(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hi all, I'm finally back in office today. MC for 5 days cos I got fever, cough and flu virus from my boy. 3 days nvr sleep cos hav to take care of him so in the end I'm also down liao.

CL: I found my CL thru agencies. No choice cos all the contacts my friends gave me are aldy booked. Those that the booked CLs recommended to me all charge me $2200 and above. One even asked for $2500. So in the end I go for agency since price around the same and I got the recommended CL from my friend from the agency.
Last time (yr2010) CL only cost $1900. Now so ex liao. And I got bad experience from my previous CL. SO hope agency won;t hav such problems.

Meiji Crackers> Avoiding paint for pregnant woman is not really a myth. The fumes from paint can be harmful to foetus. Pasting sticker should be ok right? I cant see any harm in that.. haven't heard abt the batang issue too.. the most u instruct your hubby to paste lor. Hee.

Serene123> Thanks for the tip on dong chong cao. I'll check out Fu Hua. Do you know if the $420 one is the wild-grown type from tibet? Or grow in farm one? My mum said the shop she always go to at Fu lu shou is selling about $350 for yi liang of the tibet type. I'm running low and am looking around for options.
Jocelyn & GT,
During my scan at 17 wks, gynae also told me 90% confirm its a boy.. But i still have 10% doubt.. I will wait for my detailed scan this week to confirm the gender of the bb. ;P
Don knw y my nausea got worst after my illness. I keep feeling the vomiting sensation. I even vomited twice since last week. Last time only when I feel hungry leh and will vomit air. So worry I will vomit something out anytime. Don knw what to eat too. Very picky on food now. Sigh! Terrible feeling!
Hi everyone, been reading and too lazy to post again...

Jascmy, hope u recover completely and get back ur normal eating habits back...

Welcome to the numerous new feb mums who just joined us...

bubbliciouslee, my gynea din tell me % of my bb gender. he dare not confirm so i must wait til this thurs detailed scanning to confirm... cant wait for that to happen....

Jan, i read somewhere that massage at the back of the foot(area where our shoe backing normally covers) will trigger contraction. read from pregnancy book. so, avoid that area.
jascmy> sorry to hear that. i guess your body is abit weak now so it's very cautious of the food that you eat. try to eat more qing dan stuff, hopefully u fully recover soon. jiayou jiayou.

Mummies>> what's everyone busy with now? i'm getting lazy to read all my baby books.. and its too early to shop.. is the "honeymoon" supposed to be so "boring"? heh. :p
planet, u r not alone in feeling bored... i am bored despite the pile of work i have to do. but well, as many will say, enjoy couple time while it still lasts. now i ask my hubby to bring me for nice romantic dinner and leave bb at home home, he cant bear. going overseas also cannot go without bb.. sigh...
planet: i remember its the wild type from tibet the last time i bought. this time round i did not ask as its the same rabbit brand. cos my 3 year old son with me, i just grab and go cos the discount is good.

if you are looking for bird nest, they are giving 22% discount too.
Lynn> can't remember which thread, u can try search prenatal yoga. but she only accept 4 mummies/ class.

Hi mummies,
Anyone buy this Electronics pest control before? useful? how much it cost?
Can prevent mosquito, ants, rats mice, cockroaches & insects.

Any feedback let me know. Thank you
Hi planet, u mean even if hubby is the one painting but as long as I can smell the fumes, it's bad? Sad.. Bought a set of cute stickers n wanted the room to be painted green at the bottom n blue at the top for a "meadow" feel..
Hi Ladies ,
I've the following Preloved items for sale.

1) Babysafe sling (dark blue colour) $40

2) Munchkin Voice Activated Crib Light $25
***Info on Munchkin Voice Activated Crib Light

Now the light of your life has a better way to be lulled back to sleep. Soothing womb sounds and 3 colored lights cycle on for 10 minutes the moment it hears your baby cry. They're the perfect combination to ease your baby into slumberland - which means you can get back to sleep, too.. And the lights are just the right brightness for nighttime checking or diaper changing. We call it a crib light - but you'll call it a small miracle.

Voice activated or manually controlled light and sounds
Babies love the actual recorded womb s

3) Supreme Snuggle Nest (Brand New) $85
***More info on Supreme Snuggle Nest by Baby Delight.

"The Snuggle Nest® is a portable infant sleeper designed to offer baby more comfort and stability in the adult bed. Sturdy, vented, support walls enclose baby, providing closeness and a sense of security. Baby’s comfort is taken to the next level with two options for soothing sound: Brahm’s Lullaby and Womb Sound by Pediasleep.com®. A soft LED nightlight enables easy checks throughout the night and a new Comfort Mesh Liner™ provides a more comfortable surface for baby. Great for co-sleeping, napping, travel, and also as a changing area and for moms with C-Sections and preemies. Lightweight and compact for trave

Self collection in Sengkang MRT.
Please PM me. Thanks
Hi Meiji, yes I believe so. The fumes from almost all types of paints can be harmful to baby. So you shouldnt be around when the painting is on-going. If u wanna supervise or watch.. maybe u can pop in and out, or wear those flu masks? Nice idea of a meadow btw! =)

Serene123> Thanks I'll check it out. =)
Hi mummies! Why the thread so quiet?

