(2012/02) Feb 2012

Also can any mummies here share their experience w me on continuing breast feeding when at work and what are the things we need to take note...thanks lots...

Xia, u can get the dry shampoo at those toiletries shop in chinatown. Cheap leh. 100% cotton disposable maternality underwear also can get there. I will be using rice wine to pour into boiled water for showering.

Re: Breast pump
Is better to get an electric dual pump to save time. If u single pump, the other breast will hv let down effect while u pump one breast. Wasteful for leaking BM on the other breast.
Hazel, any idea wat brand or is there onli 1 brand? China town got alot toiletries shop ma? is at which part ah? On pearl centre side or the CNY shopping side ah? Thanks! =)
NC, Xia, thanks! Oh I was banking on Avent manual pump cos a fren said it worked well for her. #1 I bot Medela freestyle but somehow din seem to work well for me, so now scared go buy such an expensive pump again if end up not successful again.

Any recommendations for any other pumps?

And do we really need a pump now, or wait till confirm have supply?
Xia, any brand for me is fine. U can get at http://www.cheongchoon.com/Contact-Us

But check its opening hrs.
This store Sells all bbs m mommies stuff. Just tell the lady there what u need. She will take for u.
This shop is linked to alot of other shops that sell toiletries (also has dry shanpoo) clothes, etc. if u need to also stock up on bb toiletries, can go the shops there too. it is actually near to the big food centre next to OG. We always parked at the hdb multi storey Carpark next to it.

Btw, Watson also got sell. But not sure how much.
GG Lee, u hav to start to pump immediately even if u hav no supply. Tats to stimulate the milk flow. if u wait further then ur it will tell ur brain you no need milk so no supply will come and will even stop if you don pump.

I recommend Medela PIS. Many salegals hav told me its gd for ppl like me where supply is not that much and need more suction.
I used the Ameda Purely Yours Pump with my first baby. I chose that one because it is a closed system so no chance of the milk backing up through the tubes, which could possibly be hard to clean and grow mold.
beemummy: I also bot the Ameda Purely Yours pump.
Do u sterilize the cup-shaped diaphgram and valve? They looks so fragile, I dont dare to sterilize.

All mummies: I am also in wk35 liao. Can feel bb pushing my tummy. I lie on right side, she push left side. I lie on left side, she push right side. Aiyo so difficult to sleep at night.
Jen: Soul mummy expressing but painful and tiring.. Yes trying to feed baby Sophie as much BM as possible but sometimes not enough then they will augment with formula. Unfortunately formula not so good coz hard to digest.

NC: Swing medela but the batteries like a joke. Just one time on batteries then dead. Lol.. Think quite a monster in batteries..

Xia: thanks but doc say maybe another 3 weeks or more? Soul mummy cannot tahan.. Lol.. Level 2 only.

Oops: soul mummy worried no BM so tell me save money buy swing. Lol.. Then use battery try Liao last one pump haha... She worried PISA too strong also.
Hi Mummies,

which hospital will you choose between Mount A and Thomson?
Heard Mount A will be renovating and Thomson just renovated.
Any advise?
Thanks xia, GHK...
This morning nose bleeding! went GP and ask me to rest...wish i can take leave from now onwards..no need to work and stress over work...sian
Thanks Opps. But how we sterilise the pump in hospital?

Are there Avent bottles we can use to store breastmilk? Medela comes with storage bottles but I am using Avent milk bottles, so very leh chey if have to pour over every time.
GG Lee, I latched on in hospital. Have to try latch mah. But I failed cos not enough milk. I start to pump 1st thing I reach home on the 3rd day afternoon.
GG Lee, too le chey to bring breast pump & steriliser to hospital. If u need, Just asked for the hospital grade medela pump to be push to u. At KKH, a new set of pump accessories will be changed n given to each patient. Patients will be charged the accessories cost. I understand at pte hospitals, need to pay rental.. Anyhow, more convenient.
I did request for a pump in KKH but they refused to let me have it. The nurse say ok will bring but in the end nvr bring to me at all. So I no choice but to start pumping when I reach home.
SoulDaddy - have you tried goat's milk formula? Have heard Goat's Milk much closer to breast milk and easier to digest versus Cow's Milk.

