(2011/08) Aug 2011

Bjy rest more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

everything will be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]




you got to have a complete bedrest, eat well and rest alot. Don't walk unless for shower and toilet. Don't carry heavy thing, don't raise your hand high, don't squat... BB sure will be alright!! will hear your good news next monday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just curious, how much the Doc charged for the AN Tai Yao Jab?

BJY: hughug dun worry too much ok? Just concentrate of resting and taking good care of yourself! hugzz

Carole: hey sorry but my EDD is 16th Aug and not 20th Aug.. thanks for compiling the list so much!! Hope you outlaws are giving u a better time! hugs

BJY, try to stay positive ok?my 1st preg in feb last yr was found w/o hb @ 8-9weeks..Go for a 2nd opinion,the gyne can also check for blood flow in the sac.

Relax n try to cheer up during this time..and bedrest ok?

I m from June thread.but have always wanted a virgo bb,but everything is fated one.so like to come here n see see.

BJY> Don worry gal, don be stress as well ok! eat good sleep eat then BB will grow! u must really bed rest ok! don move around too much.


Thanks yea if I remember correctly. It's a jab to my butt. Overall I pay $250.70

My boy was crying so much yesterday yet I can't stop myself from carrying him. He cry till too badly asking for me. Can still feel the pain when I walk today so have being lying on the bed.. Am alone with him at hm nw so keep telling him to play on his own..

Hi Sunsmile: my first scanning with B.Tham last Tuesday, BB is 8 weeks 16mm but I can't see fingers and toes. Izzit my scanning is normal scan? How do i request for the scan that can see fingers and toes?

And BB heart beat is soo fast and loud and I am impressed !

I am taking pills everyday to stop the vomitting. Because I have lost about 2-3kg since discovered that I am pregnant.

But B THam said vomitting should get better once my hormones is more balance.

So mean time just have to bear with it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HI Bjy,

how long do you need to take the medi? through out first trimester? only cost 24 plus quite cheap, I get medi from KKH cost me 90bucks for 2 weeks supply

hihi Rachel and sus, i couldn't stand the tummy ache and indigestion anymore... so I decided to give Ginger tea a try since some MTB here mentioned it'll help... I sourced around and neither Fu Hua nor Zhen Hua Herbal shops sells. NTUC carries it. It can be found near the tea section and it's in a plastic container packaging. It also mentioned it helps nausea during pregnancy so I guess it's safe for us? I mix the ginger powder with some red coloured sugar for taste... wow.. shortly I start burping out air and tummy feels better and warm too...

My hb commented I finally back to my normal self coz i had been grouchy for the past few weeks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babysee.. that good !! Ya I saw that ginger powder at NTUC too ! My grandma ask me to mix red dates + dried longgan + ginger slices to drink in office. But too lazy have not started drinking those things yet. I am drinking my Mr bean every morning now.

I have not been treating my hubby 'well' for the past 1 month too. Because I feel sick and depressed and in pain all the time.

But things will be better. 2nd tri suppose to be the honeymoon period [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rachel, me too... I have changed into pretty impatient and depressing person [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] people say it's mood swing, but i think it's becoz we are having discomfort, that's why cause mood swing...


glad to hear that you are back to your normal self.

think i m falling in depression cos of the MS, feeling totally drained of energy and restless as well. felt so bad towards my 2 boys cos nt enough energy to keep up with them.

hopefully can find e strength to bring them out to e zoo this weekend

BJY: crab can make bb grow?? really?? i've been avoiding cause thot should reduce in taking seafood but now that u mention... yay hehehe

As for my MS - not sure if im slowly getting used to it or is it reducing since im on my 8wk now... can't really eat nausea makes me sick and moodless; so glad for those who have seen their bb's hands n toes! hope to see mine this coming Fri [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Doc say can take le.. He nv ask me to avoid... I took crab for my #1 too cause he too small at later stage.. Only 2.3kg after I took afew times he grow to 3.2kg hee.. Chinese avoid crab cause bb will shou ji duo.. But I dun care la as long got help in growing

Rachel/babysee: Yeah me too! Im super grumpy these days too also cos Im tired and pukey hehe.. still felt so bad to my hubby for taking it out on him =p

I took ginger tea that day too.. the instant ones already with sugar.. works great but then its a bit too heaty for me so I couldnt drink too much

rachel: did gynae do a belly scan or vaginal scan? from belly scan see blur blur one but vaginal scan very clear.. can even see spinal cord.. such a wonderful feeling to see hor..

bbPotato: ure not alone! lets jia you for another 4 weeks or so hope our energy and moods will lift!

BJY: I hear progesterone is a natural sedative makes pple sleepy.. Im taking duphaston and its making me super sleepy too! But I have difficulty sleeping at night and it makes me grumpy in the day =p take care

Hey babysee,

Yes yes! same here! experience wind in stomach. drink ginger tea also cannot help. sometimes ok after meal, but sometimes not. sometimes pain then have to take the gastric pills prescribe by gynae.

BJY > not advisable to take crabs as its too 'cooling'. You might want to wait till end of 1st trimester then eat crabs? but its up to you la...


B.Tham did only the belly scan for me. Very blur. Can see a red bean shaped BB only. Can't see fingers and toes.

Think I will go and buy the ginger powder today.

Happy New Year to all MTB.

Thanks Carol for the info on hospital bills. Wow, hosp bill for 1 bedder at TMC went up by at least $1k from the year I delivered my #1.

I prefer 1 bedder as hb can get to stay over to help me just in case I need anything.

summerpeh : you can feel it too ??!!