Any mum now 20 weeks? My tummy is feeling v v v tight and I feel uncomfortable when I make my turns on the bed. Left or right also cannot.

I still cannot figure out if I'm feeling any movements a not...kind of worried as I haven't really feel the kick

Im 20 weeks now. My tummy still quite small. I read that its better to sleep on the Left side.

I also cant sense the movements. Maybe becos Im a 1st time mum, so not experienced.
KWXY: me in 20th week too. Yes tummy feeling very tight esp after meal. Expanded suddenly these 2 weeks, my gynae said maybe due to gas, so asking me to take yakult. Seems to work. I also haven't felt any kick...
haro haro.. i'm still here. i feel that our thread is abit quiet also.

kwxy: me me, one day behind u. heh. my tummy still quite flat so i can still roll left and right, even on my tummy. hehe. but i can feel bb movement already.. it wont start as a strong kick.. for me it's more like gas but on lower abdomen.. sometimes a dull thud.. have u had any funny sensation on your lower belly? i hear everyone describes it differently.

chilli: my tummy is doyng doyng by day but bloated by night. last night after dinner it felt like a water balloon! very tight like going to burst. so funny.

i also read that its better to sleep on the left side.. it brings the most nutrients and oxygen to the baby cos the blood flow is better. right side is second best. worse position is to lie on your back. but i always unconsciously end up on my back in the morning.
jus had my detailed scan yest @ 20 weeks ..

its a baby girl =)
she is only about 320g.. sonographer said normal size for 20 weeks baby..

my tummy is v small too.. if wear loose clothes can be hardly seen im pregnant..
I can feel the baby move thou.. it feels like bubble popping..

gynea actually used those sound device to confirm that baby is moving well
congrats ging3r!! we same same. small tummy, cant really tell that im pregnant in loose clothing too. =)

how long did your scan take? and what sound device? issit different from the ultrasound we usually do?
Hi ladies, I am from march,2012 group. I have spotting on and off since 11 weeks. Doc says my placenta is low lying placenta. He said it's a long time issue. Now I am 17 weeks. Does any of u hav this sympoton & how u cope it?
Chilli Quek, first time mummies feel it ard wk18-22, also depends on individual. I am a first time mom too, and i felt it when going 20 weeks. It was very sudden feeling. Felt like something flipping in the tummy. Hubby tried to put his hand on my tummy, but he cant feel. Hee thats the advantage of being the mummY!
Hi all, I can feel the bubbling gas movements since 2 weeks ago. Its so amazing. Can't wait for the real kicks and tummy go out of shape moment to come. I tummy is big now but still "doy-ing doy-ing" cos most are fats. hehee...

the scan was quite fast about 30mins.. sonographer is v technical with his words.. but as long as he said normal within average then ok..
he gave me a cd with all the images..

the sound device i think is connected to the usual ultrasound monitor, but it doenst have an image.. its just sound.. the handle that gynea put it on my tummy look a little different..
Haha.. I didn't know the bubbling gas movements is the baby moving.. I thought stomach got gas.. haha.. but recently I felt light fluttering n a bit like poking sensation beneath my navel.. think tt's the baby?? I'm 19 weeks.. Looking fwd to my detail scan next week.. Last chk in 18 weeks baby was 261g..
Hi moms,
I hv a few items for sale/give away. Please sms me at 91558725 if you are interested.
1) medela swing breast pump bought 14/8/2011 (warranty till aug 2012), selling at $250. Used barely a mth as i hv not enough milk supply.
2) my breastfriend pillow $40 (almost new, used a few times only as boy is a premature and refuse to latch on)
3) medela washable breast pads, very new and good condition $10
4) 2x 3ml avent nipple cream samples FOC
5) 30ml palmer's nipple cream FOC
mabel: did the doctor diagnose u with placenta previa? If it's normal low lying placenta usu will correct itself by 30+ weeks. But placenta previa is more serious, u might need bedrest and have to abstain from sex.

I just had my detailed scan today. It's another boy! My house is going to be war zone liao!
Hi NC, thanks. I hope it move up. I wanted to have stress free preg. The gynae didnt say placenta previa; he said a very low lying placenta. Next month visit I'll ask him whether it's fully cover my cervix. I am already 17 weeks. Does it hav chance to move up? Since I knew I am preg, we stop sex luckily without knowing about low placenta.
Am now in my 20 weeks and I felt some 'thud' at the lower left tummy. I read somewhere that the movement is usually at the bottom tummy cos thats where the legs are.

Usually I will lie still on the bed and place my palm on tummy and wait for it to happen. I was watching X factor last week and baby started to have some movements. Tink he is enjoying the show too. Haha
Nc: are u disappointed when u hear "boy" ? I was like "huh boy again " cos I already hv one. So mean if me, console myself that can save alot of $$$$ cos can recycle most of the things. Sour grapes!!!

Baby movement: I will tap my tummy at night to play with the bb. Mrs Wong teach when I attend her class 4 yrs back . Quite effective bb will response will big movement. I am in my 21 weeks and 2nd time mom so can feel better.

