(2011/11) Nov 2011

Oh yah phoenix, u may wanna highlight this to ur gynae during next visit, see what he/she says. Like my friend's gynae, she prescribed her iron pills. But mine told me no need to take and that it's perfectly normal to feel giddy or even faint. Lol!


Hi all.. I tink i am having nov baby too! Its my #1. Went to see gynae to cfm my pregnacy, did scanning but cant find anything. Doc then ask to insert a thing to check, agn cant see any sac or watever which cause quite a worry for mi n hubby.

Doc then suggest doing a blood test to cfm it..no choice then took the blood test. Got a call frm doc in the noon and found out i had an early pregnancy and its only 3-4 weeks old thus cant see anything.

I wonder is it common? I am quite worried about it..How come cant see anything?

Congrats, xin! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It's normal not to see anything yet cos it's still early. For me, my gynae also cannot see anything on the scan when I saw him at 4 weeks. The following week, I was able to see a sac already. When is your next appt?

Hi all Nov mummies,

I'm expecting my #2, EDD 13 Nov.

My first pregnancy was very smooth but this #2 I'm put on hormones pills and jab. Hope this 2nd pregnancy will be fine, just had 2nd jab in the butt today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks phoenixmisi!

The doc ask me to go see him next week..I wonder if i shd do so..cos my mum says i m simply too kan cheong..hahaha..

congrats xin! i went for a scan last week and the doc had difficulty locating the sac. he pointed this black little circle to me and told me its really small. probably 4.5-5 weeks. gg to the gynae next week. hopefully will see something exciting. haha.

wait for your little one to grow and be positive! =)

Congrats, Mandy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Can go see your gynae next week, maybe can see a sac le.

Amelia and Xin, dun worry...we are in the same situation!

4 weeks - doc cannot scan anything...but assure me that faint line or darkk line on HPT is consider positive. Ask me to come bk one week later.

5 weeks - saw a very tiny sac...almost cannot find!!

6 weeks (yesterday) - saw a bigger sac with bb (like tadpole) and HEARTBEAT!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But pregnancy can be very fragile at this stage...so must take good care of yourself...Let us have a sticky pregnancy!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I really feel very cold today. Wear jacket in office also felt the chill, walk to bus stop, in d bus, in d MRT, cannot stand d cold. First thing reach home is to go bed n cover blanket n nap after dnr. Now I'm awake n can't slp. Still feeling cold w d rain. surffng net, feels so boring. I did another pregnancy test, still positive.

chocolate, haha...its okie to test again...i tested 7!! 6 normal clearblue and 1 clearblue digtal...im so scared of chemical pregnancy that one day the line will be gone...but i think too much... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

KWXY and memorablechocolate,

I tested 4..2 of them clearblue digital just to reassure myself that I am still pregnant...haha.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

KWXY> 6-7 times really alot lar. U can measure ur basal body temperature, if it remain high den it shld b chemical pregnancy. Heee but we experience all d cramps, giddy, shldnt b fake bah? I hving a few dry cough, mayb cuz feeling thirsty all d time, dunno if any1 hv slight cough too?

Dear Mummies,

I just tested positive using clearblue digital stated 2-3weeks pregnant.Went to consult gyna as i kept having cramps.Nurse tested my urine using those cassette +- test kit.At first nurse said i may not be pregnant as it shows only a - line.I was devasted.Then after awhile,a faint + line appear,the line is so faint.Do you think i should test again though nurse said im most likely to be pregnant?

I am given some folic acid and 15pills of utrogestan pills.Nurse said utrogestan pills is more effective if its insert than taken orally.Do i have to insert all 15 pills as i do not have bleeding at this moment.Feel abit disgusting to insert!

MemorableChocolate -i have same symptons like you.My breast feels so bloated and sore.At first i keep having those pms cramps now my lower adominal feels cramps as if the womb is stretching.

Little BB, u sleep so late? Seriously I am a first time mother. Not sure how to advice u correctly. I check with my fren who is a gynae nurse. I let u know again can? But it seem like 2-3weeks is abit too early. I only got to know i m preg at 6 weeks, where my period due for 2 weeks and symptoms like breast tenderness, fatigue and high basal body temp.

