(2012/03) Mar 2012

daisy, tot subsidized they give cheaper rate... howcome ended dun hv to pay! dun think my gynae is in the random list wor...get used to c him since 1st birth now no matter what hv to stick to him all de way.

Daisy: I'm ok with this Sat. Better soon or else i can't fit into my swim wear ;p Let's see if Michelle ok mah? Can we do it in the evening around 5pm as my gal wakes up v late at 9am de. So if wait for her to wake up by then the sun will b scorching hot!
dym - bugis?

chinbbs - i mean the hospital fees after give birth , for checkup still have to pay like less den $100 each time .. i mean u get random doctors wen u go subsidized =)
zelda - np !! i gonna start digging for my kid's swimwear den lol .. time wise i'm ok , cos my kids wake up at 1-2pm on wkends =.=

dym - tampines too far for me , lazy LOL ! Bugis i tink wont crowded on wkday but donno whether they renovate finish liao not .. website says Sept but no details on bugis's timeslot .. lol
Michelle & Daisy: 5pm this Sat ok mah? Michelle, your princess swims? My gal now refuses to swim when it used to be her fave activity. Maybe the previous time she slip & was submerged in the water for abt 5secs before I could scope her out of the water. Yes will still bring her so she can play with Daisy boys
Anyway I'll bring my maid there to jarga. Btw I'm not a good swimmer... more like lazing around in the water i.e. cannot swim laps de ;p I hope my tummy won't pop out of my tankini... or else can see my c-sect mark so yucky ;p

Carice: If want to try CL agencies maybe you want to consider TMC? They are local and have abit of medical training so I think quite good. Got my CL thru' my friend's recommendation. She said her CL is v good & cooking is nice (she cooks cantonese style food). Will even cook dinner for rest of family + toddler. Will most likely get her for 40days... then i don't have headache.

Peainpod: I also have headaches everyday recently. Dunno why
Hi BB,
U are using the single or double for medela? I wanted to breast feed this time but I am worried that I may not be able to since this is the 1st try, intend to bf for at least 6 months at least if possible. Medela will all be electric pump right?
I also beginning to feel tired n lazy.. I most probably go home nap first den see how.. Hahahaha! I have to go tampines take my entry proof for my exam next week.. Meet u bugis next time lo..

Me too headache everyday esp after lunch... than last nite breast coming sore again than feel the pain even sleeping..
My breast was sore during are wk 5 -7 than after than ok le than now back again...
zelda - lol , i dont intend to swim , maybe to soak in water or just let my boys play .. wanna let them prepare to look after baby now LOL

tat day i made them look after michelle's girl lol
zelda n daisy : cause if i swim i want to swim more........ try to kill away the fat on my face neck n body.... haha ok sure then we on de.... meet where....
michelle - hw u swim more? later ur girl run here n dere i tink u will be busy chasing her lol

meet somewhere in yishun? which pool r we heading?

any mummies care to join on tis sat for swimming?

dym - well , wat to do .. we're same kind LOL !!
daisy dont forget that ur boys also cannot tanhan my princess..... haha.... she nap at 5pm de...... so when she nap i go to swimming.....

but of course if she want to swim also then i bobian lor....
hahaa, i'm staying at yishun... which pool wat time?

feeling so sleepy, didn't work yesterday, today body still on holiday
can wait for Pang Kang time!
lower side tummy still sore cos pressed too hard during scan. ok one or not?
Kelly_G: $2400 for 40 days.

Jo: We going Orchid Country Club to swim leh. 1 2 join us?

Michelle: We meet at the swimming pool itself ok mah? The one near the bb pool with alot of chairs. Let's PM our mobile numbers to each other on Fri so that in case lost/can't find can still SMS/call each other ;p
michelle, y not u look for a women clinic nearby ur plc, check whether which hospital the gynae is attached to...maybe u can find one help to give birth @ mt a... in this case u wont hv to travel so far mah...
I was using the double pump, save time. Not sure if Medela has manual pumps. So far those I've seen are electric pumps.

