(2012/01) Jan 2012

hellooo tulip!!!

i guess jian ren jian zhi bah..it will differ from different ple...

piggyB - think better ask staff first..cos i read content of wolfberries and red date there is licorice lei...according to TCM, licorice should be avoided for preggies.
agree with jingles, better to ask the TCM shop staff for advice. cannot really ask gynae for advice (cos they are not familiar with TCM) but I think the shop staff can give fairly reliable advice, esp if you have a normal pregnancy with no complications (e.g. GD, high blood pressure, bleeding, etc)
jingles: really ar..i think i betta stop taking red dates & wolberries till i check wif my regular medical shop. Anyway thanks for the info. ^_^
oh, thanks mommies. I took abit of chicken essence pre & post delivery for #1, but only cos my MIL & friends bought them & I didn't want to waste them....maybe I should start buying some myself too.
EYS or Brands? How frequent are u mommies taking it? Once every other day?

Btw, any update from May on her bleeding...hope she is doing well...
mayc - i prefer EYS cos i find they taste better...also cos EYS got their own flag shops so you can ask their assistant on their own product....i will be taking one bottle every week bah..i scared take together with obimin too heaty i cant take it..
piggyB and jingles: If I'm not wrong, I think Jingles is referring to licorice which is one of the ingredients in EYS' Red date and wolfberries Essence of chicken product itself. I just did a news check and found that yes, bbc had reported that licorice is linked to slower cognitive development in children if taken by pregnant women.

Red date and wolfberries by themselves should be ok right? They don't contain licorice hor? I'm having these in my soup for dinner tonight.... if so, this is the last time I'm having these in my soup!
ms carpe diem - yes...red date, wolfberries by itself as self herbs is ok..i am refering to the flavoured essence of chicken in EYS
jingles: thanks for the useful info. In that case, I will just buy & take the plain chicken essence. I guess for brand of chicken doesn't matter rite? I am currently drinking new moon.
Hi Jan Mummies

I'm from the April mummies 2011 thread, given birth to boy-girl twins (their 3mths+ now!!)

Want to start selling my maternity clothings since ulikely I will be giving birth again.

PM me if you are interested in getting almost brand new maternity clothes (bought mostly from Spring) Sizes are L/ XL, blouse, t-shirts, bottoms, 1pc swimming costume.

Ps: Ive also some bb items to sell i.e. BN Bottles, Medela breastmilk bags, breast pads etc
hi mummies.. me too busy to come in today.. meeting n doing appraisals..

Yesterday MS very bad, just cannot stomach anything except breakfast. All meals puke out.
gingerleaf: i oso dun like chicken essence prior to having my # 1..but after delivery, cos ppl give those as gifts..so i start drinking one almost every day...EYS one i think not so thick..u can try lar..
This morning on mrt was playing musical chair.

A man with his preggy wife gave me his seat. Next stop, a limping girl came in, all pretend cannot see, i gave her my seat. Then the next OL saw and gave me her seat. Haha...

Goodness of having a HUGE BELLY!
I vomitted my dnr too! But much earlier.. prob 30mins after eating it. Yesterday went bakerzin..wanted to eat tomato based pasta but dunno why I ordered Carbonara instead. Urgh. Everything ended up in the toilet even before I exited the mall...after that, stomach felt so queasy the entire night.

u are lucky to have met 2 nice ppl in the morning! Doubt other preggies have much luck to even secure a seat in the morning rush.
gingerleaf, you're very brave leh. I have totally skipped all the cream based italian food. so scared of the "aftermath". actually all these cream reminds me of puke and the smell turns me off.

sigh... the variety of food i can eat/drink and still can stomach is so limited now.
morning mummies!
ya...i also avoid all cream base or milk products...the smell of it turns me and BB off...yesterday i puked too
wonder why..cos it had disappeared for a few weeks and now it suddenly came back
X, that's nice.. so far I haven't had any1 giving me their seats yet.. usually got to stand all the way on crowded bus/mrt.. no preggy treatment at all.. in fact, none of my colleagues even suspect anything.. somemore ask me queue for food/drinks for them.. at 16 wks, i still look fat rather than preggy.. sigh.. hopefully bb is growing well.. looking forward to my checkup on thu.. ;)

mummies, how often do u all take chicken essence, bird nest, etc? what other tonics or pregnancy food do u all take on regular basis? so far, I've been eating as normal (same as pre-pregnancy), except taking gynae's folic acid & fish oil, and cutting down on caffeine.. hb asking if need to buy any "bu" anot..
beat up ur colleagues la....still ask u stand up and Q...infact they should Q for u ah!!
for me...i had yet to start taking the TCM bu...but guess will start soon...not too much though...everything in moderation cos dont forget we are alraedy taking western supplements when we go see gynae

wan share the interesting myths of predicting gender? i heard if u are carrying tummy high is a boy, low is a girl....
Hi, sorry to disturb you.

