(2011/12) Dec 2011

Hi chan, my mum will be here to settle food n bath my bb since we r not supposed to touch water.... As for housework, my hubby around for first two weeks so he can handle, even I arranged like that still got pp tell me I'm ambitious too... I'm not getting cl for 3 reasons... One, not comfortable w strangers in the house, too ex, even get also dunno gd or not....

What about u? Who's gonna help bath bb n housework? Have u thot of it? I think food u can cater..... Can't your mum or mil help u out?


Ling, thanks for the link! Seems very comfy and much more cheaper than those I saw at Amazon. But can it support the back too?

Littlefrd, my mum has daily activities like karaoke class, yoga, tai-ji lessons and she has to cook for my dad & bro at home. In addition, she has neck and back problems. So asking her to help is rather difficult. I can't communicate well with MIL and also dun want her to tell hubby's siblings too much abt what goes on at our place. Coz hubby is the youngest at home, so his elder siblings always have comments on whatever he does (which they always feel is wrong!). We dun want to be their favorite gossip topic, so MIL is out too.

Hubby is hopeless with housework. He's only in-charge of mopping the floor altho not up to my standards ;p I thot of catering confinement food and get hubby to tabao his own dinner. Then bath bb n housework will be under me.

Ling & Chan PL - yah, this is the kind I want. But so far those that I checked out all cost $100 plus...tats y I went online to search. So hows this kidzloft one? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I heard that OG and metro have cheaper versions but I didnt see them the last time I went, maybe not all branches have isit?

I think the long pillow some can double up as breastfeeding pillow, just put bb on it and you lie down or sit up.

Chan PL, i think you better call them first before gg down. duno is it sold out. for me, it is working fine since my last pregnancy. cross finger, not encounterin anything yet

Chan PL/ little fren - I also not getting CL cos MIL insist on helping. I will b hiring maid and MIL will bring her maid to my hse for the 1 mth confinement too. I dont like it but don't intend to resist cos my MIL has v strong character, so no pt arguing. I just let her do it and I told hubby to tell her tat bb and I will be in her care. Anything happen she take full responsibility.

I rather do this then hv me stress over her kicking my CL out...and wasting my 2K..haha. Altho all my frens say bad idea for MIL to do confinement for me....

It really depends on individual. Alternatively, you can consider P/T CL, PT maid or order confinement food from caterer?

But then nd to consider you will need rest at night and whoever helps out must agree to stay up at nite to help feed bb or at least bring bb to u for BF. For me, that will be the maid lor....For hsework, I'm doubtful we can do ourselves...too tiring and need to recover from the labour....plus bb nds to be fed every 2-3 hrs...no time for other things.

Hi stardust,

Me too, I dun prefer mil to help, though I do get along well w her but living together is totally another story I feel, even if it's for a few weeks..., dun wanna this to be the start of our conflict. Ya...now that u mentioned...I rem you mentioned bat your mil before.... So u have two maids in the house as a result? I think it she work out bah... Ya.... It beats wait your mil chase your cl out.

Hi chan,

Hmmm.... Like that really nobody to help u n ya....I'm also beginning to worry if u can cope.... But I think stardust suggestion is good, u may wanna consider some part time help.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Littlefren - yah 2 maids. But like you, i dont like so many pple in the hse. So my MIL's maid will go hm with my FIL in the evening. But means all of them hv dinner at my place first. I dont like it cos like u say seeing each other once a week or so is one thing but meeting everyday is another. Then again no choice.....

Ms carpe diem,

Diaper caddies r those cot organizers. It is a containers with compartments to put diapers, cream n all the bb stuff u need to use daily. U can see on www.facebook.com/gingerbreadtown.

Re no help during confinement,

I seriously dun recomm esp for 1st time mummies esp if u wanna pump n bf too. U will be very overwhelmed. If got someone else to help out, whether CL, maid or mil, it will be much much better. Bcoz sometimes u need others help to help u be assured abt bb care too. Somemore dun forget tt our hormones will be haywire after popping n we will be easily stressed out or depressed compared to normal times. So extra help will be handy n keep us sane too.

Oh toking abt BF pillow, if anyone wants the normal crescent shaped kind, can PM me. I got one which I bought n hardly used it tt time for my #1. In the end I vain bought the my breast fren (even tt after a short while, I stopped using when I got the hang of bfing bb without it!)... The normal crescent shaped one is sitting inside my gal's cupboard for the longest time. Willing to let go at $10. Can't rem how much outside selling but I think around $30+ close to $40???

yo chan! i did my confinement on my own too! haha.. cos i cant stand handling another person.. i wanted to bf my #1 then so i tot even w the CL i'd be waking up too.. so waste my money.. i spent on confinement catering though. though a bit of a roller coaster ride, but i din regret.. but my hubby helped out fairly.. he is fairly hopeless w housework but w the baby he did laundry, plus bathe baby when he is at home.. he even cup fed the baby at nite.. (thats when i felt the antenatal classes were darn worth it).. haha..

Im staying with my mum and she agress to help me with my confinement. But I dunno to what extend she will help me. She single handedly handled my bro and myself when we were born. So dunno if she expects that from me too. I told my hubby to take like a week leave to help out also.