For all mtb,

Do u have prob with ur Appetite? I have been eating like 1/4 of my every meal. N some of the time i force it in coz i dun wish that my baby wun get any nuritient. My gynae fren advice me to take more frequent little meal, ie: 6 meals of small portion rather than 3 normal meals. But i dun even feel like eating except morning.

Morning mummies!!!

Congrats to xin and Mandy!!!

Xin, like other mummies said, it's normal. For my 1st pregnancy gynae also cannot find anything then took blood test. 2 weeks later can then see sac and heartbeat. So dun worry okie.

Mandy, my second pregnancy also had injection cos I bleed and I took weekly injection. And put on hormone pills whole first trimester.

I had another injection yesterday morning also cos this round brown discharge. Now on bed rest.

Btw, redgin mummy also had this experience in her first pregnancy.

Let's all stay positive okie and take care ;o)

Hi ssbaby,

For my second pregnancy, I could not eat, kept vomiting till I have to take medicine. I find having more frequent meals in small portion helps. Normally appetite picks up in second trimester. However, each pregnancy is different. To start the morning, u may want to try small piece of wheat cracker with hot Milo first.

It's TGIF! Congrats to all new mummies here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mandy, i had the jab when preggie for #1. Just rest more now, things sld be fine.

xin, it's normal cause still too early. think if you go back to gynae in a couple weeks time, you'll get to see the sac. don't worry yah?

Little BB,

I read from the internet that utrogestan is for women who has bleeding problem during pregnancy, is like hormone. It helps to support your placenta, maybe insert is better cause it reach directly rather than oral pills that will traver everywhere else then to your placenta. So just do it, it will stablize your condition. =)

Haha, I'm on leave today, had an eveluation LASIK appointment which I made months ago. Now that I'm pregnant, maybe cannot do casue might not be accurate. Doctor ask me to bring my spec down and compare if my degree has change too much due to pregnancy. Has been waited and saving for so long for LASIK, if cannot do really heartache. Haizz.. Well thats the price for being a mum I guess.

Btw, I came across another amazing video on YouTube. go Search "The creation of humanity - 1/8" to 8/8. Really interesting. Just finished watching all 8 parts w/in an hour or so.


i had a colleague who went for LASIK, and he was pestering me to go too but me no guts leh. i'm just terrified of anything that has to do with my eyes. somemore, u have to be awake during the whole procedure! i'm chicken lah...

hihi... i have the following to let go...

WTS Natal Care Plus (400mg): Each box of 30 capsules at $14.00 (U.P. $16.05)



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Bought too many from Dr Adrian.


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The core element in NATAL CARE PLUS - Natural Fish Oil - contains DHA and EPA, which is particularly needed during pregnancy and lactation. Apart from that, NATAL CARE PLUS also contains Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant that helps to alleviate the negative impact of free radical formation, and increase normal cell function.


Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Jurong East or Raffles Place.

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Thanks everyone..I tink i should go do another scan a few weeks later.. My mum keep saying wasting of $$. Haha..

Btw, can we travel during this period? I wanna go hk as my hubby will be posted there for abt 1 month and i really wanted to go for a short break to relax myself!


MemorableChocolate, i have no guts to go for LASIK, have done the assessment last year but still chicken out. Hee. My friend's surgeon also said cannot do during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to hormone changes.

Morning, ladies!

Congrats, little bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think it's best to consult ur gynae regarding ur hk trip. He/She will be the best person to advise u.

Good morning ladies,

Xin, I'm travelling end of this month to Club Med Phuket. It will be my little boy's first trip.

When I found out I was pregnant, I emailed my gynea and told her that I'm travelling. She told me to see her before I go and at the same time to confirm that the pregnancy is in the womb.

For my first pregnancy, I went for a 9D Seoul/Jeju trip in my 2nd trimester.

On the topic of LASIK, it's 1 of the most well-spent procedure I went. I did it back in Nov 2008 and have been enjoying contact lens & glasses free days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ask you ah, after LASIK, is your eyes very dry? u girls are tempting me lah.

mummies, anyone feeling giddy? i can't even walk a straight line properly.

good morning ladies~ may today be a happy day for everyone!

xin, haha, im so paranoid i have the urge to go for scan every week. lol. ive planned for a trip in 2 weeks time. hopefully the gynae will give me green light. *cross fingers*

oh, i just realise that the nov thread is in the proper order now. haha. irrelevant.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also having giddy spells. Got so bad 2 nights ago that I almost fell from bed while getting up cos the room was spinning n couldn't walk straight. But luckily it does not happen all the time..only twice so far.