Do you interested for Red rice wine for your confinement cooking?

It is an traditional Chinese alcoholic drink made from fermenting glutinous rice and it is very healthy and nutritious. Most ladies are taking Glutinous rice wine to built up resistant and good health after birth during confinement.
if interested pls PM me
<font color="0000ff">It's a boy if:</font>

You didn't experience morning sickness in early pregnancy
Your baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute
You are carrying the extra weight out front
Your belly looks like a basketball
Your areolas have darkened considerably
You are carrying low
You are craving salty or sour foods
You are craving protein -- meats and cheese
Your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy
The hair on your legs has grown faster during pregnancy
Your hands are very dry
Your pillow faces north when you sleep
Dad-to-be is gaining weight, right along with you
Pregnancy has you looking better than ever
Your urine is bright yellow in color
Your nose is spreading
You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it swings left to right
You are having headaches
You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an even number

<font color="aa00aa">It's a girl if:</font>

You had morning sickness early in pregnancy
Your baby's heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute
You are carrying the weight in your hips and rear
Your left breast is larger than your right breast
Your hair develops red highlights
You are carrying high
Your belly looks like a watermelon
You are craving sweets
You are craving fruit
You crave orange juice
You don't look quite as good as normal during pregnancy
You are moodier than usual during pregnancy
Your face breaks out more than usual
You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread
Your breasts have really blossomed!
Your pillow faces south when you sleep
Your urine is a dull yellow color
You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves in a circle
You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an odd number
jingles I second you - yeah Jac - box your colleuage, preggy still ask you q up for them!!!

I have been "bu-ing" cos I cant eat must and have not put on any weight (though my gynae say ok for now) my mum has been making kidney/liver/egg+rice wine and lots of ginger for me, last night I took black chicken bah-zhen soup, Chk esse I take maybe 2-3 times a week. cos this preggy I feel faint so I started all the bu stuff earlier.
no lah wont nose bleed lah kekeke not drinking everyday. I also have "counter-react" my mum will cook barley water also. very cute hor , she will cook both heaty and liang stuff. so become balance.
however I stay off birdnest and "snow frog" stuff , seems no added benefit to bb, ok lah maybe mummy have good complexion,then seems like alot of my other friends/relatives who took their bb end up w asthma or eczema, so they tell my mum and me dont need to eat.
Haha... i just copy and paste the list.

Well these are myth afterall.
Hoping this sat gynae visit can see gender.

ThenI most likely have a girl.

Had morning sickness early in pregnancy like 5 weeks onwards.
My belly looks like a watermelon.
Also craving sweets &amp; fruit- fall in love with coke &amp; chocolate.
Really don't look quite as good as then my last pregnancy in 2007.
Super duper moody in this pregnancy.
Lots of breaks out more than usual.
Right now i look like a maid in my work place &amp; house- tired,stress and haggard.

My next app with my gynae is 19th Aug, really wants a GIRL!!!
Too many Boys at home, hope to get a girl this time.
Hi girls,

How's everyone doing? Hope all is good for you girls. I had my 2nd appt on last Saturday now currently at week 16 and my gyane has confirm that 90% I am expecting a girl. The rest of the 10% will be confirm again during my detail scan on aug
looking at the myth the only accurate myth for me is that I am having more breakout as compare to my first
pregnancy and during my first checkout my bb's heartbeat was 168 and now I am expecting a girl. Compare to my first pregnancy it's a contrast as for the rest can't commend much as I don't really have any synmptom for both pregnancy . Oh my first is a boy ...
X - hehe, mine is pretty much leaning towards a boy! Have a boy already &amp; everyone is assuming we would love a girl, but i really want another boy

My week 16 appnt is next week but my gyne is super careful, won't hint of the gender till the week 20 detailed scan...

