(2012/11) Nov 2012

Welcome dorine!

Sat outing was good. Nice to finally put a face to the nick! We shld organise another one or two b4 we pop..

Chris Goh: depends on ur needs. If u intending to go pump when u go back to work, u may want a lightweight one like Medela freestyle. Convenient and can double pump.. Otherwise the Medela pump in style is also good, just bulky but I heard better suction than freestyle.. Manual pump, I would suggest avent..

wow, sounds fun for the gathering on sat !

rin, my back ok alrdy ! haha. but i got backache cos sat night carried my son at Nex aft his berries class..this boy always lazy to walk..my #1 start with J same as me. so #2 will start with A same as daddy lol

mrs teo, i bgt toiletries fr venus or pink beauty v cheap too ! the diapers i heard MP is cheap
Halo mummies!

Seem like quite a few went for detailed scan already.
How much is it at tmc?? Mine is tmr!! Can't wait to know the gender!!

Any1 gg tmr?
i saw many ppl buying MP from venus TPY..but i never buy from there before. my #1 using huggies pull up and kao merries now. u can get the J&J head to toe from there its cheaper
Hi mummies,
I'm May'12 mummy and have a mint condition cinch wrap to let go at $60, u may refer to product details at the link :


The one I'm selling is with the pouch to put hot/cold pack. Size XS-M.

I personally have 2 cinch wraps and swear by it. I manage to regain a flat tummy within a month without Malay binding. Initially I planned for c-section so I bought the cinch wrap with the pouch. However my baby decided to arrive early and I delievered naturally so used another one without the pouch lend from my fren.

PM me if u are keen.
Being a first time mummy, can anyone advise what are some of the thins I should buy forum preparation of my baby's arrival?
E.g How much diapers, milk bottles, sets of clothes, milk powder?
ivy, u can get some home wear clothes n footed pants. cloth nappy. diapers stock up some NB size and some S size in case baby put on weight too fast. some rompers 0-3mths. milk powder dont buy first cos u dunno baby suitable for which fm yet..can ask hub to buy a small tin when baby is home. hospital will provide u some milk in glass bottle for baby jus need to warm it then can drink alrdy. other stuff like breastpump and milk bottles must get. i get abt 3-5 baby size milk bottles.and also milk bags on standup. pacifier depend if u wan baby to suck anot..i get first cos my #1 also need in case she cant slp and wan to suck for comfort
hi ladies,

am expecting a boy in mid-nov. am worried cos cervical length seems to be shortening quite rapidly.
started out at 4cm when i first checked at 16 weeks, then it dropped to 3cm at 18 weeks and 2.5cm at 20 weeks. anyone with experience of short cervical length?

Now hospital don't gv the fm sample already coz to promote bf.. So only chance is to buy small tin to try.
Diapers just buy some nb n s to try on bb in case bb sensitive .. I know mt A is using huggies so mayb u wan stock up another brand to try.
hi porky,

i requested for my cervical length to be monitored cos my first pregnancy was terminated by inducing labour at 23 weeks after one month of hospitalisation cos of bleeding, preterm contractions, leakage of amniotic fluid and finally group b strep.
docs then said i had low-lying placenta.
but first gynae i saw here after i found out i was pregnant again said he suspected the prob in my previous pregnancy cld be cos of cervical length instead, so decided to monitor it.
oh now they dont give those glass milk ?? i saw ppl selling away so i thot they still giving..buy small tin but dunno isit suitable for baby anot mah

last time TMC is using Pampers nb..dunno now still same anot..
Ya no more giving the glass bottle milk. My colleague n sis just gv birth this yr all said so. Last time mt A is pampers now chg to huggies..
Porky and Ling Lim, thank you for the useful information. I am still not too sure if I should get the breast pump yet, as i do not know if I will have enough supplies for baby by then after delivery. Do you guys think I should just get it first? I went YouTube to see how other mummy breast feed, seems like it takes the longest time to even fill 1/4 of the small bottle! Poor breasts!
U can look ard for the breast pump first but buy when u gv birth to c if u hv supply. In any case, first mth usually will b latching bb more than pump. Initially will b little supply.. As long u hv the supply, u can c bottles stored in fridge!
What brand of mummy milk do you recommend? So far I have tried Dumex, Similac and Annum. Still can't decide between whether to go for Dumex or Annum.
Porky: GLad u r beta! dun carry yr boy too much, make him walk..hee..Ya, nw cos hospital pro-bf so no more free samples but fr wat i noe, u can pay to get it.

Alison: I dun have dis prob but I rem reading dat if cervical length is a prob for miscarriages, u can actuali get it sewed up during early stages of preg and den d stich wil b removed ard wk 37 if i'm nt wrong. mayb u wana check wif yr gynae?

Ivy: Dat was my concern wen I had #1 oso, din noe wil have milk or nt so i din buy. BUt on 4th day i had very bad engorgement den went to TMC parentcraft and used d medela PISA there and I liked it so buy on d spot lor..and since it was so ex, i told myself must persevere to make it worth!haha and i did!
ivy, im still taking dumex..dont intend to buy the milk yet as im worried will put on too much weight haha. as for breast pump u can get when delivered. for my #1, i standup a manual one in my hospital bag in case i need it
rin, tks ! my boy lazy bum..will walk a while aft tt request to be carried..sometimes i really wish i can bring the stroller out but tk escalator v ma fun and lifts nd to wait so long !

hi alison, does ur gynae advise how to improve this problem ?
Porky: I use Maclaren stroller and very ez to use on escalators! but my girl nw prefers to walk more though but if i intend to buy thgs, den i wil bring my stroller..
Rin, I saw the Medela and it is Reli pricy. Alright guess I will buy after delivery.

