(2012/11) Nov 2012

Hello! I just went for my detailed scan this morning and everything is good.

Please update my details: Age 27 expecting first baby and its a boy!!!

My appointment was fixed at 11am, we reached at 10.45 and waited till 12.15 before we finally got called up for the scan. baby was rather cooperative and the whole scan took less than 30mins!

It was such an awesome sight of our baby!
hi all mummies,
im new here.
currently 4months and few days pregnant.
EDD : 25/11.

will be going to see my baby next fri. to determine the sex of my baby.

Hi Mummies,

I have the following item to let go that may suit your need.

1. Farlin Pregnancy Pillow. It is still in good condition (8/10) as I used it during the last 2 months of my pregnancy.
Original Price $24.60
Selling at $15.
The pillow gives good support while sitting or lying, eases stresses, and raises the feeling of comforts.

2. The Mozart Effect CD for Moms to be.
This recording offers musical comfort for rest, relaxation, daydreaming, and general well-being, releasing the stress faced each day. The collection offers opportunities to focus on the new baby, providing stimulation in the womb and communication while enhancing the mother-infant bond.
Original Price $25.90
Selling at $12.

Please PM me if you are interested so I can send u the pics.
Hi mummies, anyone experienced dizzy spells lately? I've got it the second time just yesterday. Was doing grocery shopping with hubby and suddenly I felt like fainting, my whole vision was blackout. Quickly informed hubby that I need a place to seat. Had no choice but to rush to the toilet and rest. Cold sweat but luckily everything was back to normal. Hope this is normal!
good morning ladies,
so many of u already know gender... i am still waiting for my appt on 12th July... detailed scan not scheduled yet.
good morning mummies !

congrats to QP, Joanne and Anterina for knowing gender !

Ivy, yes my #1 was c-sec quite last min decision cos i dilate v slowly when admitted and dr woody suggest tt i opt for c-sec. everything done in a flash and i could see baby within an hr. i did half body spinal c-sec so hb can be with me. for #2, dr woody say can try natural but since there is already a "cut" we decided to c-sec again this time
regards your dizzy spells, better to check w gynae ?

enid, i had bad cough n flu when 1st trim..then took antibiotics from gynae..recover in 3days but i did not finish the whole course of antibiotics
Porky, bet you can hear and see whatever that is going in during the c-sec process then. That was very brave of you, I wouldn't dare. Perhaps I will let doc woody know about my condition during the next visit on 17 Jul. Can't wait to see my baby again on Thu during the gender scan. Told my hubby this time we will try asking the sonographer if we can video the process when she scan cos I want to record the baby's heartbeat.
ivy, can hear only cannot see ! haha. but my hb said he saw a lot of blood flowing out when dr woody trying to pull baby out..scary ! what time is ur DS this thurs ? mine is abt 3pm+ but i will go early. oh can video down ? u not gg for the 3D or 4D since is ur 1st baby ?
Porky, my appt at 2:30pm on Thu. Not too sure of they allow us to video when they do the scanning. We haven Reli tot about doing the 3D / 4D scan yet. Is it done at TMC?
nana, i dunno leh..i hope they still hv this offer haha. previously me & my frens (due same month) we book tog and do the scanning v fun
Ivy, you doing the DS at TMC? I did mine last Sat. My hubby asked the sonographer, she said cannot video down. We did video down when my gyane doing the scan during last visit.
LizLiz, yes will be doing the detail scan at TMC. That's disappointing to hear that we cannot take video. Even if we use iPhone? My regular gynea scan may not be able to play baby's heartbeat sound. Still will try my luck again on Thu. Heehee!
ivy, u can check w dr woody on the 3D/4D cost
then u can view the video many times hehe. we were so excited also for #1 wanna see his face looks more like who
mummies, i sprain my back this morning ! so painful now...anyone knw how to ease the pain ?? my #1 boy throw tantrums and kick everywhere this morning while i gg to change him for sch...i tried to avoid his kick and end up hurt myself...sign
Ivy, yes, my hubby tried to video using iphone but cannot.

