(2011/01) Jan 2011

Hi Vivian I am not so lucky as u quite greedy and itchy mouth so gain 7-8 kg am into week 29 sigh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] 5kg so envy lay


mitch>> i refrained myself from taking sweet drinks before i went for the test.. hur hur..

bb weight>> at wk 29, scan showed my boy to be at 1.5kg.. fat fat..

weight gain>> so far i've gained abt 10kg in total.. seems a lot.. bleah..

my wk 29 scan is this friday and i think i will put on a lot of weight.hahaha

Any mummy's baby kick is still felt very low in abodomen. Sometimes i feel it close to V area or bladder area....other times i feel it below chest. Definitely feel the weight, even when lie on back can feel out of breathe. Whole stomach fell on my back.

Ya ivftwins that what my hubby tell me jus eat dun substain last tri is impt as that is when baby is growing if not later baby small size.......

but appetite quite a mess esp during dinner. hungry but can't really eat. sometimes hungry eat small portion ok and then hungry at night.i ate a bowl of beef goulash at soup spoon and now hungry. make mama mamil milk plus a slice of bread.

ya true my is small portion of rice with dishes but later like to take snacks that is the worst..crave for ice cream, cakes, chips...after dinner [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so u can imagine...

weight gain

sigh~ dunno how much i've gain. haven't stand on the scale since the last gynae appt. most prob another near 3kg again.. will know when i go gynae next monday.. most probably a near 9kg till date.

tummy size.

very HUGE! colleagues keep asking if i'm due soon looking at my tummy..they say that's the size at their full term or smaller.. aiyo..

Pinky : I tot of that too .. but later didn't cos this is my norm intake and I wanted a accurate reading. Recently I have a colleague who is 27weeks and had pre mature water bag rupture due to GD.. so I rather go on diet. My gal is 914g @ 26 weeks, sonographer told me is normal.


ya, my tummy is getting bigger and heavier, easily feel back *tired* not ache. me 29 weeks today, total weight gained is 10kg, I ask my gynae if I have gain too fast, she say ok and even telling me that my weigh gain majority will goes to baby, placenta, fluids, etc. Not much left over for myself except the tummy cos tat's the most difficult part to slim down. Sounds positive leh. Baby weight 1.1kg last friday.


ya, dun think I will go to the Nov's fair. I dun wan to risk myself especially I have placenta previa problem. I read that it's dangerous if water bags burst and started to dilate, it will cause placenta bleeding and dunno wat. So I better stay at home and rest more. I dun even dare to squat nowaday. When I need to use public toilet, I will choose those sitting type. You very good in controlling your diet leh. Actually I also din eat much, and I have bad nauseous during 1st trimester and no appetite to eat, but still gain 10kg. May be cos I diden do walking exercise, after dinner, do a bit packing then straight away lie down on bed and watch tv..hahah


We gained the same amount of weight, but ur baby is heavier than mine..my baby too small :-(


My baby already turn, i can feel the kicking at lower adominal, probably tat is her hand, and kicks around navel, tat one is her buttock i guess...sometime I feel both area moving...really curious to know wat she is doing inside there...I feel hard to breath at time too especially when lie down, then I have to sit up and take a few deep breath...


To some ppl, my tummy looks small. To some, my tummy is their full term..dun worry too much.., guess we all facing the same issue...heheh


Must eat enuf healthy food now, cos our baby is really growing and need many healthy nutritient now. dessert or craving if can control then control lor, if cannot also boh bian...eat small portion..hehe

this morning counted, me lesst than 10 weeks baby will arrive.....anxious!!!

Hi Chabby,

You mention that your tummy is huge and yet you only put on 9kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and you are into your week 29 too rite?

Hi Kimmy,

My colic also say my tummy small but i gain quite abit liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now i dare not go near the scale it will make me feel so fat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] which i dont like at all.. for baby's weight you dont have to worry so much as all the weight given by Doc are only base on estimation..


ya.. 29 week.. i suspect 9kg..if good, only 8.

it seems the weight all go there. my 4 limbs and face seems ok.. (except for the swollen pig trotters)


just ate 2 papaya and 1 honey dew before food..

consider healthy?


that's scary.. sigh~ still thinking of Mr bean soya milk on my way home later. now may wan to re-consider.


but i heard many cases, baby's weight is smaller than doctor's estimated :-(..I forgot to ask my doctor during friday scan about baby's cheek..dunno if now gain meat at her cheek or not. Next scan is 4 weeks later, so long. I tot we should see doctor for scanning more offen now?


baby now need plenty of iron, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium..etc So we gotto eat those foods that contain the needs as their brain is growing fast at this stage. Fruits is good for mama's constipation :)..


