(2012/01) Jan 2012

Hi welen,

Dun worry , at least you have dilated .. 1week more to go who knows by then is already 4cm or so. Best of luck , I be seeing my gynac this fri again and see if i have good news too. Enjoy a happy Chinese new year first...

Hi Wen, marie, welen,

i'll be admitting tonite after midnite. Went for gynae check around 4pm, bb engaged but no dilation. Amniotic fluid decreasing, gynae suggested i go for induction le. She doesn't encourage me to delay and suggested me to induce on my EDD date 20/1/12. She did a vagina swipe for me and say okie you are ready, altho i did asked her she says no dilate, but when i admit tonite they will put a pill in my vagina to soften the cervix (this medicine will take effect within 6hrs) then by 8am gynae will come and break my waterbag. Then they will start with induction. I'll opt for epidural for sure. So tonite will be spending the nite in my ward. Actually I'm quite scared, anyway hb will be staying with me overnite.
Thank u mummies for yr reassurance.. I m hoping that bb will be ard 3 kg by next week.. Cos my mil kept saying that i do not eat enuff tts y bb is small ;( but i have been eating every 3 hrs hahaha.. I shall plump up bb by eating durians n maternal milk..

Jiayou Chris!
Serene123: I help SoulMummy trim before her delivery. It's better in my opinion.

Welen: depends on each person. SoulMummy dilate 1cm in morning. At night 2cm and by morning 5am already 6cm.

Chris: congrats and safe delivery!
Hi wen,

I did not engage cl. As I heard it's quite ex during cny. My mum will be helping me out to look after baby n me. Dun think I will be on strict confinement rules. I think I will shower n wash my hair. It has been so hot. N I will try not to eat so much after baby is borned. Need to get rid of the 20kg.

Hi chris,

Jiayou and be brave
let us know when you have deliver. Which hospital are you staying in? Must be having lots of mixed feeling now....

Seems like I am the last to deliver on 31st Jan.

Wen is next week.
Hi welen,

You are going to be induced on the 4th days of Chinese new year. How are you feeling now? Excited? You and wen almost the same, she also next week.

For me it's 31st Jan tentatively.
Hi Chris,
We got the same edd. Mine is on 20 jan as well but i opt without induction till the latest day gynae can allow. U can do it!! I guess by now you are in hosp. Take care ya! Do update us.

Hi wen,
I hope by then dilated enough. Im worried as i will be overdue by then. Must rest before deliver as no CL to help me. It really cost us double the normal price. Hopefully you will go through normal birth. You'll never know these few days cervix will open!

Hi Marie,
You confirmed going csect? Not gonna try normal first? I also need to get rid of 20kg. Put on so much eversince pregnant. Hopefully massage and bf works wonders.
Hi Chris, all e best n wish u a safe delivery

Hi Marie, my edd also 31jan though might b early, which hospital u delivering?

Had been real stress @ work n home, keep losing weigh, juz had my check yesterday, bb also lose weigh :p but still above avg @ 3.2kg in wk 38 (quite glad to hear tat actually, concern abt delivering too big bb :p). Doc offer me e choice 2 induce due to me not gaining weigh but intend 2 wait it out after cny, hope all will b well :p
Hi mummies,
I passed out the mucus plug this morning but contractions are still bearable so am going to doc's clinic later. Does labour normally set in after this huh?
Depends.. Can take up to 1-2 days for labour too! Jia you, Medory! Ur bb is coming earlier to celebrate cny w u
I'm trying to drag till early next wk.. But who knows.. It's up to her
Anyone EDD on 30th, delivering at TMC? Any news of your baby arriving early?

I'll be visiting the gynae this afternnon, see if there is any updates.

I'm having swell in my whole body now. My colleagues says i got very bad water retention now. So sad. And my wrist pain is back again. Hope its not lack of calcium as i reduce my milk intake cos i'm afraid baby gets too big. Baby is already 3.1kg at 37weeks.
$10k for emer c section? very ex to give birth in spore. does it include claim from medisave? i looked at my bill but was really confused over it coz we paid a higher sum(estimated) during admission then when discharged, they credited back to us coz the actual amt was lower. even if they wrongly charge us, we wouldn't know.

feels gd to have a cl to see to everything including doing the marketing. though its really ex to hire one during this time, i think its worth it as i can concentrate on my recovery.

jia you!

