(2012/02) Feb 2012

Morning all, I'm hospitalisation leave now. Trying my best to take more "pu" (sleep) now. Like my doc say, the most effective tonic to build imminuty is sleep. I guess one of the reason for me to take so long to recover is cos I don hav enough sleep. After my #1 born (actually is before cos keep waking up to pass urine), I don knw wat is sleep thru the nite and always sleep late and wake up early.
SO those preggy with #1, try to sleep more now. Its the best tonic in the world. Better than bird nest and cong chao.

meifen, my #1 preggy I put on 30kg but I nvr go for any gluclose test leh. Maybe my gynea knows I'm a super big eater. And usually if its due to glucose, shld be bb big instead of u heavy.
This time I only put on 12kg so far. Actually Put on 2 kg from last checkup. Consider a lot liao cos I really hav lost a lot of appetite due to my illness. I think my max of 20kg tis time shlb be able to make it. Tmr going to see my gynea and will knw bb's weight liao. Worried he is small too cos during the hospital stay, nurse comment bb small cos hav to use more sensitive CTG to better detect heartbeat and when she press my tummy she feel bb small too.
hi all,

with so many type of products to increase milk supply. are u all stocking up any?

1/ scared tea $38 per pack
2/ Fenugreek (buy from US$16 for 200 capsules)
3/ Malunggay Capsules (100 capsules) will be at SGD$50
hi meifen, i went for the glucose test about 2 weeks back as my dad is slightly diabetic. i failed the test and doc said i've gestational diabetes. and i took the blood sugar level test at home for 2 consecutive days, 6-7 times a day. gotta follow doc's strict diet plan and lost abit weight too. so sad cant eat all the yummy food.
serene, can take milo, oats, fish and soya bean milk to increase milk supply too. I prefer to go the natural way. The above food works well for me.
Jascmy & Meifen, I am worried tt my bb is small too! Last wk's scan my bb was 1.2 kg at 28w+. Though, my gynae said bb's weight is gd, I can't help but worry coz the scan machine dunno y computes the edd from the scan to be 5 days behind time.. My gynae asked me to ignore the edd on the scsn photo n told me my edd remains the same... Do ur scan photo has the machine computed edd also? R the dates on track?

I hv put on 11-12kg so far.. We mummies will keep worrying till bb is born... sigh.,,,
Jascmy, i hope everything is good for u now. was the test and diet for that 2 days only? or u got to follow the diet until bb deliver?

I actually did a glucose test when i was in 12 weeks cos my dad also got slight diabetes. i didn't manage to complete the glucose test cos my MS made me puke all the drink out. in the end, i did a normal blood test and it was ok - blood sugar was lower den normal even.

i'm crossing my fingers that its not gestational diabetes cos i heard alot abt the strict diet (which will be a real torture!).
Jascmy / meifen, my gynae commented that from scan can see that the amonotic fluid seems a lot and said that I have to lowered my carbos and sugar intake else hve to do GD tests also. My frd kena GD in her pregnancy and everyday has to prick herself to test the sugar level wor.. really torturing n very painful process to fo thru till she scare to prick herself and gets her hubby to prick for her and on strict diet till birth
. I see the pricking marks on her arms also scare cos he mentioned my bb is big even though i nvr put on much wt. So if gynae says control, really have to guai guai control.
Counting down to this friday's gynae review. Wish me luck that everything is alright.
Hi Soul, Do u know your result from the glucose test? Do u mind sharing your diet plan?

I was feeling very down last week after my regular gynae check-up last mon. Gynae said my bb is too small. He is weighing only 870gm at 27wk+. Was send to do Doppler test. Test result was bad. I have bad blood flow thus bb is not able to absorb the food I consume. Instead of monthly visit, I have to see gynae weekly.

Worried and confused, I went to seek a 2nd gynae opinion on tue. After a longer explanation, I knew that BB will definitely come out early and that there is nothing i could do abt the blood flow because its my blood vessel. I can only monitor and hope that bb stay inside me for as long as possible to gain as much weight as possible before he has to be taken out.