Traditional way - eat 石榴 when we are 7 month, baby very smart...I dunno how true...but it's some kind of fruits...mommies can try :)


so envious!! I have already gained 12+ kg and it seems like everyone is controlling their weight so well. Gynae never asked me to control weight when I went for 28th week check up last week and he said my bb is also average at 1.2kg. Wondering whether I shld start to control some of my diet?

What is 石榴? Guava?

The increase in stomach size is visible these days. I can feel stomach to be v big n waddle instead of walking gracefully. Lying on bed at night is bad. Moment I lie I feel breathless. Got to breath deep a while to be fine.

i also only put on 5-6 kg in total so far, today 30 weeks, starting 31st and baby weight 1.5 Kg one week ago. I dunno if it is fine. Stomach is very visible but no weight gain elsewhere except buttt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] .

Breathless is good sometime cos baby is already head down and pushing rib cage with legs....mine is also head down since 28 weeks hope it remains this way so can delivery naturally again.

Planning to pack hospital bag in two weeks, but i guess very few things to pack as nurse told me they provide evrything there for baby.

Hi Kimmy,

than my i dun even know the baby's weight worst

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and my checkup is this fri i mus die die ask my gynae see whether he will tell or not and i gain so much weight since my las check up. And wonder whether my check up will be every 3 weeks now or still 4 weeks like your?

@ Mag no need to envy us ..as we are quite close to you..We should envy Vivian and Sheril whom only gain 5-6kg++ at week 30 wow!!

Lily: Same too.. Going for my growth scan next wk.. must squeeze out the baby's weight from the doc.. Haha

Mag: We are in the same boat. i gained 14 kg liao.. But doc didnt say anything since i still got swim regularly.. He say as long no high blood pressure and GD, ok liao...

ivftwins: Me too.. now getting difficult to get up from lying on the bed.. Looked like humpty dumpty loh...

Hi Apple, wish us luck ya in squeezing out the baby's weight! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for me worst i never exercise except climbing some stairs hahahhah...and feel breathless even jus a few steps and stand too long also cant sit too long also cant..and yes humpty dumpty when struggling to get out of bed...

my belly at 30 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Lily h,

last time my gynae also never tell me my baby weight for the last tri and I put on lots of weight, he said can still eat. The scan before my c-sec, then he mention 'woah your baby seems big'. This time round I will ask the weight for every visit to keep track.

for those feel tummy very big now, wait for the last month, cant even wear panty without effort. Going to shower also want to bring a stool in to sit and shower.

Hi Sherill, you are tall and slim.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Hopefully, i better start asking man scully too big..and i am quite small built lo..

Hi Mummies,

Busy busy time for me, but cannot resist commenting on Sherill's picture! I think you look very good! Really don't look like 30 weeks already!

I also haven't been exercising, dunno where am I going to gather stamina to push out baby... Been feeling very tired recently, and when I bathe at night, I can just feel the ankles swelling away! Think maybe really should bring a stool in to sit!

Lily, my gynae also same pattern, he never tell me baby's weight!

Sherill - Same here I got a big butt problem. Haiz..every sian i also v worried after giving birth v hard to slim down. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] From the picture, u look very okay leh.

Anyone going for maternity shoots?


Nice baby bump there!

I am 29weeks today and certainly looks much bigger than this. A lot of people asking if I gona pop soon. The only part growing is my tummy, making it even more obvious.

Gynea told me my baby is a bit big at 1.3+kg 28weeks. But after checking my glucose again, she said no worries since I passed the test. Then I rewarded myself with ice cream that night. haha. Gona check my glucose level again at 30week.

Think this time round I am so busy with my boy that I seldom whine about my discomfort to hb. Though I think this pregnancy is so much more difficult. Last week, I still vomited once. Sigh.


石榴 is not guava..u google and see the picture. is one kind of fruit.


As wat lily said, no need to envy at us, sherill control her weight well...


My tummy is bigger than urs...u r so tall and slim...


