(2011/08) Aug 2011


Oh I see... my doc is preparing me for anything from 3-4 weeks premature cos I'm having twins. So, even though my EDD is 10th Aug, I'm likely to have my babies much sooner than that. Worse is, I can't even mentally prepare myself cos I won't know when they decide to emerge to meet the world! =|

When my MS was at my worst point, I ate only Marie biscuits and drank very little. Cos the water triggers my vomitting. Have you tried chee cheong fun?? Plain crackers? I know if you lose too much weight, you'll be recommended to go on a drip. Have you checked with your doc? When I puked a lot, I often asked my DH to just send me to hospital to put on drip. Cos at least that will save me the pain of trying to eat, swallow and keep the food down!

Hopefully your worst days will be over soon!!! Go easy on the water. Take sips. I could never drink more than 3 mouthfuls at one go. Now I have progressed to half a cup...


Carole> MS quite jialak for me too, worst part is feel like puke but nothing come out... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Let's bear with it for awhile more, heard many said will get better when reach 2nd trimester.

Soulvacation> actualli Dr Loh did not recommend C-Sect and ask me to go for natural birth but i told him i will consider again (i will choose a auspicious date then inform him again... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yes, for birth of twins, Dr Loh say 37 weeks is abt time to deliver. if your EDD is 10th Aug, u can work back (3rd week of Jul'11) - Yours will be JULY BBs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

***When are u going back to KKH for check up???

joy joy

I hope I can hold them in till 37 weeks! If they choose to come out earlier, I also boh pian. But one thing for sure, I will start my maternity leave from beginning of July. I think I will need all the rest I can get.

I read somewhere that rabbit babies born in the lunar 7th month may not be a bad thing, so don't worry too much abt the auspicious date. Unless your family is very particular.

I'll be doing the OSCARS detailed scan on 24th this month and then I will see Dr Loh on 18th Feb for my routine check-up. =)

Soulvacation> me too hope to hold them till they are 37 weeks... u r right must have sufficient rest and cannot stress out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes, I am ok with BB born during lunar 7th month, bcos hubby going to get a geomancer to pick names for them so at the same time to ask for auspicious date (Master you longzi)

Going for my routine check up & scan this friday, hope BB is growing well & healthily...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Do rest well & jia you !

carole, good that u managed to keep down ur porridge -- i puke out some of mine after lunch... haiz, dunno wat else i can eat...

shint, me, too.. also puke out white foam.. yukes! but mine not so bad -- only puke some but not all... just that the food seems

joyjoy, i m seeing dr loh this friday, too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I heard that YLZ is not very good leh. It seems he doesn't see you personally and will get someone else to do it on behalf. And many mommies have complained that their babies born around the same time have got almost identical names cos he only dishes out a few standard chinese characters for you to choose from.

So no matter how you permute, the names all come out almost the same as with other kids born around the same time.

I dunno lah, this is what I've read from other threads here in the forum. Maybe you can do your research on the guy first then make your decision again. Just my 2 cents! =)

soulvacation/bb potato> will chk it out if i am seeing his disciples then no point right... the last time YLZ came to my house he did mention going to see us in person if selection for BB names but will ask hubby to double confirm again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Adv_sports> i dun like the long wait/queue at KKH...last appt waited almost 2-3 hrs, wait until i vomit cos v hungry...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

joyjoy, oh, the wait is so long! r u seeing him at TPS? this is my first visit with him -- saw another gynae earlier as he was away in dec...

Who is YLZ?

Ladies, my MS is getting quite jialat, puke every day and whole day feel queasy. My colleague asked me to try using Seaband. It's supposed to help with motion sickness but it helps with morning sickness too. Has anyone of you tried it before? Does it help?

So torturing to work in this condition.

Re: EDD Aug 2011

Hello everyone!

My edd is 19aug. I m with dr. Adrian Woodworth.

Me and hubby saw the baby heartbeat when I was 7weeks. My, thats is the most beautiful sight.. :)

Will be going for my 3rd scan this thur..

Hope everything is fine..

dandelion: seabands help me a little

Shint: I see.. Adrian W is very popular.. Adrian T less known. How did you find him? He is an elder in my church.