Actually I feel whether or not you will be depress or can't handle is depend on yourself. If u want to be depress you will. So think positive! This is my outlook of life.

Re: no help during confinement

Well, based on my first experience - ie. I went to my PIL house for confinement + had a confinement nanny + new baby + new environment + haywire hormones raging + adapt to new food (cos I don't usually take veg and am a picky eater) ======> MASSIVE POST NATAL DEPRESSION.

Think through again. My opinion is try to go with as normal your environment and routine as possible + an extra RELIABLE pair of hands to help you at any time.

I had no proper rest, plus depression which resulted in quite massive depression that lasted me about 1 year +

Hi mummies,

I think depression is not something one can help or leave to chance. I have many frens who had post natal depression even though they are the super resilient kind (i.e. went through hardship before.) Hormones are quite a force to recokon with.

So I guess, for those who prefer to do it on their own, can try out but always ensure there is a backup plan, so once cannot tahan, can activate.

Chan PL/ Ling - I called Kidzloft, they no longer carry the body pillow and said these are no longer coming to SG. Guess I'll try again at Metro and OG. If not, I really have to resort to Mothercare.

Hi mama ash.... I have seen this but haven't tried... But I was wondering if I want to change side n sleep... Isn't it very troublesome? Must I get up first?

Hi mummies,

The Dreamgenni is also available via Mothercare UK website at 46GBP (before 3 for 2 discount).

Local Mothercare carry this as well, selling ard $100 plus but no stock for now. Must wait a few weeks.

So Gmarket price looks quite reasonable, though still ex....

stardust25, gmarket offer free delivery... so i guess tat will save u the trip to mothercare & bring back bah...

Went to the taka fair with hub on sat and though it's too early.. But we bought the stroller + car seat.. It's only $440 which we think it's quite worth it.. Then we bought some clothes for unisex cos don't know gender yet.. Just cannot resist.. Hub say BUY! hahaha.. But all the stuff are all at my mom's place.. None at our house though.. But I must say the taka baby fair's price is really cheaper..

Chan P L: I'm going for the Sat class starting Sept too, but mine is 1:30-3:30pm haha, just before yours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Is it bad to sleep on the right side a lot? Nowadays I find myself waking up on the right side more and more often, dunno if it should be a concern or not.

Went Taka fair on Sun and wanted to buy the Britax car seat, but my hubby kept insisting it was too early to buy, so in the end returned empty-handed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Any of you have any comments on Britax Safe n Sound car seats?

I like to sleep on my right too...so have to keep remembering to turn to the left..end up keep turning right & left all night long..ha..ha.. I don't use the maternity pillow. Instead I'm q happy hugging the Alligator long pillow bought from Ikea some time ago..used it to support my tummy.. Maybe ok coz I'm rather small built & short...

Heard so much about Taka baby fair.. Have been telling my hubby die die must go but he said wait til National Day as we'll be going there for dim sum with his family. Somehow, FTBs are not as kan cheong as MTBs... Maybe baby not inside them so they won't understand how we feel..


I'm using britax car seat for my #1. Its for infant till 4 yrs old kind? I think up to 20/25 kg. My #1 uses this from birth till now. But I bought mine from mothercare so not sure which model u toking abt.

I just went to taka fair again and I finally ordered the baby cot! I got the Victoria 4 in 1 cot at $399 n add $109 for the 4" mattress. I told them my due date in dec and they are willing to do the delivery ard nov. I didn't get their bedding set as I think it's too expensive it's $139 for a 10 pc set. And it's not really v nice.

Does anyone know where to get nice bedding sets?


try aussino for baby bedding sets, the covers n all tt are good quality but the pillows (when naked without covers) totally cannot make it!!! i threw my gal's pillow into the washing machine n came out out of shape n cannot be reshaped back... i washed many pillows b4 but non is like tt lor... in the end i threw tt pillow away n used no brand kind tt i bought from kiddy palace...

winniep, the classic pooh bedding set is selling for $89 at the fair...usual price is $109. it's quite nice and the material seems quite firm.

How many bedding sets do you all intend to buy? I've bought one liao but wondering if it's necessary to buy a 2nd set so can wash & alternate?

GBH: Good to hear that someone else is using Britax too! Coz I've not heard of this brand before seeing it at the Taka fair. Actually I also dunno what model haha coz I forgot to ask! Need to go back there to take a look again. The only thing is somehow Britax car seats don't look very pretty, all dark and dull colours :p

Hi WinnieP.. The victorian 4 in 1 is it the one an uncle is promoting? He say the wood is from M'sia or something one? Cos we saw it hub quite interested to buy too but I kind of hesitating about it..

Allo mummies!

Me and my hubby are planning to go TAKA fair too, some where next week. but we made a list of wat to buy and the list is getting longer...

