(2012/07) Jul 2012

Anyone staying at Bukit Timah? Urgently looking for a NANNY to look after my 3mth old baby b4 I return to working society in mid Sept!

Hi mommies!

I have 4 packets of Merries size S diapers to let go. Now promo price at supermarkets is $17.95 per pack. Will let go for $16.50 per pack if taking all 4 packs, $17 per pack if taking 2 packs. Usual retail price is $20.95 per pack.

Can deliver to sengkang/punggol area or self collection in Sengkang.

PM me if interested, thanks!
Hi Mummies,

Need some advice here.
Is it ok for a toddler at age 2.5 to sleep on adult size pillow?
As often my son like to switch over to our pillow in the middle of the night while he is still sleeping.
We had tried many times to put him back to his own pillow but somehow he will still squeeze into our pillow.
Now i just couldn't be border anymore cause quite tiring every night had to wake up to move him back on his pillow but still i am quite concern on their development of his neck if he keep sleeping on our pillow. Btw our pillow is hillcrest memory foam type.
Thanks and appreciate if mummies could give advice.
@raspy and Kelly I got a super good confinement lady, easy going, knows how to take care of baby really well, with super cooking skills.. I'm actually feeling sad that she's leaving tomorrow. Her name is 美萍 (Mei ping) auntie. Her contact: sgp 83500576 Msia 0127392521. These are her daughters contact number. Just say you are looking for her.
Hi, after my confinement, I start to feel aching on my joints & headache. Is it normal? It been like this on off since last week.
Hi Mummies, i am a Aug mummy. Thinking of ending my Confinement lady service. Does anyone have gd cl to recommend? Would appreciate if you could pm me her contact if have.

Thanks alot!
Faithfully : i had some ache at my back probably due to epidural and also carrying of baby.
Do continue to take ur calcium and iron pills .
its impt as we had huge loss of these during pregnancy.
Hello mummies!!

Been soo crazily busy since confinement ended cos takin care of bb mainly by myself

My baby needs high attention n his sleepin n feedin scgedule is still atrocious. Any mummy has tips on hw to increase feedin intervals n establishin a more regular feedin schedule? Or shud i nt establish one since he is juz 6 weeks old?

Anyone also noes if we shud wake bb up at nite if he exceeds e sleepin interval? As in if we wana train him for a 3-hr schedule, shud we wake him up if he slps beyond dat at nite? Tot we need nt but we r concerned dat if he slps too much, he wun slp after dat

Need soooo much advice n help!!!
Need help mummies!! My bb cant slp more den 30 min on cot n is demandin for milk every hr!! Is dat growth spurt n thus need cluster feedin?
but its in e afternoon!! Sobzz.. I cant do anythin at all in e day!!!!!

Anyone has tips on hw to stabalise feedin schedule of babies or shud we juz feed on demand at dis tender age of 6 weeks?? Help!!!!
Hi Ashley,

You can try using a pacifier whenever your baby wakes up and cries for milk. Fix the schedule to every 3 hourly. Use the pacifier and pat him back to sleep until the time has come to feed.

My girl is starting to refuse the bottle. At first cry at night whenever I give her bottle. Now she cries in the day as well.
Thanks java. I tried pacifier but he will spit out
cant kip holdin it in since need to use other hand to prep milk. Sigh. N he doesnt kip to 3 hr gap if he doesnt slp. But anyway, thanks!

My bb's prob is different. He doesnt latch on well n is too used to bottle..

Would anyone noe if we shud wake our bb up if they slp beyond feeding time?
Hi all mummies , I'm new in here ! My gal now is 7wks n 6 days ..... .i need some advice here , can I ask cause my gal had alot of phlegm ... Does anyone knows how to let them split out the phlegm ? And also her tongue have alot of white substance , wat can I do to remove ? Thanks !

PD told me to wake bb to feed on time in the day, but at night let bb sleep till he/she wakes on his/her own when hungry.
I feel for you. My baby is six weeks too and she can't sleep for more than 30 minutes unless in my arms and I feel so stranded having to carry her 24/7! And she cries a lot n struggles for very long before she can fall asleep. Her catnapping is driving me mad too! Sorry I have no solution for you but just wanna let you know you are not alone. Everyone is telling me it'll get easier so I'm just hanging in there! U hang in there to!

