(2011/01) Jan 2011

Hi Ladies...

me waiting for the 1st appt as well on 2nd June.

Should be 7 wks then.. 1st preggy. excited?

I wam wondering whn one should let employer noe as well?


Hi Sharz,

I read that you were an ex-flight attendant b4. How many weeks into the pregnancy did you tender your resignation?

Hi other MTB,

Is it safe to have sex during the 1st trimester? What do you mean by 'spotting'? I have some yellowish discharge, is that considered spotting?

Sorry for being clueless.

Mitch: my baby should be close to 8 weeks on my 1st gynae appointment on 5th June..sooo excited..just wondering hows my feeling later when see the heartbeat on 5th June..:p..

about the employer things,me also confused..should i inform them after my 1st appointment?

Hi Komathi and mummymonkey, the traditional view is that you should let your emloyer know only after the first trimester. I think the reason is twofold: (1) very often, more often than we think, pregnancies end up in miscarriages in the first trimester (one statistic I read said 40%). (2) don't quote me on this but I think employers can't fire employees because of the pregnancy for a period 6 months before birth. That would mean the "safe" period starts approximately after the first trimester.

FlyingOwl, I'm not crew but I understand it is quite common for crew to try to hide their pregnancies until its obvious. That said, I think all the heavy lifting you do as crew can't be very good for the baby so if you do want the baby very much then it may be a good idea to stop flying.

nice to see many new moms to be! i was away for almost a week and been hopitalized due to severe vomitings in SGH, now back, but in same condition.

BTW, saw my bean and the tiny heart is beating, happy to see n cried because the feb one was not good and had to do DC.

my morning sickness is so bad....nothin can go down and if i force it , it comes out within 2 min.if stay like this, i have to quit job and go hospital every week for a drip.

Reia: i see.. i think better to wait also until 12 weeks..

Sherill: hope you feel better ya..wow,so happy you can saw the heartbeat..

Sherill, that sounds really bad. Poor you. Hang in there and hopefully it will all go away soon enough!

Fabiola and Komathi, agree best to wait but I must confess I've already told my boss because I was asked to travel and I didn't want to put baby in any type of risk. I made the assessment that she will be understanding, and I was right! I feel so blessed.


I m freaking out... Just saw a light pink spot in my pantiliner... So scared.. I constantly still have e dull cramp in my tummy... Should be 6 weeks preggy according to my own calculation - based on last menses...

What Can I do now? My gynae apt is for tml evening... Any advice appreciated...

Reia: yes, its better for you to confess early do minimize the risk for your baby..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now we have to take care ourself for the baby sake..


Im not a flying crew. But understand from gynae that Alcoholic drinks and smoking (including passive smoke) are big NO-NO. You probably should stop drinking immediately first.

Spotting is little discharge of brown/red spots. So I guess your yello discharge should not be consider as spotting. You might want to book an appt with the gynae for a 1st checkup.

Mummies EDD

sparkle_bee 1/1/2011

happybelle 1/1/2011

poisonivy 2/1/2011

kikapo 5/1/2011

ivy 5/1/2011

ilovemiffy 6/1/2011

sherill 6/1/2011

sushi2 8/1/2011

YYK 8/1/2011

pinky_j 8/1/2011

min 8/1/2011

Lin 8/1/2011

kimmykoh 9/1/2011

thaethae 10/1/2011

gwendolyn26 11/1/2011

babyzie 11/1/2011

shannon 15/1/2011

WWT 15/1/2011

coconutz 16/1/2011

fabiola 18/1/2011

komathi 19/1/2011

Nimkulut 20/1/2011

evlin 25/1/2011

all mummies here, im trying to consolidate our EDD for our reference..my apology if i miss any.. please correct if there is any typo error..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and also so sorry if messy..i dont how to put table inside this forum..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi flying cow,

i suppose u r a flight attendant with our national carrier. I was with an amercian carrier. For my airline, we cld carry on with our job till we are into the 3rd mth of pregnancy. However, i requested to be put on no pay leave from 2nd mth onwards as i was having bad morning sickness. Like u then, i wasnt prepared to give up my flying lifestyle..i even cried when i knew i was pregnant when i tested positive in narita hotel. But when my girl was born, it was the best decision i have ever made. Even thot we have to push barcart and carry heavy luggage, my gynae did give me the clearance to fly. Its all up to individual but it wld be best to get your advice from your gynae.

mummy monkey : OIC ... if u have a beri on time menses then there is a high chance. My menses is 30 days cycle so once i missed meaning something good must have happen .... sometimes is too early to test .. wat brand of HPT did u use? clearblue is the best.

