(2011/03) Mar 2011

anyone needs th following milk powder? i have the samples but my baby is drinking mamil gold. dun want to waste the samples.

1) similac 2

2) Nan HA 2

3) Gain IQ 3

it is those small tins type. expiry all in 2013. i want to give away. self collect from dover, tpy or amk depending on time of the day. can pm me if keen!

also, need help. anyone has contact for reliable and not expensive carpenter or contractor? i need to get wardrobe for my room and baby's room done up. need to customise. anyone has recomendation? can pm me? want to get it done within these two or three weeks if possible.


Enfa stage 3 new packaging 68.30 Liao ! The old one still 62.10 but got free toy! Go and sweep all the old stock first!


can our babies drink lotus root soup??? winter melon soup???

all this while i only cook abc soup for him...he likes but i getting sian liao...caz he cant finish i drink...looking for other ideas of soup...


i used milk bags to individually packed previously.


the jab i take at polyclinic. so they want us to bring her first... cannot delay... so no choosin for us.....

think ying's recent high fevers shld b growth spurts... within a mth, taller by 3cm... but no increase in weight... instead even lose more... sigh....

ahha babybride, i fed Chloe whatever soup my mum makes... what you mentioned included!

so far, no allergies, so that's good news ba! ;-)

babybride: lotus root should be ok, but i wouldnt give winter melon soup, if i wanna give i make sure i add in red dates, then the ming mu yu etc

i will give those red broad beans with corn,

then apple soup with nan xing bei xing, 3 types of carrot soups, yin choy with ikan bilis soup,


The soup that u fed Chloe, u add the salt ?


I had been boiling different soup for Shay, except those stronger taste, like watercress, old cucumber (sometime a bit bitter)..

If i cook myself, i'll take out for shay 1st without salt, then only add salt when we drink. Acrtually also bo liao de la, i a;ready start feeding him those yong tao fu soup from outside ... not that i want to, but if he saw us feeding his jie jie the yong tao fu soup, he also want and refuse to eat the food that i prepare .. & he love wonton met too .. faint .. I'll use hot water to 'wash' the noodle (so it's less oily & salty) .. and he love it ..

sinmey: same for kiefer, but i still NO NO NO to outside food, i trying to keep him away till 20 months at least.

so when he wanna eat our food, me/hubby will carry him away..

anyway, we have to take turns to eat la..so no difference.

u know those red & white colour beans? must remove the shell one, the inner is biege white in colour

sinmey, I will usually take out a portion w/o salt added. That's for me, as for my mum, i'm closing boh eyes.. sometimes she does sometimes she doesn't.

Yes yes, CHloe is very greedy too, she wants to eat whatever we are eating ALL the time, if i dun give her, she will fuss n cry! Coz both me & hb wants to sit down n eat together so we give her a bit but after that we will distract her with her own tidbits and stuff lor. Dunno if I'm helping / harming her???

2Ks, why must wait till 20 mths? personal preference or got reason one?

sinmey: ya ya ya! forget the name! LOL

tres: personal preference. nowadays outside food is horrible, lotsa msg, salt, and the ingredients they use is lousy type.

esp now my hubby is in food line, i heard alot of stories about some restaurants. but well, cant be avoided.

so i try my very best to give him home cooked food as much as i can.

otherwise u think i so eng meh, everyday after work reach hm 7pm still cook dinner, 1 soup + 2 dishes.

its all because of the sons, i want them to eat home cooked food more, at least i am aware of what ingredients i use and what go into the food, right..

but strictly for now, when we are outside, no outside food for him, if he wants, i just give him plain rice, thats it..

hahaha, 2Ks I'm in the packaged food biz, I know all the nice 'shit' that is going into our pre-packed food... no no prepacked food for Chloe at all!!!!

