(2012/01) Jan 2012

Jingles, not possible MO la, but if paying for snr delivery fees, should at least get a snr consultant to cover right? When I was hospitalized in week 20, I stayed in B1, they sent 2 trainee nurse to do admission survey with me, I asked them whether they r going to be in charge of my injections. Thankfully not, ha ha.

sometimes its heng sway de la....u know i got a bad experience in TPS, drawing blood by a SENIOR nurse??? infact the china nurse who did for me during the #1 syringe even more gentle than her...so sometimes its not abt the rank...its abt luck meeting the right people...
Ya, the Philippine nurse at B1 is more professional in giving me progesterone jab than the one at TPS, coz the TPS one jab bit by bit saying that the jab is oil based so she has to do that- more uncomfortable u can imagine.

Pray, pray for the right people to assist in delivery
hope all are doing well.

been busy doing handover to temp that i have no time to come here. then my boss wans me to rush things out b4 i go on leave, make me more stress today...haiz.

super stress with this pregnancy that i think i am having pre-natal blues, being breaking down very easily. feel that i have little family support these days, very sad that families are not helping enuf.
Selling away BNIB avent manual pump (UP$99) + 2 boxes Pigeon disposable 72 pc breast pads (UP $19each box ) + BN avent milk powder dispenser (UP $12). Selling all for $120 (disc $30) and giving away brand new 5 washable breast pads (individually wrapped).

Giving away opened Avent nipple cream bot for $20. Used less than 10% if buying the bundle above

PM if interested. Collect tampines simei bedok tanah merah
Morning everyone,

I went to see my gynae yest night. My baby is now 2.64kg (35W plus).. Gynae said it is average weight. He gave me admission letter already for hospital, just in case. I hope baby will not come out before Xmas as my gynae is away..

Next consultation is in 2 weeks time..

Jkids, try not to get too stress.. Juz think that soon you will be away from office for few months to spend time with ur baby. hope it makes you feel better.
poor thing lei u.....dont be so stress up ok? try to focus on bb and happier things...same here la..some problems happen at home...and also feeling v frustrated...best part is - my scenario is opposite of urs. My temp staff is no where in sight yet lo...that means I do not have anyone to hand over and that means most prob I wil nt be able to go on leave as plan on Xmas week...bloody sian....
Jingles.. If u dun take ur leave on Xmas week, wont it get forfeited once u start maternity leave ? i think u should just go ahead as u plan.. If the temp is not in sight, it is not really ur fault ba...
Hi MTBs, I have a Dale Abdominal Binder (New) to let go @ $30. Doc wrapped another binder onto me immediately after C-sect, and hence I did not have a chance to use the Dale one.

Pls PM me if interested. Thks
Thanks Jac (kopibeanie)! My hb is just kidding with me. I'm was surprised to wake up one day seeing my face rounded SO MUCH. Was laughing at myself too.

Not sure if the mummies experience the same thing. My nipples & auorea area gets darker & looks disgusting, nipples has also got harder and grow bigger but I don't see any white milk ducts like what I see for my #1 birth.
jingles: my stools still not soft and regular..haizz..constipated and got piles... the bleeding is scary sia... so afraid to go bowel movement now...sianzzz

jkids: cheer up!! we're in the last leg le! don't get stressed out and focus on bb!
depend on ourselves better than depending on family.. if got expectations of them and they fall short we will be super disappointed..if they can help out it's a bonus, if not just have to handle it ourselves
are you having a girl or boy? I read that if you are having a boy, the aereola gets darker, compared to if you are having a girl. But it is normal for pregnant mums to have nipples and aereolas grow and darken. It is to help the newborn latch on more easily. Even though this is my 2nd baby, my aereola has also gotten bigger and darker compared to pre-preg.
my aereola oso gets quite dark this time round..armpit oso starting to get darker..so sad...i do see white milk duct at times..in fact i think in 2nd tri..i am already see some milk duct
Jingles, my gynae's cover r associate consultants leh, but the registrar did tell me that hospital bills will be adjusted accordingly if touchwood I give birth before my gynae come back n have to be delivered by her covers.

My boy is already 2.7kg at week 34 today and gynae says will have to induce at week 38. Any mommies induce before? Heard it's very traumatic to induce. Is it wiser to opt for c sec instead?
jkids & jingles, cheer up cheer up! try not to stress abt work.. juz do your best.. can do then do, cannot do then too bad.. so last min liao, nothing much we can do/help also.. look forward to baby & ML instead k..

emmeline, my nipples & aereolas also got bigger & darker.. armpits also get darker, damn ugly.. but mrs wong bb say the aereolas the darker the better, easier for baby to find the nipples during bf-ing..

ritzc, y induce traumatic leh? my gynae say induce is juz injecting mummy with hormones/chemical (same hormones/chemical that we release during normal contractions/labour) that will bring abt normal contractions/labour.. however, i read that for some ppl the contractions may be stronger/ more painful than normal labour.. but shldn't be a problem if u opt for epi ba.. also, induce at least got chance of having normal v-birth ba..
Hi, yesterday went to gynae and the culture result showed that I am positive for GBS.. The previous culture test was neg. Am given antibiotics... But very sad and worried now. If bb get infected during birth.. Will have serious prob
thanks gers, i feel better now, at least today.

i am thinking whether i shd go back to office next yr though i am starting my leave in jan, tsktsk. coz i want to see my new office and warm the seat and touch my new table b4 i go on leave :p juz a thought.

really? i din know its meant to be dark so that bb can "find" it! same, also darker at nipple and armpit.

yah, can feel the sianness for you
this week, my stool is softer, but the "swell" is still there, though smaller.