Fabiola : WOW 8 weeks can even hear the heart beat already.... i do feel ur excitment. My EDD shld be ard 22/1/2011 by calculation but have to see a gynae to confirm all this.

Mummies EDD (updated 20/5/2011)

sparkle_bee 1/1/2011

happybelle 1/1/2011

poisonivy 2/1/2011

kikapo 5/1/2011

ivy 5/1/2011

ilovemiffy 6/1/2011

sherill 6/1/2011

sushi2 8/1/2011

YYK 8/1/2011

pinky_j 8/1/2011

min 8/1/2011

Lin 8/1/2011

kimmykoh 9/1/2011

thaethae 10/1/2011

gwendolyn26 11/1/2011

babyzie 11/1/2011

shannon 15/1/2011

WWT 15/1/2011

coconutz 16/1/2011

fabiola 18/1/2011

komathi 19/1/2011

Nimkulut 20/1/2011

mitch 22/1/2011

evlin 25/1/2011

mitch: added you in the list..;)..yeahh..me also very excited..like wants to go there already..

how many weeks are you?

fabiola : I am abt 4 weeks 5 days....counted from LMP

Mummy monkey : AF supposed to come on Mon but it didn;t come so I bought a test kit and it shows faint +ve. Then I went to see my gynae on Tues and took a bld test. my HCG was high at 32.2 then tml I am repeating one more. shld double by then....

Fabiola: Hey thx for the list... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mitch, i am not long after you.. 5 weeks and 2 days nw.

Hi Mummies,

Im selling almost brand new items as follows:

Moses basket from Mothercare (Winne the Pooh design, egg vanila colour) original $189 , selling $99

Breast-feeding pillow

Hanging mobile - TinyLove

Pls email me if you are interested in. I will send you the photos.

Mummy monkey : I used predictor cos pharmacy that I went to no more stock for clear blue. but maybe ur hcg in the urine is not enough for the test use the morning 1st urine.

Komathi P: Congrats to u ... ;) which gynae are u seeing?

hi pinky, i think having aches here and there is quite normal but if it becomes unbearable it's better to check with your gynea. hav you seen your doc?

mommymonkey, previously i also tested with clearblue compact...

Hi fAbiola tnx For the list. I've been feeling nausea and it was horrible at work when my boss forces me to carry heavy stuff even though he and her know tat I m preggy. Sigh. Jus hv to ren. Impossible to forgo my four mths maternity mah

I m gng for my gyne check tmr. Shld be 7 weeks 5 days... Hopefully bb heartbeat is strong n growing well ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Told my boss and they were receptive. She was very happy for me as she is a mother herself. She said no one is indispensable, just have to handover my work when i leave. Sigh of relief!

Added my EDD below;-)

Mummies EDD (updated 20/5/2011)

sparkle_bee 1/1/2011

happybelle 1/1/2011

poisonivy 2/1/2011

kikapo 5/1/2011

ivy 5/1/2011

ilovemiffy 6/1/2011

sherill 6/1/2011

sushi2 8/1/2011

YYK 8/1/2011

pinky_j 8/1/2011

min 8/1/2011

Lin 8/1/2011

kimmykoh 9/1/2011

thaethae 10/1/2011

gwendolyn26 11/1/2011

babyzie 11/1/2011

shannon 15/1/2011

WWT 15/1/2011

coconutz 16/1/2011

fabiola 18/1/2011

Ee_Chan 19/1/2011

komathi 19/1/2011

Nimkulut 20/1/2011

mitch 22/1/2011

evlin 25/1/2011

Sparkle_bee: why they ask you to do it even though they knew that you are preggy? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..take care ya..can you ask your other colg to help you carry?

wow,keep us update ok about the your little dear tomorrow..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..

Ee_chan : your EDD is one day after me..;)

wahh you told your boss already..very good response..happy for you..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all, need advice..

i am worried.. i had my preg test done at GP early this mth, it was positive at about week 5.. i have other symptoms like sore breast and tiredness at that time.. wanted to meet my gynae asap that time but the nurse said see at week 8.. 2 weeks passed, i feel like a normal person.. no more sore breast.. i feel as though i am not preg, no ms yet.. will it pose a danger? i have to wait for another 9 days to see gynae..

is there anyone feeling the same as me? or is it me who worried too much?

Good morning ladies!!