actually there's no need to shave when u go thro natually. its more like a personal choice if the mother does it.

my wound a bit better now, the past few days i really very sian, no matter how i sit was juz not right. then when i bf bb, muz find the correct position to sit. then i very scared to go toilet to urinate. though not really painful but din like the pee to have contact with my wound yet i have to drink to have more breastmilk. i also try not to sit and lie down instead. i oso have piles, but my motion has been very smooth since my delivery n i stop applying pile cream(bought fr pharmacy), not sure if the pile is still there. will it go away by itself, do u noe? i started 5th day for post natal massage.

have a station where you can take warm water from themal flask, cool water from flask, milk power and milk bottles all in one basket so that u dun have to run to different stations to get wat u want. i left mine in the living room, all the nexessary are placed in 2 baskets, side by side. if bb cries, yes, juz let bb cry lah, dun keong jiong.

i suppose u are having "show"!. it depends, but usually if waterbag burst, then muz quickly go hosp liao. hope to hear good news fr u!

trust yr gynae, should be ok
bb's weight is still quite good.
HI Welen,

i praying hard so that i can go through normal delivery. wake up this morning by very painful contractions,whether if real or false alarm?
i already overdue by 2 days..

since you nv emply any CL, any parents(mil or mother) helping you out ?
else you will not have enough rest ...
btw, which hospital are you in ?
Hi Chris,

nice to hear from you. Wish you the best of luck, you can soon see your baby in your arms.
update us again.
Hi Marie,

You can really save a lot by not engaging CL.I had no choice,no parents willingly to do confinement for me esp CNY they busy preparing foodddd..for everyone.haiz
It costs me 3.3K to hire one. Initally i wanted to look aft the bb by myself then i can save this amount of $. But hb think otherwise..

I will still bathe and wash as usual,dun care so hot weather how to tanhan. if never wash hair i tink my hair all drop finish liao..lol.
Hi Wen 7 Marie

I am having elective cz too, my EDD is on 23 Jan, but scheduling 21 Jan for cz.... I opting for epidural in order for my hubby to be present and try to be as close to "natural" feel. My bb weighed 3.3kg last sat, still not engaged with OP position. Worse... gynae gonna go holi during CNY period...
Oh yes, does anyone knows if cz can eat fish for the 1st week? My mum and MIL are against it, but the CL m hiring asked me to stock up fish....
hi welen,

Yah I am opting for c-section. Not going to try natural. I worry I cannot do natural and later end up c-section then have to pay 10k. Plus double pain!! And I do not want to go through the labour pain. I heard sometimes it takes up to 20 hours for the bb to be delivered.

hi bianz,

I will be delivering in KKH. My EDD supposed to be 5th feb. But I opt for c-section, so gynae chosed 31st jan for me. How about you?

hi wen,
3.3k is really alot. haiz its so expensive to have children in singapore. Yah we save on the money. We used that money we save to buy baby insurance when I was wk 20plus, also costs a 2k....

hahaha which day will you be bathing and washing hair? I think I will wash my hair on the 2nd or 3rd day after delivery.
Hi Marie,

no choice leh..our baby choose this timing to come out during CNY period so everything gotta be double the price. how i wish i can save this amount and enjoy on a holiday trip to relax myself ,heee.
probably by 2nd day i will start to bathe,imagine BF bb and all body sticking.. *^*

btw, c-section can still bathe or not cos the wound is infront of the body,touch water will it be very painful?

Hi Dolphin,

i understand from my friend, if c-section cannot take chicken only. Fish should be fine, e.g salmon, cord fish (all these belongs to good nutrient fish that aids in BF).
you can stock a bit during CNY period.
Just got back from gynae, dilate half a cm and cervix is soft already..doc predict within next few days will deliver..but bb weight at 2.8kg only, so can let her stay a bit longer if possible..so shall see if I can even have my reunion dinner haha..

hkbaby, hope your gal n mine can wait a bit more together

Dolphin, my mum said cz can't have fish in first week else next time when old got fishy smell lol..but it depends on whether u believe in it or not
hi jkids,

Yah 10k for emergency c-section. Think $4k by medisave, 6 k have to be cash.

hi dophin,

which hospital are you admitted? hehe we same same we chosed c-section. means sat you going for c-section? But i chosed GA. Dun want to be awake. I am scared.