Restaurant / hawker food must see what, if it's Fish soup (w/o soup), noodles (w/o sauce or gravy), plain white rice still can. Other things like cakes, ice cream, fruits and stuff... BIG no no!!!

but my HB like to spoil her lor.. everything also give n try!!! sigh...

that's why i say, you are a SUPERMUM, you are my idol, i dun think i can be like you, not even 50%!! *salute*

tres: i have friends who distribute seafood also, u know those fish soup, those fried fish which alot of OL like to eat, those fish are the less fresh type lor

my hubby is very against giving dory fish, he said its lousy fish, but well, dory fish is very commonly given at childcare centres.

haha...no la, i am not a supermum, i have no choice but to accept the fact that i am alone and no help.

last time when my hub told me he need to outstation when and when...i start to worry that i cant cope.

but i think for now, i am getting better la! self-improved...what to do...sigh..

u dunno only sometimes i just lay flat on my bed doing nothing...too tired


yaya, i also give plain rice .. he eat like a delicious snack .. haha

i also try not to give la .. heart pain too, i cook liao he dun wan to eat .. so i'll feed them separately so he dun see jie jie food. And my girl is another headache, he will nvr like Shay's porridge, mee sua..

boss delivered liao so i am damn bz (again)

hey i wanna ask who stopped bfding and wanted to give up their mon petit jardin nursing shawl? pm me, i wanna buy 1 for my boss (on her behalf), thanks

sinmey, i still waiting for PA CD!!!

yesterday promised to send today

2 weeks ago promised to send the next day

i saw my boy's pic on his thread. all teasers but CD run away!

i think i very jialiat, .. when on weekends, i gave J try on whatever we eating.. like rice, ice cream, fries (the potato inside), bun, bread my cold drink, chocolate muffin.. but all super little small portion to tum tum abit.. aiyo.. bad mummy hor !!!! but her diet for mon - fri, super healthy de when she at mil place..

And a boring mummy as well.. cos weekend, her meal will be porridge + Fish + Meat + Veg.. nothing else... tried cooked pasta, turned out horrendous but edible .. i wonder how to cook the sauce since J doesnt like strong taste..

outside food

erm, haven really gave him outside food, except rice..

normally, i packed his porridge or bring lots of fruits..

he can chew on an apple for abt 30mins.. which give me some quiet time to eat my food...

my maid also cant cook, so i guess its either pork porridge or ikan bilis/fish porridge for him


i got the ABC pasta.. not sure how to what to to give..


I'm the lazy mummy, i use the puree as his pasta sauce .. haha

if i have soup, i'll do pasta soup ... haha

at least different texture for him la .. everyday porridge i cook also sian. maybe mee sua? easy to cook & the mee sua itself is also a bit tasty...


walao, u stil haven't got ur CD .. very long liao leh ... go post at his thread.. haha

Jialat... I forgot liao leh. Hey ladies, do you still remember need to prepare how many packets of da feng ai herbs for confinement bathing? (based on your own experience)...


Airmez - depends on how many times you want to bath loh... the one i bought, 1 packet inside 2 small packets.. than per bath, mum used 1 small pack plus lots ginger for my bath water.. when you due ?

Sinmey - mee sua! i like ! but i need to cook those food that can prepare 2 meals in 1 go de..and if i prep mee sua in the morning, can it dong until evening for ger to eat ? will it be overly soggy ? shall try cooking mee sua for her lunch this weekend!


Depends when u wan to start bath ?

that time i cannot than de, i start shower once i reach home, but only start wash hair from Day12 i think. Shower 1 packs & wash hair another pack. 28 packs for Shower & 14 for wash hair ?

If not enough just ask the CL to boil the lemongrass with ginger. Some ppl just buy 28pack, if wash hair & need more water, then just add the lemongrass & ginger ? I think i bought 20 packs for bb shower too ..

allets: ice cream! fries salted! cold drink & sweet! OMY...u very daring..

but then its up to u la..u think ok then ok la..


was shocked to realise tat also. hubby was feelin like no need to bend so much while holdin her walk... so go n ck.. then realsie it 3cm...

regardin to outside food... i think i hopeless liao also.. like allets, let my gal try when we r outside watever we r eatin..... cos once she see,, she refuse her own food that i prepare. will rather "jue shi" n keep pointin at our or her jie jie food than to eat hers.... n especially after the HKG trip when i let her eat outside food liao... i juz continue lor....