Ging: where u went for detail scan? My at tmc never give cd.
Hi planet, thanks!

Hi Meifen, me too! I will place my hand over my tummy while watching tv or when on the bed, hoping to feel bb's movement. So far, no such luck..
Hello mommies,

Been eating non stop these days! haha

Last sat felt small thuds at lower tummy as well. I thought it was my imagination or gas. then it happened again. Was so excited that I called my hubby in the study to come out to living room to feel it. Then it stopped moving when his hands were on my tummy. He said i must have shouted too loud , scared our bb. haha!

Indeed this morning felt larger movement rather than a thud, i was half awaken by it and then realise baby woke up also. i grabbed his hand and put my tummy , FINALLY he felt it! haha he was so excited half asleep half awakenly! anyway it was abt 10min before we were due to wake up by alarm clock . so not too bad.hahaha!

My detailed scan is next week. Hopefully gynae confirmed it's a girl coz i have colleagues who scanned at 18 wks and was told gender. then at detailed scan , it was total opposite gender!
serene> Same here.. very disappointed.. lol #2 was a boy.. now #3 a boy.. cause at first say girl and my #1 keep saying meimei so i 90$ sure meimei then suddenly didi very disappointed..

My baby now 21weeks+ tummy is huge like whale and now doing housework a tiny bit i cramp already. cannot use too much pressure and bend too much
guava> Sorry to hear that but its gonna get worst.. for #1 i have leg cramps every alternate night and wake up screaming in pain

#2 was slightly better...

#3 not yet know but once every few weeks for now
Morning all, anyone knows whether we can fly frequently. I have another co. trip coming up in early Nov. Last Jun I fly to taiwan liao. End Oct will be flying to HK. So hubby say better not fly again in early Nov. Cos flying is like taking x-ray, not good for Bb. He say I aldy fly 2 times liao, better stop. I'm so sad leh. I wan to go for the free trip!
Btw, I'm also quite disappointed to have another boy. Don knw whether this will change during detail scan. Hahaa.... But I'm ok with both boy and gal lah. Most impt is healthy and guai can liao. Still hav 2.5 weeks more to my detail scan.
mabel: it might move up ah, just limit movements and hope for the best bah. Be optimistic!

serene123: ya lor I felt so cheated haha... All the symptoms were so different but still same gender. My dream of dressing my girl up is dashed... And I'm quite determined to stop at 2.
serene123: i did my detailed scan at TMC too..
its by Dr Chang.. i got a full report an a cd.. maybe u can call n ask.. btw i was charged $200 for the detailed scan..
initially i have already paid $450 for oscar and blood test, i tot it includes the week 20 scan, but the cashier lady said its different.. so gotta pay again =(

jascmy,Linda: i was actually hoping for a boy haha.. but it turns out to be girl..
since its my #1, so its fine, ill try again for a #2 boy!
NC, I also wan to stop at 2. Looking at all the preventive measures now. Don knw which to choose. Cos I have heard lots of accident case and got #3. But my sis say I'm still young ask me not to do those permanent ones. But I don think I can handle 3 kids. 1 bb aldy driving me crazy.
jascmy, I also dun wanna do permanent contraception, cuz v scared of going under the knife. But then I also wanna bf, so cannot take pills. Haiz... Dun want to have accident again leh, both my boys are accident cases lol
NC, muc go under knife ah. Tot can do it on the day of delivery? I have not go in details yet. Will ask my gynea in the next visit. I won't take pills too cos I wan bf and heard of all the side effect of pills.
For me consider planned but I don knw I can conceived so fast. #1 takes 2 mths and #2 immediately! Always tot ppl say need a few mths to conceive when they start planning.
So for both of us mus really plan for contraception. If not the chance of accident is quite high.
Hi All,

Working off shore again...really missed the local char kway tiao and carrot cake.

Mabel_cherry: please be very carful of low lying placenta, cause if placenta doesn't move up, there's risk of bleeding and threatened miscarriage. My friend's low lying placenta got really serious by 28 wekks that she was bedridden for the rest of the pregnancy, not even going toilet, cause it will cause premature bleeding. Try to anchor your legs on 2 pillows when asleep and when if yours is desk job, try to rest legs on a box or low chair when sitting down, these help to stablise placenta according to my friend.
Jascmy, me frequent flyer too, too addicted to stop. :p I go for check-up before I fly each time, ask Dr. Tham the same question on flying too. He is neutral, as long as we feel healthy, he said its ok for 1st and 2nd trimester but he discourage once we are 30weeks and more.
linda; ur with dr l.ang rite? he told u it was a girl then turned out a boy?

anyone here has experience gynae says a girl at 17-18 weeks scan then detailed scan shows a boy?
jascmy: I dunno whether can do on the day of delivery or not leh, but I dun want to have anything in my body cut or tied up lor... Haha... Anything foreign object in my body is also no-no. I'm more comfortable with pills actually, but with bf it's not an option. Headache lah, maybe just ask hubby be a monk haha...

Hey sisters, I just did detailed scan. I m expecting a bb girl!
now waiting to see dr to review report.. Long q...