2nd Doc did suggest an alternative method, saying that I might want to take loads of sugary stuff to boast up the bb weight. But before I can try that, I must make sure I'm not a diabetic. So I took the glucose test the next day. Test result shows that I am around the 10.15 range. Which according to doc is very high! I definitely have gestational diabetes. I got to watch my diet. sigh...

I went back to my own gynae and show her the report as I was to be refer to a dietician. But after reviewing my result, this gynae said my result is alright and I'm not a diabetic. She said the cut off is 11 and that I can just have a normal diet.

I'm really confuse at this stage. 1 Gynae told me I have to watch my diet as it might further affect my BB growth and another was telling me I can just take norm healthy food, just have balance diet.
Momobb, can share wat diabetic test u did? Did u fast the night before the test? Were u asked to drink a big bottle of sugary stuff? Then 2-3hrs later, the nurse drew blood from u? If that the test u did n the reading was 10.15 mmol/L? If so, is way too high. Non-diabetic level should be 5.0-7.0, 2-3hrs after that taking the glucose drink. so, yes, u defintely have GD. These information are on the website too. U can google to reconfirm. I am not sure why your gynae said cut off is 11. U better do something abt it to bring the glucose reading down. Usu pregnant ladies r sent for dietian class to know wat they can eat n wat they cannot. Ie diet under strict control n to prick themselves a few times a day to check if under control, ie, in the range I shared with u above. If not, mummy will be put on insulin jabs, coz high glucose in mummy will harm the unborn child.

If u dun hv GD, u can try taking durians. Bb put on weight very fast with durians. But make sure no GD then take coz durians hv very high sugar content.

Did your gynae put u on medication to improve blood flow to the bb? It usually will help. One type is bb aspirins.
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Avent Single electric breast pump for sale. (Used a few times) I have the warmer, storage cups and breast pads for sale as well. These are brand new. For the warmer, we threw away the box. Used once to test if it is working. I can sell everythingat $250 because I have no use for it. I can't express any breast milk and I gave up after a few tries. Paid $400 plus for everything, bought at a shop at Thomson medical on 13 Oct.I can be contacted at 9765 6584.
Hazel, yes I did fast fro midnight before the glucose test. Drank a bottle of orange concentrate water when I reach the clinic then was prick hourly 3times.

I cannot quite understand y my gynae said the result was still on the ok side also when the 2nd gynae make is sound so serious. N becoz she says it's ok, she didn't refer me to see anybody for my diet.

I was given aspirin by the 2nd gynae to try n improve the blood flow. Own gynae was saying that it's too late to start on this now but no harm trying. Sigh... Both gynae says nothing much can b done. Juz advise me to rest in bed as much as possible to improve the blood flow. Min activities.
Momobb, I m on aspirins too. No harm trying. But seriously, u need to do something abt your glucose level. It really will harm the bb if sugar is not under control. Maybe go back to your 2nd gynae n checked with her?

After reading abt this GD thing here. Just now I went to test my own sugar level.. 2 hrs after lunch. I hv the device at home.. Coz hubs is diabetic. Actually, I monitor my own blood pressure at home too coz we tried v hard then hv this bb... I lost my elder daughter last yr at 5mths and had another early miscarriage last yr.. So this bb is v v precious ton us.. I am old too.. So blood pressure, glucose level, I will watch carefully at home.. Not just wait till dr's visit then I check...
Hi all, had my gynae check last sat. Baby at 28 weeks is 1.3kg, gynea mentioned that he's slightly on the bigger side, but never tell me to control anything, didn't suggest extra test too. I myself put on abt 2 kg in a month, which she said is normal. I had put on abt 6 kg so far since pregnant.

