(2011/01) Jan 2011

Oops, either my bb has super large tank or I'm over feeding her. At almost 3 mths she's taking 120-150ml every 3-4 hrs. Today at the pd she weighed in at 5.8kg! S size diapers seem a little tight ard the thighs already.


Lucky mummy.. Mine even larger tank.. At 11 weeks, my boy is taking 160ml of ebm every 2.5 to 3 hours.. 2 weeks ago he was 7kg le.. :X

Previously is constant 80ml 2 to 3 hrs - 7 to 8 feedings per day. Lately the consumption varies and hrs went haywire. Now less than 8 feedings per day and I sum up the total intake for the day is much less than usual lor. So I worried that she is not eating enough or not feeling gd or something.


at least you can make the argument that boys drink more! haha

wow...does that mean M size might be too small for him soon? I'm desperately trying to use up the S size stock I have on hand now...

Luckymummy, I was in the same situation as u a few weeks earlier.. Desperately finishing my small size diapers.. M size so far still ok.. I have a feeling when I go for the next pd appt, he will b 8kg le.. V tiring to carry him now.. Now contemplating to buy M or L size diapers when I go ntuc with my in laws later.. Additional 2% off for above 60... Keke..

The amount that my boy is taking has kind of remained constant since a month ago.. But he is still gaining weight.. So I don't have to worry too much right?

hi flying pig and lily, my boy also has poor appetite. He is only 4.2kg. Drinks abt 80ml every 2-3 hourly. Goes into deep sleep after that so i cant feed him more. Pd says he is on d smaller side but healthy since he poops and pees well. He only poops once a week though so i was told one way to increase his appetite is to make him poo more often. Can try massage and cycling exercise.

Hi all, I have a tin of 900g Friso 1 to let go at $35. Expiry in Feb 2012. NTUC selling at $40.

Collection at Sembawang. PM me if interested.


I also cannot stand my in-laws esp in terms of hygiene n cleanliness too. There was once MIL helped to change bb's diaper after poop, n she kenna some shit on her hands. After the changing session, I tot she would at least go wash her hands b4 doing anything else. But to my horror, she immediately picked up bb n start carrying. I stormed out of the room n summoned hubby to tell his precious lao-bu to go wash her dirty hands b4 touching bb further.

Another incident was during a hotel stay with hubby's whole family. FIL forgot to bring his toothbrush n I offered him a spare disposable one which I brought along. He refused n the next morning, he did not wash his face nor brush his smelly teeth and had the audacity to pick up my bb n put his ugly face so close to her. I feel like puking on my bb's behalf.

Feel free to rant more about your inlaws as I can certainly commiserate. They just irritate me almost everyday.

Is there anything we can help our baby in terms of pooing more often?

mine does not poo everyday. Went to see PD today and was told that it is ok not to poo everyday as long the poo is creamy texture and not constipate. But when i see my bb cry cos stomachache and trying to poo, i kinda heartache.

PD commented that baby is growing well and there is no need for major concern. He is 10 week old and weigh 8kg...heavy boy...

He has cradle cap too and was told to put baby oil and brush.

Kenna diaper rash and was prescribed desitin...sigh....

HI Flyingpig, just ensure that your bb drink a total of about 720ml ard 24hr. as long as bb weight gain is along the child development curve shud b fine. maybe u can consider upgrade the teats also ;) my bb also ard 4.5kg when she is 8wks old. PD say her dev is on track. no need to give fm and just continue breast feeding my bb lor...

Hi pinky and luckymum: both ur bb feeding really well lei. pei4 fu2. i can't immagine myself carry 7kg bb to breastfeed them. tiring?

Chercat i have change my setting liao.. you see can anot.. if not you email me to [email protected] hehe..

My gal also seldom poo leh.. but her diaper is always wet la.. she is drinking well leh.. but just dont want to poo. the longest record is she can hold until day 5 then poo. i almost wanting to bring her go see doc already.

and i notice my gal intake has drop. usually she can drink up to 4oz but recently i try to bottle feed her, her intake is only 3oz. is it because i keep let her latch on and my milk is not that much so her intake have reduce?

anyone encounter keep letting your baby latch on and she dont know how to drink from bottle. mine is like that leh.. zzz..

any breastfeeding mum is back to work? can share how you all pump out the milk? my office got no "secret" place to hide leh.. and i thot of pumping inside toilet but is like abit unhygiene.. =(

Thks all

xiaopang, when you say your girl dunno how to drink from bottle.. exactly what happen? it might be the problem with the teats..

my ex-company was a local small company, they didnt have nursing room either, but they were nice enough to convert one of the meeting rooms to nursing room for breastfeeding mothers.. dun need to do much, basically juz make sure the room is well covered up and locked when you need to breastfeed.. in terms of storage, see if the company is willing to get a small fridge for you to store.. else i'd juz popped my milk bags into an air tight container and popped it into the pantry refridgerator..

