(2011/01) Jan 2011


*hi-5...plus we also staying nearer to each other? ;p anyways, majority of Jan'11 mummies staying in the west huh



actually all hospitals are more or less the same. most impt is u must feel comfortable with ur gynae and of cos trust the skills as well...

TMC antenatal class is pretty well received and of cos if any of you are going for it...must choose the class under mrs wong boh boi....she is very experienced!

Hi all mummies...

I just came back from 3rd gynae appointment, happy to see that DS is very low for me and I don't need to go for extra test. Baby is actively moving (look like hiccup but doctor say not) and one of the hand touching the head/hair..doctor say din see the bird bird, should be a girl :). I use the chinese calender to calculate baby gender, age+conceived month, it say G too :). Can only confirm the gender 4 weeks later.

Oh, hi shycloud. Can help to add me into the table as well, paiseh to trouble you :p million thanks..

Name: kimmyksc

Age: 30

Edd: 11 Jan 2011

Gynae: Dr. Yvoone Soong

Hospital: TMC

Child: 1

Residing: B. Batok

Hi shycloud, ya. actually my Gynae only deliver at Mt E and Mt A. i also won't bother to change cos present arrangemnt too convenient for me and am use to him liao. i wanna find out how good is TMC is only out of curiousity. cos my colleagues comment until "got dragon got tiger" :p this month i will go take a look at TMC when my SIL deliver her bb there.

*hi-5* shycloud! yalor! Many mummies from the west! Maybe babydust is particularly shiny there...hahahha

Ting: Think because TMC sort of marketed itself as a Obgyn centre. Many of my relatives and frens delivered there and also for some reason a lot of gynae have their clinics there...

Your gynae delivers at Mt E too? Hahhaha...come Mt E leh...else I very bored.


thanks. i dunno the gender yet le...my doc will only order the scan for me when i m 20 weeks. i tot its 16 weeks?


usu they will give u the pics whenever u go for one. today, they gave me 3 pics, 1 for foot, head, and body. my hubby was wondering y they will need to give me pic of our bb's foot? aiyo...

Just updated my details in the table above. 19 and counting...!

This thread move so fast during the day until my qtn is now on an archived page. Too bad my office doesn't allow access to forums.

Anyway, thanks for sharing all ur oscars experience. It's good info even though i haven't decided yet.

Can't wait to see bb again during my 3rd appmt this Sat!

hi all,

im new here.. dont knw shld i belong to dec forum or jan.. haha.. cos was told my EDD is end of dec but later change to early jan on second checkup..

Morning mummies!

Can check anyone has good recommendation for malay massage? One good at relieving the aches, can help massage breast(if got engorgement) and mmost importantly, good at helping mummies to slim down.... ?

coconutzz, i was there from 8.30 to 10.30 am may be saw you but donno you!

THey charge me S$426 for blood tests and NT scan including 220 for ist trimester screening. I was surprised to see cos doc told me should be around 60 for screening. How much you paid?

Glad that your baby was good and active [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sherill, they charged me ard $411. i guess it is cheaper than yrs cos i opt out of the HIV screening test.

when is yr next check up?


mine is 4 aug le.. was tinking if the same, can look for u while waiting : )


i have already booked my malay massage for post delivery. She had helped me for my #1 post delivery. i find her good le... but kinda exp. she helped me with breast engorgement and bind my tummy and pelvic area... must tahan from the time of massage til the next bath before her massge the next day. i find that the binding helps to slim down le... i tink its $600 for a week now. lemme noe if u need her contacts.

shycloud & Tien,

Can i know where u type the /table or /red etc? Think if I know where to type, I can update the table etc rite? I'm really not good at all these... But wanna learn...

Daphne, you just type in the message box where we put comments. But you must copy and paste the table on excel first before copying and pasting back!

Btw hi everyone! I am on MC today. I just needed a rest. Hopefully, gynae will be kind enough to give me later or else cham!! Thinking of getting tomorrow off too. Been feeling really down and tired. Really dun want to slip into pre-natal depression...almost happened to me when I had #1.

Hi gd afternoon ladies...

just wondering... is the EDD is accurate? Caz 1st scan, say 18th jan.. then 2nd, it shows to be 13 th jan..

confusing leh.. any comments?

EDD is estimated due date Komathi which changes according to baby growth rate cos baby grow differently in different weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My baby was 1 week behind on 10 week scan but catch up and now exactly upto date on 14 week scan . Hope I was clear enough.

Hi Tien,

U mean type in this box tat I am typing now? Cos I cannot find place where we put comment. Only place for this post.So I just type on the first line if I wanna change color for my text?

So sorry for the questions.... I'm really not talented for these...

i see... i suppose the date which comes up the latest would be the most accurate.. as u mentioned depending on bb's growth rate.. rte?