Anyway as for feeding, I don't wake baby at night but will not her go more than 3.5 hours in the day. Well, that's not hard coz since baby don't sleep much in the day, she is always ready to feed.. I suppose it's the same for you..

I clean baby's gums n tongue everyday using a cotton square in warm water. I wrap the cotton square around my index finger n just rub around in there. Make sure the water u use is boiled.
Hi - I am a FTM and gave birth on 24 July 2012. I am looking to increase my milk supply. Milk flow is very flow
and baby gets frustrated suckling at the breast. Am wondering if there is any way to improve on the milk flow.

Any tips will be helpful.

Btw if there's a FB group, please also add me. Will love to be part of the support group
email addy: [email protected]

Hi tazie,
There r a few ways to increase supply.. One, let baby suckle more n longer. I'm firm with my girl n keep her at the breast even though she is angry with the slow flow. Two, pump fter feeding for five minutes. Three, try fenugreek tea or tablets. Four, get Motillium,a drug that helps increasemilk.

But honestly, as long as baby is ptting on weight n have enough wet diapers, your supply is sufficient.so don't worry. I have a baby who is frustrated at the breast when flow is both too slow or too fast. they are just fussy this way.
Hi jonquil , I hav try the method tat u hav said but no use leh ! Juz can't clear .... N also
Y gal left breast near the nipple there got something like a pimple .... Dun know wat to do .... Does any mummies encounter tis ?
Hi mommies... Im a July mommy as well.. been a silent reader.. gave birth to my 2nd child (boy) on 9 July 2012..
Can anyone here introduce me ur maid agency if i find ur maid is gd? I want to change definitely and now i want filipino.. Pls help me as my ml end in 8wks time.. So rush n how to get someone take care my twins? Stress n worried..;( thk u all.. Btw, u can pm me too...
Hi rer rer, cherish etc
Not sure whether u still readibg this thread.. Just an update abt me n wonder are ur maids still doing ok? Mine really cant make it so decide to change.. Lucky still in time..;)
Soooo happy today as finally my heavy load temporary off my mind..;) we finally get a filipino maid.. Yeh.. I so worry hb dun want change but lucky he goes with me today.. She is ex sin maid with 2 yrs experience (take care 8 mth old bb), hv 2 kids 10yrs n above so i no need so worry whether will miss hm or not.. Can cook chinese, malay n indian food.. Earliest can come is only after 6wks.. Hope can be earlier so i still hv more time to train.. Now pray hard tt she is pleasant looking in real person n can work much better n faster than my current maid..;) yeh yeh.. No need face my burmese maid after 6th wk..;) thks gals for hearing me out..
Hi Joanne
I'm also waiting for my replacement maid to come. So tired having to do housework, laundry, cooking and taking care of my baby and my son. Everyday is a struggle.

