(2011/12) Dec 2011

Just came back from kkh. Brought a constipated c to chk. $100 poorer, 1.5hr later, she pooed w the help of suppository. Super tired day.


KK: I'm also trying to figure out a feeding schedule for ethan. He just dropped one feed in the night in the past few days so now he only wakes up once for milk. But that also means he wakes up earlier than before. His typical schedule as follows:

7-8am- wake up, latch for abt 15-20min

11am- snack on fruit/veg purée (have only tried apple so far)

1pm- latch for abt 10-15min, then 1 tbsp rice cereal

5pm- same as 1pm meal

8+pm- last feed before bed, usually latch 30-45min, followed by 120ml fm (sometimes only 60ml, or can be as much as 180ml)

2-3am- latch for abt 30min

Just saw pd yesterday. She said can move on to brown rice cereal soon if we want.

Yoyosan: must be relief for c! Ethan's poo has been super dry these 2 days. Doesn't look like constipation but it seems harder for him to poop. He's been eating apple and drinking water. Wonder if it's because we switched from soy fm to regular fm recently.


No schedule, cos feed on demand. And now wif the constipation episode, I hv to re-intro solids slowly again.


I think I m more relieved than her. lol.

Now going to make sure I spoonfeed water.

Yoyosan: Hope you will manage to get some rest today and baby will poo on her own after this. Did you consider bringing her to a normal GP? Going to KKH, have to wait quite long and quite costly.

Tangerine: Glad to hear he has dropped one feed at night. My boy's night feed schedule is still not consistent in terms of timing and frequency.

Now his typical schedule:

7 - 8 am: wake up, latch 10 min, 2 tsp rice cereal + 1 tsp vege puree (tried carrot, spinach and broccoli)

12 pm: latch 10 min, 2 tsp rice cereal

4 pm: same as 12 pm

7+ pm: last feed before bed, latch 10 min, 150 ml FM

between 12 am - 3 am latch 10 min, 60 ml FM

Depending what time he woke, he may take another feed at around 4 - 6 am.

hello mummies!

my evie finally recovering after a long traumatic episode. she's drinking well now, active and sleeps well too.. but i haven't recuperate from my tiredness.. yawnssss...

i stopped all the cereals after the non-stop coughing.

evie's feeding schedule is 120-150 ebm every 3.5 to 4 hours.

sleeps by 9, will wake up at 2am then 6am for milk..

will only re-intro semi solids after she has fully recovered.

phlegm results showed that she has superbugs in her phlegm. sounds scary loh.. she's on antibiotics for 10 days.

dr gave a cream to apply her nostrils as well as the whole families's, supposedly to kill germs

PLUS antiseptic to wipe her body after bath..


Curry, gd that evie is recovering well.

My boy's schedule:

7-8am wake up and have 160ml milk

~11am rice cereal (today give 4 tbsp, finished and no need to top up with milk)

~3pm 160ml milk

~7pm 160ml milk, 7.30-8pm sleep

~11pm 170ml milk dream feed

4-6am latch if he make noise and cannot get back to slp, otherwise wait till 7-8am feed

Hi mummies,

Chance upon this thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

27Dec Cribbies*G*

Am starting my girl on cereal soon. Seems like most moms are using Bellamy cereal. Any other organic cereal to recommend?

Curry, good to know Evie is getting better. Like you, i will have to wait till my boy is totally well then can start him on cereal again.

My boy drinks milk every 3-4 hr, used to drink up to 180-200 ml per feed...Recently maybe he is unwell, so intake volume has dropped and not consistent. My boy is a late sleeper. I have to train him to sleep earlier so that I can also rest earlier.

10-11 pm Last feed

6.30 am first feed

Hi Mummies,

Been a silence reader. Anyone using Frisocrem rice cereal? It indicate it's with milk so do you add BM in it or just plain water?

Yuet sim,

I was around kkh vicinity so decide might as well. Ya, costly n long wait, cos mine not under serious case so no priority. my gp only works morning so by then closed. I also called up my pd while I was queueing, the nurse told me v full, go try other branch. I was like duh, wat kinda pd clinic. Quite pissed, so stay n waited for my turn.


Hi. U can try healthy times (I think it's organic), ntuc extra sells. Another is happy bellies, either from bulk purchase or some organic shop, I think.


Hi. I'm not using frisocrem but since it comes w milk, water is fine. See wat instruction says. But being a ks mum, n if u hv sufficient bm, I would use bm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Sharon, I did not buy frisocream but I read the instruction on the tin before. It says do not add milk as it already comes with milk right? Maybe u can check the instructions again yar...

hello mummies! pls add me! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2 Dec - zanissa *G* zoe

[email protected]

my bb started on rice cereal + fm (1 feed) successfully on sat and i m both happy and sad. happy coz she is growing up, sad coz she is growing faster than my heart is willing to let go! been breastfeeding her but supply is gg down after 3 mths at work, so finally supplementing with formula for sanity.

organising a playdate anytime soon? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Cribbies and Sharon!