Porky, must be very painful...
Try to put something hot for hot therapy? Last time I sprain my neck I used hot therapy to cure, and it's recovered with one night.
Hi Mummies,

Have been stalking the forum from time to time but never really posted here.

Am expecting my #2
EDD 23 Nov... but subject to change. It started off being 27 Nov and based on size of the baby.. kept changing.

Anyway, was wondering if any mummies are on the lookout for post-natal jamu massage? Does anyone want to sign up with me to get a buddy promotion?

Am thinking of signing up with this place:

The freebie isn't much more.. but very sayang if don't take the promo also. PM me if you're keen to take on the promo with me. Am keen on a company based post-natal massage cos abit nervous by all the freelancers.
hi, any mummies still looking for CL ? full time 28days at $2.3K, i hv one on hand recommend by fren but i need day time CL only..
I just did my detailed scan at tmc yesterday. Waited an hour before our turn even though we have an appt. But the scan was fairly fast, maybe 20-30min.

Anyone knows how much the 3d scans cost?
Yeah porky.. they saw the weener at 3mths+. The amnio and scan yesterday confirmed it's a boy.

You're having a girl. :D
pinkie, congrats ! so amnio results all fine ?

mine ah...cannot say is 100% confirm girl yet..cos must wait till DS haha

nana, i pm u !
so happy for u !

boys also can buy a lot of things ! but of cos girls got more accessories wahahaha. if DS confirm is girl, hb will be the most happy, he say baby girl more gentle
Porky & Pinkie,

I've already spent almost $100 buying carters and oshkosh clothes for my bb girl!!! All seems so pretty can't decide which to buy!!! arghhhh...
jo's mummy, i alrdy bgt some carters fr my BKK trip last month haha..now looking at ON/GAP !

pinkie, can see gymboree too ! they hv nice shorts/pants for bb boy. u ordering fr spree ? can redeem gymbucks

sorry mummies, this sat i cant meet up already..u all enjoy the chat and makan session ya
pinkie, for oshkosh, im waiting for the yr end sales instead!

porky, now im restricting myself from going into the spree thread..lol..
Porky/Jo's: We're combining orders with friends and ordering directly. The baby clothes are all so cute!! Trying not to buy too much.. they all grow up so fast anyway. :p
my friend advise me to get 6mths as carters size is rather small cutting...so by the time CNY they can wear 6mth clothes...hmm also depends on bb size lar..
hi mummies, haven log in here for a while. I'm havin another girl! So hapi cos i have 3 nephews and my neighbour and my girl's playgrd frens al boys lor..no girls for her to play wif..

Jo: It's my 2nd girl, I oso spent ard $100 on carters spree lor..ha..cos I gave away some of my #1's clothes to my fren d other time n I oso feel dat meimei shd have new clothes too..hee..excuse for buying!

Re: Gathering
Is it stil on? Darienna, u stil keen to mit? My hb's overseas so I'm very free. I wld very much prefer jap food though (sushi tei?) but if the other mummies prefer wider variety@lenas, i'm fine too=) Perhaps those who can make it, we shd exchange hp no.den can watsapp to confirm. Easier =)
Jo: For me, it's d other way round, wen my #1 [email protected], she cld nt fit anythig except for carters NB lor..very poor thg dn too late to join spree so went metro to buy..super ex..so dis time rd I bought sm NB n 3m clothings..din buy bigger cos duno #2 wil be big or smal by den and usu only take ard 2-3wks or stuf to arrive..so can join sprees again later..but carters cutting is smaller. ON oso small. GAP is true to size, at least for my #1 la

I'm so excited abt CNY. Intend to ask my mum to make matching clothes for bb, #1 and myself..hee..i bought GAP kids largest size to wear as a top and smallest for my #1 to wear as a dress dis yr..i love to wear matching clothes..ha
my pass experience..i bgt too many big size clothes end up seldom bring bb out so hv to keep until i forget abt those clothes..my #1 was 3kg at birth..when full month he can wear those 3mths carters rompers alrdy. so this time i try not to get too many big size one..take up space also if need to keep haha

Rin, congrats on another girl ! i love gatherings but too bad cannot join in this time..i sprained my back yest
oh im looking forward to CNY too ! hope to get matching clothes for myself n #2 lol
