(2011/08) Aug 2011

adv sports: me too me too.. im not so active with exercises before pregnant and now so thinking in order to have easy delivery or maybe not so hard one, guess i shd at least try maternity yoga!

when should we start and how much for a complete session? im staying at west hoping will have choice for my area.. any info abt this would be much appreciated [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


cac, bellering, i was attending prenatal yoga at a home studio in jurong east... it is near my place and the class size is small (1-3 mtbs)...the only minus point is the instructor likes to chat alot (some mtbs may not like it)... think i paid $200+ for 10 sessions... may go back to her if i am lazy to travel to town for yoga class...

Below r some links from my Prenatal Yoga search for my #1 in 2008 (price may have increased) :-

1) Whatever


single session : $25

block of 10 : $$220

Location : Club Street, near Chinatown MRT

2) Mother & Child


block of 8 : $195

Location : Tanglin Mall

3) Colleen Simmonds (also teach at Mother and Child)


block of 8 : $100

Location : Tanjong Rhu Condo (Fort Rd side)

TGIF Mommies!

We remains open till 9pm today and mommies who have yet to collect their free bibs may take this opportunity to pick them up, as the redemption expires tomorrow.

Daddies accompanying mommies, fret not, we have interesting neighbors dealing with sports car, car detailing and even indoor golf just one level below us. So daddies can take this opportunity to look at 'men's stuff' while the mommies spending a cozy moment at JLC : )


WOW.. so quiet today

its raining now.. its nice to stay in bed..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Iam looking for maternity pillow.. any good recommendation ? think amazon.com has more design to choose, anyone want to organise a spree ?

thanks adv_sports i'll check it out hope to meet in person if got chance!

yeah it's rainy day quite lazy to get out for lunch so i took instant noodle :p its yummy thou i knw not good n baby needs nutrient.. sorry bb i knw mummy is bad hehe

cp240 > have you been to inspire mum baby before? is it good? any reviews / comments?

mama > is amazon's price good? i'm also sort of looking at it.. first time mum.. almost everything also look look see see abit... but i also wonder if it's really needed... i have a friend who uses just several pillows to cushion her whole body... i tot pillow is quite reuseable.. next time after give birth can wash and keep.. then anyone in family need replacement pillows can get from the "stocks".. hahaha.. but maternity pillow seems only got one use or at most 2... for sleeping when pregnant & mayb baby.. and it takes up space? what do mummies here think?

hihi cac no i havent been there.. but i hv put myself on the waiting list, hope a class can form for simei! i called the contact no. published on the site to 'register'

hey shane, same here im already thinking of mac for dinner while munching this cny goodies for snacks lol well im happy i could stomach food now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It's Macs day for me too!! 2 meals after a long long time! Egg mcmuffin for brekkie and fish o fillet meal for lunch! Only consolation ( which is not much of a consolation) is that I ordered orange juice instead! Once in a while indulgence is ok I guess!! Heh


I am Jan 2011 mother. Due to medical condition, I am not able to breastfeed or give breast milk to my baby so I would like to sell these items :

1. Medela Freestyle (US model) – used less than 5 times – selling at $420 with universal travel adapter

2. My Brest Friend Pillow – selling at $70 – the cover design is jaipur paisley http://www.mybrestfriend.com/products/slipcovers

If interested, please PM me.

i went for my 10wk 4days check up today... and gynae looks puzzled with the results. BB is big and appeared to be 11wks 4days. so i m moving up the ladder without myself knowing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

She suggested FTS today but changed her mind. I m thinking she might be worried tt i kena G.D. Will go back next week for FTS. and hope all things are ok.

Good evening ladies...

Went for my check up this afternoon... Detected the heartbeat... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and is 7wk 6d.

Gynae mentioned that next check up will be for the Oscar.

Carole, the updated edd will be 27aug. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mtbs,

i have a question here. i've booked my CL and during our conversation, she specifically told me tt she will be using the washing machine to wash my clothes and baby clothes. not that im stingy or wat, but im thinking if we dun mix mummy and baby's clothes, then wont the load be very light to wash mummy and baby's clothes separately? or is she gonna wait for few days before washing?

second question, i asked her how about baby's nappy cloth? how to put in washing machine w soiled urine and faeces? she said all the modern families use diapers now. i said, yes we can use, but just in case baby cant use and develop rash or wat, and really needa use, then is she ok w using cloth nappy cloth? she kept saying no one uses that anymore. all use diapers. is it true? she told me to go and check w others. im just very puzzled becos i remember seeing my own mother using cloth nappy cloth for my cousin last time.

