(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hi Mommies!
So happy today! today's scan went well & doc is very sure it's a girl!! Juz like chewie said, doc says can see 3 lines, its definitely gal liaoz! Haha! My hubby eyes big big looking at the screen juz nw! Act cool earlier say no need so gan chiong see gender! Lol!

Planet, really? We hv same edd! Thx for updating for me. Do you mind updating that my baby will be a girl ? Woohoo ! Can start shopping liao! :-D
GG my nausea not that bad lei altho mine's a girl. It got real bad during week 12...i vomitted nothing where earlier juz feel nausea. Now its gone and getting hungry every 2-3hrs!
Babyfaery, like u I walk a lot in office up and down. Probably ppl dun kmow I m pregnant. And I can walk faster than non-pregnant. If dun walk fast, I will b late for meetings ..... My boss warn me not to walk fast but I can't control

My advise to u is dun scold ppl.I have to do that in office and my baby will give me pain. Once on mc the other time pain until I was so scare rush to gynae... My little fellow is disciplining me!

I have skip lunch b4 not advisable pls eat some bread or twk fruits
Tks chewie!

Sweetcorn, lucky u then! For me I kinda suspected gal as the symptom v different from no 1. My boy I v little ms, this one I puke like mad and just dun feel as well. Think sine mummies here also experience the same. My mum says she like dat last time also. Was v happy when doc told me yesterday! Can start drinking more soya bean without worries liao. Hubby keep pestering me to start my weekly birdnest!
Babyfaery,I ever walk up and down the office during my early 3rd tri one day for my #1 cos of a big project that I'm doing. Walk up and down checking the status.
Then next day I have red spotting and admitted to KKH and was told might have prematured labour cos can detact contractions. Lucky in the end every went back to normal. I was on hospitalisation leave for 2 weeks. When I went back to office, my Manager dare not ask me walk around liao. He say he will do the walking. Hehee...
So u better don walk so much. Must sit and rest after 1hr of walking.
HI everyone, been reading silently last few days...
Envious of those who alr know bb gender...
Hope my gynea can tell me the gender tmr when i see him. My detailed scan is in 2 weeks time.

I am so bored these days. dunno wat to do.. feeling sad.... thinking that my life is such a bore... but i guess it's just the hormones.... Really need to do something to cheer myself up...
jus visited gynea 2 days ago due to v bad gastric cramps

do you girls still get gastric and bloatedness?
mine is quite bad =(

during the scan baby refused to open leg.. totally cant tell the gender..

hopefully ill get to know during the detailed scan..
2 weeks to go too!
Babyfaery> It is proven in many tests that when we are feeling different emotions, we pass on those emotions to the baby via the hormones we release. Try to relax, keep your temper and don't shout so much cos u'll startle the baby.. if your job really really demands it, at least every now and then try to spend some time doing deep breathings, and talk to the baby at night? When we are relaxed, the baby is relaxed too. Saw this in a tv program on bbc. They actually scanned the bb's brain activities and saw that agitation disturbs the baby, whereas doing relaxing breathing techniques calm the baby down.

serene> Cheer up! tomorrow can see bb again! =) Most prob can see gender!! Remember to drink something sweet half an hr before appt! =) And dont pace up and down the gynae's office before your appt or u will rock the baby to sleep! =)

sweetcorn> congrats on your little princess. =)

ging3r> no gastric history for me. bloatedness is getting better.. still cant eat alot but i dont feel so xinku after meals like in first tri. hope your gastric get better soon.
serene> I also have this sad feeling... especially night time n some time cannot sleep...actually nothing but my mind just very negative lor. I very scare not sure hv any depression. talk to hubby, he said i think too much...
#3 a boy again.. Ah, my #1 keep saying meimei thought sure meimei.. heng heng is Didi again -faints-

hopefully 7yrs later ttc will get a girl
Hi serene, dun think so much. Life is not bored with bb around... Though u will feel u r v restricted to what u can do. I wish I can have more time to rest and relax with my bb unfortunately I cannot. U can read, listen to music, talk to baby, think of how u want the nursery room to b like. I greet my bb gd morning everyday and tell little fellow to cooperate. My little fellow does listen and help me.

