(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB

Oliver's mummy!!! U here!!! yippee! ;-D ... trying for a girl next, i reckon?? or no preference?? :) ...do u keep track of yr cycles every month?? u can try the website which i gave DPW...www.cyclespage.com ...they keep track of yr O for u ...even send u an email in advance so that u can get ready! ;-D ... let's add oil together ya! :) ..dont stress...juz BD as & when u feel like it lor ; )


missycandy, donkeymami, didn't test. Afraid seeing bfn again. Af haven't report. Just took my temp still high at 37.2. But having backache now after out for long time.

Babyrabbit, nothing really exciting. Went gold class Vivo to catch movie "unknown". Then shopped around then went to pick up my boy from his cc n brought him to peekaboo then had jumbo seafood at stadium waterfront (luckily didn't rain). Ya keep thinking if af will be here. How about u, u test already?

I think I'll test tomorrow dpo14 if my temp still high.

cheri - have high chance ! ho ho. hope to hear yr gd news tomorrow morning! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmmm currently im using opks. and also fertility calendar online n in my iphone. charted the past few cycles... looks like will O only like 2wks time... sian... i dont take my temp becos my temp seems to be on high side leh.. so dont find that accurate for me... i also dont monitor CM(cervical mucus) becos i also duno wad to look out for... hahaha ... this cycle ive decided to have a go with preseed ( sperm friendly lubricant ) as well... though calendar tells me i will O only around 16-18th of march, i have started to test opks.. im worried i will miss the surge like the past few cycles... boohoo...

congrats to the babydesire lady! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

to be honest, as happy as i am on hearing ppl getting BFP, i just feel sad for myself... sigh... quite a pooper.. sorry abt it... but im seriously happy for ppl who get BFPs... bah..

i missed out some posts as using my phone yesterday. i have been waking up at 4am for the last few days, not sure why.. tried to get myself to sleep last few nights but today sat so it's ok.. hehe.

hi megg, thanks for your encouragement! have not stopped trying and already gotten clomid from gynae. planning to use when af comes. =) although i hope i don't need it. but still cannot confirmed..

TTC#2, i can understand how you feel because i had that many times already. in fact when my hb's SIL who already had 2 boys both older than mine and she was preggy with 3rd child in 2009 and my BIL went to ask my MIL if i was preggy (ok maybe i was fat then but his wife is super huge but she was always big) then MIL said no, cos my hb never say anything, then my BIL told her, "in that case, my wife is preggy" when my MIL told us, she said does that mean if i was preggy then, they are not going to say? anyway, they got problems one. i find that the best way to cope with it is just to congratulate them, tell them that we have been trying and hopefully can strike soon. the first time is always difficult but it gets easier with each time and keeps me on the positive side. in fact, whenever i see preggy woman, kinda feel a pain in my heart but often i told myself, maybe this person has been trying very hard before she got preggy and hopefully 1 day it will be my turn. =)

ong, sick might delay O, so the fertile period may not be the same as it should. unless you are using opk or have done bbt, otherwise look out for ewcm. cos my cycle can go from 30 days to 35-37days when i fell ill that month. i believe the reason why the O delay when sick is cos your body is not in the best condition to prepare to release egg so will only be when you going to recover/recovered.

lawshe, welcome to the thread. i also read the thread very often and post every now and then since nov 2010 (i have already ttc for 1 year then ) when my work not so demanding. =) in fact, i find this thread so relevant to me so often read it then the ttc-ing for 2011 one. hehe.. oh.. when i started also a lot of things i don't understand, but i went to google and asked around. so just ask us if you need info. sure the mummies here will share. for myself, i only monitor my bbt and look out for EWCM and bd till my temp goes up and stay up for the 2nd day, i stopped. initially i did use opk to help detect my O but after few months, i find i could tell when my O will be so i stopped using. pressed, i used before but no luck so i think i don't really need it though i'm planning to try again if i'm starting my clomid (full gear). haha..

pink_piglet, cos i kept telling my hb that it must his s got problem so we haven't strike after trying for 14 months. haha.. so he decided to take that on and improve his health. anyway, health is in our hands, if we don't take charge, nobody can help us. hehe..