My son also doesn't know hw to drink frm bottle! I've tried dr brown, nuk and medela but he simply refuses to suck it. I've tried getting my hubby or my mum to feed him but it's the same thing. He screams and cries then bo bian hv to let him latch on. Haiz...


my gal tend to play with the teats when i feed her. then slowly she will drink after sometimes or a few try. after drinking dont know is she is in half sleep mode or the teats the milk start to slip out from her mouth and will flow down to her throat.

as for breastfeeding. my pantry dont have any lock. we got a fridge but i am more concern on where should i do my pumping. haha.. no lock on pantry door. =(

Hi Ting, my gal only managed to drink 600ml plus of BM daily. So far her weight growth is like 20%. Initially thought was the teats problem, so I switched from S to M. Only a couple of times she can finish her 100ml at one go. Other times were like she get choke sometimes and milk flowing out at the side. So I swtich back to S and my mum told me to use needle and poke a extra small hole (which is what they used to do in the olden days). Tried but doesn't seems to work for her to finish her bottle of milk in one feeding. ~ Headache...

Am thinking to monitor her intake till end March. If still getting less, think really got to mix in FM.

xiaopang, what bottle you using to feed her? maybe can try different bottle and see which one she adapt to better? i tried avent and tommee tippee bottles for my boy, but it doesnt work for him.. in the end i used NUK, and he's fine with drinking from bottle now..

oh i mean meeting room with lock.. pump in one of the small meeting room? if there's glass panel, ask if they can cover the panel with paper so that it cant be seen through..

Puix2.. Nope.. I pump at abt 11pm.. Den next pump will be abt 6 to 7am.. Heh.. Breasts will be super duper full.. But I lazy to wake up in the middle of the night.. So if baby needs feeding at that time and my hubby is awake, he will feed and I will rush to pump.. If not very leaky.. :x

Oh pinky, u can do that, how nice....i cant delay pumping, if delay, i will get blocked. Do u feel more difficult to pump out if breast too full or still flowing smoothly?

Super tired to pump every 3 hrs..sigh....

i hv a pack of huggies dry (M) and drypers (M) for sale, my boy can't wear this size anymore .. anyone would like to have, please pm or msg me at 92343419 .. thanks

Gina, i am using pigeon's bottle.

and my office concept is an open concept. somemore manpower is only 5ppl. and i am the only breastfeeding mum in office. i doubt boss will do that just for me. haha..


i check out the URL u gave for the diapers. NTUC s a better deal as the $20.65 is a bigger pack.

i bot M size which is 66pcs at $20.65 (0.31c). whereas the company one is 44pcs at $15.30(0.34c). but this only valid when NTUC is having promo. otherwise mamy poko cost ard $24 per pack.

Mummies, are u all having big portion meals to sustain breastmilk supply or already start cutting down ur meal portion to gain back prepreg figures? Sigh...i cant seem to slim down le....afraid if i eat less my milk supply will drop...i am still having big tummy...how come wont slim down one..???

xiaopang, my bb also dinno how to use bottle till this few days that we force her once per day with bottles. Initially few days, she reject and after half an hour, she din drink any from the bottle, I took over to latch her on. Slowly, everyday once, and now she start to learn to identify the bottle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hubby do bottle feed and he said must shove the whole thing in till her tongue no place to push out.

u try?

I realised bb increasing on her intake, though not sure how much she taking, cos she used to not able to finish 1 side of my breast, and now can finish up and sometimes ask for the other side. So this few days am on the ball to pump. No matter how tired in the middle of the night, will still pump out.. and start to time.. each time i wake up, to feed bb plus pump then sterilise, i need 1.5hours! using the manual avent pump, cos i can control myself. so sleeping at about 12am, waking up at 3am, 5+am, then 7+am... am getting used to it...

the good thing is, supply start to increase after 3days of hard work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

puix2, don't deliberately eat more, just eat normally, and dun snack on the tidbits. impt is drink lotsa of water. I'm on at least 3litres per day. if i'm out the whole day (as I'm doing real estate), then when i get home, immediately I'll take about 1.5litres at one shot to replenish.

bb now about 7.2kg when hubby weigh her 2nights ago.. gaining fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

persevere on!!! :D

I'm going to start work again... moo moo...

puix2>> if i dun pump at 4 hours.. it will be slightly more difficult for me to pump.. need to take a longer time to empty my breasts.. tend to get a little block but i will keep massaging and leave the pump on longer to get letdown and it will be ok already.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i will try to cut down my rice intake if i am not very hungry.. also i try to eat more meat and veggies.. but i drink fresh milk twice a day at least.. instead of drinking water, i try to drink milo instead.. i realised if i drink too much water, my ebm becomes very watery and baby will get hungry fast.. i realised whether i drink a lot of water or just my normal amount, my supply still about the same.. my supply usually increase if i manage to take a nap in the afternoon.. jiayou ba!


Has anyone taken antibiotics while bfeeding? I have been sick and the fever refuses to go away, wondering if I shld go see the doc again to ask for antibiotics.

puix - i hv cut down my meal portions after the first 2 weeks of my confinement, but it does not affect my milk supply.

