(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- BN Playskool busy balls patterns & colours $15
- BN Pigeon breastmilk storage bottles (3pcs) $10
- BN Pigeon S sized teat (standard neck) $2.50
- BN Pigeon M sized teat (wide neck) $3.00
- BN Nuk Anti colic wide neck teat 1 0-6m (silicone) $5
- Tiny Love Musical Mobile $65
- 2 boxes of Tollyjoy napkin liners 200 pcs $10
- 2 tins of NAN 2 400g (exp Oct'12) $20
- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350
- Avent refill 10 cups (240ml) $18, with lids $25
- Medela Mini Electric breast pump full set $105
- 2 tins of Mamil Gold 400g (exp Nov'13) $20
- 2 Pigeon pacifier for 8mth+ $7

Kindly PM me if keen/ for pics, thanks!

Trouble, the sleeping prob u hv for ur boy happens to my girl too! She is worse, will fuss n cry n struggle n it can take me an hr or more to carry n pat her to sleep! But after she turn 100 days old, is much easier already! So, endure abit more!

Hm... I hv 7 cans of 900mg Mamil gold FM as gifts but my girl does not drink that. I gave away to charity for needy families when I found out I can't sell for more than $20. Now, just realized I over stock on disposable diapers! Keke
Elixir, u r very blessed to have such good supply!! In my opinion if u r confident of your supply, is better to give ebm fresh. U probably have stock up quite a bit and u will be pumping even when back work? I read dat frozen milk really loses a fair bit of antibiotics. Direct latch is best followed by ebm. Ya somehow my mil also not pro bf. She always fall off her chair when I told her I started freezing some milk. But end up I never give frozen milk yet.
Gg, yup I'll still b pumping when I go back work.

When I started feeding ebm, I forgot abt the antibodies part. I still preferred latch but can't stand mil nag so change to bottle feed ebm. I'll latch whoever possible. Now I still can latch in the middle of the night n morning. But won't get to do so when I go back work cos baby will be with mil on weekdays.

So now trying to change sequence. Let him hv chilled fresh ebm n maybe one or two frozen ones. Hope my mil will nt be confused. When i told My Hb abt it, he ask me then those in freezer how? He can take them when i go holiday since cant keep those that i m going to pump. Lol. My mini freezer already full with my ebm. -_-"
Really! Keep my fingers crossed.. Really hope would be much better. Or maybe I shld put him to zzz laterr.. Haha..me too. Also overstock on diaposable diapers..bb grow very fast. How big is yr girl?
elxir, ya, my sil also freeze a lot but her supply so good that end up she just latch and use ebm and in the end dump away the whole freezer of ebm!

Something is wrong with my fridge. It has a weird smell, not exactly pungent but kinda like piercing lemon/very icy smell. Even the food kena the smell, after cooking an egg the egg also got that taste. Anyone knows what may be the prob and how to solve?? Now I worry whether will affect the ebm. Guess dats y latch still best, no worries of contamination etc.
Any mummies who became a SAHM after giving birth or any working mummies who plan to be a SAHM now?

Been thinking abt this issue for quite some time now. Thou hubby is supportive, still feel quite in a dilemma.

Any advice from mummies?
Mich, u r lucky ur hub is supportive!! My sil is sahm, she enjoys it. And hub supports too. She used to work in childcare. For me, v tempted to but hub dun think I can tahan for long. Most impt is knowing if u r the sahm material. Not everyone can take it.
Gg, yah I agree latch safest n faster too, no need wash so many things. Lol! But no choice lah I temporarily stay with mil cos she think I can't cope alone at my own home. How i wish i can spend more quality time with my boy b4 go back work. At mil place baby will b with her most of the time. My role is to prepare n produce milk. :p
Jen, my girl is the same. Only take 30 mins - 40 mins of cat naps during the day. Unless if I sling her when we r out, she can sleep for at least 2 hrs. At least she also sleeps thru the nite too and wakes up at abt 6-7am for her milk and knock off till 10ish - 11am.
Elixir, I fully understand. Sometimes I v pissed my mil do the feeding but I am the one have to prepare everything too. But we latch they dun like cos they dun get to feed as fully rely on us.