DPW, try not to get too sensitive one i think i use 20miu ones previously and don't get too many, cos try out first to see if it works for you. when you use OPK for the first time, try to use it earlier than your expected fertile period so that you can tell the difference of before fertile period when it looks like as compared to during the fertile period (usually the line will start from nothing to a faint line which becomes darker and darker as it approaches O.) not sure if i explain in the right way. mummies please help. note: i haven't use OPK for 1 year already i think. hehe..

lynzi, cheer up! hope all of us strike soon.

missycandy, i told my hb about it and he just told me, "i also hope it's good news but so many times you tell me this and that and turns out negative". *sad* no good news to share with him yet. i don't know to test or not today.

oh yes, if you all don't mind, can add me in Facebook. =) my name is Cheri Liao (the picture with 3 heads) hehehe..

Hi Cheri, my lifestyle is very occupied so taking temp dont really help me.. thinking of starting w strip to test for O, hope this will be useful since my cycle is up to 40 days.

mummies out there, please give ur recommendation on O-strips. this is pretty new to me & i have no idea what is gd and which is better. please share w me yah..

my fren who had jus delivered once told me she cry each mth her menses arrive, she tried for almost 2yrs, suffer 1 miscarriage before finally striking.. frankly, nw that i tot of having #2, i am quite fearful when menses come knocking. i tot i strike last mth, tested negative, and found the red stain the next morning. sigh...

donkeymami, let u a msg on fb, nt sure u seen it..

Lawshe, ok ok will chk my FB now!

Cheri, really wish you will strike this cycle! keep us posted [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ET, prayinghard

hee... hellos... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mine's a DS... going to 14 months... same as et... 1st one was not really planned, cos i mc before the #1...

now ttc again... but hvnt gotten any opk or stuff...

i no fb, no time to maintain, so decided not to have...

i m a silent reader in jan 10... once in a while will post [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks for advise... anywhere/ who i can buy the opks from??


your nick v familiar... do i know u??

to all who tested bfp, congrats n have a happy pregnancy...

to the rest of us... jia you...

Hi folks, sorry for cross-posting in TTC thread, as I am trying for #2 too, hope I can join this thread. 2WW is very frustrating, ah.

I am DPO6 today. However, on DPO4 and DPO5, I tested OPK+. Did the OPK pick up the pregnancy hormones or ovulation hormones?

BBT for DPO2, DPO3, DPO4, DPO5 and DPO6 are 36.7, 36.7, 36.3, 36.3 and 37.1 respectively. I never had a temperature dip on DPO4 and DPO5 for the past 6 months I monitored. I was always biphasic with a clear surge on CD 18/19.

I am very confused with my body signals now (lots of cramps).

I thought my O was on CD19 when I tested LH surge (CD18) and had lots of EWCM.

Do you think I am having ovulation cramps or implantation cramps? Trying to decide whether to BD again bcos my O is delayed this cycle, or whether the cramps are due to implantation of the fertilized egg.

Really appreciate any comments or perspectives on this?

Prayinghard, ET, Lawshe,

Welcome! Welcome!

So many posts will take me some time to read n answer some of your queries.

Lazy Sunday today..zzzz

naturally>> wow congratz! any hpt left?? ;PP

missycandy>> we use same ttc methods lolx! i find it hard to do temping n to observe CM also. mostly i use calendar + opk

Cheri>> wow! sounds nice! did u enjoy the luxurious gold class? have u tested yet?? how was it?? hope there was good news!!

lawshe>> wow u frend sound v brave..cry every time she mense /sweat i think opk must test one, some kits fit some more than others

chantel>> i heard some cycles we O twice...maybe yours is once such case?

today is my CD29... on wed CD24 i did a hpt that was negative. til today no mense yet... my cycle supposed to be 26 but range from 24 to 32 (v big range right? really hard to time O) thinking of testing again tmr...what u ladies think?

cheri>> i oso keep waking up middle of the night about 2+am! dunno is it too stress

Hello ladies.. been really really busy.. no time to check the forum!!