Sputnik, tell doc you're breast-feeding he will prescribe something suitable. But usually it will take longer time to recover as the medicine prescribed are not as strong as the normal ones.

elekos - ya, went to see doc once already, but he said better try to avoid antibiotics since bfeeding. But he is more on the cautious side, so may go another doc to get a 2nd opinion.

Sputnik, take care n sleep more. Drink more water n fruits. ESP now bf, not gd to take too strong medi.

U having just fever? No other symptoms? Sometimes can b heatiness tat causes body temp to rise. I was like that till I start to take cooling stuffs n stop the Heaty herbs. If no flu or other symptoms, it's ok. Unless ur fever is super high.

Gee.. Pinky, I din realised that water intake makes my milk more dilute. Haha! Was thinking y sometimes my milk so white n dilute n sometimes creamier n yellow. But norm I mix to store. Will take more milk instead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gee... I've shed all the weight tat I gained but tummy still not back to norm size.. Any suggestions? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I am also sick, down with bad flu and cough... took 2 rounds of antibiotics already.. but now still coughing... sigh... cough until my phlegm got blood... sigh... doctor says I've injured my throat...

Now seeing TCM.. slower to get well, but still better than taking western medicine... sigh..


apply ginger cream and wear wrap.... can help to shrink the stomach..

Hoshi, where to get the ginger cream? Now 2 months plus already, ginger cream helps or not? Ginger is to release wind, yes no?

Ladies I stock up too many bb now on tbm, pm me if u interested. Prices nego for sincere buyers.

Total 18 tins (400g) selling @ $16 per tin expiring Nov 2011.

This is the older version green packaging one but made in Netherlands.

charleen - was having a bad sore throat. Lucky now better. Fever also gone :)

Hoshi - oh dear, yours sounds serious, do take care!

Not sure what I took in the past few days, but my bmilk ss went down quite a lot. I was drinking quite a lot of liang teh due to my sore throat, not sure if it was becos of that. Other than that, i only took panadol, danzen and lozenges.

Sputnik, think our milk supply will drop when we are ill, stress and also didn't get enough sleep. few week ago i also on those medication. my elder child also down with flu. she is very noisy at night. my supply drop quite alot. my baby drink until frustrated. she pull my nipple and also hit my breast with her forehead. that time i felt so stressful. now am slowly getting over it. me regaining my supply [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hoshi, where to get that ginger cream? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sigh... last night power trip.. so went to sleep at my parents' place. A/C too power till today flu... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wanna sleep, but bb dun cooperate :-/

pray hard that I'm strong enough to no fall sick!

hoshi, may I know where your TCM is located? is it west area? i am thinking to bring my elder daughter to see TCM cos she fell ill quite frequently.

Hi Mummies,

I'm from Apr thread and had just gave birth to my gal 4 days ago.

Are there any mummies interested in an opened tin of Nan HA1 used with about 10 scoops used? The can was only bought and opened for 2 days. My supply has kicked in and do not wish to waste the formula off.

Please PM me if you are interested.

ting - i suspect that it was due to something i ate/drank cos I was not feeling well since last fri, but only in the past 3 days then my supply dropped as I started drinking quite a lot of the liang teh around that time. Oh well, now starting to take fenugreek again to try and increase my ss...

re ginger cream

I also have the ginger cream, but i dun use it as I find the smell quite overwhelming. After i apply, the smell gets into my tshirt also and if you hold the tshirt near your nose, it can be quite suffocating, so i stopped using cos don't think it is very good for my gal when i carry her.

I bought the ginger cream from fiona... (can be found in facebook)... Yes, the cream smell quite strong. So normally what I do is, after bathe, put the cream, wrap my tummy with plastic foil, then put on cinch wrap... haha... very ks... but tummy seems smaller.... and smell not so overwhelming..

now i fall sick, so lazy to put the cream....

My malay massage lady helped me buy the ginger cream (extra hot) one... now I got 2 bottles extra, pls pm me if you want to get.


Yes, my TCM is at Jurong East Central... Shan Dong Baby & Child. They specialise in baby tuina... my gal has been seeing her since she's a month old, now she's coming to 6, still seeing her occasionally to tiao the body... my son now seeing her... will be bringing my son down again later... pm me if you need their exact address.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ting mine bb oso every feed is like she just drink 3/4 of it another 20ml is like she can take another hr to finish off?just wonder wat happen haiz

hoshi - wah, u very hardworking, still wrap with plastic foil..haha....my tummy now quite small liao just not flat yet. Dunno how to get rid of the last bits of the tummy....sianz...

RE: Confinement Lady

Hi Mommies,

I'm from July 2011 thread. Any mommy here has any good Confinement Nanny to recommend? I've called all the good ones and they all already taken. I know I'm a bit late in starting and now hoping maybe can find luck from other mommy groups. Could you please let me know know if yours happen to be recommendable and available? My EDD is July 21st.

If dont mind please PM me the name and number. Many thanks in advance!


Sputnik, oh. that case then u better stop drinking the liang teh lor. as for fenugreek, i checked with my gynae b4. he said is safe to take but must take alot then got effect. last time i tried but not effective. i took motelium (not sure abt spelling) which gynae gave me. this medicine works for me. Good luck to you ;)

