(2011/12) Dec 2011

Jac: I bought the quinny already. Hehe damage $583. Might be more as I may be buying the Victoria cot mattress.


Jac - yes, it's stated in my package and no additional cost. It's called growth scan. But I dont know what it is about, haha. And not sure if it's the same scan as what Safiya mentioned.

As for my MIL, yah, I told myself to just suck it in for 1 mth..for everyone's welfare. Cos she requested for the following if done at my place:-

a) A cot which can be wheeled from room to room. She wants to have 8 hrs of sleep at night. So I'll take night shift...and she will wheel it into my room

b) 5 inch queen size mattress and bedframe. She will choose the mattress and bedframe. I'm thinking where to put.....

c) Full access to my MBR bathroom

d) Place for 2 maids to sleep (at first it was supposed to be her maid will go home in the evening)

e) My dogs to be "quarantined" somewhere in a remote area of the hse. She actually suggested the store room!

I live in a 5-room flat - how to accomodate? The last straw was when she said my dogs will cause harm to bb and may bite her cos they will be jealous. My dogs are such angels and so well-behaved...grrl....

So after discussing with hubby, we decided we rather just go to her hse and at least if anything not happy, we retreat back to our own hse. Hubby will bring the dogs to see me every few days. Rather than have it at my place, end up I'm sad and depressed and I cant invite her out rite?

About the glucose test, when do we normally do it? I heard of this but my gynae never mention at all.

Stardust: My gynae mentioned the scan is done to check the baby growth, like the bones and all. So, i guess it should be the same that you are referring to la.. Usually, the glucose test is done between 24-28 wks. And i don think everyone goes through the test. My mum is diabetic so, gynae adviced me to go for the test incase it is hereditary. My monthly urine checkup is all normal but she just wants to be safe. Other scenarios where gynae will recommend is, if the mum is overweight/obese, high blood sugar level or unusual gain weight/loss during pregnancy.

I rem my gynae will usually check this & check that in every scan.. I don't query so long no extra charges & everything is normal.

Savoys: If your mom is diabetic, gynae will likely want to do extra tests. My friend's mom is diabetic & she was diagnosed with pregnancy diabetics with her 1stborn. Thank God that it was discovered early so she could have early treatment & put everything under control tho more work & cost more. Her sugar level returned to normal after delivery due to good self-control during pregnancy. Her 2nd pregnancy was smooth without diabetics. Each pregnancy is different. Always better to play safe.

Stardust: Your MIL really knows how to make demands leh.. How can she demand to choose the queen size bed frame & mattress & so many more requests! Night duty is the toughest. At least should offer to take turns with you mah... If you go thru normal delivery still ok, if caesearian v xiong leh..esp in the 1st wk..

Agreed all the baby items add up to a bomb! V costly hor...

Stardust: Your mil is demanding, I agree with CP. If I will you I will go her place and suffer for 1 month rather she coming to your place and invade your house. plus all the additional cost u need to add in by buying the extra bed and all.

Safiya - thanks for enlightening me! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CPyeo - yah, I was quite dismayed. During my wedding preps, she was quite domineering too. Tot Tis time rd, she wld b different cos our relations hv improved n I'm also more willing to defer to her wisdom as an elder since I'm a 1st time mummy...BUT guess leopard can't change it's spots. N she deployed the same tactic - divide n conquer. She will only tell me but not hubby cos she knows hubby will tell her off.

Luckily hubby also know her pattern frm the wedding preps. He's quite ah q abt it. Tell me no lah, lidat we don't give her chance, we go mess up her instd. Not happy go hm. N rather spend $ on her bed, spend the $ on more thgs for bb n also do up his old rm at his mum's pl.. Haha. Made me felt or better.

Verene - yah, tats y we've decided to stay at her place instead for my confinement.

Jac - forgot to reply you on Aussino. It's for all. But I rem it's for selected period only. Caught my attention cos they were featuring the design I bought for my bb gal, haha.