I think cannot take sheng yu. Cos the scars there will have a budging piece when heal.

hmm take pork bah....
Hi Medory / Marie / Wen
Thanks for your advice... Hmmm i intend to stock up afew cod fish and Ngoh fish. Dilemma as fish helps to produce more milk too... Btw what is sheng yu? Raw fish?
I going to Gleneagles. Ya, sat c-section, I was hoping bb engage and go for natural bt gynae said mine gonna b long and difficult labour... tendency of bb head getting stuck then need em cz... sth tt i dun want..
Medory - hope u r off work oredi as it can b anytime for u, right? What did he say? Waterbag is still intact tt's y can wait? No need to induce? When my sil has her gal in Aug, she has show on Thur n delivered on Sun. So take abt 4 days for her..

Better have ur reunion soon tonight or tmr
think for my case if I start walking or exercising bb may arrive early.. So I'm sitting ard! Yes, hope our gals can drag abit n meet up next wk
Dolphin - sheng yu is snakehead. It seems like fr most confinement fd books fish soup only start 2nd wk.. There must b a reason not sure what it is.. Mayb cos of wound.. Regular BM may not come readily in the 1st wk too, need some time to establish.. Since u r delivering this Sat, better go stock up by tmr (limited now for ngor fish) cos most fish stall last day is tmr n close for 10 days. Can also take salmon. Can use both bones n flesh to make soup with papaya.
yeah man. I went to market tis morning, already sold out, uncle asked me to go down early to buy tmr... hopefully i can get some fresh fishes...
hi wen & dophin,

Think there will be a waterproof plastic to cover the wound when we bath. Should be bah . So no worries still can bath.

shenyu is the type of fish we eaten for fish head bee hoon.

Yah should be no chicken.

I felt so heavy and so lazy to walk now.
Water bag is still intact though water getting less..he did a VE and predict bb coming out soon..today supposed to be last day of work but doc ask me to rest at home already heez..dunno issit I walked too much leh..contractions getting stronger so I dont think I can wait for next week already

I got to go stock up on food already by tomorrow..before the market close aiyoh..
Hi Marie,

you stop work already since you gg to have c-section end of the month?

i everyday hoping have some spot or waternag burst..arghhh
Btw,can any mummies tell me real labour does it comes on and off?
i been having contractions on and off since last night,sometimes it gets so intense and i try to time it seem like intervals is so close tog. try doing other activities but still the same.

i dun want to end up having braxton hinds contractions and make a trip to hospital..paiseh one
Hi Wen, when in labour, the contractions are more intense and more frequent than Braxton. But I thk if u have more and more Braxton then maybe very near to labour liao... Anyway I thk quite common that ppl go hospital when they have early signs of contractions and the nurses told them to go back but within a few days will deliver.. Happened to a few of my frens.

U will know u are in labour when the contractions are getting more and more unbearable...
Hi Sqin,

my last contractions was a week ago and i went down to gynac clinic was a false alarm .today one was more intense ,on and off . hopefully my bb can arrive these few days , very tired already because i am already overdue.
Hi Marie,

31 Jan is my EDD but actual delivery might be my next apptm on 26 Jan since doc already suggest induce yesterday, but reluctant to do so hope for bb to come @ his own time, heard tat most emerg c is due to induce 'manually' not sure how true?

anyway had heard tat delivery will be smoother during full moon, anyone heard of tat? due to water level? haa...

btw how then will there be consider emerg c & double charge, is there a time limit for one to try pushing first then opt for c without charge?

Hi Medory,
Excited for u, anytime soon already like me =p
Hi Bianz - what I understand is for some mommies induction do not necessary bring forth dilation so bb may b at risk. Thus, needs to go for emerg CS as pushing cant help. Basically, when doc felt tt the bb is at risk eg. Irregular or drop in heartbeat, he will do emerg CS. Not much choice at our end. Even natural delivery can end up emerg CS. Looks like Medory may deliver today or tmr.. Me waiting too.. Backache, waist ache n now breast also aching
Serene: The nurse helped to shave it for me before she insert catheter. Mine is normal delivery.

Medory: For me, after mucus plug is out, I started to feel contraction. Bearable for 12+ hrs then I go hospital when pain is more intense. By then, I was 5-6 cm dilated. My water bag only broke after I checked in the delivery suite.