Hi all. Is everyone going for the Oscar test or anyone planning not to? Today I mentioned to my sis in law and she mentioned no need to go one saying that her gynae maybe very pro in scanning so no need to go for extra test.

Is it really like that??


both clothes are not suppose to be mixed. bb clothes should be abt 5 to 10 pcs aday. with towels tt should be change daily (i do tt)

I dont like CL to use nappy cloth, 1. soiled nappies are really hard to wash and if CL doesnt soak in time, that nappy is yellow. 2. Disposable diapers might cause nappy rash, but if that CL changes on time and knowing what to do, this wont happen at all. I only used nappy 2 days, and i told her forget it. i dont like the idea of hanging many nappies and wasting space. i rather have it wear n throw. unless u like to see many many White Flags hanging ard your plc :p

you already said it all.. Last time.. how long ago was it? :p I followed 1st child for 2 days, cos my mum said so, but its not practical. i hv only that small space for laundry to dry, those nappies got to change after each wet.. how to wash so many?


yeah i know its very troublesome. just tt i dun like e way she make it sound so absolute. like no way for negotiation. and she kept saying now very modern liao blah blah blah... and kept telling me how all her customers are doing that... it makes me think when she really help me for confinement, she is gonna tell me all these too. haiz.

Thanks Carole [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hwee Fen,

Oscar test is for testing of down syndrome (if I didn't recall wrongly).. So if both of u are absolutely sure that you'll keep the child no matter what, then no point taking.

I'm also thinking of not taking. But hb insisted on it.


Most CLs that I heard abt will hand wash mummy and baby's on a daily basis. They are quite old (in their 50s or early 60s) so maybe more traditional. They also handwash their own clothes.

bunny: if you arent comfortable just hunt another one. dont get upset over such small things... she is not flexible, get someone else.. we have lots of time. go hunting. :p


wow u r up so early! i think im worried if the CL is suitable, so cant sleep. i already paid her deposit, dun think will get back if i back out now. also, i dun hv anyone gd in mind. so there is no guarantee tt a next choice will be better.

sel, me and hubby usually use washing machine for all our clothes. we dun hand wash at all. but i also tot usually CL will handwash at least baby's clothes cos its so small. oh well, washing clothes part, i can still accept n close one eye.

but how can she be so insistent to use diapers no matter what. i shld think it is our call what to do.

My CL doesnt hand wash unless its stained. i bought separate laundry bags for her to put into the machine.. one for mittens and booties, one for towels, one for clothes.

she is not wrong to insist on diapers. for that its much easier, cos nappy hanging ard the hse is seriously no joke for a small plc. I hv many WHITE FLAGS during the 1st 2 days, which i hated it totally. cos each time the bb pees and shit, its not like 1x or 2x a day.. its many many times a day. that will be too many to wash and to hang as well.

I saw her soaking the nappy the moment got stain, its also no use.. still yellow. and its not even cheap to buy nappy in the first place. and surely 10 pieces of nappies tt cost abt $20 is not gng to last u even a day.

I woke up early, cos.. today offical house moving to my rented hse before completion of my new plc in April.

Hi mummies, anyone ate assam laksa? I hav craving for penang laksa.. By rite should b ok if we dun take rhe pineapple rite? But usually there r sm fish meat in such laksa.. Dunno wat kind of fish. Wants a bowl of hot, spicy n sour noodles now. Wake up feeling hungry...

I m surely older than u, having #3 at 36.. surely wanna use those old traditional methods too. but practically, its much easier with diaper, use n throw. Cos other than nappies u will need nappy liners too. I gave all those away on the 2nd week! lol its too troublesome for me.

Surely its your call end of the day to choose nappy. But you will see that CL face black like horse or charcoal. or if not your hse or bamboo will be filled with white flags :p

pat: of cos folks will tell u cannot eat... as long as u dont eat the whole pineapple ya :p 1 slice tt last u for days. :p why not? nothing excessive.

Hi carole, is it necessary to use nappies? Coz i was thinking it is really a hassle to keep washing them esp when they r stained. 1st time mum here, no experience. $20 for 10 pcs is really not cheap.

pat: nappy cannot buy those cheap ones. they are more rough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Nappy liners are to put above the folded nappy to prevent poo stains. but new born poos are watery, so will spill over too.

this nappy can be wash if bb pees. if poo, u will hv to throw. Nappy liners its abt $5-8/box of 100s.