Oh just to update the mummies who are not on FB. The BP for Quinny stroller and Maxicosi carseat is off. Kimiko/ Flo Chin shared that there's a better deal at Taka BB fair. Overall cheaper with a free seat reducer plus warranty starts only when bb is born. So mummies who are interested, pls head down there. Fair ends this Sun.

Re: Aussino Bed Set

Wondering if the bumper a full bumper or half bumper? My cot size mattress is 60cm*120cm so the bed size will be bigger. their std size is 28"*52". I got my friend's card for 40% off bday month in Sept so thinking whether to buy...or should I get the right size from Ikea. Or can I just tuck the excess in?

Dear mummies

I'm so busy with work tat I dun time to log into motherhood forum ... Really so drained from work .. And wkend will be reserve for our new house Reno

Hopefully all will b over soon n we can get busy over bb's stuffs =)

Hi littlefren

I'm better now as I had been goin to physio therapy thus u might wan to give it a rest .. Really relieve some of my muscle ache n pain

Hope u will get better soon too =)

Verene - irrc, it's half bumper. My cot mattress is also smaller, so the SA advise that I'll just stuff the excess cot sheet in.

Mummies - I bought the wrong design for hubby's CK briefs. Bought at $69, letting go at $55. BNIB with Tangs price tag. Cotton stretch low rise trunk in white, black and grey. FOC normal postage. Let me know if you are interested.


Hi mummies.. Long time didn't login to chat.. Just had a tiring week... Had my detailed scan on wed, but Bb not cooperative.. Went back on thurs to complete scan.. Total scan taken = 9 scans to complete.. Everything is well except that Bb have a swollen blood vessel on his tummy.. Can't help but to worry for him.. Hospital called me yesterday to schedule another round of scan early next month with a specialist to follow up.. Gynae assured me that although it's not common, it may goes off by itself.. Worst scenario = heart failure. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Haiz..

Lyn, dun think so much first. Be positive. He will be alright de

Stardust, ur mil is demanding sia. Phew, luckily my mil is not like that

Hi lyn, stay positive n tok to bb more often... Hope everything will turn out well for u n little one.

Hi ace, glad to know u are better. So do u know what caused yr backside pain? Which hosp u gonna give birth in n who's yr gynae? Was yr gynae the one who ask u go therapy? I'm seeing my gynae on wed n I wanna know how long my pain will take to ease. Cos I need to jiao dai to my students if it's gonna be long... Can't climb stairs now so can't drive so can't teach... ;(


Thanks for the info on Aussino.I think I will get a pink set next month.

Lyn, be positive and try not to worry too much. bb will be fine.

I just went for my check-up this morning. check on her lips to determine no cleft. bb measured at 11.84 cm today at 17W6D (according to scan). Got my blood test result back as well...low risk for DS but my red blood cells is abit low. Gynae hope to see me gain more weight next visit in 1 mth's time. currently, I am stil1 below pre-preggie weight by 2.3kg.

Hi Lyn, understand how you feel but please stay positive and hope everything will be ok for you.

Hi Littlefren, would it be possible for your students to visit you for tuition for the time being instead? I don't think it's good for you to strain yourself because you need to answer to them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Suggest for you to rest for a while more even when you have fully recover.

Hi Verene, good that all is well. If we can pass weight to each other at will, I'll sign up to pass my weight to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Though my weight has been stagnant for the past 2-3weeks but I had gained a bit too much :x

^^ Brand New Disney Car Seat for Sale ^^


I have a brand new Disney Car seat to let go at 140.

Tag is still attached.

Do PM me if u are interested[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/3877999/5883687.jpg]

Hi hi mummies! Long time no log in. ^^

Tomorrow is last day of taka fair. Hubby n I plan to go down for last min shopping. Anyone gg down too?

For cot, we discarded our 1st one already, so need to buy another. Thinking of finding a bedside cot so that I can breastfeed baby at night then roll him over to his cot.

