(2012/07) Jul 2012

Mahjong - CL? hmm i not yet started looking coz stil 1st tri nia. wanna confirm preg le then will go round looking. BUt most prob i will find confinement agency. My sis last min decided hire one then next day turned up and the lady was very good.

Jus found out i have another colleague in my team preggers too...she at 9 weeks nia, but oredi informed boss. Should i also? hmm...

sg_sc : actually i want to vomit infront of everyone at work, at my work desk... but a few times only sound... but nothing is coming out...
Paiseh also... then end up go toilet and puke!!!

Too many July dragon babies already... we have a number here... and I have 2 friends in the same month... best friend having her no.2 in March. My hubby's friend's wife having no.2 in Aug. Me got 2!!! so many so many!!!!
it is the "famous" dragon year
Hi Joanne, i am 12 weeks 4 days and the baby size is 6.6cm. Everything is ok except the nasal bone cannot be detected, so increase the overall risk.
Tinggy, realli??? I hope everything is ok. I juz hav to wait for the blood test for full results.

It realli impact me alot when the doc said it is not normal. My heart sank
Audrey- huh? Y u wanna vomit in front of ur kolligs.. So funny! I got abit of vomit sound v worried oredi scared pple find out.

U noe my gynae purposely raise charges n Scrap away the pkg to turn her clients away for tis yr but she say it stil doesn't help!
Qin- everyone yearns n hopes for healthy bb n it's the Drs duty to inform the parents of any suspected abnormalities but then again they themselves can't give a 100% diagnosis. So pray for the best n hopefully 1+1 gives u a beautiful result.
try not to read too much into things at tis pt of time. Tink positive!!!
Hi Qin
I see.. Dun worry too much.. Many babies scan during oscar oways say may hv problem but all turns out fine so dun think too negative yet k.. Ur bt result will turn out fine de..;)
Again awake at 1am now, eating oranges n biscuits..

Audrey : I not yet vomit in front of colleagues but in the toilet where some colleagues saw (luckily dunno them cos my co a bit big, too many pple) and I also made vomit sounds while at my desk yesterday - think vey obvious already.. Two of my colleagues actually asked me weeks ago... I tot u were preggy when u were on mc.. (that time was on 2 day mc for flu)

Booney : yr boss like dat, r u over yr tri1? maybe she wan to share the good news since it's after tri1. Unless u tell her don't say to pple. I was thinking whether to tell my boss now cos my boss did ask me to tell earlier if I preggy cos got to plan manpower. I'm thinking of telling when tri1 is over.. Prob after cny. Anyway, it's appraisal time ard then, so maybe say later better. If say now, also worried big mouth announce to everyone in the dept! But as I vomit sounds a few times in front of my Dept pple, I think some may know and maybe my boss may hear "rumours" from them this week.
i dunno abt whether u'll get the slot or not leh, cos they say they'll contact u, not me leh. else by Friday u haven heard from them u call them check. cos they waiting for someone to go pay.
Hi gals
Can we cut hair in first trimester? My fringe quite long n thinking of cutting but scare got to wait till after first trimester due to pantang.. Is it true?
Tanny, Im 12-13 wks now. really din expect her to say but it's ok. Haha. at least they wont ask me take heavy things.

Joanne, can cut hair bah.i cut n rebonded my hair.

I have insomnia too. so tired
Can cut hair lei... Dun listen too much. Too many myth Liao.

U go those medical hall. They will recommend. My mum brought some dang Shen, du zhong. Mix with half black chicken, wolf berry, red date using slow cooker 2-3 hr.
Rykiel, i'm interested in the maternity clothes too! Are the prices in Chinese Yuan?

I confirmed a CL too and she charges 2.3k for 28 days (excluding and bao and gifts). Nowadays it's so exp to have a baby!! The gynae visits (being visitng on weekly basis coz starting was unstable) plus Oscar test so far already cost a bomb.
jul_mom: will let u know once thread start. i nt getting a CL cos ill tk care on my own. ill be ordering confinement tingkat instead. cos i countcount not worth it leh. 2.3 xcluding angbao gifts + the food we eat!!! add up close to 4K. id rather save more. hehehe. dpens on individual. congrats on getting a CL! =D
Morning mummies!

My next visit to gynae is after cny. But I just saw him yesterday. Got my oscar results which is good. And saw my little one moving yesterday. Bb was upside-down...and moving his/her hands, so it looks like he/she's digging for something. Haha.

My gynae also told me not to eat too much yu sheng. Haha. He said, "Remember, cook food. And avoid too much seafood too 'cos might not be clean."
LFCfan, yes! My gynae so far scan for me everytime i visit. But he nv give me the pictures everytime.
But since it's gg to be monthly visits from now on, i think he should give every time i visit now! If he doesnt, i will ask for it. hahahaha..

Yay! Thanks Rykiel! I'm running out of clothes to wear coz my clothes are becoming fitting and i feel breathless in them. I ordered a few dresses from ASOS too. Still haven't arrive yet. Hope they'll be nice and the right size!!