Sian man, going back work next mth...
I hate it that I miss out all the bonding time during latch on for the past mth!

Yah sian so fast need go back work le. I stay at mil place till I sianz n I m going back work 2 weeks earlier. I can't wait to go back my own home. hehe!
hi mummies, im from the july thread. any of u mummies on confinement tingkat? can share the food portion? photos? i need reviews b4 i confirm mine in july. TIA! can pm me=) btw ive gt a BP running, those wan get bb stuffs can go see see also.

currently I am inviting a few family with newborn, babies or kids to enjoy our complimentary phototaking session in our Studio. (Located at Trivex, 5mins away from Tai Seng Mrt).

Any interested parties ? Please email me at [email protected]
Hi mummies , any idea if we can consume sashimi when we r bf-ing? Going for a buffet dinner later n really craving for sashimi... Do we have to throw away the first pump of milk after eating? pd also advise me not to have diary pdts but I dun think I can avoid it later. Haha..

Returning to work Mid June .. Super sian too.
Meiji, from wat I read seems that bf ok to take sashimi, is different from when bb inside us. Even during pregnancy some mummies take also.
Meiji, I eat sashimi n oyster. Just make sure it fresh. Wat I did was pump it out n store. If within 12 hours I got no diahorea I feed her the milk else u need to discard

I'm recovering from mastitis, supply is affected. Does anyone knows how long does it take for supply to be back to normal? If I only pump 4 times a day, possible to build it back? Any way to avoid mastitis from recurring? I pump about 45min per session does that helped to trigger it?

Sorry for the loads of qns..

Jen, please pm me the fb link. Thanks
Hi GG n Lynn, thanks for your advice. I called the KKH ask a nurse hotline n was told that it's ok to eat sashimi while nursing. The only concern is like what Lynn said, possibility f diarrhea n this will lower immunity n lower milk supply.
Tulip, according to some mummies from fb who had mastitis, it's possible to build it but takes time. Best is try to pump 3hrly for a few days n drink loads of water. Your PM is not activated,can't pm u the fb link.

Rest of the ladies, I have pm you, check your mails ya!
Hi Jen,

Thanks. Have problems pumping 3hrly cos resumed work. Silly me, didn't know my PM was not activated. Have activated it. Please PM me the link again.

Thanks =)
My boy was born premature at 34 weeks on 3rd Feb. He was in special care nursery for 25 days before he was allowed to be discharged. He has grown to be a happy and active baby. We will be going for his cardio heart scan tomorrow and I really hope and pray hard that everything is fine.
Hi mummies,
My boy all the sudden reject drinking from bottle. Not sure why. Any advice to overcome this?

Hi Patricia,
Hope yr boy is fine, grow uo strong strong. ;)
Hi Jen, thanks for the link.

Hi mummies, my gal made her first flip today. Now I quite concerned abt what's in her cot. All the while, she has been using 2 diaper cloth (folded n stacked) as pillow. I m afraid that when she flip, she may accidentally move the cloth n cover herself or something. But I am also afraid to use pillow. Afraid that she may accidentally lay face flat n not be able to raise head high enough for air. Any advice?
Meiji, I dun use pillow unsupervised. So night time or if not around I dun give. As for diaper cloth I use 1 pc fold as pillow day time. This one is thin I find ok. But really still should check now and then lor. If u still worried then night time dun use? Your mattress the type w hole and breathable type?

Mine also just started flipping.
Hi ladies,

I'm from the Nov forum. Would like to ask if you have any good confinement lady to recommend?
Due to some issue, my mom is not able to help me. Need to look for one CL asap.
Please PM me.
( Expected EDD 28th Nov 2012)

Hi, I'd like to join the FB group too, baby DOB 27.2.12

BTW mummies, I have some frozen EBM from mid-May 2012 to give away, I have an oversupply and my freezers are full. Hope it can benefit other babies

Have already given away 55bags x 200ml during the last 2 weeks, but my freezer is bursting. It would be appreciated if you can exchange some new breastmilk bags with the EBM so that I can continue sharing with others as well.

I would like to join the FB group to know more mummies and their babies. My baby born on 21 Feb.

Can share the FB link with me?

