(2012/01) Jan 2012

Ritzc-thanks. I was quite shocked when the doc told me that my cervix has shortened and require bed rest as I have been active all this while.. I am on adalat and progesterone... Knowing that I could b fine like you is assuring ;) thank you

Rilakgal, I think cervical length getting shorter in third trimester is not uncommon, mine happened in second trimester so risk was high coz it went as short as 1.7cm. Cervical length is dynamic, n with medication n bedrest mine surprisingly lengthen to 2.6cm for three consecutive scans. Just take more care, avoid carrying heavy stuff, walking too long and avoid climbing stairs. U should be fine coz adalat I'd supposed to hold off contractions which is 1 cause of cervical shortening too.
Hi Ritz, thank you for your sharing. Appreciate it
i will minimise movements.. Did u manage to get most of yr bb stuff already? My consolation is I have managed to buy most of the stuff already..
Jkids, I really lie flat on bed coz that time too paranoid about my cervix, dun want put additional strain to it. But by right should clarify w the gynae.

Rilakgal, same, I'm packed my hospital bag n settled most shopping already.
juz had my checkup.. baby's weight is good (2.61kg @ 35W4D), BUT mummy's weight is very NOT good (put on 16kg so far)!! doc ask me to watch what I eat.. need to cut down on carbo, desserts & sweet beverages liao.. sigh!!
Jac, I'm opposite, my weight is stagnant for 3 weeks already but bb keep putting on weight. He's 2.4kg at week 33 despite my bland diet. Haiz.
u r approaching your big day soon!

how strange...weight stagnact yet bb has gained weight...hehe. but gd that the weight doesnt go to you leh.
RitzC.. can totally understand how u feel..so my weight increase is very minimum and all weight goes to baby too.. wonder how much baby will weight this time round during my next gynea visit on tuesday...
hey just to share.. combi having 10% discount now..so for those yet to buy stroller..this is a gd time to get it..i dont think combi gives discount very often..
Jkids n Poseidon, ya, glad my weight is stagnant now, now just hope my bb dun put on too much weight. He's 2.4kg at week 33, seeing my kkh gynae again next week before she goes on her hols, hope my bb is just around 2.6kg and not 3kg by then. Haiz.

Anyway, poseidon, how often is ur gynae seeing u now? I thought after week 35 is weekly right?
ritzc, jkids & poseidon, actually I wish the weight goes to baby instead of mummy.. hahah.. hope by the next visit any increase will be to the baby instead.. better still if I can keep my weight constant.. muz control!!

any suggestion on which cot mobile to get? got any cheap & good one?
Jac:for cot mobile, can buy fisherprice forest cot mobile. V nice and got 4 types of music. Hehe... Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, rainforest. I got it for my baby
Thanks Jingles, happy 2 learn tat

Hi mummies, care 2 shs which brand of milk powder u intend 2 use, clueless with so many choice...
Ritz..not really weekly... last visit was 1st dec, thursdae..and next visit is this coming tuesdae

The combi 10% is island wide..anywhere that sell combi stroller has the 10% discount..i dont know until when..

Bianz..haa i am hoping my baby can survive on breast milk!!!
Jac, Vanessa, Jingles, and Bianz: Thanks for your inputs. I shall check out those places mentioned to get the items I need.

Hope everyone has a good Sunday and recharge to start a brand new week ^*^. i've got 1 month to my EDD .. How time flies. The D day is coming and soon we will enter our next phase - motherhood.
catherine, thanks! fisherprice abit ex leh, think abv $100+? wonder if shld get such a ex one since only use till baby 5-6mths old?