Hugs to mommies still having morning sickness! I am sure it will pass soon enough. Meanwhile, I am reminding myself to watch my weigh - went up 0.5kg overnight! Hopefully just water retention cos I don't want to balloon too quickly! Am now up about 2-2.5kg since pre-pregnancy!
errmm i think i have gained about 3kg also.....cos i had been taking more fried food than usual....bb prefers food that is much more flavourful.

looking at the list...i am also not sure 50/50. But everyone had laid the bet as a boy..for me...i am just praying that bb is healthy and bubbly
i am contented le
Hi gals,

super moody today cos having on and off discharge since yesterday. Started off with brown stain yesterday afternoon but no more by evening. Just now went toilet and wipe with paper got brown stain again plus slight blood discharge. Decided to call clinic, clinic assistant ask me to go down and see gynae tonight. Haiz, thought 13th week should be more stable liao....Hope everything is fine..
Stay positive! It's brownish discharge? Abit shd be ok. If fresh red, then more worrying. Do update us of your status after gynae visit. Try to rest more, dun walk too much.

High five on wanting another boy. Hope our wishes come true.

From the list of myths, i'm also 50/50. Haha...
Hi all, I haven't posted in a while, but I wanted to share a little discovery I made at lunch earlier today.

I'm tall and big and had been having trouble finding clothes to fit my expanding waistline - something I could only solve shopping online at US sites and at asos.com.

Was at Marina Square for lunch just now and discovered 2 wonderful places to get clothes (I think a lot of the mummies second and third times around will already know).

1) Maternity Exchange - 3rd floor (found a nice pencil skirt for work and I only needed an "M"!)

2) Muji - I think it was on the 2nd floor (never knew they have a small maternity section!). Bought a nice cardigan that doubles up as a nursing cover (comes in black, beige and navy blue stripes).

So pleased with my purchases and just wanted to share. Heh.
i second asos.com
I'm waiting for my items!!! Hope they fit and dun get lost. Free shipping now. Good time to buy!
jingles &amp; hq, I haven't announce to my boss &amp; colleagues yet.. so can't order them abt yet.. intend to tell my boss &amp; close colleagues after my checkup this thu.. will make them "pay" after that.. hahah.. think will try chicken essense 2-3 times a week.. hopefully more energetic.. feeling abit lethargic nowadays.. need to rely on my daily dose of teh C to keep me awake..

I got a mix of both boy &amp; girl symptoms leh.. but maybe more boy ones.. stronger craving for savory stuff, esp melted cheese! juz had baked rice yest ;).. also quite lucky, not much MS &amp; vomitting unless I overeat for dinner.. will wait n see....
apple - dont worry...i think u had been walking around too much too...are u with heels? if so, think better change to flats

amaesing - yaahhh maternity exchange also do rental of cloths...incase u wish to return after sometime

hq - thanks for the list..when i read the point, if MS is too bad, inform and talk to gynae...I nearly LOL..afterall when I tell my gynae, he just sweep me off by stating - its very common in preggie -.- what a simple statement.

jac - ya tell them when you are ready lo...but not too late. Sometimes tell them earlier is better at least they know u are preggie. And if they still force u to do stupid things, u can always whistleblow to HR or women's charter
or even MOM
i am feeling rather drowsy today too...my next door colleague had asked me twice if i am not feeling well today...i must have look damn lethargic to her -.-

mummies - anyone had a list of "to buy" list to share? like things to stock up before BB arrives?
Apple, I'm in the same condition as you, maybe worse coz I had it twice, once early 13 week and another time this Sunday. Went kkh for checkup immediately on both occasions, each time ultrasound shows bb fine and cervix closed, only discharge found in the cervix area which the gyne says it may be due to hormonal changes. Am still spotting though more like slight staining now, can't wait for it to stop completely. Just thought to share this with you.

Between, jingles, thanks for your concern the other day when I post
Hope all other mums-to-be are doing alright.

sian, jinxed myself. Yesterday gynae offered me MC &amp; anti-vomit pills, but I try to be hero, turned them down. As you would have it, the morning sickness hit full strength today. Waiting for knock off time so I can crawl back into my bed and stay there.

On a positive note, I met another forum mum at the OSCAR scan yesterday. My results were 10 times riskier than my results for #1 (1:700++) but at least gynae said the numbers are reassuring enough to leave it as it is for now. And the gynae did say ideally should try to gain back the weight lost in first trimester by the 4th month
birdbrain - I also tot that I am feeling better liao or rather I try to psych myself " I am off MS" but today I almost fainted at the lift lobby trying to hold the urge to vomit. My face so white I think my colleague got frightened.

my whole body aching and so bloated now , really counted down to 5.30....
really hope , tomorrow will be better *hugs*