Ging3r, I do have occasion gastric and v bad bloated stomach. Gastric bcos I was too tired to eat haha... Bloated when I intake any milk, soya, cold water. I was told I have wind in my stomach too. Gynae recommend me to drink ginger water. Now I avoid those food that I can't intake and avoid eating too full. Strangely my little fellow allow me to eat more at home than outside. Esp if my husband cooks I could eat double the portion than I eat in office that's y I tell ppl my little fellow loves dad more than mum nd whenever I have ms my husband will tell little fellow to cooperate and ms disappear hahahaha wish next sat comes faster so I can confirm if little fellow is a gal
Thanks for the advice.. I try not to shout so much. I realised when I shout and scold ppl, my tummy will cramp abit.. but luckily event over tml! Hope all goes well, then I can rest.. very scared leh.. hope baby guai guai.. wonder if i shd go chk up on sat aft my event..haha.
Planet: yeah, i wil try the sweet stuff idea..

Al: negative tots... i avoid those dramas with not nice story.. YThink i shd go watch smurf and johnny english to cheer myself up. All these silly tots are just nonsense... must overcome.. u go watch johnny english too. seems a dumb and funny show..
Catherine: i have a #1, 16 mths old at home. the boredom sets in after 10pm after he sleeps. prior to that, i play with him. He entertains me.
Serene, ai yo after 10pm juz soak yr feet into warm water relax and rest early. Yes smurf is a nice movie I kept laughing non stop.
Hey everyone. Hope everyone's doing fine. Just wanna ask if anyone start to fret about which baby items to get, like the kind of strollers, baby cot, milk pumps, bottles, etc?
Blucryst, I started preparing when I was week 8. Part of the reason was hubby was overseas and things were cheaper. The other reason was my mum was v anxious. 60%of the things were ready when I was week 10. Now juz need to buy stroller, breast pump, diapers.. For car seat we will wait for bb to b born and c how bb react to bb seat. Cot- decide bb will sleep with us.
Aiyo i just heard from a colleague that her gynae told her girl at 18weeks, but when she did the week 20 scan, it turns out to be a boy! same goes to the other colleague! i think i better not start shopping for pink....skali come out boy....then i sure headache...thk i buy neutral color...
Thanks planet! :D

GG, i think different body differnt ms conditions hor? dont worry too much, it will be over soon!

KWXY, u ok now with the cramps?
20 weeks Detail Scan done! LiTTLe MuNcHin confirm Boy...
BB growing well, weight at 382g and naughty during scan that Doc commented BB very active :p
Lynn, congrats!. So u can start shopping liao.

Feeling more and more disappointed with our Singaporeans everyday when I'm taking the train. Only those needy ppl will give up their seats to other needy ppl. Those "handicapped" ppl only knows how to ignore, play games or sleep. Haiz!!
Sweetcorn, I will wait till amnio result come out as it will also 100% confirm gender( DNA) then I buy. Some clothes gender neutral I can still recycle
My boy last time infant clothes I buy mostly white one.
Catherine, just to share it's good to start bb on infant car seat from as young as possible. We start using from day 5. Reason is to make them take it as a given. Once they get used to being carried, can b tough to put them into infant seat le. My boy is so used to it we had no prob till now putting him in car seat and he sits alone behind. Me and hubby sits in front and he is ok.
Morning all!

Clara> I removed you le. Hope all is well with u.

Catherine> You mean bb will sleep in your bed from day one? Is that possible without accidentally squashing bb? And you're not getting a CL? Sorry for all the questions, this is new to me!

Lynn> Congrats!!

BluCryst> I started looking at the big items like stroller, cot, breastpump in abt week 12. Partly excited and partly to shortlist the items first, then can slowly recce the price at the different sales. Other smaller items like those on the " baby shopping list" I think I will all buy from Cheong Choon in the two months or so. Heard from friends that their price is one of the cheapest and service is good. Plus they do delivery too. If you want, u can break up the list and get them individually, maybe can save even more.. but I feel that a one-stop place is easier. http://www.cheongchoon.com/Checklist . Note that u DONT have to buy everything on the list! =)

I'm so glad it's friday! So looking forward to the weekend! =)
Morning mummies!!