Porky, wat brand are you using for the manual one?

Anyone signed up for prenatal classes yet? Was recommended to go for Mrs Wong's class at AMK Hub, where she conducts the classes in one of the child carw centre. Just checked the price for 6 sessions on weekend cost $366+.
rin, my son prefers to sit stroller..he wan to relax one lol..go up escalator i can, but go down i still abit scare..

ivy, im using the Avent manual pump. easy to use and wash
i didnt sign up for any class last time..
btw ladies, anyone of u planning or already sign up for the pre-natal classes for 6 weeks with TMC? i am thinking of that .. but not sure wanna go sign up being first time mum...
Maternal milk: depends on ur taste buds.. Took dumex initially, but think they changed the taste, too vanilla for my liking. May switch to anmum which has chocolate.. U can go to the various websites to request for samples before buying..

Pump: there is this lady tan LengLeng who has an ongoing spree for breastpumps in the forum. Ship in from US. Usually takes abt 4-6 weeks to come. Half the price as compared to SG, but also that there is only US warranty. So buy at ur own risk. I bot my Medela freestyle from her the last time, and no breakdowns..

Ivy if u r really worried, then maybe u buy a manual pump for standby. The avent one is good. Not too ex too. Under $100 if I remember correctly.

Prenatal class: if want to sign up Mrs Wong class at AMK, better sign up quickly. Slots get snapped up very fast. I took her class last time (even tho I did not deliver in TMC), and found it informative, since first child. But prices hv really gone up... I remember only paying $280 abt 2yrs back.
Darienna, yes the price seems to increase a fair bit based on the rate you have attended. Not really sure if it is necessary to attend as my mum will be helping me out during the confinement. Anything not sure I will just see how she do it.
hi mummies,

jus to share that i found a day time CL only help to bathe and feed baby, cook lunch, dinner and supper for me. she is staying in punggol same as me so i will take her. i hv a day time CL to let go..she is staying ard sembawang area, any mummies staying there keen to engage a day time CL ? pm me tks !
Hi Ivy.. We've signed up for wong boi boi's class (not sure if I rembr the name correctly). Our first lesson starts next week.
Those who have attended before, how should I dress for the class?
Can I check if Sterliser is required item to buy for new born?if yes, any recommendation? And also swaddle required (what brand/type is gd)? OR just blanket will be be sufficient? Thanks!

Ivy: I signed up for WongBB's class at AMK starting 17 July. Weekdays classess is cheaper,$267. Weekend classess is usually full & more exp - above $350.
For pumps, there are a few sources to buy from (all US import sets):

1) http://megababystore.wordpress.com/
- they provide optional warranty if you willing to top up
- without warranty, their prices quite similar to Tan Leng Leng's organised spree
- they also sell Avent pumps and many other brands' spare parts

2) http://mybeautyloft.multiply.com/
- they only sell the Medela freestyle and Pump In Style Advanced pumps
- cheapest online source i have come accrossed so far.

i am still deliberating between the following:

- Medela Freestyle (pros: very light, portable, comes with the handsfree kit)

- Medela Pump In Style (suction strong, better than Freestyle, but not as portable)

- Avent Single Electric x 2 (if you refer to the prices in the market, it is cheaper to get 2 x single electric pumps than 1 dual electric pump, i am not sure why. pros: can be used as a manual pump too, and Avent seems to be good for their manual pumps, got the massage cushion thing and remember the pumping preference which is kinda like the selling point for Avent)

- Avent Dual Electric (cannot be used as manual pump, got the massage cushion, remember pumping preference features)

Any experienced mummies can give advise?

PS. i am a first time mummy, all of the above are based on my reading on forums and internet during my research for pumps. hahahaha...
hi jia, im using the pigeon sterilizer last time. for swaddle i use nappy cloth cos more cooling

nana, im using the avent milk warmer. medela bottles can fit in. avent sterilizer also can
nana, for my #1 i got avent manual pump..then later i change to medela mini electric. now for #2, i thot of getting the medela freestyle, heard many frens say its good haha
is it cheaper to do that? because i heard the spare parts plus servicing in total adds up to quite a bit.. if cheaper, i also keen to do that! heeheee...
cos i wont bf for long aft i go back to work..my office dont hv rooms for bf-ing..no privacy ! lol..so not worth to get a new set only use for few months

Pinkie: For the class, just dress comfortably, but preferably in pants, since will be sitting on the floor. Skirt/dress troublesome.. =)

nana: can't comment on the rest of the pumps, but i personally used the medela freestyle and avent manual. medela is really portable and lightweight, so good if you are intending to continue to pump after u return to work. Avent one is a standby in case my medela no battery.. not bad too, just that tiring on the hand, and the other side will leak while pumping on one breast. best to pump both breast together.

Porky: if u are sourcing for spare parts for medela, I'm starting a spree for the november mummies from this website. Do take a look if you are interested to get anything, and let me know before 20 July.