bianz, think no need get formula milk yet ba.. while in hospital, can ask the nurses/PD for recommendation & buy from the pharmacy if needed.. also if u decide to feed bb formula while in hospital, depending on the brand the hospital use, usually after that u'll juz stick to the same brand ba.. I also hope to feed bm/ebm for at least 6 mths..
poseidon: dun strees urself too much on bf-ing...previously i oso half bf n half FM..but this round..i hope to do exclusive bf lar..if can good..cannot not..no need to stress
Poseidon dear! I went to see gynae on Sat. I was 36weeks.. guess wad, baby is already 3kg!! ahhh... At 34weeks she was 2.25kg only... jumped so much! I only put on 100g since 2weeks ago, & baby put on 750g! hb & me were exclaiming "wa, so big!!!" thru out.. ;p

Gynae didnt say anything, she said is a little bit big but still ok.. then still assured us that this is just an estimation, actual may be different so dont have to worry so much about it now..

sigh.. so worried abt delivering naturally now.. anyway baby's head is still down and is in a nice anterior position, so that's positive.

I'm also thinking of stopping work in the last week of Dec.. then just wait for delivery.. but duno when bb will pop, so am wondering if it would be boring & a waste of leave to do nothing at home if she only comes out on 8 Jan (EDD). hmmm... Now feet really swollen. I went to watch Wicked over the weekend and at the end of the session, I couldnt put on my sandles! because feet swelled so much when I was sitting. I had to stop & rotate my feet for 10min before I could wear my sandles again.. gosh.. feet swells so easily now...
Bianz, where will you be delivering at? If TMC, they will ask u which brand of formula milk you want to feed your bb if there is a need too.

Upon discharge, they will give you a few bottles of the formula milk in the bb bag. Just screw in the disposable teats and you can feed already. More than enough to cover 1 day. Just wasteful, cos it's 70 or 100ml..but you will only feed NB abt 30-40ml for the start. You can buy your tin formula after you discharge.

I would like to recommend my CL who did for me last CNY. She is available wef early Jan 2012 as a MTB had cancel her service due to an unforseen reason.

You need not apply any pass for her as she is holding on to a LT social visit pass in SIN.

She is neat, clean & hygenic and very pro to breastfeed. She cooking are superb and she is not calculative.

She even volunteered in making red eggs and even cooked extra food for my babies 1st month party as the food we ordered was not enough.

Her charges are very reasonable according to the market rate. Is no regrets hiring her as your CN.

I am not getting any commission from her as this would be my second time I willl be hiring her.
I am just sharing my CN with all MTBs in this forum who are looking for a responsible CN.
Lastly, she 'niang' very delicious and sweet rice wine too w/o adding any preservatives...

PM me if you need her contact...

Wishing you a smooth delivery...
Lush..haa i can totally understand how u feel.. I will be visiting my gynea again tmrw..hopefully baby dont put on too much weight..i am also hoping that gynea tell me baby engage liao *keeping my fingers cross*

yah feet get swollen up easily..no choice one lah..come in here complain a bit then endure until baby comes out =p

Will only decide on my leave after tmrw visit..agree with u that it is quite wasteful to take leave and do nothing at home..
Hi, my feet are also swelling like mad now. And really super low energy level these days. Will be clearing leave on last wk of dec. Then after that will start maternity leave since edd is 3Jan. Anyway guess my gynae won't let bb stay too long inside me after my edd.

Sleepy Monday...
Hi MTBs/Mummies,

Does anyone knows if breastfeeding can take how many table spoons of liquor if
1. double boiled
2. consumed directly like DOM
need to wait for how long before the next feeding?
If you add the liquor to food, then the alcohol will be boiled away, so can BF anytime. If you are consuming it, then maybe wait 1h for DOM, since it is quite strong. I take my DOM dilute with warm water, which helps some of the alcohol evaporate, so I can BF sooner. Basically, as long as you feel fine (don't feel high or tipsy), you should be safe to BF your baby anytime after consuming alcohol.
Hi, i will deliver @ Mt Alvernia, wat i heard is tat hospital will ask ur preferred brand of milk formula ese they will provide 'formula milk of the month' since coy will take turns to provide them will prepack formula, tat's y am catering in case had trouble bf & when nurse ask... of course best is to provide exclusive for 6 mths minimum =)