Ya...ask ur doctor for baby weight...ask till he tell u..hahha


I cannot bend much to wash my foot now..I act smart, go n cut my toe nails few weeks back..so jialat, cannot bend and i have to adjust my leg to the side till my hubby ask wat i am trying to do, then he ask me to go for pedicure, but I have already done few toes :-S

Clumsy movement:

Just now walk out for lunch, started to feel the tiredness badly...I need to sit down and rest first then only to buy food. so jialat now..


Father-in-law say the stalls near KK market sells pomegranate at a cheaper price. or you can try buying from m'sia.


i shld ask my colleague to take a pic tmr.. that's approx my size at 5-6 mth..your arms look slim.. so dun worry too much about weight gain elsewhere.


i can't fit a stool in my shower.. mine is those standing shower w glass door type.. can't fit in.. so after shower, need to see on toilet bowl to wear panty or sometimes see on toilet bowl w a pail of water just to wash legs.. sigh~

i've resort to wear those ugly and big PJ dress..

my hubby keep giving me this smile when he saw me wear those dress PJ.. sigh~

my colleague advise me to do the following to help natural birth.

1. walk

2. climb stairs

3. squats.

do these when you pass 36 weeks. make sure there's handle to hold on when you do squats/half squats.


Yes sherill really controls well. Just a little bump. My tummy is so big that a lot of ppl thot I am delivering next month. Even the toilet auntie in a shopping centre also thot so.


my gynae also said it's okay as long as I exercise. I try to swim at least once every 2 weeks. He also said it's okay for me to put on 1 kg per month. According to many of my frens, they told me weight in last 1 to 2 months will have sudden balloon effect. 1kg every 2 weeks

Poor mummy

I just took some maternity photos 2 weeks ago. Advice is to take ard 32 weeks so the protruding effect is more. Mine is already quite big and am currently busy with upcoming new place so just get it over and done with

Hi Chabby,

I burst out laughing when you describe the way you dress in toilet after you showered..we are tat clumsy ya..cant believe it rite..

As for the natural birth rite, walk squats and steps..i tried all those for my 1st pregnancy but it did not work for me at all..so i think its still up to individual..

Hi Mag,

Ya Sherill really control well..my bump still managable la but my hub say this one really much bigger than when i am carrying my boy..so he is thinkg mayb a chubby gal..-_- as he say i eat non stop..@_@ wah scary lay 1kg every 2 weeks my like 1 kg every week lay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I have not tried. I registered for the 6 bucks trial during the fair and they say they will call me earlier the EDD to arrange.


No worries about your alarm clock coz my girl sleeps and wake up @ good timing and I was so please till I casually asked my gynae if that will means that bb will follow the pattern when she is born. He replied NO. LOL


My baby too... loves to kick my bladder. Sigh.. Naughty naughty.


I haven't been exercising either. Only eat and sleep... have been craving for Macdonalds recently.

re: 石榴

Its call Pomegranate


You are looking good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i got 2 from my relative in Malaysia...haven eat yet cos I scared to see small little thing is a group..I felt *geli*. May be I will ask my MIL to help to take out the fruits and I eat with my eyes closed..


Thanks for the link too :) wish you gd luck for the scan tonite :) update us about your placenta portion. Mine is still low as of last friday..


I gain 1.5-2kg every 4 weeks...so I have already count, I will gain another 4 kg till birth...total gain will be 14kg...


I tell my hubby about baby alarm, I tot it will be about the same leh :-( when I told hubby tat baby will wake up around 7am, hubby reply say he still sleeping..*faint*


ya agree with the other ladies you look good! I'm at week 28 and my stomach size is roughly yours I guess?

And all this talk about weight gain is making me dread my gynae visit this fri...sure to find out some new horrifying number on the scale.

As to pregnancy aches and becoming inflexible, actually I highly recommend the yoga class that some of the ladies in this thread and I have been attending. We just ended our 6 week cycle and might have to stop cos the class size is now too small (some classmates going to give birth already).

So far it helped me with backaches, ankle swelling, and general flexibility through the exercises.

e.g. Like I can actually raise my legs to wear my panties without too much difficulty since starting class.

e.g. I can still use the squatting toilets when there is a queue for the sitting ones. :p

The instructor will ask what pains you have this week then she will tailor the exercise to help with that specific pain for you. Overall value-for-money class I think.