At night, when I placed my palm and pressed down on my lower abdomen, I can feel very fast and strong heart beat !! But hubby can't feel and said I am imagining things.

summer peh> not sure if it's the wind in my stomach or bb, i do feel something throbing below belly button at times...

My last scan was at my wk#8. 14.6mm and cannot see hands and legs leh... only see the hb beat faster than 2 weeks ago. in fact I was quite puzzled why my sac has a crescent shape. gynae says it's becoz of angle. First time he tried tummy scan, pressed so hard but image vy blur. so chg to V-scan.

Hi cac! Welcome.. yeah same doc as me.. Im also confused. Dr Adrian only told me that my EDD is end Aug *faint* (I tot usually will give a rough date) or u see the EDD from the printed scan slip?(which I didn’t notice)

He also didn’t tell me the size of my BB too and I went to one threat and one mummy told me Dr Adrian machine cant hear heartbeat de @_@ I know its not a must to listen but hw gd it is that I can hear.. a bit disappointed thou.

Today going for my 2nd apptment. Need to ask him to tell me the BB size so I can keep a record.

Cac so ur 1st apptment did he tell u BB size and estimated EDD? Or u based on ur iphone app de?

Jiajuan> people told me beef is good and ask me to eat more.. erm.. diff people have diff views ba.. hehe.. but mutton is a nono I guess… too liang..

Dandelion> im also a scary cat.. even at home slping alone, I need a nite light. But I still prefer a 1 bedder, cos my hubby will be staying over. With his company shld be ok. my frd told me that 1 bedder is gd becos when frds/ relatives comes, it more private and also u have one toilet to yourself. Hehe.

BJY> have lot of rest and I hope for the best for u that you will be able to see heartbeat during ur next visit. hugz and rest well.

ha ha ok then is normal.. I thought i think too much... Yeah let's feel the BB HB together!

i'm still having spotting so a bit scare, on & off i will got hb or not to make sure! Omg funny gal hor...

CrystalJC> ppl also tell mi beef is good! but cannot eat mutton they say will have " yang tian zhen", aiyo so many saying hor...

Ya lor summerpeh heard mutton will have "yang tian zhen",.. too many saying and restrictions. Have craving for coffee and tea but my gynae told me NO coffee, tea and pineapple. So I will restrict till 2nd trim then ask him whether can have little slips.. hehe.. Nw my hse currently under reno… wanted to involve in abit of light cleaning, like wiping the cupboards (reachable height) but tink hubby sure make noise de. Feels so handicap nwadays esp im those that always walk ard the hse do this and that before I got pregnant.

ya lor ya lor... I also cannot do houework now! My hubby & Doctor say the same thing... last week mc doctor even tell mi, MC is for mi to bed rest not MOP the floor lor! now my hubby don even let mi iron my clothes but he iron for mi not nice.. chaim! i think need a part time maid...

Thanks Sus.

E duphastron make me super bloated, had it last nite, couldn't get to zzz, end up ask hb to put ru yi you for me then slightly better.

will skip e day intake and take it @ nite instead, else dunno hw to work

hi, I just went to see doc n got a scan... and verified i'm preg..!

in my 7 weeks now. i'm so happy and tears when i saw bb's heart beat =)

crystalJC: :D yeah!

Actualy he did not tell me my EDD, it was written on the slip he gives me everytime i see him. On my first visit, it only told me can see a sac and it's 1.0cm.

And i saw on the slip, there's this 2 liner at the bottom of the slip:

1.0cm 5w5d+-10d 10-Aug-11

Average 5w5d+-10d 10-Aug-11

so i guessed 10 Aug 11 is my EDD... cos i counted the number of weeks, it matches. i tot i was derived from my 1st day of my last menses. but like what carole said, maybe the machine really did some calculation itself base on the baby size. on my 7th week, baby was 1.5cm and the date become 9-Aug-11. :D

I hope he/she will be a national day baby! :p

Mayb you take note of the tiny white words in the ultrasound printout today when you visit Dr Adrian [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have fun!

dandelion/crystalJC: Hee Im opposite leh.. I think I will opt for single bedder cos Im a light sleeper.. scared cant get to sleep with someone else beside me =p

bbPotato: ru yi oil can use ah? like got fetus at tummy.. if rub already will have any side effects? I din noe Duphaston can make me bloated.. no wonder!

vonnes: congrats!!


i ask him to rub higher near e middle part where e intestines r instead of e belly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi MTBs, I have Jan 2011 issue of Mother & Baby mag + Motherhood mag to sell.

M&B - $3 mailed

Motherhood - $2.50 mailed

pls PM me if u r keen =)

Summer> LOL.. so funny, doc ask u not to mop floor.. Yaya.. haha.. my hubby says he will clean up the hse after reno.. but I tink cant meet my standard.. guys any how do de.. LOL.. but better than nothing.. I will still wipe but gently ba..

Cac> thanks so much for telling me.. was abit upset that cant hear BB heartbeat liao.. glad that at least I can see the size and EDD from the scan slip : ). Mus went home to see my 1st scan slip again! Thanks so much for sharing!

Yup same thing here, during 1st apptment Dr Adrian told me its 5w then I was confused cos I counted from LMP is 7w.. so it is the machine that counted and I tink more accurate.

Im so excited abt tonight scanning. Hope can see hands and legs .. cos I shld be 7 weeks plus liao. : )


i have been suffering from bloated tummy as well will try the ginger tea... I did not suffer from MS until tis morning ... puke out the whole glass of milk that i drink..