Elise, yup i went to see Dr Tan! he is surprisingly cheerful and humourous for a TCM doc.. sorry, i nv had gd encounters with TCM docs but he changed my mind! joked with me and told me a lot of stories.. best of all he explained everything that he was doing to me instead of expecting me to just blindly follow his instructions. I have seen him 3 times in 8 days and will be seeing him again on tues. he said that there was nothing really wrong with me, just a bit heaty.. told me to relax a bit more but its just not possible with such hectic work schedule! I was working past midnight the whole of last wk!

Lynzi, i m still here.. u shd be getting ur +ve OPK today cos i got mine today! I went to see my gynae on fri becos i was having persistent pain around my uterus since my MC. the pain wasn't really bad.. more like annoying.. goes off and on but i didn't have it before the mc. when he checked, he noticed that the left tube was more tender and told me i was prob suffering from an infection. was wondering if it was due to some left over tissue from my MC cos i didn't have a heavy period. all the same I m on antibiotics till tues but doc said it won't affect my TTC chances. he looked at my BBT chart, checked my lining and told me that i look perfectly normal. He also suggested trying IUI next round of i don't strike. so he has given me clomid too for the next cycle.. Hopefully I don't have to do it!! Both the TCM and my gynae implied that the prob may lie with my hb thus gynae is asking for a SA on CD13 next cycle (i hope i don't have a next cycle!!) and also do IUI then. Also suggested i do a HSG to check if my tubes are blocked. I really went all the way out liao.. spent a bomb on doc fees and went to buy the smiley face OPK too.. *looks at empty pockets* if i still dun strike, i dunno what to do!!!

Chantel, what were ur temps pre O? very hard to judge without all the info.. if ur temps were abt 36.3-36.7 i would think u didn't ovulate till ur DPO5. sometimes we get multiple +ve OPK becos our bodies gear up to ovulate but some other factors prevent it from happening, thus the body gears up again, leading to multiple +ve OPK. ur temp dip on DPO4 and 5 is very unusual and can be a ovulation dip.

BTW, i tried posting this at 3.15pm.. think the board is down cos I couldn't post until now!

Ttc #2,

when u said dr said ur male hormones r higher, izzit similar to when they describe as hormones imbalance.. Think it's getting more common nowadays hor.. Then beside medication is there any way to correct by the food intake.?


heehee at least he is taking it positively.. V good if I were to told my dh tt he sure v bueh song. Kekeke


hihi how r u.. Good to heard from u. Since the case mayb just follow wt both dr had advice n send ur dh for sa test. I think nowadays there's increase prob leading from the male side.. Mayb due to diet n lifestyle.. Headache cos I felt my prob also lies w my dh lo.. Cos my check also shown that I m fine.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hope to hear good news from u soon.. When's ur next o coming? Jia you ok!!!

I think my pms signs r showing lo.. Today I was so pek chay that I get v impatience w my dad n told him off... My gal heard that n said. "oh gong gong naughty" wahaha my must hv tot my dad did mistake an ganna butter by me.. Aiya I kw v bad for me to show my black face on my dad too but I really pms lah!!! Damn pek chay!!!

If af come lagee sianz Liao!!!!

Aiyah Pink Piglet, u know men lah.. i told him abt it 2 wks back, that he might be the prob. he immed told me he made me preg twice, so can't be him lor. He said he will think about it but so far hasn't really told me if he will go.. all he said is that he will try the TCM this week if he has the time. but since the last time he made me preg, he has changed his job so now he is working very long hours.. can see that he is tired so i dun wanna press him YET!

I got my +ve OPK today! gonna try later lor.. and got my hb to take half day tmr aftn to BD.. see i really desperate liao..