Momobb, I had a friend whose baby is small becos of poor blood flow too. She went on bed rest from 5th month onwards becos her gynae said this will allow blood to focus and go to the uterus, instead of her other body parts. In the end, her baby is abt 2.2 kg at birth. So think u should restrict physical activities, dun move too much...
Haro mummies! I went to take my 3D scan today. Love the pics! Really 3D and can see bb's eyes nose n lips and fingers! The nurse was quite stingy, only gave 5 pics. But I guess it's ok cos all the pics r quite clear.

I can't remember who shared the lobang at parkway east but thanks!
Hi momobb, my bb was v small at week 16. No one could tell I was preggy, then a sales gal at perfect mum told me to eat potatoes. I ate and my bb grew and is bigger than the norm. Now gynae told me to cut carbo and no durians. Dun b depress. Take it easy

Juz saw my gp. He confirm I have mild depression bcos i have bad rashes and not resting well. Isn't it worse than u? He told me to tell my gynae cos he is afraid I slip Into bad depression when my gal is born. My gp told me to do what I want... I have to bargain with gynae on weds to let my gal come out earlier. I m determine to fight on and not let my depression affect me.
Hi momobb, my result after the bottle of glucose drink was 10.8. Doc said I gotta follow the diet plan even though I passed the 2 days of home testing. Gotta take 5-6 meals a day. Breakfast: 2 slices wholemeal bread w margarine n reduced fat cheese and a glass of low fat/hi cal milk. Tea breaks: 3 wholewheat crackers and a glass of milk. Lunch/dinner: medium bowl of kway teow/bee hoon/rice, large portion of veg, one portion of meat/fish and a fruit. No durian, mango, lychee, rambutan. There is a list of alternatives but still quite miserable. Gotta tahan another 2.5 months.
Hihi.. I guess I missed the baby fair but never mind, they always come & go. Now NTUC also has promotion for some baby diapers from 1-14 Dec. I’m using petpet for my daughter as I think it’s quite good. If you have Maybank credit card, there’s also 5% cash rebate at NTUC.

Butterwaffles, you were on crutches 2 weeks b4 delivery? Oh I hope it doesn’t get so painful. Yes I agree.. do shopping and some clearing up now, while we still can do so more easily :p

Jascmy hope you are getting better & wish for good power sleep for you.. though may be interrupted but still sufficient..
Hazel, I have v bad rashes it's call 'puppp' - it's short form. Juz spoke to my aunt, it may bb due to Reno dust at my office. Docs say it's juz pregnancy rash and I m not resting well. It will clear up once I deliver. Work stress is ok. Used to it. My bosses r nice. Next could b family stress.
Hi mummies, can advise which detergent brand you use to wash baby clothes? Is pigeon brand good or is there any better brand? And any recommendation on which brand of the firming cream is good for the body especially on the bust area after birth. Thanks.
is so difficult to sleep well at night now. if not for the toilet break will be all sorts of weird funny dreams! haiz.. maybe the body is preparing us of the sleepless nights when bb is born...
Hope all goes ok for u and ur baby and ur baby's weight will shoot up soon. My baby's slightly bigger, just hit 1kg at 27.5weeks, abt 40percentile, gynae said just target for baby to hit 2kg by 34weeks. My #1 was also a light weight, no amt of durian or maternal milk or carbs increased her weight, all went to me instead =p
Cxling, I bought 2 brands of bb washing powder. Pigeon brand at $9.90. Ex! Bought another cheaper brand, can't remember the brand now, also washing powder, at $5.90. Giant & Seng siong both carry. Going fwd will buy this brand as easier to buy, I find both similar.
cxling: I just bought pigeon detergent today. Mrs Wong from the antenatal class at TMC says its a better brand than Kodomo?

Are you all buying liquid detergent? Mrs Wong says the bottles can use our normal mama lemon to wash, but clothes definitely must use bb detergent.
Catherine, yes, the pupps will clear up after delivery.. I hv seen b4 on my pregnant colleagues. Some will get it. Quite common. Your Mood can be caused by pregnancy too. This time I m lucky, not emotional at alll.. Last yr, when I was pregnant, I was always crying! Try not to think too much. Do things u enjoy & will make u happy ok.
Hazel, so u got your boots milk bags from your friend?