Is it true that the 1st bb usually comes out earlier?

Thx Sherill!

Daphne, yep you just type in the very box where we put comments.

So before the things that you want to say, you just type '\red' then add the bracket your comments using the {}

You try!

ya latest one is most accurate! But baby can choose to come anytime in ninth month and it doesnt depend on mom age or ist or second etc. dear. Mine first was almost 1 month early. 8 month end scan doc told me still have 1 month for delivery but she decided to come out naturally after 5 days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] All completely normal.

I am assuming my actual date could be sometime in Mid Dec.

Hi ladies I went for my Oscar this morning at tmc took ard 20mins the radiologist took all measurements then ask my hb to come in n show us the little hands n feet n can see the movements of my bb like he is dancing!!! While checking the heart beat I can hear the bum bum bum of the heart beat.... So exciting!!!!


just came back from lunch...so full...going to burst liao...


it really depends...mine came out only 2 days prior to EDD very much a full term baby! and of cos whether you are either opting for natural birth or caesarean...

congratsssssss babykoh! seems all tigers are dancing during oscar test [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


mine came out 1 day prior to edd. but i expect bb to come our earlier for #2. cant remember who told me that most #2 will be earlier than edd.

So envy those of u who already went to the OSCAR scan, mine will be next thur... Really cannot wait

Recently, my MS is getting really better, did any of u also feel the same?

Daphne, you are almost there too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My MS was slightly better at 9th week, better at 12 weeks and now good at 14 weeks. But i still have some bad days where nothing stays inside [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wah sherill.. change font colour.. so nice.

thx for the info sherill.. 1st time so dun noe what to expect.


yeah i think it depends on baby's mind. when bb should be out? haha


nice to hear that u took 20 mins only. very co-operative bb uh!!


Dun worry.. all the best!


my gynae didn't tell me the bb's weight but rather the length, 6 cm....

mommies/ mtbs,

do you feel exceptionally sleepy...ever since u were first preggie..sigh..i've been feeling this way...and feel very lousy...coz i cldn't do much at night, just have to sleep very early every nite, as early as 8 pm...

this pregnancy is so different from my 1st pregnancy...

i was v active during my 1st but not this round...very sleepy all the time


mine oso din tell me weight le...like blessedone, i only have the length...mine is 7cm.


same here, i was just sharing with the mummies here that i slept at 8pm nowadays too... for my #1, i m able to tahan til 10pm but not #2 lor


i was refering to the weight gain the mummies wil have in the 12th wk.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah i feel sleepy ard 9 plus itself... so usually end up going to bed ard 9.30 .

Hi coconutz, for the Malay massage, may I know typically how long is each massage session and do they apply anything onto your body to do the massage? you mentioned got to tahan until next bath on the next day. may i know is it painful or what? I engaged a indian massage lady to do massage last time. She applies don't know what kind of indian spiced oil when doing massge. The effect is really good. I can sleep very well after that. I am not sure about breast engorgement, but i see my milk keep flowing out lor. very sayang :p But I only used her for 3 times cos after each session, the whole massage area at my hse is extremely oily. too much cleaning up for myself to do after that. so now i am considering to engage malay massage service. so would like to find out more about their massage service. Can anyone share with me your experience please?


each session is 60 min...but she will extend depending on yr needs and with no extra charge. the other time, it took her quite a while to massage my boobs cos i was 'complaining' all the way. my engorgement is horrible and after the massage, she will squeeze yr boobs to make sure yr milk squirt out... now when i think of it, pretty funny but goddamn painful...

if i recall correctly, she has 3 types of oil. one lavender, i malay spice and another scented oil (cant remember). the whole room will not be oily cos she intructed me to buy 3 big and small towels to lay on the bed during massage. the binding is not painful...but uncomfortable cos it is very tight. i remember post birth tummy was very much flatter after my second massage. but must tahan overnight and try not to remove yr binding, pretty uncomfortable when u sit down esp if u need to bf. But it work wonders for my big tummy lor.

Please help me update

Name: Mitch

Age: 35

Edd: 26 Jan 2011

Gynae: Prof Biswas

Hospital: NUH

Child: 2

Residing: Hougang

Pls help me update

Name: Angeline

Age: 26

EDD: 25 Jan 2011

Gynae: Dr CH Koh

Hospital: Mt A

Residing: AMK

I just went for my Oscar this morning at TMC and was so excited to see my baby dancing! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Luckily baby is in very good position and we took less than 20 mins and finish the whole test!


Am a new member here. Been trying to update the table a couple of times but failed. Can someone update for me? Thanks!

Name: Nisa

Age: 24

EDD: 12 Jan 2011

Gynae: Dr Irene Chua

Hospital: KKH TPS

Residing: AMK