When are u due to test?

thanks lynzi.. baby dust to all.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

prayinghard, me ah, if gal best, but not also nvm.. No.2 comes then i close shop.. Wanted nov baby but guess no chance lor.. tested using ovulation kit, but after so many days stil no egg, guess have to wait for next cycle. I went to the website, my calculated O dates are the same, but simply no O.. Hopefully the 2 days we BD got chance, else can wait till for AF to come..

But baby dust to all who is O-ing.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheri - how any news? hope u r ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkpig - BREATHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehe... cn understand how u feel. when i pek chek i also super black face... but to my dad hor, i dont scold or talk back to him.. jus keep quiet n black face... to my mum then i say back n black face... lol... now u wad dpo ? or wad ?

hey piggywiggy! ltns! heh. ya. chill chill. try to work less... see u like super stressed at work.. aiyo... no good...

babyrabbit - hope we cn strike this cycle!@! since u say yr range is until 32, maybe u want to wait til wednesday to test... if u can hold out, then friday if AF still doesnt report... wish u luck hor!!!!!!!!!!!! heee~

today is CD17 for me. finding it weird how come online calculator says i wil O only on CD27 to CD29 lor.. so long way to go... arghhhhhxxxxxxxxxx!!! anyway, to be safe, i just test opk daily... heh heh heh...


Haiti... Men really same same leh... Actually test only ma, no harm, mayb it's due to their self esteem lah.. Oh u r going to o soon!!! Ok jia you oh!! Atleast he made an effort to take leave for bd.. V cooperative Liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope u can strike this time n can forget abt all the test until u trying for no 3 hor.. Heehee.

My af should b due this Thursday ba.. All the pms sign lah... Sianz.. Really doesn't wanna pin high hope..


I v close to my parent one so not happy will show direct one lol. Wahaha but they kw me v well lah, they kw I ki Xiao sometimes.. Mayb pms lo..

My af should b due Thursday ba. V sianz.. Going to go through the most stressful time of the cycle.. Like getting exam results..sian ah this mtg already 2nd mth clomid..I very lo last mth n these mth I was kinda busy, I kinda miss to bd close enough to o leh..

Piggy >> my bbt for cd16, cd17 (opk-), cd18 (opk+) and cd19(opk-) are 36.1 (lowest for whole cycle), 36.5, 36.5, 36.7 respectively. I thought my O was on CD19 from previous months of monitoring. Is it possible to have three consecutive days of OPK + from DPO4 to DPO6? It's quite unusual for me as I normally have the Lh surge for only a day. I am hoping the temperature dip on DPO4 and DPO5 are due to implantation and not ovulation!

Babyrabbit >> really hope I did not O for multiple times, bcos we hope to TTC for a boy. Higher chance of getting a girl if my O was delayed ;(

Piggy >> congrats on opk+ today, jiayou! Heard from some doctors n mummies you could try the following to increase chances:

1. When bd in missionary position, elevate your bum using a pillow such that your head is lower than your legs, ie your body is about 30 degrees angle from ground

2. Use the ploughsex method when your dh is about to ejaculate, ie. Your two legs are resting on dh shoulders n vertical to your body

3. After dh ejaculate, u lie on the bed for 1 hour, do not move at all. For the first 30 minutes, u pretend to have orgasm. This is very important, you intentionally do that to suck in the max sperm. It should feel like u are holding your pee for 1 sec then let go 1 sec, hold in for another sec then let go 1 sec, do that consecutively for hundreds of times, if u know what I mean...

chantel>> i oso hoping for #2 is boy. is it coz ur #1 is girl also??

Mrng ladies!

Pink Piglet, nothing special except backache but i always got backache prob de..u due to test this thur? mine is this fri. Hope our AF nv come ya!

Piggywiggy, have fun BD-ing ok!

Hi ladies!


Big big hugs my dear.

Hope u feeling better now especially with your +ve opk.

I got mine too today.

Yesterday nite whacked liao.

Will whack again tonite and tomoro nite.

After that cannot cos dh working nites till friday.

Good that your tcm session with Dr Tan went well. If the prob really lies with your hubby then Dr Tan will be the best person to help.