Anyone with an awful headache everyday like me too?

soul: 37 is consider full term for twins. usually 37 is the right time, if nt will be too cramp for 2 kids inside. Whichever the week maybe, ask your gynae. gynae will give the best advice.

Joanne: i will update ur data shortly.

Hi Shane,

RE: Maternal Milk

During my #1 days, I drank Anmum everyday, like twice a day! It was good initially, good source of calcium.

However, my weight seemed to go up faster than the baby, and my Doc advised that I should only drink maternal milk once a day. These nutrients usually go to the mother more than the baby, so in short, it might make you FAT. Drink normal full-cream fresh milk should be good enough.

My boy was borned 2.88kg in May 2010.. a little small, but he's quite a bull now.

Soulvacation: congrats on your twins!

For normal 1 baby who are going on csection, if not in danger then leave them as long as possible so their lungs can be more developed.

But if I cannot tahan or at risk, I may oso csection earlier.


I went to Adrian W cos he was popular n convenient for me.

But din like his style n second time I thought I more exp, dun need so much assurance from him, so went back but end up

Not nice.

Adrian Tan is by recommendation. A fren deli ered by him 3 times so last min I switched to him. So far happy with him.

adv_sports> yes Dr Loh is @ TPS... rest assure and leave everything to him, he will do a thorough check up for u (been seeing him for 1 year+ alrdy & he is v patient) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all,I m nearing 8weeks and one side of my butt aches like no body s business!!it's so painful that I need help getting

up from sofa or limp when walking.it's like a muscle pull kind.also when I cough to puke,it hurts! anyone experience the same as me or is this abnormal?worried!

Hi all MTB, haven't been posting much lately coz too tired from work. My bosses have already know very early that I am pregnant but I am still loaded with a lot of responsibilities. Sigh... Makes me feel even more drain at work.

Have contacted a CL but she say she will call back and check with me. For mtbs who are staying with MIL and already have #1, does your MIL interfered what the CL do? My MIL is very particular about how food is prepared and cooked and she has her own mindset about mixing clothes in the washing machine. If this happens, I would expect another war at home already.

Fifteenmay: I do not have backaches like what you have experienced but I have bad shoulder aches. Any idea if shoulder massage is allowed?

It's true Annum makes mommy fat so dun overdose.

For #2, I dun take so much annum, just fresh milk n soya milk. Baby was 3.65kg. To beef up baby, nearly to delivery can take durian, heh.

Shane, I am drinking Anmum chocolate milk for my #1 once a day. I think it is gd as there is alot of nutrients inside but it makes me put on more weight. My gal was born 3.3Kg at 37 wks. Currently, i am also drinking it once a day for my #2 as i cant take other milk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jiajuan: my mum interferes with things my CL did and disagree with every single one of them. But i told CL to ignore my mum totally as my mum knows nothing and yet want to give her fair share of comments. I told CL, that she works for me and i pay her. she only takes instructions from me n hb. hiak hiak. my mum is those who cant cook and yet want to condemn ppl's cooking. Didnt even look after us as a baby and now comes to interfere.

Shint: how many weeks are you? gonna see Dr Adrian today.. will be fun to see baby..

can u help me ask if its ok to eat Avomine (promethazine theoclate) for nausea/sleep? My previous doc prescribed and I took one that day but then I read was FDA Cat C drug.. so made me scared.. thanks!

morning MTBs... seems that I am the slackest mummy here... I din take any maternal milk or supplements.. only florxine prescribed by my gynae...

yesterday hubby talked to MIL about CL.. she dun seems to happy that I wanted to engage a CL and she told me there is simply no space for a CL =.=... hubby told her that he will ask the CL to share the room with me and MIL is not happy.. haiz.. thats the woes of staying in-law's house and with restrictions...

I became so emo that I keep crying.. telling my hubby that if this baby come at the right time (when our flat is ready), then, there wont be any problems and restrictions at all... although I try to be happy and accept the fact that I am pregnant.. but deep in my heart, I know I am not.. I feel so frustrated that I keep having negative thoughts recently. haiz

Shane, My bb also born in 2010. Which month is ur bb born? You are so lucky only put on so little weight.. I gain 20kg for #1 coz i am always hungry so eat more.. Now my gal is abt 11kg at 1yr old.


yeah i experienced the same thing as u! ache in the butt!!! at first i tot it cld be due to me sitting down on the carpet, but it din go away for many days! painful when i walk, get up fr my bed etc. strange strange... i even tot of going to see gynae for this. but my hubby said just a muscle pull. it eventually went away. im almost 10 weeks this week. this happened in my 7th week?