Was thinking of getting a baby monitor too but found out that iphone has baby monitor apps that work with accessories? Anyone know abt that?

Mummies .. I was at a friend's house jus now.. N without realising, I drank a few slips of expired drink!! =(  It was abt 1mth expired! Really pray tat it will be alight 

Hi littlefren..

Tik I walk too much n overstretch my muscle for tat period of time. I actually had been visiting chiropractor b4 pregnancy till to back problem. But both my gynae n doctor advised me not to go for chiropractor treatment when I'm pregnant now n suggest I tried physio instead .. It did help in some way

My gynae is Doc Fong Chuan Wee frm Gleneagles.

Yup do speak to ur gynae n see wat he say.. I knw u might b able to find online for pregnancy massage tat might b able to target on back problem due to pregnancy

But becos I'm able to claim from my co .. Thus will stick to current physio for the time being

I'm looking at the angel care movement and sound monitor. Reviews really good and think will appreciate the peace of mind since SIDS is such an unknown ailment

Gerald: I juz ordered the angelcare movement and sound monitor from ebay this afternoon. a lot cheaper than buying it in singapore. have a friend who raved about it.

eBay? What about the shipping? How much did u pay Joanne? I think it's a worthwhile investment but sg is $400+ so ex

Safiya, jac, littlefren,

My gynae told me his staff alrdy booked a date for me for s growth scan in my 8th mth. So I guess that is the so called 3rd detailed scan? He said this 3rd scan is to chk bb growth.


Ur mil is demanding n crazy lah... Cannot dun get her to do ur confinement? U hire CL leh?

Btw glucose test is not required for all preggies. Only when gynae suspects u got gestational diabetes from ur usual urine test, then will ask u to do the more accurate glucose test to confirm have or not.


I bought the bedside cot from mothercare during the GSS. I intend to breastfeed and hope I can persevere till bb turn at least 1 yr old.

GBH - cannot leh. She hates CL and will chase her away for sure. Plus SIL set precedent, also no CL and had to let her do whatever she wants. It's been years and she and BIL are still not considering a 2nd bb...too stressful. She experienced same stress for her wedding, like mine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Talking abt bb monitor, any one has experience with the philips video monitor? Seems clear and all but hv not heard actual user experience yet.

Hi ladies..

Wow stardust, ur MIL sounds as domineering as mine! I totally understand how it feels. *pats*

CP, I bought e toddler pillow frm baby beanie at taka fair too! Thinking to let my elder girl try it out n if good, buy e baby pillow for e newborn..hearing ur reviews,I nw regret nt getting them together...I bought their cot at e fair too!

Winniep, e aussino set sounds like a good deal! What does e

6pcs include?

Amazingly, my son's willing to ditch his badly wont out infant pillow for his new junior pillow. I used his favorite pillow case that comes with the standard single size bed sheet..tho' it's bigger in size, he doesn't seem to mind as we can easily fold up the excess cloth & he can lie on it comfortably. $39 is worth spending!

I've also finally managed to switch my 2 kids from milk bottles to milk cups..all thanks to the new Avent product. I've tried many ways with so many different types of cups but all have failed. Thank God this time they like the Avent cup but feel the pinch as they're q costly coz they are of the same material as milk bottle. Since successful, can consider $ well spent lah..

Joanne: I checked the Internet.. Is the monitor you mentioned the one that we're supposed to place the mat below the baby? Safe or not? Is it really that good?

Winniep- no discount for the disney set? Thot there's a 20% discount now...then again when I had the 20% coupon, they also informed me the Disney sets not eligible for discounts

Cpyeo: the movement monitor at taka fair is a mat for baby to sleep on, looks uncomfortable and costs $680! This angel care that joanne bought is canadian product and is placed under mattress so u can still put bed sheet etc. Will not affect baby's sleep which I feel is important and non intrusive

Gerald/Joanne: So this is a better product? Pls keep me informed of th cost before you order, can? I may be keen to join in.. This

Gerald: i got the 2 monitors one. AngelCare AC201-2P Baby Movement Sensor w Sound

CP: A fren of mine raved about it and told me it is worth the peace of mind.