Any ladies want to join us? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sats, 1215-115, Bishan.

Fees: about $100-110 for 6 sessions, depending on class size

class size: about 7-9 pax. (quite cozy n not so stressed to follow)

Please pm me if you're keen or email the instructor [email protected]

Haiz. I got low placenta n gynae earn no squatting, cannot carry heavy things. Think mrs Wong class say not to stretch too much. So no yoga for me. We must hang on!!

Is there any dangerous actions that will induce labor or cause premature waterbag burst?

I share the same sentiments as LuckyMummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also attended the same Yoga class and it has helped with the flexibility. Even though I have not had much back aches (touch wood) but I can also still raise my legs to wash my ankles and wear my panties without much problems. And yes, I can still use squatting toilets [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think the class is very affordable too..so come join us if you want to keep up your activity level and also address some aches and cramps issue.

BTW, I wonder Mummies who have purchased the Cinch wrap received an email from BebeLounge, the BP organiser? She is bringing in this Bravado Nursing Bra that has received very good reviews. I had been researching on nursing bra and this came up as one of the highly recommended one that even celebrities wear. I think for more well-endowed mummies, this nursing bra looks like it can provide very good support. Be warn though, it is quite expensive but I think our 'assets' deserve that bit of pampering since it will be through quite a bit when we start breast feeding [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


BTW, other than clothings, what else have mummies bought from the BP sprees? Here's my 'damage' so far:

1) LG Playmat

2) Elicina Stretch Mark Cream

3) Thermos Flask 0.5L

4) Diaper Bag Organiser

5) WET Happened Wetbag

6) Half a dozen of Desitin Diaper Rash Cream

7) 2 tubes of Lansinoh Nipple Cream

8) Cinch wrap

9) Bravado Nursing Bra

10) Braun Thermometer

I did not buy any clothings though..haha..

Anything others good buys that any mummies have come across online?


haha luckily you support me, else I'll sound quite sad and desperate. lol

the bravado nursing bras sound amazing. and they're probly really comfortable too. Really tempted...as you say, our assets are very impt...but I went and bought a few cheaper nursing bras already.

How many on average should we standby? Generally how many bra changes do you go through while breastfeeding every day? Plus the spares to be washed? (trying to rationalize another purchase hehe)


oic, then you better listen to your doctor and be careful.

Yes Kikapo, I just enquire abt the bra too..

Am going to try one firstthe original nursing bra [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] am asking them abt the size so not to buy the wrong size [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Kikapo,

I have joined a few sprees for clothings and also going to buy the shower gel paid the money and going to collect this thurs. Plus i join the spree for medela parts.


I invested in 4 Bravado nursing bra (2 Original and 2 Body Silk Seamless), cause I am hoping by taking care of my assets I can breast feed longer...but I also will buy 2 of the cheaper nursing bras to interchange. If we don't leak too badly and use good breast pads, 4-6 bras should be good enough since we should be doing laundry once every 3 days?


I tempted to join but saturday i need to bring my son for lesson [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and this week and nex week also burn so cant join le ...

For nursing bra, i think its good to hav a few to stand by? and our boobs also will be bigger i think when we bf [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so am buying one or 2 now and after delivery will see the size after milk flow stable and get one or two again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Luckymummy: interested in the yoga classes. When u guys starting the new cycle??

Nursing bra:

Just bought a new from Metro. $9.90 per pic... Where u guys get the bravado nursing bras??

Lily: u still interested in the origins massage? the lady emailed me whether am i confirming with them.



are you referring to BPs only or including stuff from the "want to sell section"? haha

can't really remember now, but I bought thermos flask and pump pot, wetbag, spree maternity and nursing clothing, even nursing pyjamas! nursing bras, about 4 I think, cinch wrap, breast pump, cot bedsheets...

I find the lansinoh lanolin amazing! I bought one tube in an emergency from mothercare cos my nipples starting itching like crazy one day (the kind where it was totally unbearable have to soothe it ASAP kind) and relief was immediate. I'll never buy another brand now.

The one thing I didn't buy online are baby clothes. Been spending a bomb across the causeway instead cos I found an FOS outlet selling GAP, ON, Gymboree clothes, going out and pyjamas. My baby is gonna have clothes till she's about 3 I think. :p