Now that you mentioned about breast milk storage, I realized I can’t remember all these details. The converter for avent bottles to fit medela pump is only because medela pump is for those bottles with smaller circumference right? The avent bottles are the wide-neck kind right?

Hazel & soul, what would alert the gynae to order glucose test? If we fail the urine test is it?
Rocco, I use powder instead of detergent. The latter give more soap sub. Yes, mrs Wong said can use mama lemon to wash bottles. But I still prefer those meant for bb. Bought the vegetables n fruits wash.. Think is pigeon brand also.
Anticipating, I asked my friend n sister to buy for me when they went bkk. Boots is a USA brand but bkk sells. The bkk airport itself has a pharmacy. Is always out of stock at bkk city.

Generally, to ft the breast pump, the bottles must be of the same brand as the pump. My friend told me for medela pumps, nuk bottles are the next best fit as medela bottles r ex. But avent bottles r v popular with mummies. Avent converter looks like this: http://www.drugstore.com/avent-breast-pump-conversion-kit/qxp149884?catid=182621

Avent bottles r wide neck n easier to put milk powder inside when bb starts drinking formula milk.

Bbs till abt 6 mths use 5 Oz bottles. Medela pump will come with 4 such free bottles. I hv another 2 5 Oz avent bottles that came free from the sterilizer. So, I intend to get another 3 8 Oz medela bottles fr drugstore as cheaper than SG. Can use them as milk storage for a start. Later can use to feed bb when she drinks more.

There are a few factors for gynae to order GD test. First family history. My gynae asked me on day 1 when I m preg if I have a family history of diabetic. 2nd is, bb is big for the gestational age. Mummies with GD have big bbs. 3rd is, mummy fails the urine test at dr's visit.
Hazel - Thanks for the info on boots milk bags, u mean aft conversion its abt S$5.70 per box?
My edd on the scan photos also varies quite a lot think depending on the size of the bb. My gynae also told me to ignore saying edd will never change.

cxling - I bought tollyjoy bb detergent and bb accessories/veg cleanser as recommended by my gf. But i think pigeon brand is also highly recommended. Was thinking of trying out the cheaper one first if not suitable then buy the pigeon brand :p

Have u mummies started washing bb clothes already? Is it too early if i start washing now? Am afraid will collect dust?
Happytomato, yea after conversion, 1 box is S$5.70 in bkk. It looks like this: http://www.boots.com/en/Boots-Maternity-Breastmilk-Storage-Bags-40-Pack_25403/

Your edd on photo varies quite a lot is earlier or later than the original edd? I hv started washing the clothes by batches. After they r dry, I will fold them n keep inside clean n new zip lock bags before keeping them away in the drawers. So, wun collect dust at all. Buy the zip lock bags from housing estate shops. V cheap & a few sizes for u to chose from. Small items like mittens & booties, can put in small bags.

Actually, not much time left coz dun forget cny is coming... So better start in batches..
re: cleansing detergent for baby bottles etc.
I used both tollyjoy & pigeon before and i personally prefer tollyjoy

re: washing bb clothes
I use the Kodomo one, green packaging. Machine wash them. I just fold up and put inside the cupboard, hah. I haven't started thou cos i haven't finished packing my boy's clothes. Some nice mummies want to pass their gals' clothes to me too so i will wash all at one go. I'm still struggling with packing my house for CNY. If not packed properly, how to spring clean?....

catherine, i suffer from PUPPP as well. The previous round, i was prescribed with steriod cream (elomet) and i only have cold showers. Sometimes it itches so bad i wake up at 4am to bathe in cold water. Most of the itchy areas bled too, leaving numerous scars. My #1 is turning 2 soon and the scars are still there. I know asking you try not to scratch is probably useless. I use cetaphil body cleanser and lotion, and wear long sleeve tops and pants to sleep rite after i apply the lotion. I got the long sleeved cardigans from cotton on and i buy L size leggings. The last round of PUPPP was so bad, my gynae gave me HL. This round, i find that im better at managing the PUPPP. But my legs, especially my hips and buttock areas are still very much suffering. I just hope it wont hit my bra area. I couldnt wear my bra the last round. It hurts too much. Take good care of yourself....

