(2012/02) Feb 2012

Serene(moon); expensive consultation also chop chop 5 mins but waiting time super long. Avg 1hr. He breakdown that is ard 15 visit so it's cheaper than walk in. How cm yrs so cheap? My don include medication. He's normal delivery charge iis $1200 and pay upfront .

Butterwaffles; usually mommies deliver +2/-1 weeks. Hardly on exact day. For c-sec is deliver early and can chose auspicious date. For me if 2 wks early, will be during cny and my cl don do cny. So pray hard bb don pop early. Cl already told me her next yr rate is 2.2k after cny. So more I extend one more mth cos maid going back. $$$$ fly away.
Hi, my package is $600 with Dr Benjamin Tham. Starts from week 12. That covers ard 10-11 visits
hi ladies, is soul mummy here. i will like to ask if anyone of you buy ASOS maternity dinner dress online?
i'm wondering what's the right size to get when our bump gets bigger during later part of our pregnancy. can anyone advise me on this? should we get the same size as pre-preggy or one size bigger? thanks!
Soul mummy, I got a size bigger. Should be able to last till late in the pregnancy as my tummy wasn't that big when I had #1. but just a note. For all the clothes I ordered from asps, the color ran. So remember to wash them separately the firs time to check if their color runs
birdbrain: thanks! i will need to wear it when i'm about to enter 3rd trimester. hopefully wun get too fat. its polyester material, not stretchable. i was uk6/8, now scared if get uk10 will be too loose for those kinda dress not.
Serene(moon) ; I check back to my no 1 record although it says 15 visits but actual only 10. But no choice since decide not to change dr now. Anyway will be 2nd and last. Surprised that the fees different my is double still no supplements. Your gynea young or old? My is quite old abt to retired. Maybe he benchmark his rates against those senior doc .

So far but on 2kg for 19 weeks. Hope can be in target 12kg.
My tummy this 2 week keep growing bigger n bigger... scary le....got ppl ask "very soon can give birth liao", har only 18+wk le

kwxy, hi five
Dr Tham is truly my favourite gynae (i've seen 3 before). He doesnt jijiao over the number of visits as well, at least for me, when i had to turn up at his clinic unannounced, no prior appts, for a few times for drips. He scans every single time. He has only 1 request from me: try not to deliver on the first day of CNY!
i dont think history will repeat itself...hah. $600 from week 12 is alot cheaper compared to his rates at KKH pte suite. But TMC medications and supplements are much more exp than KKH.
Butterwaffles, dr Ben Tham is fr KKH previously. He left last yr or the yr b4, cant remember now. So much of pp who complains on KKH drs. :p I saw him once for a specialized test he did for me. He is indeed a v nice chap!
Hi Mummies,

Sorry for the interruption. I am a Jan '11 mommy who is letting go of a brand new lucky baby playmate (with pictures of animals printed on it)at $25. Orginal price was $30.

Also letting a baby swimming tub( used only 3 times) at $45. Bought in March '11 at $70. Self collect at CCK MRT or delivery can be arranged at $5.

Do PM me if interested. Price still negotiable. Thanks for reading.
Dr Tham is indeed v good! He is also very tactful with the choice of words to use on nervous mummies, and he always make me feel at ease with his presence.

Yes, his package is very reasonable
Theres a time I need him to write me a letter just to make sure I can fly for my work. And he told the nurse to inform me that I dont hv to waste $$ on consultation on him, so just collect the letter from the nurse and go. When I reached there, he still made an effort to ask me to go in to see him and in the end did a short scan just make sure everything its ok before I depart. Very sweet doc
Hello mummies,

It's been a while...so busy and getting hungry easily these days. I'm in my 17 weeks. but people say my tummy small can't see esp when i wear loose clothing.

I put on 2kg more than my pre-preg weight now .
I heard the ideal / healthy weight gain is abt 12-15kg, is that true?
If so, that means gain 2-3kg each month...since i have 5mths+ to go...

Time flies man...can't wait to see my beanie this Wed!
Hi Tay, my hubby also...he said to me, why so gan chiong to know gender? wait the doc see inaccurately then later disappointed and buy wrong color how? ask me to be patient and wait for results of detailed scan at week 20....haiz...excited mah....wan to go shopping :p
Morning all, my msia friend also told me that JB ppl are coming to sg to buy our things cos its quality better esp the milk powder. Don knw y we sg are going to JB to buy.