Nappy is abt $20 for pack of 8. :p

pineapples are "lai" but as long as its not cooling like watermelon.

for my #1 & #2, i use the Drypers. i use n throw, nvr keep it too long on their butt so no rash problem. but if u do see, switch the brands or not, just open it up when the bb is sleeping to air. if not u will need to apply Tapicoa flour instead of the bb powder. :p this one my CL teaches me :p

my #1 & #2 we throw full mth party, but they always buy things which really dont need.. so this time, we will state... no cash no gifts, if hands and heart really need to buy something, get us Drypers S size pampers or Pampers. whahahahaha

ok i m bad, but at least i will get what i really need. :p

Silly me bought cloth nappies for #1... end up only use the first few days... And I switched back to disposables... Haha.. Too lazy... Thou I bought a separate clothes stand to hang them...



By the way.. One of the first few things my gynae said when I went for my check up is - can go ahead with the pineapple tarts...

He must be getting too many preggies asking him that same qn...

i m gng to make my own pineapple tarts once my helpers settle the hse moving. i cant possibly bake now when all in a mess. :p

gng to make cornflake cookies too. my "bigger" kids are asking me to bake cake. which i think i m gng to do tt on the eve. soon will be soon a super human. 4am to wakeup on CNY to fry 3 trays of Vegetarian noodles, make porridge.. hoping to make lotong. whahaha.. goshz.. more busy then giving birth :p

val: cos every yr grandparents always buy from this vegetarian shop. and their price is $20/tray for just fried noodles... i rather spend those time to fry with better food inside.

i bake cos i always bake


Bunny : I dun like Yr CL. She doesn't seems to be a taking instruction well from u if u employ her. Although cloth nappy is troublesome. But if bb bottom can't take modern diapers, so she dun do anything?

She's not flexible. Trying to change Yr mind

Nappy liner is to be put on cloth nappy.

I'm joining this thread soon :0

Patricia: gimme 5! been thinking of penang asam laksa too but my sis told me she avoided thru out her pregnancy cos asam actually quite acidic not for preg lady especially? sigh tell me abt it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sel: really.. can eat pineapple tarts? yay!

cp240: can try old town or gurney drive @ suntec.. but think taste average and some says not cheap hehe well better than none? lol

Val: speaking of mcmuffin i had bad experience wif that during wk6+ preg.. not sure is it the egg that makes me puke but cant seem to take mac so often except mcchicken or fish only.. n u ate 2 mac meals in a day wow!

Bunny: I also prefer nappy clothes than diapers leh.. some might think its modern days now but why use diapers at home when nappy clothes is defo better for baby? personally i use dryer at home so hanging or drying isn't really a prob to me.. thou i haven't find any CL as yet but referring to ur convo wif ur CL think i may wanna specifically tell my future CL abt this if she's ok then im ok hehe

Ps. strongly recommend clothes dryer at home it is super convenient - u can feel the warmness on clothes after drying even [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bunny: why not try talking to ur CL to see if u can tk bk deposit? Since chemistry not good, better change CL so that it's better for both parties.

Bellering, yeah! High 5! Ops, my mum-in-law cooked assam fish last nite. I took the assam sauce! Hope small qty is fine. Sometimes i feel wat my mil cook may not b suitable for me to eat. There was once she cooked old cucumber soup. I read from somewhere tat tis might b cooling. Hmmm... So i dun hav complete trust in wat she cook for pregnant me. I know its kinda bad for me to think this way, i should appreciate her cooking instead...


Those puking alot, what food can u stomach?

I puke after I ear, totally no energy, whole day lying n sleeping ... Feels terrible.

Help ....

hi ladies dun worry when you take supposedly cooling stuff once in awhile.. its only going to affect you negatively if you take it like everyday

I agree with cp240 best to take food moderately it shd be safe that way [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Patricia: I have the exact same feeling! My MIL is nice but her cooking tends to be rather salty according to her preference.. when i first moved in after married i dun dare to say anything but later when we become friendlier i decided to tell her - she admitted n say kinda hard to change its her habit liao lol however she cooks not everyday but only once a week on sunday to sort of gather family time we appreciate it; she cooked spicy clams last week n i took it n vomitted after that.. not her fault but like u said i dun hv absolute trust in her cooking for me now and during confinement period - thts y i strongly demand for a CL (still in search, argh!)


Bellering, i dun stay wif in laws but go to her hse for dinner several times a wk. Me too. I might get a confinement lady instead but think to start the search only when i enter 2nd tri.