If anyone interested in ordering stuff from US, can lemme know.

Cjdg, the 6pcs consist of bumper, pillow, bolster, fitted sheet n comforter.

Stardust, the discount is only for selected Disney items.

I went to the aussino at tam pines mall. Maybe too small v limited. Only left one Mickey n two pooh bear. They have their own aussino pattern a giraffe with blue Polkadots and another is bear and rAbbits I think. Not sure if that has 20% discount a not

That's a gd deal Joanne. I never considered the 201, was looking at the ac401 and the 401deluxe, a bit more extra functions for slightly more. Thanks will hunt around more first. Didn't know they had a 201 cos I first read in the sgp distributor website. Think that is a low price to pay for peace of mind!


Aiyoh... Ur mil really like dowager, can tell u dun hire CL n yet demand this n that...


How old r ur kids? What's the avent milk cup? I wanna wean my gal off her milk bottle but she won't know how to drink properly from a normal cup yet. Will def spill everything out. She only knows how to drink from bottle n sippy straw cup. Abt 16 mths old now. Do u think the avent milk cup is suitable for her?

Joanne: Thanks for the info. I'll check out in eBay & Amazon 1st. Since you already have yours, still ordering from US?

Gbh: piah say...my kids are 7.5 & 5.5 years old but still can't part with their milk bottles despite several attempts.. FYI, they're not the record holders in the family as my nephew (hubby's side) used milk bottle 'til P6! I think you can try the Avent cup. It has dual function - 1st can be used like a milk bottle but without the sucking motion..can drink lying down pouring the milk from a small hole similar to force feeding... When the kid's ready, you can remove the cap & use as a cup. As it's of the same material as milk bottle, you can still sterilize it & no worries if plastic will react adversely to hot milk. Most expensive kid's cup I've seen -cost $15+ at Taka fair & salesgirl claimed promo price liao.. I think they carry another type of smaller milk cup similar to straw concept but I think too babyish for my kids liao.. Thot it's hard to drink hot milk with straw leh... Suggestnyou take a look at both products before deciding which is bettr for your kid. Maybe can bring her there to choose so she can commit to it..

Winniep - thanks for the info! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm also waiting for a fren's b-day in Nov to get 40% for my second cot set. I think the Great World City outlet has more stocks. I rem the Parkway parade one also hv 1-2 sets only.

Joanne - I'm also interested, but wondering how this Angelbaby one compares to the Philip Avent video monitor. Shall do more research. But can let me know estimated cost? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CPyeo - your MIL also lidat ah...sian rite?

GBH - Demanding nvm but very crafty....and when she's upset, the way she talk is like those MIL in TVB drama. When I recall what she told me when I first married into the family, I always laugh. Cos I'm so like the suffering DIL in TVB drama. Though I find she has mellowed with age lah. So hopefully will get better.

Stardust: No lah..my FIL & MIL are highly educated nice people..it's their daughter who's hard to live with.. She's the eldest in the family, single & full of sickness which I find they're self-inflicted..she now self-declare handicap ordering people around in her wheelchair. Anyway, she dares not order me as I don't give face one... I'm also my parent's only daughter so won't bow down to her no matter what.. At home, it's like Chinese saying..well water don't mix with river water..ha..ha..then can have peace at home mah..

Hello! Does anyone know of any baby fair coming up next other than the one in Oct, Singapore Expo? I missed out on Taka fair..i dun mind small scale ones though.

Most of us more than 5 mths preggie..Does anyone not know the gender of your bb yet? My gynae still cannot see..so difficult to buy things..