Chilli Quek - Because the Ameda is a closed system, no need to sterilize the cups and tubes every time - only need to sterilize the white valves, the flanges and the storage bottles. To sterilize I just used the Microwave sterilizer.
microwave steriliser? hm.. Mrs Wong Boi Boi discourage us to use the microwave for bb wor.... she said is no good...
Beemummy: do you mean for mummy to drink? Or baby? I think too early for baby ba? They giving my little darling breast milk if enough, else will give the formula milk.

Opps: maybe they forgot? Coz busy ba..
Thanks all!

Opps, me also no milk at all in hospital. Gynae and LC checked, say havent come in. Was thinking shd we bring pump to 'stimulate' like u say :p

Soul, tks! Will check out isetan. I realise sometimes some sale exclude Avent. Like current John Little, supposedly 20% off, but when I bot some Avent stuff they say is excluded.
GG: those bottles attached to the pump not cheap plus if you need to store more BM separately. Then you need either breast bags or the avent cups. The avent cups are better coz can reuse. Price abt the same. Careful coz they sell one type is the cup and cap together. Another is separately. I bought the separate ones. Coz the storage oz is higher and cost abt the same.
GG: remember to check out the cup adaptors also, which allow you to feed bb directly from the storage cup. Buy the 8oz types, cuz the 6oz ones might be insufficient when bb grow older. No need to pump in hospital if your bb latches well. If no choice bb dun latch best is to still pack ur own bah. Personally I won't feel comfortable using hospital pump leh...
Hi GG, I remember for my #1, they send bb in and ask you to try to let bb latch to stimulate milkflow wor. Can pump if you start to feel slightly engorged. I will be bringing my pump to hospital as well too in case BM comes in earlier.
Thanks all for the useful tips!

Ya, I went to check Avent website saw they have those cap and cup separate, and those together one, and the cost is almost same. The separate one they call it refill cups and caps. The together one they call it milk storage cups or something like that. Wah biang..confuse us only!
Anyone knows any gd lawyer for divorce? My friend urgently looking for one gd lawyer to fight for custody too.
Hazel... I think if bb can poke so hard outwards, I think he must be doing the same inwards towards my organs, that's the discomfort and pelvic pain....

Sweetcorn, same as you, sometimes, bb will stretch and hold it there for a while, painful.... Haha....
Xia, yes, sometimes must sayang the part that is jutting out then he will move back to original position... If not, it's painful...
Sweetcorn, I also juz started on iron pills, maybe that's we feel giddy sometimes. Now, with daily iron pills, I feel better actually, more energy...
Seems like I'm having some regular mild pain at the lower part of my tummy. Its like every 10mins. The pain is very mild. Hope its jus practice contractions. Jus went thru some tremendous events. Hope won't trigger contractions jus bcos I can't ctrl my emotions.
Jas, try to rest more and relax. If can, lay down and see how... Should be ok if it's not very painful...
Oops - welcome bac! How's everything? Hope u better now! =)

Hazel - ooooooo thanks!!! =) btw any chance did mrs Wong boi boi state any reason as to y microwave sterilizer is bad? I've just gotten a microwave sterilizer but haven use. Was intending to leave it at my mum's place as a standby onli. Now having 2nd tots

GG - ya like wat oops/teoong/nc said. Best is to start pumping in hospital to establish supply unless bb can latch v well. I more comfy with my own pump cos already v familiar with it so will bring my own. I didn't have milk so didn't try to sterilize it the last time round but If I'm not wrong u can request from hospital staff their steriliser to sterilise ur pump. Tink tmc/mt a uses the tablet kind of steriliser. Other hospitals I'm not too sure. Can try ask ur gynae on next visit. He/she prob will know. =) but if u worried wun use pump den just rent from hospital to try for first 2 days like wat hazel said.

Soul - LOL I tink initially is like tat one cos still sensitive. I tink my first pump I overdid it and in the end v sore! Gd tat soul mummy noe where to stop! Keke tink onli after awhile I manage to do level 3-4. Cos got impatient and the higher levels will pump milk faster! Heh

Sweetcorn - u tried humidifier? It helps for me. I always had nose bleeding probs during pregnancy. Nose v dry and thereafter bleed and pain!!! Keke. Den after deliver use it for bb cos she alot of mucus. Helped alot too! =)