AL, my also grown a lot. Yesterday my elder SIL say I will give birth before my young SIL (28weeks). Cos my tummy bigger then her. Touchwood, and choy lah!!! Keep saying 7mth bb very intelligent. Touchwood and choy choy!!! After seeing my niece and nephew (7mth Bbs)suffered so much in the hospital for mths with all the tubes on them and so small in size (only 1kg when born), I very heartpain leh. Health is more impt loh. I wan a full term bb!
hazel, i was with Dr Tham when he was at KKH lor. That's how i get to compare his rates. Couldn't believe my eyes when he emailed me his new rates, i thought that's very reasonable, since he was considered a senior consultant at KKH. But i know that TMC, no such thing as senior or not lar. He left KKH in year 2010...a few months after my boy was born.

kwxy, Dr Tham now has much more time to attend to us. Last time at KKH, it was difficult for him as he has evening clinics to go to as well. So he was practically working nonstop. My consultations with him at KKH were always 5mins. He tried not to rush but it's difficult to ignore the pile of files on his table, all waiting for him de lor. So it was always helo, scan, ok any Q? No? See you in 4 weeks! It's madness. And don't expect to see him visit you if you are hospitalised for whatever reason, he just doesn't have the time to. He will know you are warded but he won't be able to visit. He visited me twice a day when i was at TMC. With him, baby & you are in absolute good hands
Have you decided on whether you will deliver at TMC or Mt A? I'll be going Mt A, his nurse booked for me already. She told me no need to pay anything at this stage so just book first. But i've not decided on how many bedder i want, as it's still quite early now.
jascmy, tummy bigger doesn't mean anything i think. I think it just means the waterbag is bigger. Never mind what others say...and really, babies choose their own birthdays, it's not up to us
Just be more careful esp when you are in the 3rd tri i guess. I've heard that extreme fatigue & stress adds on the to the possibility of premature births. It's important to take it easy....
butterwaffles, Thanks. I jus want to complained abt her here and forget abt it. Cos I can't stand her mouth liao. Keep saying negative things on me. I think its my fats increasing and not the waterbag. Cos I realy eat a lot now. My SIL can't eat much loh.
Butterwaffles, how accurate is the bb's length crown to rump measurement after 2nd tri? I see the one on length that provides an average. My bb was like 2cm behind but when I asked my gynae, he said growth is gd. M confused.. A sister's bb was even one cm longer than mine though hers scan was a wk earlier.. We are due only 2 days apart...
Good morninag all!!

hazel> before & after put on about 5kgs only le.
jascmy> ya... big tummy very difflicult to sleep le. beside that, i also can feel bb kicking me very pain. and bb size also growing big. i very scary big bb cos will more painfull during birth.
Hazel, when my#1 sugar level all the while ok, last month check up for this #2 also ok. but maybe last week eat alot raisin (very sweet). if like that, i must control myself. But some time dinner I can eat 2 plate ...so sinful
My weight also keeps increasing now though I nv increase food in take.. I din take alot of sweet stuff also.. Same as previously.. Durian n moon cakes I dare not even touch!
Hi, I am selling away the Haenim play yard to clear space
1) 6 panels Haenim Normal Play Yards (Blue and Red design) to let go at $65*
Consist of the following :
• 1 Activity (Normal) panel
• 2 Doors
• 3 Plain panels

Condition is 6.5/10

* Buyer may want to buy replacement parts+:
• Suction pads (A few have dropped off due to wear and tear )
• Bear stickers (Decorative purposes only, buyer can leave out if there is a budget) Optional
• Mirror sticker (Not reflective, buyer can leave out if there is a budget) Optional

Self collect. Interested buyers may email to [email protected] for viewing.

+Replacement parts can be purchased from SMH Bulk purchase spree:
Good morning mummies! Hope everyone had a restful weekend!

Sweetcorn> I can see your details on the chart. Is it Dr Chow at Raffles Hospital?