Actually i also thought getting CL very exp. But my hubby insisted that we get one. He scared later our mothers or i myself v stressed and i think coz we first-time, dunno alot of things. After i told a M'sian friend about the costs involved, he commented, no wonder birth rate in Sg so low.. haha..

I've been eating alot of seafood leh.. Somehow cant really take meat.. :S
Talking about confinement tingkat, I'm considering that cos I don't want CL - prefer to do on my own and I also have no space for one. I found a few online but I don't know anyone who has tried them. Anyone knows someone personally who has tried?
Surprisingly, my mum n MIL will stay at my place during my confinement. My mum said she will help me, so no need CL. But me n hubby discussed, not sure should we get a CL to prevent any fights or disagreement. CL is expensive..
how u u all handle after CL left? i mean after 1 mth... yr mum/MIL help u all to look after yr baby and cook for u?
Yumei : actually depend leh.. Cause for my #1 , after 1month, i straight awah hand on and do everything myself le... Only my mum help me cook nia.. Feeding bathing all do myself lo...
mumenetan: no problem surfing as yet. =)

b00ney: got! alot! im printed all the menu and tinking which to get. u go google confinement catering!

jul_mom: for me the CL too x. i cant afford honestly. i still tink the $ if have shud be used elsewhere. getting more gd food perhaps ? =) cos the CL will be there when bb cry, help u do sm tiny chores, cook. for first timer mummies will help alot if MIL or mum nt ard to guide n help.

mei2009: whn ur edd? mine early aug so cant comment, ill b getting confinement tingkat too!

QQ: 2 mum together ok wan ar? mine ah, my mil n mum like nvr meet up one. once in awhile bump into each other n HI! only.
After first month confinement still need to eat confinement food? I thought after first month can do everything ourselves le? just make simple meals for myself during lunch and hubby can buy back during dinner. Then feed and bathe bb. Oops, am i over-simplying things?
jul_mom: no need alr. i guess thats how it goes ah. tt time aft confinement i started loading rubbish alr. hehehe
For first time mummy with no help from mum & MIL, it is better to engage a CL and learn from her. Also not all mums are keen or remembers how to take care of bb - my mum is one of them. Every time I asked her for advice, she will say forget liao! Of coz if they offer to help, then good lar... Otherwise if money not an issue, I would say engage a CL.
mrs c: agree with u. my mil one day say this to my dasao whn she was preg, nw i preg diff story alr. if $ nt an issue than get a CL!! =P
Hahaha.. That's what i thought too Rykiel.

Ya lor. Better dun stress my mum and MIL. But another headache when the maternity leave ends.. Even if let my mum or MIL take care, we will have to send bb to and fro their house everyday....
Rykiel, dun think my MIL would help me in confinement. She is Tai Tai type. Think juz to show face bah. We still thinking reason to say no to her coz scared they quarrel later.
Last week my SIL said she doesn't think I could be a good mother, so better hand over BB to MIL.. Piang ... Faintzzzz..
I know my Da Sao n their children very kelian one staying with them. Boy still ok.. If gals sure kena bullied.. I dun dare to think much on things after delivery.. Trust my Hb to plan them well.. His duty bah..
I am getting a CL and will consider extending her too because I do not know how to handle and will need help. It is indeed very expensive considering CL are mostly from malaysia and we are paying in sgd. However, since this is my first time and i have to learn from my CL .. hopefully the money spent will be worth it!

i doubt my mum can even remember how to bath a baby already! hahahaha....
I think I'm so patient .. I still talked nicely to her after her comments. I told her that yup, I might not be a good mother coz that's my first kid, it's time for me to learn. Then I rethink back at night, I get more n more angry n told my Hb. Then Hb said.. She means no harm, juz think for the best for bb.. Then I have to keep quiet lor n keep myself cool down n try to think positive, she means positive... She means positive.. Or else, affect bb not good.
aiyah.. every woman also has her first time.. whether we are good mothers or not, it's for time to tell.. not someone else to guess and forecast for us..

Regarding CL, initially i also ask my mom but i think she too long never take care of baby and she may be "rusty".. haha.. so after discussion with her, we decide to get a CL lah.. so she can slowly see how to take care of baby and at least not so stressful for me, my hub and my mother with someone who do this all the time..

No choice.. money to be spent i guess..

I just told my big boss...was meeting her for appraisal stuff, to know how I'm getting along with my job then I told her. 'Cos she was asking what if my projects get delay...how will I feel.

My immediate boss dunno yet. lol. But she dropped a bomb shell on our team yesterday, she just resigned. So I decided to inform big boss 'cos she will be taking over for the time being.

And my colleagues found out today as well. 'Cos at breakfast was taking folic acid. I told them was just vitamins but they k-po go see what it is exactly. Then one of them was like, "folic acid not pregnant then eat one meh?" Then her eyes grew big and ask me if I'm pregnant. lol.

Apparently, it's gonna spread like wild fire in my office. 'Cos they already told a lot of pple....lol...