It really depends on individual. I didn't have dry eyes after the procedure. A few of my Feb'2010 mommy friends went to do it last October. And they're enjoying it now.


oh ok, i'm scared to walk around now cause the room is still spinning. now glued to my seat at my cubicle.


really ah? can do so fast after giving birth? how is your experience since you're awake the whole time? can share?


Those moms that went to do it already stopped BFing.

You have to be awake cos eyes need to be opened. The eye will be clamped to keep it from closing. The procedure is very fast. Each eye is about 5-10 min. I got both eyes done together and was out within 30 minutes.

Morning mummies,

I have tested 3 times so far, morning just use the clearblue to confirm, have a plus result [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Using the website calculator, my edd is 13th Nov. It is my #2, a blessing from heaven/God, feel so happy. Suppose mummies here also excited to go through the pregnancy stage now.

These few days I keep on have itchness down there, a bit worry, could it be infection? Will it effect the the sac growing. Thinking go for checkup around 6~8 wks, or maybe it still continues and have brown discharge, I may better have a appointment with gynae.

I also have urge to go toilet nowadays, easily to have tummy pain after the food. Not sure normal or not for early pregnancy.

Congrats, Evelyn [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya, try not to move too much n get up slowly.


Thank you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]~ How many weeks are you now? Think I'm only 4wks.

Redgin, do take care if still not well better see a doctor okie.

Jmi, you're tempting me on doing LASIK hee, I actually have dry eyes so quite worried on the procedure. U mind sharing where u did your LASIK? I was recommended to do at TTS eye center as my bro in law did his there.

Evelyn, congrats!!! Think it'l be better u call up gynae clinic and ask the nurse if u should make appt to go down and see gynae. Take care!

happymum, I did my LASIK at SNEC. Was done by Dr Lim Li, Senior Consultant.

Actually, before LASIK and child birth, I'm freakish about hospital. I cannot even watch operation procedures on tv. Surprisingly, I hold up pretty well during my #1's delivery.


I am 6 weeks now, first time mum, so can't advise much. Hope u have a smooth pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


was browsing the threads when i saw ur name here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] congrats on ur #2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] give us some bbdust hee.


thanks, my giddiness passed already after having abit of lunch. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yah lor, the lasik so tempting right? and what jmi said, after delivery of #1, i think we're quite brave already. hahaha!

Hi everyone,

M new here.Like all of u hapi to found out that m pregnant for my 2nd child yday.Wen for a scan juz now.Hee...

O ya memorable m oso staying at north.My gynae for 1st child is Dr Lawrence Ang.Now oso the same.Btw u were asking bout KTP hospital.I juz called them this morning.They have gynae tat will come in oni once a week n all their gynae is frm kk hospital.Juz for your info.

Congrats all mummies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vivaciousfly, congrats!!!

Redgin, could your giddiness associated with sugar level? Maybe try taking hot Milo. Do take care when walk.

Jmi, hopefully I can have the courage again for the sake of beauty hee. I can't wear contact lenses everyday as my eyes will turn red and dry even wearing hard lens, old liao ;)

ssbaby-I slept too early so end up awake in the middle of night.Mine is only about 5weeks so probably the +line is not so obvious.My appetite is as ususl,no nausea but feel tired easily.I am also first time mum.Cheers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MemorableChocolate -Thanks for your advice,i will do as accordingly..

redgin- I agree with Jmi that Lasik was the most well-spent procedure i did.I did mine at Shinagawa lasik centre about few months ago.I am also extremly terrified when it comes to eyes but surprisly you dont feel anything,will put numb drops on the eyes and a suction ring to secure your eyeballs in place.Just about a min its done.Will feel dry for about few weeks so have to apply eyedrops frequently.Its so great to wakeup and see everything so clearly.No longer have to use your hand search for specs when going to the toilet middle of the night.Its very fantastic and worth it!


Evelyn-I tested 3 times as well.I tested pregnant using clearblue digital on last wed first urine.Went to gyna to test again using cassette test kit,the +line is so so faint.Nurse said their cassette test kit more accurate lei.I am so worried!Maybe too early prenancy,my edd 12nov.