Winniep: Wat is 4 in 1 cot? can explain more? And does it comes wif roller? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mamaAsh>> the pillow according to many mummies i talk to is quite comfy but for me i think its a user problem.. I stop using it after a while.. cos I usually find I flick off the pillow to the ground the next morning! And now, with #1 sleepin on my queen sized bed, I don't think I can fit another pillow on the bed.. Mine was this one though (similar design and price range) http://leachco.stores.yahoo.net/snoogle.html

I have used it less than 5 times and its really brand new.. (the cover can be removed and machined washed).. I cant rem the exact price I bought it for.. Its ard $130 or $150.. If you want, I don;t mind selling it at $80.. Let me know..

I went to Taka baby fair yesterday with my friend and infant. Its lucky that my experienced friend is with me so I have a better idea some stuff that I can do without. Came home empty handed though.

With respect to the sterilisers, I understand from my friend that if i intend to use Medela pump, that means I would be using the normal bottles (not wide neck) nor Avent bottles unless I don't mind changing bottles after pumping. For the Pigeon and Avent bundled set, the bottles given are not suitable for Medela. Hence, I will be getting the steriliser itself instead of the set. But the price for steriliser has no sale though so will delay the purchase.

As for the classic pooh bedding set, I bought cot and the bedding set during the baby expo fair last month. Hubby negotiated for the bedding set to be $60 but i am not sure if can bargain during the taka fair.

The girls clothes look soooo pretty and affordable. Had to restrain myself from buying since one or two more friends are going to pass me clothes and everyone is advising me against buying clothes. Hmm... I am already thinking of getting pretty dress for her 1 mth party!

Hi Mummies here,

I have a new unopened Carter Baby Bather for sale. this was given to me during my baby shower in April this year. I have no use for it. Let me know if anyone is keen. You can search on the net for a picture of it. I would like to sell it for $18. Let me know if any one is keen. Thank you.

hi, has anyone has any comments on britax boulevard 70? am researching online for convertible car seats (use from infant to toddler) n this model seems recommended in many sites...

After discussion with hb, we decided to hire confinement lady after all despite the high cost & uneasiness of having a stranger at home. If I can't cope alone, hb can't apply long leave to help also. Then sometimes he has to work at night. Just hope after 1 mth when CL leaves, my hormones are back to normal and I've the energy to cope alone.

Mummies, thanks for the info on pregnancy pillow. It's very tempting to get a one but all so ex leh. Guess I've to make do with my 2 small pillows and pick them up/reposition each time I go pee at nite...

yallo: I wanted to take 1.30pm class too but coz hb sometimes have to work on Sat morn, we take the later class instead. Maybe we'll bump into each other for the 1st & 7th session [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ac- I saw e pooh bedding but dun think it's nice.

Lilian T & Safiya- yes! That's the one. The cot is white. The SA said that it's a European design n it's made in Malaysia. 4 in 1 means u can use it as a cot, playpen, junior bed and sofa bed. There are only 2 adjustable height. I didnt get the changing table (it costs another $100) and the rails for junior bed (costs another $49.90). The $399 comes with cot and wheels n one normal mattress, free delivery and installation. I had to top up another $109 for the washable mattress. They can deliver in 3 mths time just let them know your edd.

Their washable bedding sets costs $139 after discount. They claim their bedding set will never loose the shape. We didn't get it cos we feel it's quite ex n the design not that nice.

We finally decided to get this Victoria cot is mainly because it is the nicest of all e cot we have seen n it can withstand the weight up to 80kg.

It seems like a lot of people are buying from them. Cos I compared to the rest of the cots, their counter has the most people.

Been silently reading for a while, also interested in this Victorian cot. Seems really sturdy according to the old man Mr Yio, up to 80kg and washable. Almost committed but held back cos it comes with absolutely no warranty. The old man challenged quite naively that other brands same, sadly, all others atw least offer 1 yr. Main worry is the castors and railing. Why no warranty if they believe so much in their product? So now still undecided.

Hi Winniep, thanks for the info and the measurement details. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Looks like the one i am looking for. But i need to measure the size cas am staying wif my in-laws and my room is kinda small. So, cant afford to get a big cot cas room will gt cramped. And somemore,am looking into using it for the baby up to 2 yrs. cas, i am not goona stop at 1, so can be useful for my next baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Shall go at at the fair!!

Hi all, been long time just read silently and never post...i also wanna go Taka bb fair but my dear and my mother not allowed they said go also no use bcoz they will only allowed me to buy bb things after 9 month...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] beside my mother also saying that no need to buy bb clothes coz she will ask from my cousin them for me old clothes she said is good for bb, better dun wear new clothes....

Many of you here already go for detail scan...i m waiting for next week...hope bb co-operate can make the process shorter...hehehehe...

Hi Winniep,

thanks for the measurement. When u say the mattress that u top up for is washable, meaning it can be fully soaked up in water and rinse? or only surface washing - meaning wipe with wet cloth.. any brand new for the mattress. I was looking at one at the taka fair but at a diff booth selling breathable and washable mattress..the brand is comfi safe. cost $299 b4 15% discount for my cot size(60 x 120). Any brand new for the mattress u bought? see if it is the same.


This victorian cot u all talking abt is the 4 in 1 in taka fair??? Anyidea where else can get it?? Coz not possible for me go to the fair