btw any idea will your gynaes should yours past due insist on induce on 40 weeks or will wait as long as don't exceed 42 weeks?
Hi mummies, have you decided which bank to deposit the baby bonus? It seemed that the perks offered by ocbc is better than stand chart...
Hello 2nd time mummies...would like to ask...during confinement ur wear disposable panties throughout confinement?And confinement cannot touch water rite??how to wash face/brush teeth?hehehe....
For Some of you, legs start to swell? How it looks like? I now at 36 weeks 5 days, legs still look normal. Durians really help, my baby at 35 weeks 5 days was 2.377 kg. 1 week later become 2.811kg. Huge jump of almost 500g in a week.

Hmm.. My waterbag running low, gynae need me to go back for follow up in 3 days time. Looks like if it run lower again, might need to give birth this week.

I going for ocbc account Cos there are more branches and alot open till 7pm. V convenient for me.

For milk, I going for BF. But I just bought S26 milk formula for standby. Heard frm my cousin who just give birth 2 weeks ago. She say KK hospital recommend S26 to her baby. S26 is Spore brand. Price seems reasonable
HI rilakgal

I'm depositing to OCBC for my #1 so I will be doing the same for my #2 as well. Before this, I will open a joint account with my #2 to credit the $ before depositing it to CDA account. We can't withdraw the money once we deposit it into CDA account, I just wanna play safe and make sure I have cash for emergency
HI SnowWhite80

During my first confinement, i brushed my teeth & only washed my hand after going to the washroom with warm boiled water. I avoid touching water, bending down or standing up straight. (disgusting) I did not wash my hair for 1 month till the day when my girl throw her baby shower. I only start bathing when I experience heat rash (which is spread to my whole calf) & it only got slightly better after 2 month. I only use warm boiled water to wipe my breast area coz I was latching my #1. Used sterile & warm boiled water to cleanse the stitches.

For this birth, i will try not to wash my hair for 1 mth too. Bathing wise, probably I will start 2 weeks later if I really cannot tahan. Lesson learnt on my first birth: I need to lay down and not sitting down.Sleep as much as I can
mummies who are suppose to due on Jan, and delivered this month: Would you mind to share what are the symptons you experience / changes in your body besides contractions, waterbag burst etc ?

Recently I have been experiencing heat coming out from my body up to my neck, can feels that baby has lower her position, and she's punching more, moving more now.
bianz, I'll be delivering at Mt. A too.. didn't know abt this "formula of the month" thing.. hmm.. I read that enfa is good, but more ex.. my gynae doesn't encourage us to past 40W coz she thinks that it's safer for baby to be outside than inside..

catherine, u'll notice that the feet & ankles are bigger than usual if u're having swollen feet.. if ur legs r normal means u r not having water retention problem, which is good! my swelling went down completely after resting at home over the wkends.. think swelling was caused by too much sitting down & walking in office..

rilakgal, I'm gonna open acct w ocbc.. more coz of convenience.. more branches & have Sunday banking too..
I m deciding between friso n enfalac.I like the taste of Friso maternity milk and hopefully bb likes it too..as for enfalac,i heard it has the highest dha content

As for bank acc, seems like ocbc is the preferred option.. I think I will choose ocbc too ;)
Hi bianz... the nurse from my gynae's clinic told me my doc will ask to induce maybe 1-2 DAYS passed the EDD... maybe also to 'off-load' the mummies.
depends on the health of mummy and baby. Also, different drs have different opinions. My doctor is willing to wait till 42W before inducing. From what I read, unless there are health problems (e.g. high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia, etc), it should not be a problem for mummies to wait till 42W to deliver.

wah...really salute lei...never wash hair for 1 month..i think max. i can only do is 2 weeks....but if weather still continues to be that good, think can tahan longer..

symptoms of going to labour soon:
- bloody show (lost of mucus plug)
- contractions of < 5 mins interval
- water bag burst