Good Monday mummies!!!

gbh: there is a 3rd scan??? my 7th mth is my 2nd detailed scan. I didnt know there is another one at the 8th mth.. i hope my baby cooperates cas my first scan, i took 4 hrs cas he was sleeping in his tummy.. And i was already feeling tired after the scan.. :-(

Stardust: Oh dear, I think you should try to shied yrself from yr MIL, esp this time cas u need to send positive vibes to yr baby.. hopefully, you don get disturbed or stressed k. My MIL is different lo.. She doesnt ask anythin abt me or baby. Sometimes, i feel its good cas i dont get disturbance but cant help thinking if she really cares lo.. Its like, we are in the same hse but she wont know that i am not feeling well. I usually handle myself and my hubby is very supportive (thank god!). And at times, i jus go over to my mummy's place. hehe..

PS: My hubby bought avent steriliser at $90 online! Its brand new and it comes with 2 avent bottles. The person selling actually received this as gift but he already bought one for himself. So, he was selling it online and my hubby grabbed it!! Hehe.. one item off the list! :)

hello mummies!! hows weekend??

wanna share a bad experience at baby kingdom... we went there impromtu to check out on play pen ytd.. then we saw some cots which are to our likings. (actually now a bit regret nv buy from taka fair but that time we were not sure yet..) anyway, end up we bought a cot with bedding set and a yao lan at baby kingdom.

The lady was very hardsell!! keep asking us to buy.. although the chances of us buying is high but she keep pushing and pushing!!! end up we left for hypermart and some drinks at the coffeeshop nearby.. there isnt anything that caught our eyes at hypermart other than the other maclaren strollers... didnt get anything there...

went back kingdom, the lady remembered us. and again, keep hardselling.. i already buay tahan so we quickly decide and made our purchase. Then the lady asked when is our preferred delivery. although we know our EDD but actual delivery date might be diff right? hubby asked if they will call before delivery to confirm there is someone to receive it and see the asembly. the lady just say no, they got alot delivery in the east and they dun call and check. they just deliver. if no 1 in den bo bian. hubby was quite angry not just because they dun call before delivery but also of her attitude.. she was very rude and bochup type of tone. she meant like if no 1 den they deliver again another day but need to pay lor, better save the delivery date in hp so that will not forget. if not, not they problem at all. a happy impromtu shopping end up unhappy leaving the place with a big hole burnt! the cot is $319 after discounts...

stardust, your MIl really know how to request and enjoy! a bit to omuch le lah!! stillw ant bed (she choose), she takes night shift (thought they should be helping us on and off??), whys he wants access into your bathroom??, a place for 2 maids to slp?? and the worse is the dog! i am worried about the dog in my house coz the dog keeps peeing and pooing in the kitchen (i find my hubby's family dog very ke lian coz always no 1 in to bring dog for walk and hubby walks very long hours and even on weekends quite often but no 1 is just "free" to walk the dog) and i am worried if baby older will "play" with it.. but i nv thought of putting the dog into the store room!!! that's very evil of her leh.. (sorry for being rude)...


Safi, my MIL is like yours. Never ask anything, never bother to do anything also. Still cook her usual fare of dinner like plain potato and veg which my hubby already told her my appetite had shifted and I no longer want to take those food but she just ignore. Sometimes I see already I just don't eat and eat bread instead. My parents seem a bit concerned about that but not convenient to step in so whenever I go back for a short stay, they always feed me like feeding a pig. If I don't eat they will say, 'how can don't eat, you don't want to eat, ah boy wants to eat mah'. They are so enthusiastic about their grandson even though my child wont bear their surname. Scenario is so different over at my husband's side, so bo chup. Somemore my child will be the first grandson to bear their surname, my parents also cannot understand why.

Hi Jac, weekends' been a bit sian coz my hubby have to work night shift during weekends so I have to sleep alone on both Sat and Sun night. I read about their hard-selling somewhere, didn't know its so hardcore. But least I hope you find your purchase worthwhile?