Fabiola, thanks for list. seems like a lot of bb due in 8 jan 2011

Sherill, jiayou k. hang on there. ms is really terrible. mine is worsening and starting to vomit since early this week... let's cross the first trimester safely and pray hard that ms will end soon after tat...

whoami_ting, i read from the website that fetal beartbeat shld be formed by 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 weeks. maybe u can schedule an earlier appt for peace of mind? I hope everything goes smooth for all mtbs here... : )


For mine #1 I do have symptoms like breast sore, fatigue, i have no MS... now with #2 I dun even have breast tenderness, no MS, just fatigue. Well just dun be too stress up and hope u will see ur bb's hb in 9 days time ;)

Whoami_ting, as long as there is no spotting or pain I think just count your lucky stars that you have no symptoms! If you feel worried call up your gynae again and ask if you can see her a week earlier? Or else the other thing I do is to do another urine test at home and compare the line with an earlier one and feel assured when it darkens, which is silly but I just do it since it makes me feel good - have already gone through 4 tests!

All, do you have difficulty sleeping? I know we should sleep on our left side but it doesn't help at all. I just feel frustrated at night and when I wrap myself in my duvet I feel claustrophobic and warm, when I stick some part of me out I feel cold and insecure, its like nothing's right and I toss and turn forever. Anyone experienced the same and any tips? I didn't used to have sleeping problems..

Going to the gynae tomorrow! Very excited, hope I'll be able to see the heartbeat, it'll be 6.5 weeks so just at the brink of possibly being able to see.

hi reia, i have problem sleeping too. i put a pillow under my tummy and i slept on my left side most of the time...but sometimes my hip and leg feels numb le. i cant sleep so well now and always wakes up... one time to pee and few other times bcos of my sides... i shudder to think of the leg cramps during the last trimester.

Mitch: HiHi, i am seeing Irene Chua on the 2nd..1st appt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u?

hi hi...

may i know how you calculate your eddd?

manual calculation by gynae?

using the gynae ultra sound scan machine formulated method?

online pregnancy calculator (eg: babycenter.com/ welcomebabyhome.com)?

now, i am a bit confuse of my edd....

my gynae manual calculate: 25-jan.

babycenter.com (withdout cycletime): 8-jan.

welcomebabyhome.com (with cycletime): 15-jan.

which date should i choose...?

hi evlin,

is ur lmp 3rd april? if based on 28d cycle ur edd shud b 8 jan. mine lmp is 6 april so my edd is 11 april..


yes i guezz will be xtra tired if nd tandem nursing..any mummies ever tandem nursing b4? care to share? also still hav to carry him ard wen he wants to coz only me n hb @ hm..but hb try to carry him often wen we gg out..me still sahm.

btw i used clearblue digital kit to test..b4 i used few cheap strips, test lines all v faint..so go watson bot the digi one v fast..show pregnant n weeks u conceived..quite accurate tho..so hapy took few pics of the test..haha

Hi all... I am now preggie with my 3rd child... EDD is on 8 Jan 2011. I am having quite bad ms and was unable to sleep well every night... My chest is always tight and feels breathless... Feeling rather miserable...

Hi all today went for my 2nd beta HCG and the amount did double which means a confirm pregnancy... I am so excited can't wait to see my gynae on the 1st June.

Mummy monkey, books I read say that sleeping on left will maximise bloodflow and flow of nutrients to the placenta and baby. So, that's the theoretical reason but may kick in only later in the pregnancy. Sleeping on left is supposed to be only marginally better than on right so if right feels more comfortable it may be better than being restless on left [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babyziE, I must agree that the watson house brand is half the price and seems (to me) more efficient or at least equally so. Its also much faster.

Hi janetyeo,

Congrats on bcoming 3rd timer..did u xprience bad ms for ur previous 2 oso? hw do u cope with ur 2 kids? hw old r they nw? As for me 1st was quite bad too..Tis one havnt kick in hard yet..hopefully wont b as bad or else hw to take care my active 24mth ds.


u used watson hse brand isit? as i wanna tried diff test kit, differ fm juz showing two lines, tats y bot the clearblue digi ones..instantly show the word pregnant wif indication hw many wks conceived. cool gadget. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


woww.......u 1st time mtb oready used all sorts of kits ar..haha..me no.2 so good ar to xperiment wif all e diff types.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u gonna c ur gynae soon? wen ur edd? me havnt book any appt yet..

babyziE, I'm going to my gynae tomorrow, don't really know my EDD cos my cycles are not completely regular so I don't really know how to use the online calculators, seem to vary quite a bit depending on cycle. Hopefully my gynae will tell me an EDD tomorrow but I'm in week 6.5. I couldn't wait to make an appointment with the gynae! You're so calm haha.. must be because its not your first time.

hi... normally when we will start ms?

touch wood lah... so far i still feeling ok.

will ms start maybe after 6/7 weeks later?

actually i dont have ms when i carry my first child... so just wondering wehther this time have or not..?!