Hi mummies

Am expecting my #3..

Having terrible MS. In fact this is the worst as compared to my earlier 2. Very very tired and no appetite... puke most of the time..

morning all MTBS,

Doc has prescribed vit B6 to me, however I am still puking. The worst one was 2 days ago when I was taking the lift home. I puke when I was in the lift (luckily I have a plastic bag with me). When I reached my lift lobby, I continued to puke, till I started to cry. Cos I feel so terrible(xing ku)....

I went to see my doc last Friday and had bloody and watery discharged. Doc injected me with hormone jab again. I also did the OSCAR test (they took blood from me and hubby). I feel so terrible...

Shane, My bb also born in Jan 2010.. *Hi-5*.. Is ur #1 a boy or gal? My gal loves to eat so maybe she is more on the chubby side.. She eat 2 bowls of porridge, 2 serving of fruits, some bread or biscuit, yogurt or cheese and milk everyday.. haha..

huisi: hw many rooms are there? try to tell her its only for 28days so that CL can help with some light Housework and looking after the baby. I guess she might be unhappy that u did not ask her for help to do your confinement. some older folks are very bothered with such things. I bought over my PILs plc and i still hired a CL for #2. CL has to sleep in a makeshift room in the 2nd living. MIL knows that she cant cook, so she dare not say anything.

medusa: welcome to the club of 3! lol its hard.. i also bowl hugging. but i hv this craving for French Fries. whahahaha.. dont know why.

Gina and Shane,

Wow you girls are brave so try for another one this year, I am still trying to accept the fact that I am preggie so soon. My boy just turned 8 months today. I am going crazy.

bb-bao, yah.. these few yrs will be tough but i think it is worth it when the kids can have company and grow up together.. So who is taking care of ur bb? currently my gal is taken care by my mum and maid so by the time i finish ML for #2, i will put #1 to cc so they can focus on #2..

Shane, my gal is quite picky when she was abt 7mths.. But when she is older, she loves to eat especially when she see us eat she will wan a share.. haha.. maybe u can spread cheese on bread to let her try.. tats wat i always do.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I send my boy to the babysitter everyday and collect him in the evening. Tiring but we wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. I'm staying with in-laws but both are still working (and not too good with handling kids). I guess I will be doing the same thing as you, once I finish ML I will send #1 to CC and babysitter can take care of #2.

This year is going to be a big year for me, quite headache in fact. My new house is coming at the 3rd/4th qtr, I dont know if I can handle 2 babies, confinement and moving house?! And having the possibility of losing (or giving up) my job, this is wayyyy too much to think about.

Let's hope for the best! We are strong, capable women!

carole: we are living in a 3 room flat only... haiz.. mil and sil share a room, me and hubby share another.. and there are 3 tenants slping in the living room as well... I feel that hubby's hse is not a hse at all.. mil is not in good health and she knows it herself... partly she cant cook well and I dun wan my sil to have the chance to say me when my mil fall sick becos of taking care of me and my bb... thats y I insist on hiring the CL.. hubby already agreed to slp in the living room when CL comes, but mil dun seems to agree..

I feel like moving back to my parents place but I know MIL sure will have objections.. haiz...


I guess you have to let your husband explain to his family abt the CL and you moving out. It's just a month at your mom's house, and assure them you will move back after that. It's is really inconvenient to do confinement when there's so many ppl in the house, especially you have tenants some more!

If you intend to BF your baby, it's will get really awkward. Cos my breasts were sore and engorged, I had to hide in my room TOPLESS, to air them, or apply cold packs etc. And many times, milk just leaked through my tshirts and I didnt know until someone pointed out to me. So embarassing.

You really do need a comfortable place to recuperate, I was very glad I moved back to my mom's house for confinement. My in-laws made an effort to visit every week thou.

bb-bao: u arent alone :p i m getting my hse reno in april and then moving in May. but i told hb .. die die must be ready and move in before i pop. thank god all in place. now waiting for the completion and keys.