37 weeks muz induce oredi? but bb 2.7kg is not considered very big mah... i always think c-section shd be avioded. natural better, heal faster.
Hi SQin,

Don't be sad over the test result. My GBS result was positive too and was on one week oral antibiotics and will be given antibotics in the drip during our delivery, baby should be ok. According to my gynae, I actually had this infection during my first pregnancy four years ago but was not treated as this is an optional test and I did not do the test back then.
Jac, jkids, thanks. Hmm, still have 4 more weeks for me to consider.

Sqin, I requested my gynae to do GBS test for me coz I feel I get v infection easily. Better to do something about it then not doing anything at all, coz antibiotics at least help cut the risk. I'm sure ur bb will be fine, dun worry too much.
Rikagal, ur adalat is until week 36 right? I'm given the choice to stop this week or week 36 coz my kkh gynae will be on hols and she will be seeing me near end of week 36.
Hi rtizc, my adalat is till next week where I b seeing my gynae. Prob she will decide to continue/stop during the apt. Hmm, if I were u I wld prefer to take adalat till week 36... Play safe mah...
assoc consultants...they are def not on par with the professionals..haiz....tats why i hope bb will come out when gynae is around.

nope....cos i had already used up my 2010 leave..for 2011 leave we can push till 2012 to use up lo

still wan go back office to touch the chair :p
better dont la...gg to due soon ......best is to rest at home if possible and to avoid newly renovated site too.
Hi! I'm from Nov Mummies thread. I've a preloved Pigeon Electric Breast Pump to let go... Unit bought in Oct, still under warranty. Only use for few times during hospital stay.

PM me if you are interested...

Wish all a smooth delivery
My #1 was induced due to low amiotic fluid. There's two methods. Inserting pill and put on drip. My gynae put me on drip. it's not traumatic lah. At least it's controlled so you don't worry about bloody show, timing contractions or water bag breaking etc. But i read that there's more likelihood of needing emergency c-sect for induced birth and was a bit worried.

In short, i checked in, nurse gave me edema to clear bowels, shaved me, I was put on drip and given antibiotics injection as precaution as I was tested positive for GBS, gynae broke the waterbag (said if baby pooped in the womb, water is dirty coloured, then will require c-sect). I waited for 6 hours before feeling the contraction pain. Lasted 3 hours then caved and asked for epidural. Anesthetist came within 10 minutes, I took a nap afterwards, started to feel some pains again about 3 hours later and it was time to push baby out.
Birdbrain, ur #1 is delivered at which hospital? Think kkh is pill, got to confirm w my gynae. My fren went through induce, failed n end up emergency c sec. Total hrs of delivery is over 20 hours. Faint
Thanks for the reassurance on being GBS positive. My gynae did also told me that there shd be no big issue when given the oral antibiotics and also during delivery.

Weekend is here!! Can do some shopping and then start to get ready for 'the day'. Just hope baby will be healthy. Have an enjoyable weekend!
went to see gynea yesterday..confirm going for induced birth on sunday afternoon..hmm am i the 1st to give birth in this thread???

hopefully everything go smoothly..keeping my fingers cross..
Hi mummies,

I'm letting go 10 pcs of BUMWEAR diapers with 10 inserts @ $300. Will throw in 5 inserts free. Retail price for each insert costs $9. I paid $380 for 10 diapers + 10 inserts.

Please note that these are not preloved hence condition is 10/10.

Self collection at Yio Chu Kang.

Interested buyer, please pm me. Thanks!
induced becoz of low amonitic fluid..level is 5.5 which according to my gynea is quite low..

since baby is wk 38 and already 3.2kg..so gynea decided to induced..

thanks all.. i will keep all posted.. =>
Hi poseidon, all the best to u!

My baby is at 3.1kg at wk37. Gynae said his weight suddenly increased a lot. Hehe.. Dunnoe if she will suggest induction or not.
poseidon, wishing u a smooth delivery & all the best!!! so excited for u.. muz keep us updated of yr delivery k..
Poseidon: do keep us posted and have a safe delivery. For my case, my gynae also say my fluid low. Wanna me to induce on Monday afternoon if condition remain the same. Hope everything is fine

Went to see gynae this morning and she said my amniotic fluid is low too!
she did a CTG for me. The nurses told me baby's normal heartbeat ranges from 130-140 but my princess was beating between 165-170. Hmmm.. Duno why.. But gynae said if there's no dip its fine. Anyway she asked me to do fetal count everyday till i see her on Wed again. If still low Fluid or low fetal kicks then will need to induce. She has given me MC till Wed! Im worried abt takin MC for so many days as I need to finish up a lot of work and was supposed to do handover next week too, how to go on MC... Arghhh...

Is low aminiotic fluid so common? Looks like a no of us got it.. I read online it hits jus 8% of 3rd trimester pregnancies. Hmmm.. Kept thinking about it, cant sleep since 5! :p

I asked gynae if drinking more water helps, she said no. Jus more bedrest n more sleepin on the sides. Hmmm...

Anyway goodluck Poseidon! All the best to u! Keep us posted
u can do it!
