I think so. but if they have ppl (in law, mother, helper, ...) to help, why not ? Chop chop close shop can enjoy life earlier ..
You consider ok liao la .. hb do nite shift .. I forever nite shift de .. Sometime i just have a feeling that y must be me .. not say i no need to work ..
my 2 monsters are hyper too .. i will 'sleep' with her, then ensure my hb to wake me. Else, so many job, unpack/pack their school bags, laundry, kitchen cleaning after dinner (sometime i just left it & put them to sleep 1st and clean it later) ..
I start training them to 'keep' their toy before sleep. Else, i won't give them milk (it's like their sleeping drug that cannot be missed).
haha, Shay's teacher told me yesterday that he is such a good boy, he can keep his toy/book after use .. hahaha .. proud of myself .. though sometime they also not willing to do it .. i gotta do it myself after they sleep ..