Daisy, Zelda,
what time this Sat? I see if I have the energy to lug the kids there on my own.
Twins Happiness: Congrats! You are facing a happy problem! as long as financially doing ok, the logistics part is smaller issue comparatively...

i was hoping so much mine would be a twin pregnancy ... save the trouble...since i already confirm want at least two kids, plus i already mid-30s... going through pregnancy cycle twice means i can't drink much coffee and cannot drink wine at all for at least 3 years (esp if I breastfeed) ...

though i know having twins is tougher... everything from morning sickness to the weight of tummy can hit with double the strength... i still find it more 'efficient' haha ...but alas... no genes in my family...

do you have twins in your family before you?
Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. Hi,

I have a brand new baby cot mattress Fibrelux to let go. Bought from Takashimaya at $159 but bought the wrong dimensions and could not fit in my baby cot. Material is made of coconut husks which is more airy as compared to foam or latex material.

Dimensions: 130cm (length) by 70cm (width) by 8.5cm (thickness)

Willing to let go at $139. Provides free delivery to your house.


If you are interested, please email me at [email protected]
Hi Min,

My cousins (from my dad's side) is twins. I just hope that everything will be under control haha.

Nowadays, the weather is very hazy. Mummies, if you have sensitive nose, please bring along a mask. I can't wait to exercise, as I used to run long distance last year, been slack since pregnant. Now, when I see people jogging, I feel like running too.

Looks like now I can only go for swimming, but look at the weather. Hope for a good weather this Saturday, so that the mummies get to enjoy themselves at the pool.
Michelle: Your hubby driving mah? It's near the reserviour at Khatib. If not driving, can take the free shuttle at Yishun mrt.

BB & Jo: 5pm this Sat at Orchid Country Club. Bring the kids along too... i will ask my maid to jarga ;p The most send the kids to the playground upstairs with my maid while we mummies sit at the pool. Oh but Michelle is gg to swim laps so we watch & support her

For mummies who interested to join us in the swim/dip. We be gg to Orchid Country Club this Sat to swim/play water at 5pm. But if haze is bad, then we postpone to another Sat.

Talking abt EDD, I realised that quite a few mummies have the same EDD as me ie 17 Mar. Min, teathysea plus 1 more forgot who liao ;p
zelda : hubby is not driving..... that y asking where the place.....

chiny : maybe go far de lor... no choice.... haha... u wanna meet if we at bishan.... haha...
chiny : i mean bishan to come out lunch n chat chat when i go there check up... cause is far away n if u dont mind meet up with my hyper active princess....

if yishun u ok to meet up also can... cause i dont know u ok to meet there or not....
michelle, sure! i can meet u @ bishan juz update me again. hyper active gd, my girl sama sama no worry!
if im not lazy is ok for me to travel de...singapore very small only...heehee
zelda - ya , tink see the haze how on thur or fri , if its still bad den next sat den cos not very good for smaller kids =)

chinbbs & michelle - so both of u will be busy chasing ur girls? lol
michelle, but too bad my gynae not at bishan...:p

daisy, u naughty girl huh..imagine us chasing after our girls, very funny hor...haha...
Hello Everyone!
I was thinking to have insurance coverage for my pregnancy complication and baby.
Do you have any insurance plan that you have?
Can you guys guide me a bit? Thank you.

Daisy: congrats for you knowing that you r having a girl. u can dress her up!
<font color="000080">zelda >> My doc haven't give me the go-ahead yet, dunno if I can go swimming leh
Anyways I have choir prac until 5pm, so should be cannot lar. You ladies have fun!
Hi, I had just went To my gynae today and I'm in my 13wks.. My edd will be in mid mar next yr... May I know any1 here go for the Oscar?
Mabel : i have check with my insurance agent ... at this time round we do not have much coverage .. but at week 16 can buy liao ... something like u need to pay abt 3oo (cant remember) for one time payment to insurance 5200 (not much coverage) follow by monthly to bb 100 per month till u dont wish to continue ...this is abit saving cum insurance under prudential ...

not sure others have good one anot ...

<font color="000080">Hi hui32, OSCAR must be done before 13wk6day, so if you want to do better do fast! I'm getting my OSCAR results back tmr :S *fingers crossed*</font>