Soul mummy> ASOS sizes can be quite unpredictable. The sizes run big and small. I'm usually sz 8 for bottoms but the maternity pants and shorts I bought in sz 10 both turned out too big. :S But then again, if you are planning to wear in third trimester then it's probably ok. For me, my theory is, if it's too big still can alter smaller, but if its too small then xiao liao. :p

Al> You really look pregnant! Envious! My tummy is still flat.
Went for a relatives gathering over the weekend and everyone was like, how come u still so small.

KWXY and HappyMom> How are u guys doing? Got bump oredi? Your dates and age are close to mine and also first child. =) My appetite is slowly going back to normal.. no more fussy about food. But my stomach has shrunk I think, I can't seem to eat my usual one portion..
I'm very panic now. Cos I can't find any CL. One of my friend's recommendation is aldy booked. Waiting for 1 to call back cos not at home and 1 from my colleague who promise to give me today but in the end nvr come office.
Hi jascmy, try posting in the nov and dec2010 page and ask the mummies there for help. Maybe they can pass their CL contacts to you.
Any mummies know where i can get thermal wear for 1.5yrs?

1st holiday with baby and I just realised that it will be quite cold at about 5 to 17 degrees only.

Any advise what else i need to prepare?
Hi Planet,
No bump yet stil flat....only in the evening bloted then a bit bump out...haha!
Doc say is ok only wil start show in 5th month!
Al tummy indeed super big! reali like those in 7th mths onwards liao...envy envy...
happymontobe and planet, we envy you leh. Big tummy no good. Will have stretchmarks and difficulties in sleeping and moving around. And also ppl laugh at me say I 7mths or going to give birth liao.
I took out my previous pregnancy shoes to wear and can't fit in anymore. Too small. Just went to buy new shoes and guess what, I bought a shoes that 3 size bigger than my usual size. Scary!!!
Hello planet!!!

Yes...bump showing and can't wear all bottoms...cos v tight. Planning to get some stretchable pants to Last me to the last trim. And my butt, tighs and tummy v itchy!!

I eat well now...no more nausea but I can't eat much now...1/2 to 3/4 got to stop le. But still love fruits!!! Those cold cold ones....I'm craving for more now! Went to buy some sweet and juicy pears! Can't wait to eat them while cold! Haha
jascmy> your foot also bigger so fast!r u sure 3 size bigger?? my foot still can fit old shoe... maybe next month cannot fit liao...cos can see a bit expend. i think 2nd or 3rd preg. is like that big tummy
so heavy.

Planet> no matter big or small as long as bb growing well most important. I got big tummy my bb got more space inside, also kick me here n there very noughty.
HappyMomToBe> r u in FB MTB group also? alot mummies due in Feb but don't know who is who... don't envy big tummy, more suffer in backpain & night time can't sleep well
hi Al, yes i in Fb too....i send u a msg....haha talking bout sleeping, since my tummy flat i can still sleeping with tummy down! talk to doc he say is fine, coz bb got amniotic fluid to care n v wont press o hurt it! n slowly when tummy big we wont b able to sleep wif tummy flat down...
jenny> after saw yr post...immediately check my FB. Ya received yr msg
hehee...i seldom go FB... once go there need spend more time on FB
AL, I also got a shock leh. I asked for 1 size bigger, can't fit. Only can fit till I asked for 3 size bigger. Don knw wat happened. I can still fit into my slippers leh and my previous working shoes. Jus changed to flat shoes today and can't fit liao.
jascmy> yr foot got any swollen? eat too much salt will make our leg swollen...it not good. this happen in my 3rd Tri cos eatedn too much :p like dinasour
AL, I'm aldy a dinosaur now. Hubby keep calling me dinosaur too. I also don knw cos my leg is aldy fat, so I nvr notice is it fat or swollen. Got one friend say my legs are swollen loh. I hav been either eatting outside food and MIL food, sure high in salt. NO choice. Previous pregnancy still have time to cook dinner every nite. Now too busy liao. No time to cook.

now still early le about 4-5 months already swollen...must be careful. normally start on 3rd Tri. I think drink some reb bean soup or cook brown sugar (add something for soup) help to reduce the swollen. some time i just love to eat n eat cannot control myself, if we don't control...end up we ourself suffer the pain.