Sharon: Frisocrem is milk-base, so no need to add milk. Plus its quite sweet, so water is good enough.


Yoyosan ah, next time dont feed banana to baby C if she didnt poopoo (touchwood lah) k?

My feeding schedule still same - from 7am, 150ml every 3hrly. 10am feed incl cereal. Last feed of the day 10pm+.

Mummy who bought the avent blender, have you guys tried it? Any review?

How about Beaba? Anyone using it?

Ejunko, so what have you concluded between the two?

Wonder if I should travel all the way to Expo on my own this weekend to shop n also to get the avent blender. Maybe they don't even have it there.

Hi snow and other mummies, I shd be gg to motherhood expo tmr. Can help to check out the avent blender price if there is.. Shd have I guess. And tmr I will start using my blender! Yeah.. So far baby taking cereal quite well =)

I've been using the avent blender and I love it! Very easy and convenient to use and clean. Have not seen the other brand. Which is more expensive?

Wow, didn't log in a few days and got quite a lot of posts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow, seems like most of the bb drink more than 120mL now. But my gal only drink 120-130 mL each time. If she latch on also very fast, sometimes 5 mins then she start to push me away.. Think maybe it s time for me to introduce solid, maybe can start this weekend. So excited!!

Shirley, my friend is breastfeeding (but exclusive pumping dono since 2nd or 3rd mths?), she got mensus after 6-8 weeks after delivery ler. So I think it depends on individual.

Hello fellow mommies! Just checking in.. Busy day. Emma finally fell asleep. She w/up about 4:30 n only went back to zzz at 5:30. Then by 6, she's up n didnt want to sleep anymore. By the time she felt sleepy, we were leaving for her swim class. Thank God she was happy in the pool..

I'll be away from here for a while cos my exam is coming up and I'm not really prepared. And right after that, I'm going to Munich before michigan. Will be back jul9.

Catch u as n when I can!

Annie: Mine has abit of rashes underneath chin.

Tangerine: Ohhh how long does it takes to steam? Cannot grind grains right?

SQin: Can help to see the price? Thanks in advance! =D

Yoyosan: Ya, bananas are bindng food leh.


Good luck for ur exams ( whatever u r taking), n hv a good trip.

Apple puree,

My 2nd try. Bad again. Gave vomit look every mouth, tho I dilute w water. Ai. Worried she'll be constipated yet apple puree she doesn't wan. Any one started giving papaya?

Ejunko: time dep on what u're steaming. Apples take 5min. Tried carrots today, 10min to steam, blend together with apples. Grind grains? If u mean porridge, can steam ingredients like fish and veg, then add cooked porridge to blend together. It's not meant to grind raw ingredients, unless they're soft foods like banana.

yoyosan - my mum gave bb papaya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just scrape from fruit, no need steam, so v convenient, hee hee.

where do you all rent toys like jumperoo from?

Yoyosan, thanks!

If u are concern with bb constation, u can give a bit of prune juice diluted in water. I rmbr one of the mommies in my #1 thread was advised to add 1tbsp to 20ml water and give to her baby over one day. Her baby was less than 6 mths then. May b u check with your PD to see if this is ok.


Apple puree also binding food?

Thx, gave her apple juice freshly squeezed just now. Since the no poo episode, today is 3rd day no poo again, n I only give 1 tsp cereal a day nia. Siao liao.


How old ur bb when u give papaya?


I thot abt it but din dare try. I scare later ls if I give too much. Won't be going pd yet. Next round I ask, then share w mommies here.

Hi all, been a while I didnt login. There are lots more mummy here already.

My gals is 6.5 months nw. Taking porridge, cereal, vegetable purees well. She has the constipation problem too during the initial period.

Becareful of potato and banana as these are the food that may cause constipation.

For me, I give prune juice and Healthy Time Organic Barley to taccle this problem. I will give the Barley every 2 days and prune juice if no poo poo for 2 days.

Prune juice I use the Heinz Apple and Prune juice. Is already diluted you may give direct. I tasted it, is not sweet.

Is really works as I give 30mls with her morning meal then afternoon poo poo will come. So I always have few bottles handy at home.

Yoyosan, maybe you want to try for your gal. Can get from Fairprice.

I am using the Avent 2 in 1 steamer and blender too. Is a good handy tools. as you need to just cut everything and throw inside the steamer. then go ahead to bath your bb. then the food is done, it will off itself, then you just flip and blend. by the time you finished massage your bb, you may feed the food already.