Today is my rest day! I put my baby at my MIL place and my son went to explored kid at downtown east to play for half a day. I went for massage and shopping! Shiok!
Joanne, gd for u! My maid ok lor, still as dumb, my boy had to teach her.... Ask her follow hb n boy at playgrd, she dunno wat to do. Eng still bad, had to demo but overall ok. She quite chorlor, I only let her change diaper for bb, but
Better than wat u had to go thru. U went same agency? No offence the quality of maids there is bad cos boss 1 kind. I nw down with cough n flu... N suffering fr sore nip. So tired!
Hi mummies , I need some help here !! Can I know how to recognize if baby is having colic .... ? My gal will cry if she wans to pass out gas ....n also she will not wan to slp tis two days but can see tat she is very tired but dun know y she doesn't wan to slp only keep yawning n crying ... Any advice mummies ? Tks
For colic, u can try tapping on her tummy n u will hear hollow sound. To ease, u may try to sooth ur gal tummy in clockwise manner to help to pass out e wind. Hope ths help
Hi beloved Michelle, my gal also like that. It like on off for her. Somedays she is ok, somedays she doesnt wa to sleep and cry. Sometime she will sleep then suddenly she will cry. I am also not sure is it colic for her. Cos some say if bb got colic the tummy will feel hard.
Faithfully n michelle, my bb boy has colic and he seems to must throw tantrum n cry inconsolably for 2-4hrs eeryday. For e past few weeks, it has even been same hr that he cry. Maybe u observe dat? His tummy was also v big n hard. Mayb u can try buyin jinh feng san for ur bb. Heard it helps with gas too. My mil bought n i tink it helps. Gripe water n ridwind onli helped him expel more gas but he still had alot
Cecelia :I got tap her stomach got a bit of hollow sound but she dun like to fart leh cause when she fart she will cry ... Will use ur method to try .
Faithfully : my gal only happen tis two days , she will wake up at 5 am n dun wan to alp till 3 pm then slp ... But my gal stomach is not hard .... My gal will also slp then suddendly cry very loud but as my mum say she is like 被吓到.
Ashley : my gal will cry like 5 to 10 mins but not to any timing ... I hav apply the Jing feng San ard 2 weeks but things juz happen tis two days ....i hav been giving her gripe water every morning .... But she had alot of gas like adults .. Haiz .... Sumtimes really feel very tired due to not having enough slp everyday .... N I'm going to start weak soon ... Hope she will be better cause seeing her like tat very heart pain ....
Hi beloved Michelle, my bb likes to fart in her sleep, when she drink milk, when she was patting to sleep, when she stretch her body or when she was playing alone and her fart got sound. And she burp afew times after her feed. My mum also say she gt wind. We feed her gripe water after every bath and ru yi oil too. And her sudden cry during her sleep also happen this few days. She don't like to be swaddle cos she afraid of warm. She already 7 wks. And her crying is not always the same timing. Sometime I really dnt kw wa to do with her cos I am looking after her alone.
Hi faithfully : my gal also like tat ,my gal fart sumtimes very long one lo ... My gal will hit up sumtimes if I didn't burp her long .... The ru yi oil u can also put abit at the bottom of the feet , my gal also dun like to be swaddle my mum went to buy the cloth specially for swaddle with valko ( didn't know how to spell ) those stick on very tight one but my gal hands is very strong she still can take up her hands when swaddling her .... My gal also 7 wks .... U will be more tired cause u look after her alone ... My mum help to look after in the daytime n I look after in the nite time ... Is really very tiring .... When she cry at nite I also dun know wat to do , got once when I wan to change her clothes to pygamas the moment when I take out her shirt she cry like mad I was on the verge of crying when I see like tat ....
Hi all
My boy oways cry loud too especially evening time.. Not sure is it due to colic.. Recently i try put him in aircon rm to sleep at evening time and so glad tt no more crying.. Hope can last..btw, when can we start on gripe water n how frequent to drink per day? Lastly, how much water to prepare to put gripe water n they must finish all right? Thks for any advise..;)
Joanne : u can check through Internet cause I juz check tat there is many symptoms for babies who hav colic . My gal hav been slping air con rite after she was born but only tis two days she is so cranky .... I gave my daughter drink it after full mth ... I only prepare 10ml for her to drink cause babies can't drink much plain water ... Heard fr my cousin cause it will dilute her blood
Cecelia : sorry , re u asking abt mi or ???
Doi Doi : I bring my gal to private cause polyclinic pricing is almost the same when I ask my friend but another reason is tat cause when we give birth tat time is private pd check up her so is better to go bck to him/her ,... Though is quite ex but I think is better for baby cause polyclinic got lots of virus ma .... Tis is only my thinking but is up to u .... Hope my information help u ....
Thks beloved.. Any idea after how many mth then bb can drink more water? As i worry heatiness for them since only drink milk powder.. Also, how much gripe water u put in 10ml water? Ur bb in aircon rm whole day? Thk u..
Beloved Michelle, did your pd have any vaccination package? I was quoted $1568 for all jabs without consultation (another $50/visit).
Other mummies, do you pay package price or ala carte?
Dear mommies; I have some excess EBM frozen 10 packets of various quantity (between 120-180ml )

Theyre dated end Aug/early Sep; I would like to for donate to baby / mommies needing them.

My son was born 3 July . I have healthy diet (daily prenatal supplement and calcium; home cooked food, non smoker family).

PM me if you are keen; self collect Outram Park area

Lsk : I feed her 3 hourly .... Erm ... I not really sure leh cause I juz increase her feed when I think is not enough .... Sometimes I feed her 3 hourly but sometimes is not enough for her lo so after one hr will feed her like 40ml
