(2012/01) Jan 2012

jingles: i never saw the epi needles b4..just dat when the doc inject into your spine..u just feel a jerk..then after dat numb liao..

haven't done cervical dilation yet..yday just do the vagina swap...
errmm its a good thing u nvr see..
if u ever seen it, u will be like me...
super paranoid of the thickness now...
the first jerk i believe is the GA jab...cos before they insert the epi needle, they will first numb the area.
i only remembered the nurse asked me to breathe in the laughing gas while the doc gave me the epi..asked me not to move too. After that no feeling liao..

wonder if my gynae will do cervical dilation check for me tmrw..cos he is away next wk. Plus i felt my bb pushing my cervix last Sunday. So worried i will go into labour contractions. Luckily i was fine the next day.
Jkids: if single bed not available and u upgrade to premier single, you need to pay premier single rate. If u dun want premier single, you might need to downgrade instead and put on waiting list.

Think epidural is wonderful. My whole labor was v smooth and totally painless. Dun feel anything at all
from inducing to giving birth, I took 5.5 hrs. If doc arrive earlier, I could have given birth in less than 5 hrs
I guess the pain will only come in after epidural effect start to ease
I started to feel some cramps these days... Are these Braxton? Wk38 liao... I a bit scared of getting into labour leh... I see like we are all getting more anxious nearing the edd.
Catherine, very gd sharing of your delivery! Very smooth and totally painless! Wow!! Hope mine will be the same as yours. Congrats and rest well =)
so super envious!
totally painless..i guess this is the dream word any mommies will hope for their delivery process.

i think they will lo...tats what my gynae did also cos he will be on leave these 2 weeks...super painful -.-
for ple who said its not pain....mine was -.-""

never mind..if we get anxious..we can get anxious together la
jingles: when my gynae checked for me for #1, not painful, just uncomfy only. The painful one is the one done by the nurse in the labour ward.

SQin: my hb warned me not to walk too much liao..he worried i go into labour..haha..
oh shitttttttttttttt
if my gynae check is uncomfortable i cant imagine the nurses de...OH DEAR!!!!!!!!!

i was wondering the check for dilation isit every check from now on???

from inducing? that means u take epi from the start ah?
Jingles: I tool epi at the start once doctor broke waterbag. That's why throughout wun feel pain. Hehe... U can request early lah...
Jingles, i also dreaded the checks but what i noticed was when i tell them to please be gentle, they pause and actually does it gently. I guess hey do it so often theyre immune to mummy's sensitivity..so asking them nicely hels
catherine, congrats & thks for sharing!!
been really really scared & worried of the pain.. i also gonna ask for epi right at the start & hope my labour will be as smooth & painless as yours!!

jkids, when's your EDD?

jingles, after poisedon & catherine, u r next in line liao? any news so far?
Poseidon and Catherine : Congrats to both of u !! Rest well and hope you recover fast !!! So happy to hear the news..

I hope the rest of us in waiting will have smooth delivery too ^*^

Sqin: I am also feel anxious like u too specially thinking abt the delivery process.
Hmm.. After epidural ease off, can start to feel pain Liao. Worse till, didn't realize I got piles until pain starts to kick in. The pain from my pile is much terrible than my stitches

But overall, glad the delivery was short and smooth
Wish all of you gd luck in your delivery
COngrats Catherine! wow.. we are all starting to count down liao... so exciting.. we have been with each other on this journey since the thread start 8mths ago.. It has been a long but good 8mths.. coming in here to talk to each other & to seek advice.. now we are in the last leg already.. very soon all of us will pop and we will start to talk about confinement & bf-ing liao.. cant wait for all our babies to be craddled in our arms! :D

Mummies, jia you!

I will be going to the gynae for the follow up check tomorrow... see what she says about my amniotic fluid.. if still low then she'll need to induce. But I'm hoping the fluid will improve & wait till 38+ week for bb to be more ready. Tomorrow I will be 37w4d. And also because I hope to go for a feast this weekend first... hahah
hi mommies

pardon for the intrusion.

if u r staying around Jurong West / Pioneer Mrt and planning to look for a nanny to babysit once u return to work, pls read on..

Wld like to recommend my ex nanny who has been taking care of my girl since she's 3mths old. We have to stop her service last mth as we finally got a place offer in the childcare center.
Our initial plan was to let my girl enrol when she turns 3YO in 2013. But CC called just few mths back to offer enrolment in Dec.