but wkdays, i still preparin homemade food la... now gettin bigger headache... no need to pump.. but change to wake up early to make the meals.... cos now that she older n try other food.. everyday porridge, she still "complain" n refuse food.... so hv to make pasta, etc... hv to make "bento" for her 2 meals liao... ask mil to heat/steam up the box when feedin her lor... rice, bread, bao?? any more hv suggestion to give?? =p


some of the food, ice-cream, sweet stuffs, we only "bluf" give her only to keep her quiet.. juz touch the "licked already" spoon to her lips. touch n go type... =p mayb u want to try so that ur gal wont cry much also??

2Ks / Poky - erm,the quantity is not alot lah.. let her try by licking on the spoon, on the bottle cap type..haha.. for the fries,no no.. not the fried portion with salt.. i will slice open and give the potato inside..

poky - potato!! mil will steam 3 small potatoes and give J as a snack...


ya hor!!! my baby potatoe r still in the thermos pot!!! boiled on Tues nite.... forgot abt them!!! tonight must c if the contents r still hot... else.. whole pot hv to throw liao...

u dun mention,, i also totally forgot!! >_<"

Thx leh!! =p


cos i cooked in thermos pot. even the soup stocks, i also cook in it at least a day. so far, ok la... but potatoes the first time. so duno if "over boiled" so long will hv any issue... if go back n ck the water is stil boilin hot, then ok la.. if only lukewarm,,, then dustbin liao... =p

poky: like last night cook, today drink ok la..

but tuesday cook then today thurs already cannot la..

stale already..

thermos can tahan 2 days meh..not likely i find la

Hi mummies

1-2 weeks ago mention that somewhere in april, one sunday we r meeting up to go to some baby gym and gather together?

Is it still on?

waaa..thanks mummies...

i havent let bb eat outside food yet except bread loh..the rest either i cook or he eat his puff / baby bites..

anyway he dont really like to eat so each time feed him even cheese / yogurt (from petit bowl) i need to force feed him..sigh...

i didnt add salt into his soup or our soup too..taste ok leh..ayah dont need add salt to soup one taste the veg also quite nice..so far i only boil abc soup so taste ok...today is fish soup + corn + potato + abit ginger ..haha i anyhow put one...

smiggleprincess u lucky, one apple can chew 30mins..my bb one apple he either get chokes or he lick lick abit throw far far liao..sigh

2ks, u most experienced mama..wan to ask u..when u go overseas, how u pump? or u just latch only? i now latch when at home and pump when in office..but if i go overseas w bb, latch enuff meh? means my ss sure to drop again lah? also what u feed bb when u go overseas? caz now he only eat what i cook...jar food etc etc he dont really fancy..how huh? i need to bring the boiler overseas too?? then bring blender?? ayoh...now i give him super soft cheese he can choke on it too..sigh

Baby bites.

I seems can't find anymore Baby Bite in NTUC, Shop n Save ?

If any mummies happen to see Baby Bite, do let me know .. my 2 bb love baby bite and if no more i also headache ..

babybride - whoa you go trip like move house..

must let your son try more texture food... so that they will learn how to chew... for J, only meat & veg to blend cos mil said if chopped veg finely, vitamins will be lost when cooking (dunno how true lah).. than her meat is those big piece de for sweetness.. so that must definitely blend if want to give.. but for porridge and fish, just cook liao, stir and eat...

J is total opp of your son.. she hated jar food! i brought my shuttle chef to cruise to cook porridge mix with jar food, she rejected it..

if you want convenient, bring cereal loh...

mummies - any idea is there a age limit for cereal? like happy bellies etc ? or now 1 years old liao should try other types ? any recommended type with more texture de for cereal ? i let J tried on nestle cerelec for 12 months above de.. nice smell and tasted good too.. even the daddy tried said is nice ... haha.. is the multi grain with garden veg.. than got abit of textures like small bits of carrot, veg...dunno what to give her as her weekend snack for morning..