Before u go do your HSG, I will suggest for u to get your hubby to do the SA test first.

Furthermore your tube still tender as the gynae said. No point going thru the uncomfyness of HSG if its found out that the problem is the swimmers.

I also went to great lengths this cycle (with the preseed, alternative meds, bbt, smiley opks and all the supplements) so hope we will ALL strike soon..sticky bfps to us!!!!


Your method no 3 sounds like kegel exercise.

If it is then tis not advisable cos its forcing the sperms further out instead.

Oh believe me, many of us here have tried all the methods out there..hahaha


aiyoh sayang sayang..dont get angry.

Hope your af wont come for 9 mths.

Remember our saying..so long no see red still got hope.


Hope u get your +ve opk soon!


Some ppl cannot detect +ve o on opk but they are Oing leh.

If u want to know can go gynae and do blood test aka BT as we often refer to here.

Lynzi, is that so? I always tried opk but never seems to get anything, then I tried using the fortel pregnancy test kit then also negative, so I also dunno.. My hubby won't want to bd every alternate days de... Haiz..

My gynae if book appointment need to wait 2 weeks de, he quite popular.. But I like him very much very gentle guy..

hey gal, how are ur doing..

i long time never login TTC page.. i'm here to pass some BBdust for your..

btw if can try preseed! I try for very long also no news then first time try preseed then kanna lioa.. now at 16 weeks le...

Good Luck Oo... Have fun...

Hi Gals.....

Sigh....some are very lucky gals, 1st time trying certain ways or products they kenna liao. I tried CW, royal jelly for preseed for 3 cycles also no strike....oh god...can strike me?

Lynzi, happy Bd-ing....lots of fun, hope u strike n can get year end rabbit.


Who is your gynae?


Whuahaha..i will babe.


Thanks dear!

How have u been? Wow..so fast its 16 weeks already.


Our turn will come soon..hang in there ok.

This cycle is got extra 'ammo'. Im using the clearblue fertility monitor. A very nice dpp at work who became my good fren gave me the fertility monitor with 2 boxes of the opk. She only started to think of ttcing for #2 last oct. Hence she went to buy the fertility monitor as her cycle not regular. She started ttc in nov. Surprisingly, she cannot detect any high surge. She only bd once in nov and tio leh!

So very very lucky rite? Now she is past her first trimester so she gave me this with her babydust as she knew i tried for quite some time and she saw how down i was when i m/c the 2 times.

So i hope i can strike this time.

Lynzi: ok lor.. only hope the MS will go off really soon.. cos if i still don put on weight doctor will scold scold scold.. so how u? any luck?

Summer, u make me feel more hopeful for this cycle cos i used PRESEED & i went temple to pray lolz but i oli BD for 2 days when i saw +opk. keep my fingers cross!

Charlotte, dun give up! God will strike us sooon wahahaha!

Summer, wow...5 days all the way! My HB sure buay tahan lah....sure leg wobben...haha at most is 3 days in a row....lucky for u, do take care!

Lynzi, hopefully u will have good news with her good luck fertility monitor n babydust....will pray for u[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

A Big Hi to All!

High sensitive (20 mIU) OPKs for proper detection of LH surge (ovulation)

Ultra sensitive (10 mIU) HPTs for use as early as 4 days before missed period

Priced at $0.50 to $0.60 per strip (expiry 12/2012). Free normal postage > 5 strips, fast delivery guaranteed.

Clearblue Fertility Monitor and 20 sticks @ $220

Clearblue box of 20 sticks @ $46.50 (with free HPTs)

Clearblue digital ovulation (smiley face) 7 sticks @ $45.90 *in stock*

Clearblue digital pregnancy with conception indicator (tells how many weeks pregnant) 2 sticks @ $27.90 *in stock*

Special packages incl Pre-seed, Basal Thermometer also available.