I do not gain anything by recommending. Just feel bad tat we have to stop her service early cos babysitting is part of nanny's income contribution to her household expenses. Hence was hoping to spread ard to see if she can get another baby to take care.

She's able to start after CNY 2012.

Pls PM me if you are interested and wanna understand more.. tks !
jingles: got GA jab b4 epi meh? i tot the doc just apply some numbing cream b4 the epi jet..anyway by then my contraction is more painful than the jab..so dun care liao..

anyway u can ask the doc to standby..once u feel like u cannot take take the pain anymore..ask for epi

i rem when i was in the labour ward..the nurse check for dilation..it was super uncomfortable..like they are digging for something inside...
wat a nite! totally had difficulty falling asleep!

we shall hear fr u again!

glad to know u had a smooth and short one
does piles worsen after the natural delivery due to the pushing? can share how u clean the wound? tap with clean water after every toilet visit or?

my edd is nearly end jan. same as yours?
catherine, did yr gynae do anything for the piles? push back in, operate on it, cut it off, etc etc? can take painkillers for the pain? i think i got piles problem too..

lush, good luck!! jiayou!! can have Christmas baby if induce this wkend.. nice!!

jkids, my edd is 10 jan.. muz have rem yrs wrongly.. :p
Dear mommies to be,
sorry to interrupt.

If you are deciding to breastfeed, i have a new nursing tank to let go as am not breastfeeding due to personal reasons.

Bought this tank and never worn before. Brand New!!

Letting go at $15(exclude postage)

Color: Fushia
Size: M (for bust size 34 - 36)

*Ultra cool for hot days, can be worn casually on its own or underneath a cardigan/j​acket
*Easy access for your baby; Also features one-hand release clip with drop down cups. When the cup is dropped down, there is a generous inner layer of fabric to ensure maximum coverage during feeding. This inner layer comes with a small discreet opening to allow easy feeding without feeling exposed.
*Built-in shelf bra and removable bra cups. When padding is required, just simply slip in the bra cups into the sewn pockets.
*Also incorporat​es a smooth, elastic and adjustable shoulder strap which allows for fluctuatio​n in breast size before and after nursing.
*Made of lightweigh​t cotton spandex blend, this versatile tank will surely make you look good and feel great
Congrats to Poseidon & Catherine! Haven't been coming in, so glad to see that both of you had delivered
Rest well!

anyone having bad heartburn? mine is so bad that i have problems sleeping every night, even gaviscon doesn't help
Hi ladies, I've been a silent reader in this thread for a long time, but just took time to register and post today cos' I just started to clear my AL this week to rest at home while waiting for bb's arrival.

I'm a 1st time mum, expecting a bb girl, today is 37th week, EDD 10th Jan, and hoping that baby will arrive early for schooling with the rabbits babies.

Congrats to Poseidon & Catherine too.
For all other mums-to-be, let's jia you together!
Jkids: yup, the piles worsen due to the pushing. V big and swollen after delivery, so got problem sitting down. As for wound stitches( got small tear during delivery) gynae did a gd job, I can walk around today Liao. For the wound, after each toilet visit, wash with warm water. After which, wipe dry. Dip cotton wool into antiseptic lotion and use it to clean the wound.

For my piles. After toilet visit and do above procedure, I apply the cream to reduce pain and swelling. At the same time, eat pain killers. Gynae nv push back during delivery or cut it off. So now, I got a big swollen pile
Am at the clinic close to 2hrs alr!! Doc went to do induction.. Hope she is coming back soon.

Can the doc cut the piles for us during delivery? Then means we will have another wound to take care of after delivery? But if can cut it, then it's like killing 2 birds with 1 stone... Haha!
i have piles problem too and have asked gynae to help me cut off the piles after delivery.She refused saying that the piles are at the most swollen point and if she cut it after delivery then i will be at risk of bleeding non stop which is going to be dangerous...
Hi mummies.. Im back from my gynae check. Amniotic Fluid back to normal.. AFI was 11 today, so she said no need to induce. She reckoned my MC for the past 2 days has helped and asked me to continue to monitor fetal movement and r&r more. So now its back to the waiting game! :p Also good la, then I can watch Sherlock Holmes this weekend. Heheee..

