seat

Ashley, Choy la... My hb has to recover. Doc gave him strong medication already. He knows our situation. So far So gd

So angry I juz manage to arrange a meeting on 16th so that I can leave by 17th. Less than 5 mins after I hang up the phone, my boss send an email and I have to do external audit for him! Argh!!!!!! Which means I have to do audits , daily work + projects till 17th. How to finish?! Siao one leh even if I work 24 hours i m still not capable in delivering!!! I promise not to take leave this week but looks like it I must. Tummy not feeling well since 4am... Like gg to Lao sai badly. Who can I complain to huh? Mom dun cover me....

How many mths are you in? Dun worry, my colleague also has the same incident as you, she was preggy but she wore very loose clothing and she was sitting at the reserved seat too... Then got 1 guy asked her to give up her seat to a old man to, my colleague also forgotten she's preggy and stood up and gave up her seat. Then the guy realised my colleague is preggy and apologised to her.
Hi Catherine,

Your boss really one kind le!!! U better take care of yourself..stupid man!! Just take mc and rest. BTw how many weeks are you now? U should be approaching EDD liao rite?
chris, please pm me nadia contact too as this time round, think of doing massage too. thanks :)

aiyoyo, catherine, your boss really too much leh. dun bother so much lah, do the best u can n if u need to go deliver, juz go... take care....

will be having gynae appt tomolo, hope bb doing fine as recently keep having tummy ache :-(
Chris, I m 37 weeks tomorrow!!!!
finally v safe zone.

Ya I m gg to Bo chap my boss. Just throw tentrum. Today I m leaving at 6. Tomorrow c my mood lor I got no meeting tomorrow. I happy i come not happy go fake mc. Anyway I can take mc till 17th lol.... I dun care about my performance already cannot always squeeze me. I got pain in walking still make me do training. Now there is a stack of docs for me to approve. At least I work faster than him next time other dept ppl complain I juz wish them all the best.
Lol... I complain to my big boss that my boss keep squeezing me to do this do that. My big boss say my boss request is notlogical. She said my boss can't handle and she will do it herself.. I say not nice cos big boss has such to do(pretend a bit la)... So I get my way today.

For some emails I see ppl try to b nasty to me, I juz dun reply lol... Count down to last 8 days of work!!
Chris, the whole night, my breast hurt too.. But too lazy to get up n pump until 7am! Ya, some parts are lumpy.. But after massaging on the lumps n pump twice, is better now..l btw,u can LC like this, do they charge u? Or s free?
Chris, I did quite a fair bit of things this morning.. Change my bed sheets, sweep tony room floor, wash bed sheets n hang, etc etc

Btw, Nadia said my belle is a chilli padil! Ya, she is fierce when she cries... Imagin, she is already v rosy (reddish) the entire body.. When she cries, she is even more reddish!
oh hazel,

LC gave me her namecard and says can call her anytime if i got problems with breastfeeding. So far, i called her 2x, once for sore nipples and now engorgement. I had engorgement on the 5th after i delivered, cos didn't faithfully express milk as anyway not much milk...but the engorgement was terrible. My both boobs were hard and heavy n i and like on fire, i applied cold pressure using small hanky washed in normal tap water. That helps to ease it. This few days i also lazy didn't get up to pump at night, bochap ah just sleep thro. Then last nite, really cannot make it ah, the pain came bk, so pump at 5.30am. Massage liao lump still there and more painful, so no choice called the LC lor, and she advised me to apply cabbage leaves to soothe the engorgement then can start to massage.

How about TMC, they have lactation hotlines from the parentcraft for you to call rite? is free rite?
Chris, hope no more engorgement for u! Thanks, already got the contact from hazel. Will pass to tzac also.
Hi hazel, Chris, for LC, do we need to attend their training lessons be4 we can call them for advice ?

Can advice hw does LC works as in hw can we seek them for help if in nid ? R we appoint to any LC during our stay in TMC ?

Besides Yu Long Zhi, does any sis here got other recommendation of fengshui master in calculating bb's name as well as date of delivery ?
Bbliss, no LC comes n see me wor.. But there is a free breastfeeding class every afternoon in the ward.. think is 3pm.. I didn't go.. U can check with the nurse after your delivered..

I went to the fengshui master opp TMC for convenience. Call the shop the day before I was discharged n furnish details over the phone. Then on day of discharge, hub drove over n went n take while I waited in the car. Got 2 pricing. $88 or $128. There is a $8 voucher in the gift pack TMC gives.
Catherine, Ashley, Chris thanks gals for the tips! Is the herb smelly eh? I told my hb and he shook his head..and shrugged his shoulders..can't understand the chinese way of confinement parts..but he said so long the herbs don't make me smell like a walking rubbish bin can already lol

fatefully aiyoh! so bad that guy! I mean can tap on your shoulders right instead?

ladies esp in end 1st/start 2nd trimester, yesterday night i woke up with very warm left side of breast and itchy/slight pain/sore(can't really pin point which part but seemed like all over inside) lasted till into late morning.. anyone felt this too before?

Anyone knows where can get Clarins stretch mark cream cheaper in Sg?
hv to apply to be sure lah since so many of you recommended ..
Hi Bbliss,

I was at Mt A, and the nurse arranged for LC to see me the 2nd morning when she found out i got inverted nipples and my gal has problem latching on cos of it. The LC gave me namecard to call her anytime after i discharged. Mt A also have classes for parents to attend at their parentcraft centre. But I didn't i was resting in my room.
Ya Chrisl, it's cheaper to get from dfs. I usually buy all that I need from dfs... Juz tong pang my mum when she goes for her yr holilday.

Bad news gals I think I m down with fever. I have chills now wrapping myself under blanket. Stomach feel weird and my gal keep moving. V xin ku.... Gg to drink coke with ginger and lemon. C if it helps
Chrisl, can u get cheap liquor there? If yes, u can mix some liqour into the boiled water to shower instead during confinement.. I dun use herbs. I use rice wine. Abt $20 plus per bottle. My mum will pour 2 cups of rice wine Into a pail of boiled water before I shower.
Hi catherine,

Try to drink more water and avoid coke cos got caffeine not good for bb. If u still running fever, go KK 24hrs clinic for medicine. U better take care.

Hi Kimmy,
How are you doing? Never heard from you for quite a while.
Hi hazel,

oh i wash with herbs, than when i wash hair then will pour around2 cups of rice wine in my bath.
Do you wash your hair daily ah?
No alcohol v ex here..more than sg..cos extra tax..anyway tks for tips..i'll ask my side to bring some bottles along hehe

Hi Hazel,

Can help me to pm Cindy (pumpkin_pie) and michelle (max_mina) on nadia's contact, my email is down and i'm not able to access my pm as well. thanks ya.