Please see my website at www.bbshop01.blogspot.com for more details or email [email protected]


oic, mine also nothing special lah, just bloated, breast abit tender N hot temper lo. Like pms coming .


good luck for your BD ya!! Wah it friend v lucky!!!


wahaha my dh will also die for bd-ing so many days!!

Summer, what other bu can men eat? I buy the blacksmore multivit pills for HB but he can't eat much cos his leg be swollen n pain if he ate few days in a row....get him to drink lots of orange juices too as he smokes...what else for men ah?

pin piglet, ya lor sure kao pei one....I ask him to BD 3 days in a row he make noise....ask him to BD alternate days he say no strength....wah lao sometimes dunno what to say....how to strike if dun co-operate?

lynzi, the chicken essence n red date drink can only take during 2WW?

Hi ladies,

The other day you gals were talking abt the bowl. May I know where to place it? I bought one but have not found a strategic location for it.

Any idea?

Lynzi, same same I whacked last night and just now.. abt an hr ago.. hehehe.. laid there for 40mins before getting up lor.. tmr morning gonna whack again.. i think i got my ovulation dip today too.. hopefully tmr morning temp increase then i dun have to do it again.. I told myself to relax abt this cycle and am gg to keep myself busy (as if not busy enough liao). for me i think the critical part is to tell myself dun stress out at work, but since i'm on leave till next wed, i think i shall take it easy and not check my inbox!

Doc said by next mth my tubes shd heal.. antibiotics only 5 days and so far i haven't really felt any pain since i started it. hopefully its a sign of recovery. Gynae said he didn't wanna waste anymore time so want me to do both HSG and SA together. Some more he wants to save the gd sperm for IUI.. Hb told me just now if we dun strike this mth then he will go see Dr Tan.. haizz.. i really dunno what else to do... ooooh ya, i heard Dr Tan said not to take royal jelly if u have high FSH, cos it stimulates too many follicles or something.. i stopped all my supplements too and notice that though i m having outbreaks, my CM production is more. Gynae did mention even Preseed is not as gd as natural CM and told me to minimise using it..

Pink Pig, Misscandy, Donkey, ya I am having a bit more fun BD-ing this cycle partly cos we are doing it without my son around.. hehe.. a bit sinful :p

Chantel, do u chart ur temps at a professional charting webby like fertility friend? Let me recap ok? CD, 16, CD17, CD18, CD19, DPO2, DPO3, DPO4, DPO5 and DPO6 are 36.1, 36.5, 36.5, 36.7, 36.7, 36.7, 36.3, 36.3 and 37.1. I am missing ur temp at DPO1. from what i have seen, it seems like ur DPO5 is likely to be ur O day.. cos ur temp at CD19 is 36.7 and DPO2 is 36.7 too so it means no thermal shift if CD19 is ur O date. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks for ur three tips. For Tip 1, research shown that aft 30 mins, all the sperm that would have swam away would have already done so, so don't need to lie any longer. as for Tip 3, it sounds like Kegel, which as Lynzi said, is a NO NO for TTC.. u are actually expelling the sperm! i dunno if u have notice when u have an orgasm, ur uterus (or some part down there) will have involuntary spasms.. like twitching! I do feel that after a BIG-O. that's the action they are talking abt and cannot be replicated cos that's involuntary muscle movements i.e. like ur heart contracting.. u don't have a say to tell it to contract.

lynzi, my gynae is dr fong yang

Charlotte, i bought this multi-vit from GNC and it supposely have oyster extract to promote healthy sperm.. Heard from my fren its good, so bought a bottle to try..


I bought men's performance n think my dh never take too.. Cos he has a v heaty body lah .. Hai..


wt is the bowl for?? Fong shui?


wow looks like ur gynae share alot of tips to u. Btw what's FSH.



can keep the bowl anywhere.

I kept it together with my other bowls in my kitchen cabinet.


FSH stands for follicle stimulating hormones.

Women with high FSH will get ovarian failure.

High FSH can be caused by pcos, autoimmune disease, radiation, chemotherapy etc.

Hence those with pcos n high FSH cannot take RJ as it will trigger n stimulate the hormones.