by the way, are all the so call "kidnapping" cases true or bogus ones ? like recently so many also dunno whether what is the degree of truth.. told my mil got kidnapping cases.. asked her be careful when bringing J to market / park/shopping mall..

babybride: i shared earlier on how i bring baby overseas.

pump - i pump on the go, i stop latching kiefer after his 4 teeth come out..very the pain.

so when its about his feeding time, i just pump ANYWHERE and feed him after that, extra i pour away.

food - i also shared earlier. i did not bring boiler overseas. i bought those instant porridge, some jar food add baby biscuits/rice in it. then some instant cereals

sinmey: MFS still giving baby bites leh...could it be temp suspended? cos i think its from china?

try gmarket see hv or not.


Yea, i just bought from NTUC last 2-3 wks. But last weekend, i can't find any lo.. I went to all 3 NTUC in sembawang..

Then i went shop n save also dun have..

Is it from China ? i thought it's from Msia .. haaa. CH also give bb Bite .. and recently, they give the Heinz Biscotti. Shay love it lo.

For his weekend breakfast, i give mantou, bread with cheese/jam(very little), cereal sometimes. I never try the multi grain with garden veg.. i shall try .. actually no age limit for cereal ba. our bb is >1 yr old now should be able to try all stage of bb cereal .. i saw some are chicken flavor ? but i a bit reluctant .. it means msg ? or some dunno way flavor add in ?


Agree that you must let him try more variety of food. I nvr blend Shay porridge though i start him on 8 mths. He can chew well. But the porridge is very nua nua type la.

Now, i put in mince meat, chop vege (i'll add in at last, few minutes before food serve). Or if i boiled soup, i just add the potatoes/carrot from the soup & mash with my spoon to feed him.

i also all along never blend kiefer porridge. i using xin mi and i think its very soft after cooking.

meat i used kidney meat of pork, so its very soft..

lately i start giving chicken porridge already. chicken drumstick.

kiefer menu always porridge, so boring...but during kyler time, i think i super eng. cooked pasta la, coucous la, mee sua etc

ok..i shall try give him mee tai mak this weekend..


For me, i find cooking pasta & mee sua is easier than porridge.

Coz i lazy lor. Porridge must cook morning.. no time. especially if Shay wake up early, i cannot do anything de. So i prefer to cook the pasta/mee sua which i can start cooking after i reach home. Only take 20 minute to serve .. Mee tai mak, i nvr try leh .. but must buy a small packet .. balance dunno my girl will eat ...

sinmey: huh? i opp, i find porridge easier, just over the stove, 25 mins done, just give the occassionally stir...

otherwise i use my thermal pot, ingredients dump in, then boil and store away, 2 hours later can eat already.

mee sua i still have to cook stock, cook the ingredients, then par boil the mee sua (so not not starchy, maybe some dont need la)

shall buy mee tai mak tomorrow when i go market

ST - ok 15th April I'm free.. Where r we gg???

Sinmey- Sheng shiong sells baby bites too.. I just bought them yesterday

Sinmey, baby bites, ntuc/kiddy palace got sell...i bought these two places..

allets, ya loh macham move house loh...

i have the same qn as u..cereal can feed til any age limit? i scared he short of nutrients if i feed him cereal everyday..

waa 2Ks, u stil got extra to throw away huh?? good leh..mine one squeeze like mad when i pump in office to only get 120-150ml. so when i go out on weekends, he will have to latch every now and then..not every 3-4 hrs...

i tried not to blend his food leh..but hor i can cook in slow cooker for 6 hrs very very soft veg he can stil choke leh..until eyes red red..watery tongue stick out..sigh

Thanks for your advice, Allets and Sinmey!

My EDD is 11 May 2012. Gotta rush finish work, but feeling very tired... tummy bigger this time round too!!


ask you all ar, if i cook mee sua in 1 meal,say in the morning, than can i still let J eat in the evening ? i never tried putting mee sua so long leh.. so not sure will it be too nua or all the soup dry up ..


Cos i feel like cooking mee sua for her tomorrow... but sure not at home when is her dinner time.. so can only cook and bring out..