My mum say hopefully baby will automatically come out on her own this Sun. Cos its Xmas Day + 1st day of lunar calender.. Good day to deliver, haha..
Hey MTBs.. I am admitting to Mt Alvernia tomorrow for induction. 1cm dilation and gynae can feel his head alr.. somemore baby's movement is a bit lesser now and that i lost some weight so gynae suggest to induce tomorrow. At first dunnoe how to react to this sudden decision by gynae... now more clam down liao. Wish me luck!
SQin, don't worry too much.. everything will be fine.. wishing u good luck & a smooth delivery!! jiayou jiayou!! do keep us updated in yr progress!
Congrats to Poseidon & Catherine

N jiayou SQin, btw how far r u now in terms of weeks?
I b delivering in Mt A too end jan, hope u enjoy e stay n Svs
SQin, have a smooth delivery tomorrow!

My experience was more drama, went for regular gynae check-up last wed, he said baby didn't gain much weight, suspected intrauterine growth retardation, asked me to admit straight away to do emergency caesarean 6 hours later.

That time didn't pack my bag, 2 kids still in child care with no arrangement made for them, was still in shock when I was admitted to the antenatal ward. So baby came out last wed at 37 weeks, 2.3kg.

Would prefer a jan baby than a dec baby. EDD supposed to be 5 jan. Now dec baby, become youngest in class already.

But happy that baby is well and discharged home.
SQin, jiayou & smooth delivery !

I just finished some hand-over notes to colleagues. Hope to tie up all the loose ends by end of this week, so that I can be left alone & have quiet time when bb arrives.

BB is already in head down position. I'm not sure if I get her elbow or knee kick on my stomach each time, but she is hard elbow/kick-ing me very strongly.

My gynae appmt is on next Wed 28th Dec. Hope to deliver before 1 Jan, so as not to compete with the dragon mummies/bbies.
SQin, have a smooth delivery today!

Feeling so excited for all MTBs..and nervous at the same time haha..

My bb's head still not down yet so hopefully at next appointment she will guai guai and turn haha..but my EDD is end Jan so i think still have time to..
Finally i have some time to post something here.. congrats to all new mummies!!!! It is hard work..

Today is only day 4 and both my hub and i are shag out by the little one liao.. I started off on TBF since in tmc..and it is already very tiring and now back at home it is even worst!!

Been pumping and latching..feel like a "moo on demand" to the little one.. now i know why people use formula..easier to control.. TBF is difficult to control..coz baby feed on demand now and it gets stressful when the supply and demand dont telly..

The only consolation is so far my supply still can meet the demand..but the demand is getting bigger!! Don't know my supply can tahan anot.. *keeping fingers cross*

Now i know why people say should give fathers 1 mth of parental leave liao.. hubby been great..supporting me through the painful latching process..helping me to massage my breast before feed and keeping track of timing..For TBF hubby support is very impt..

Haa dont know how long i can tahan TBF..
poseidon: keep up the good work...if u can, record the feeding time in a note book..and whether bb feed on left or right breast..
poseidon gal
congrats on being able to TBF! The early days are the hardest. If you can latch baby, that's the best, don't really need to pump. Just latch on demand, as your breasts are never really empty. The more you latch, the more supply you will have. Milk production is all about supply and demand. Jia you!
Poseidon gal,
Jia you. You are at least off on a great start =) haha, suddenly all the memories of sore nipples, disrupted sleep, trying to guess how much baby drank are all coming back to me
Hey girls, I had a long and difficult labour. 12hrs and cos my pelvis is narrow, difficult to push baby out so need vacuum n 4 nurses to help me push the baby out. Baby is in nursery icu due to breathing difficulty cos of the labour. Hope he will be fine.

Anyway those mtbs.. Dun worry, it will be a great achievement...=)
Congrats to mummies who have given birth!

SQin, rest well...no worries..bb will be fine, the nurse & PD will take good care of him.

Merry Xmas & Happy New Year to all of you.
Congrats to mommies who have given birth! Well done!!

Poseidon: Jiayou yah! TBF is not easy but it's good for the baby...dunt be too stressed out! We're all rooting for ya!

Kamile: Welcome! we are all in the last leg of this journey so jiayou everyone!

SQin! dont worry yah! baby will be fine.. the docs and nurses will take good care of him..u rest well and eat more!

Here's wishing all mommies and families a very Merry Christmas and a Fabulous 2012! May those who has not given birth have a painless smooth delivery and all our babies stay healthy and happy!

wow Congrats SQIn! You're the 3rd mummy to give birth here... i think...

Dont worry, I'm sure bb will be fine. Now it's your turn to have a good rest!

Jiayou Poseidon!

Have a wonderful Xmas everyone! Who knows.. maybe 1 of us will have a Xmas baby! heeee...