Jkids: Good to know that ur piles do not give u problem post natal. Mine is the other way around. I think it will reduce but the "seed" is already there. So when one day, if we strain when passing hard motion, it will come back. .

Hey ask u, what are the duties of your CL? Do u have to do anything at home when she is around? i also have CL but me and hubby usually dont have helper around, so sometimes we paiseh to ask her to do smth also. Since hubby is om leave now, he help a bit chores still.

Today is day 6 after delivery and my breastmilk cannot even reach 5 ml when i pump. Only can see drip inside the pump. Any advice how to improve my milk production? My baby latch very well snd she is very persistent to latch for 1 hr. Now she is being supplemented with FM. I have eaten lots of soup, drink lots of warm water and longan tea, milk, massage but still... Feeling so sad.
Bianz, hkbaby,
Looks like I'm the first among us to pop haha..I'm pretty nervous leh..but going to have a nice dinner now n enjoy keke

delphina, thanks for sharing your experience..just now as I rest the contractions were not as frequent so hopefully can still 'dong' for a while more heez
Jkids, try getting a balloon float to sit on, it helps. I got mine at kkh pharmacy after epistomy from natural delievery. Today day 4, the stitches still hurt a bit.

Delphina, i drank a lot of brown rice tea that i got from ntuc n my bm come today on day 4 with engorgement. Currently expressing 20ml every feed. I usually unlatch my bb by puttinh
Anyway, juz to share, maybe the ducts r blocked so the milk doesnt come out easily. A nurse tell me to use hot towel to compress around the breast for 15 minutes but avoiding the nipple. Then followed by breast massage then latch or pump. My engorgement is v bad so have to do it at every hourly feed.
hi wen,

I had stopped working for 3 years le. I always sleep til 12pm since I got pregnant. Dont know why is it so tired. Maybe because my body is too heavy. i really admire those ladies that can work till the 9th month of pregnancy. Maybe younger ladies can. I abit old liao.

Since you are overdue, why dont you just go for c-section? is your body very heavy now?

hi bianz,

i think emergency c-section means that on the day of induce in the operating theatre, then half way thru gynae decided it is dangerous as the bb 's heartbeat or breathing drop, then they decided to do c-section. Thats when they charged double. Cos they tried natural delivery and c-section. I also dun know. Wen and I are having the first child. How about you?
Hi Medory,

All e best, keep us updated ya, btw someone even mention tat DBS credit card got discount offer @ mt Alvenia, but not sure applicable 2 delivery or not, ask ur hubby 2 check in case

Hv a great meal n if u can also take 2 chicken essenes heard it helps b4 ur hard work ya
Hi Marie,

Gynac say that since my bb still very active inside and bb size nt that big so can wait till 41.5 week or so then decided how.
perharps bb engaged so he feels can wait, but induce chances are low cos my bb still high.
personally,i would like to experience the journey of giving birth that why i nv opt c -section . my body still ok, can go shopping.
yes, @ mt alvenia, u 2?

good for u, at least should enjoy reunion dinner first, keeping my finger cross not to deliver too early as well, hope earliest @ edd 31jan =)
Hi Bianz,

yes..i be at mount alvernia.closer to home ...

i wish she come out latest by CNY period, dun take too long else gynac cannot wait.
Hi bianz and wen,

My baby is 3.3kg at wk 37. Think my mum feeds us with too much foods. Thats why I put on 20kg. Hi bianz how big is your baby now?

I hoped my earliest edd is 31st Jan or 1st feb. Now I also dared not walk alot. Cos they said walking will cos early delivery.

Are you ladies breast feeding? I think if breast feed, the breast will become saggy afterwhich when weaning off

How huh?
Hi wen,

I m going to buy klorane dry shampoo tomorrow. My mum really dun allow me to wash my hair for 12 days. Other than that, the rest of the confinement rules if I dun Follow, she is fine with that. Like I told her I Only eat minimum foods during confinement, she s ok. I told her I wanted to wear back my old jeans during baby 's 1st mth, so I cannot eat alot.

So do you still proceed with the washing of hair?

Hi ladies,
Feel so fustrated at this waiting game. Feel so tired and restless. I dont even feel im dilated nor do i see any slight symptoms that i am dilated further. Im also afraid i will have to go for csect and worst if at the end of the day, gotta pay 10k for both. Also i heard some get induced a few times but still will not get dilated. Is it true?