Annticipating, yeah i was given clutches before i delivered. I started my ML early too as i found it too tiring and painful to move around so i started my ML the week of CNY. My husband was working so i moved around using the clutches. But as luck would have it, i delivered on the first day of CNY. I find my pelvic bone pain much better now, after trying to get on all fours as much as possible. It really helps thou i must say towards the end, nothing will help much. Just gota tahan....

soul108, oh so you are a sweet mummy
This GD thingy can really get one down. My gynae said the same thing about no durain, lychee, rambutans etc.

momobb, im confused after reading your post. So how huh? How else to confirm whether its GD or not?

That means we pump directly into Avent milk bottles, then feed directly from it?

I scared the process of transferring fr milk bags to milk bottles will have germs lei..
Or i too paranoid???
Chilli, if u hv alot of milk for storage in fridge, does it mean u are going to buy many bottles? yes, to ur question.
Hi All, thread moving so fast, need time to catch up from last few days. hahaha.

Jas-hope you are having a good rest at home. How long is your HL?

Hazel- I got 4 medela bottles from the kit and able to inherit 6other hospital glass bottles from my friend. For a start, would this be enough to last for first 3 months? Was thinking of latching on if I will be at home most of the time.
For the milk bags-can we thaw them in a bowl of warm water cause putting in the fridge overnight seem to take very long.
I personally din like the milk bags leh. Found that it's too messy to transfer. Plus I dunno abt other milk bags, but the medela ones that I used can only store like 180ml, and I usually pumped 240ml. I don't want to mix different batches together so end up always have to warm many bags for 1 feed. Then sometimes the frozen milk expanded and leaked out the the bag, then haveto throw away for hygiene purpose. Plus I also feel bad using and throwing away so many plastic bags... For my #1 I used the avent bpa free cups, can store 240ml, just enough for 1 feed so much less hassle.
Boots milk bags for $5.70 in BKK is cheap! Think the online spree conducted in SMH sells the Boot milk bags for $10? Going ahead wif my BKK holiday during Christmas break-will buy some if strongly recommended! Anyone who wants to "tongpang", can let me know-I can bring more back. ehehehe.
NC- for Avent bpa free cups, can baby drink directly from the cups or we still need to transfer to the milk bottles?
Jen, same principle for thawing frozen milk in bottles. Yes, put in warm water or room temp water thaw faster?

I have following items for sale:

1. BRAND NEW Pigeon wipes with casing (multiple): $4.90
Usual: $7.90

2. BRAND NEW Tommee Tippee 0-3m Pacifier (x1): $4

3. BRAND NEW Pigeon Milk Bottles (x1): $13 each
Wide Neck, Peristaltic Nipple, BPA Free, 240ml

4. PRE-LOVED Organza Cloth for Maternity Shots: $8
White with Shimmer, 3M long, Used only once.

Collection at Sengkang MRT.
Pls email me at [email protected] for photos.
Hey Serene,

No need to transfer yet, cause as Hazel mentioned, may sometimes be out of stock. I will grab if available and then let you know when I'm back.
Jen, buy at boots pharmacy at airport on your way bk if the city pharmacies r out of stock. So far, no such prob at bkk airport. U may want to get some disposable breast pads too. Also v cheap.

Hi butter waffles, thcfor cheering me on. Yes my buttock and legs r horrible. Not forgetting my stomach. Tomolo will c gynae and c what she says. I juz came out of shower and I feel v itchy!!