Evon - did u go for the hospital tours already? I tink it'll help u decide better. I used to consider other hospitals like gleneagles,mt a,etc, but hubby insisted on tmc and convinced me. He said tmc is mainly do women and children stuff. Other hospitals got alot other pple going in to treat other problems. Den I asked y not kkh? He said cos he born in tmc! LOL! All a matter of preference. So tink it's better u see for urself and wat u and ur hubby can mutually agree on. =)

GHK - ya! Dunno where the strength come from... Pain sia... Haha

Jas - try to distract urself and relax. I now it's hard but just tink of bb and u will have the strength! Jia you! Awhile more onli! Hang in there!
Jascmy, is the whole lower abdomen or just a particular part? I had poking pain yesterday.. Near groin areas.. Was told caused by bb's head pressing down.

Xia, she shared with us the various ways of sterilizing bottles. If I didn't remember wrongly, she said the rays r no good fr bb. She said, even primitive ways of sterilizing using hot boiling water is gd! My mum is using this method all these while for her grandchildren So, I dont hv to get another set of steriliser at my mum's Plc.
Evon, mt a reno has started n will take a few yrs. They r going to build building above the Carpark. If they hv started on that, there will not be any parking there. The nearest car park will be mcritchie. The gd thing of mt a is that it is a catholic hospital. Bbs born there will be blessed by the priest.
Sweetcorn, GHK, I also just started on iron tablets cos blood test rbc count low. I had history of anaemia when younger. Can I ask, u find your stool become greenish colour? Cos that's the only thing that I eat that's different. A bit strange..
Jas: ur pain went off already?

Xia: if you have to use the microwave sterilizer, dun use it on normal plastic bottles. Make sure it's bpa free, best is to use glass bottles. Temperature caused by microwave can be v high and release toxic chemical from normal plastic. I used it when I'm pressed for time cuz only took 2 mins. Otherwise will use the electric one.

Chewie: ya the iron tablet will cause stool to become greenish/black.
Evon, agree with Xia, think TMC has a "cleaner" environment cos mainly women, kids and births there.

Chewie, yep, my poo poo became greenish black after I started iron pills...
Mrs Wong dun encourage glass bottles too. She said if later got cracks, we may not know.. N tiny glass spits may get inside the milk in the bottle... N if bb drinks This milk, outcome will be bad...

Previously, I wanted to use glass bottles too coz I find them better that plastic bottles (be it bfa free or not).. But after hearing what mrs wong shared, I think quite true also...
alot of things to bring leh if still need to bring breast pump. after cny have to start opening my steriliser n test n start sterilising my bottles too
When bb is discharged, alot of things to bing bk too... Hospitals do give gifts such as diaper bag, bath tub, etc. dun forget the gifts that friends/relatives/colleagues sent to hospital which we need to bring bk also..... So, I wun be bringing breast pump & steriliser, since these 2 go together.
yeah, i think i will just try to latch during the hospital stay. I intend to latch for one month and after that switch to express, so bb will get used to it when i go back to work.

Mrs Wong said that there are moms who latched for a long time and babies detest milk bottles after tat!

I seriously feel that my tummy has gone lower, and looks smaller, oops. hope my coughing and sneezing wun make bb come out earlier. I am taking 2 weeks AL starting next week. abit kiasu but i realli dun want bb to pop early.
Jascmy, I also felt pain like stomach pain this morning at 5.30am. Luckily after gg toilet to pee n changing position on bed feel better. Was so afraid tt it's contractions.. Btw how do we know if it's real contractions, Braxton hicks or just stomachache?
Happytomato: if i m not wrong real contractions are continuous every few minutes? keep coming and go.

Jacsmy: the pain could be pelvin pain, caused by bb starting to get engaged?

Anyway got one time i had this really bad pain just below my breasts when i lie on the side. Not sure if its bb's legs poke me there, super super painful! After i turn back to my normal position the area there is still sore.

Last night i was quite sick he was very guai didnt give me any pain while sleeping.

Is it the c-sect scar going to burst open?? Cos the pain is there rite.

Rocco, I had that pain too. Its the rip cage. Cos bb or placenta is growing bigger and pressing upwards. its so painful that I can't lay down and flip myself on bed. Breath also pain. Worst is when I cough, its painful. Told hubby that I'm in pain he jus say nothing will happened lah. OMG, I jus wan him to show concern to me and not telling me nothing will happened. I aldy know nothing will happened but its really painful.

Now I don hav that pain liao.