Am gg 19 weeks and do you feel aching or mild pain ard tummy or lower tummy....hmmmm....I dunno how to describe leh. Not too comfortable.
Catherine: Wow, u really start preparing really early. Things like stroller and breast pump are also not easy to decide which to get. So many different kinds and brands around.

Planet: I started looking online recently and realised there's so many different things out there. Have a hard time deciding which to get. The link you provide is very useful. I went to Kaki Bukit couple of weeks ago to check out the price and stuffs. Wow strollers can really be expensive.

KWXY: I also feel some discomfort sometimes, then I start to worry is it because I did something streneous or did I strain myself. Every now and then I will start scaring myself
Hi everyone, hope everyone is fine. Its been a long time since i log in. I think I am Kiasu, i got some toys and a stroller for my BB when I went on a business trip recently.
BlueCryst> Best to get advice from mummy frens. I'm sure we dont need every item on the list, yet we dont want to be caught in a situation where we are in confinement and something is missing! =)

Haro maxiblur. Which brand of stroller did u get? =)
Hi gg lee, I saw in the forum there were ppl selling the car seat cos it din fit the baby or baby cry. Yup I will take yr advise and talk to my hubby.

Hi planet, my mum is doing my confinement. We will buy something like a mould for the baby to sleep in. Of cos I scare bb is quashed. That's y my husband has to rearrange the furnitures when bb is born. Most likely I will sleep with bb and husband will sleep on the floor haha. I heard from older frens that it's not easy to dispose their cot. That's y they told me not to buy. Besides baby will b supervised by me during my maternity leave and after that infant care centre. So the time bb spend at home is v little. Thats y frens told me dun buy. C how la mayb bb can't get used to sleep with us we will get a bed

Blucryst, haha u will b surprised how much I have done for this little fellow. I guess I will buy breast pump in dec ( post Xmas sales), hubby only want to buy stroller in late Jan... So far he is surveying the strollers in the shops
Catherine> I see i see. Wow I dont think my hubby will be able to sleep on the floor! Have u considered those playpen cot? Can raise the level to sleep, lower level to play, and can fold and keep for #2.
Planet, of cos my husband will sleep on a mattress on the floor. Hmmmm no 2? Dun dare to think . Time and cost r big factors. Playpen my frens asked me how long i will stay at home to let the kid enjoy... Probably on weekends only so they ask me to let my little fellow play on mattress. I will c how. I scare little fellow will fall leh or climb out of playpen or cot. See how we have to monitor little fellow
Catherine: Hehe, I guess first time parents like us are very anxious and wants the best for our baby.

I've got friends whose child grow bigger and slept with the mummy on the bed. And because of space restriction, the husband either slept on the floor or at the end of the bed, perpendicular to where the child and mummy is sleeping.
Hi gg, he sure ok one la he will do anything to sacrifice for his little darling. Probably we may sleep in different rooms. I dun want bb to sleep in aircon room whereas he must have his aircon.

Anyone can tell me whether should let bb sleep in aircon rooms? I have different school of thoughts from frens I spoke to.
Catherine, haha your hubby so pamper ur bb already. The only time my hubby sleep floor is the before our wedding, when new bed was set up and groom cannot sleep on it yet till wedding day

My bb sleep in his own aircon room from day 1. First mth got confinement lady. After dat he on his own. He din wan to land in a situation where we got no more couple time la so we prefer to put bb separate. But hor now dat he is 2, he will still find his way to our room when he wakes up!! Lol!

Catherine, air-con is bad for Bb's lungs. And its too cold for them too.
I think your hubby will sacrifice the air-con too when bb is born. Since he can sleep on mattress. Jus like my hubby. Before #1 born, I have to sleep in air-con room everyday cos hubby can't live without it. Once Bb born, he promised to only on for 2 to 3hrs and will switch it off. He complained that he very warm and sweat a lot but he won't on it again. There was only once he can't take it and went other room to sleep. Hahaa...