Yoyosan: Ya but previously is your bb's bianbian hard? If not then maybe not constipated, dont worry. I was advised to give diluted prune juice and barley too.

Christine: Really? Kiddy palace now have 20%, maybe i should get it.

Nov mummy,

The apple n prune juice ok for bb less than 6 mths?

Will try to get it if by today still dun poo.

Healthy times barley...is solid food? Not the barley tat boil water right? Solids to constipated bb, won't be worse?

Ur bb initial constipation is hard hard little stools or mashy or wat texture like?


The last round, after the suppository from doc, I saw that the initial 2 little blocks of harder stool, then the rest r thick n mashy. Considered constipate? I thought so lei.

Ur diluted prune juice, same as wat Nov mummy mentioned? Barley... To boil water to drink?


superbugs r some very resistant n stubborn germs. i don't know how it got into evie also..

hello all,

evie having diarrohea.. not sure if it's the antibiotics (klacid) or the iron drops we are giving. she has low blood leh, found that out in the blood test results... sigh... each time she poo poo, it's a lil bit only n it happens 4 to 5 times a day... until her backside very red n sore leh...

really don't know what to do man..

Sorry for not responding, cos was busy packing. Going to KL for 2 days with my big and small bbs.

Yoyosan :

Yes, is those under the Bb solid food. Is like cereal. You mixed with FM or ebm. Smell nice and sweet too. My gal love it.

Prune juice I gave the one from Heinz lean, cos is already diluted, ready to serve type. Is Apple and Prune Juice in same glass bottle. I gave when she is 5 month old too as I started solid earlier mah.

Read some chinese book, they said winter melon good for constipation too. So that day I boil winter melon and barley dessert. So I scope the barley and winter melon no sugar added yet, put inside the Avent blender, blend and add in a bit of FM and feed her.

Bb crying, later then tell you all about the stool.

Hi mummies, just came back from motherhood fair. So tired cos I brought baby out myself! Avent steamer cum blender comes in a bundle with bowl n cup etc at $199. I thk same as anywhere else right?

Good deal: Heinz food products! Got promotion and wide variety! Just nice for us since we are introducing solids to babies.

Actually those stool when she is constipated is not really hard like rock, but you can see she put put - passing gases, then gek gek like passing motion but no sai coming out. And my gal that time even cry and you can see she straighten her leg to gek the sai. I tried the vaseline with cotton bud method then the initial came out is like those play dough type.


Klacid is known to induce diarrhea as it kills also those good bacteria in our gut, but dont think iron drop will cause diarrhea.

Try to clean her backside with wet cotton pad and warm water instead of wipes. Use cloth diaper first if u have any at home at the moment bah as it let the pipi breath better.

Hope Evie recover soon...


I have no share in Philip but I think it worth the $199 I spent. Cos it is really easy to use. Especially now after I am away from home. I tried 3 different blenders at my mom place all cant blend my gal food well. The Avent blender can blend everything to nice smooth puree in just 5 times blending.

Now GSS, u shop lah,cos it always come with some free gift choose those free gift that you need then buy lo.

Yoyosan: oh if you saw pellets or tiny harden stool then may be abit constipated...avoid solid for now till the sai comes out.

Yup the prune juice is like what Christine says. But barley i was told to give like normal. Buy china barley and boil without sugar. Dont need to eat the barley - very hard to digest one leh...BUT test and see if got allergy or not k?

Curry: Poorthing lah, hopes baby Evie recovers soon!

Christine: Thanks for sharing! I was supposed to go get the blender, but ended up shopping at Ikea. *slap self* Ok i will remind myself to go get the blender~!

SQin, thank u for the info on the fair.

Ejunko, kiddy palace selling the blender at $199 too.

Anyone know how much is the infant high chair at ikea?


U know if the blender at kiddy palace comes w the 20% discount for members now?

Nov mummy,

Thanks. Same. My gal same reaction the last time, fart lots n smelly, gek sai but nothing comes out. I bought the apple prune juice just now, and guess wat...her sai came! Yeah. Happy mummy.

My ah Lao say no need the blender. Steam n sieve will do the job also. Nov mummy, wat say u? Since u cook well, the blender will be useless when bb go for chunky food next time? Thinking if hand held blender like wat KK mentioned before is better?


Ok barley drink. Cool heatiness. Got it.


Klacid causes loose stools. But if too long, must tell pd. My #1 had to take klacid before, pd also gave some probiotics drop for tummy balance.

Low blood, then must u do anything? Y need iron drops? If u take fortified cereal, iron is in there.

Apply desitin after every diaper change.

