(2011/01) Jan 2011

I see! Now my boy will usually feed twice too! Once ard 2am and thte next one ard 6am.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just finish the first night feed.. Boy refuses to finish fm again.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


hi mommies, how much water for bathing with bitter gourd or guiness stout?

Karis Nel, I went to BHG sales yesterday but didn't take note of strollers since already have one. but did realized that pigeon bra pads are selling cheaper than OG

aiyo, am down with bad sore throat think I'm the one who needs to bathe with bittergourd water. pray that it won't develop into cough :S

chabby: yeah...which area of bukit batok u stay? I stay near to CDAN/driving center..

Sherill: u v gd leh, got daily massage n evening walk..i dun have such for khloe...

im a lousy mom..

Elekos: same here..been having sore throat since few days back, n got slight flu n cough..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mummies: just to confirm i can still express my BM even sick rite?


yes u can still express and feed yr bb ebm even if u're sick. in fact it's good cos u'll pass the antibodies to the bb.

the part u hv to be careful in fact is when u handle bb, make sure u wash yr hands and dun sneeze/cough on bb cos that's they way the flu will pass to them.

Elekos.. My mil just boil 1pot and pour into the tub and top up with tap water until sufficient water to bathe baby..u can boil the water the night before..

Luckymummy.. It's more for babies who are heaty..

U can try Jin Feng San for your baby.. Traditional Chinese medicine hall should be able to get it..

chabby, kimmy,

Sure, let's meet up someday since we all stay at bt batok.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Luckymummy.. Yup.. It's taken orally.. Available in powder form.. If taken, it's suppose to reduce chances of bb being scared as well.. Can help with phlegm.. Normally, my mil or I will use our index fingers, coat with some of the powder and rub on bb's gums before drinking milk..

Kimmy: ya so far it is almost everyday unless it is heavy rain then I cancel the massage. Since my MIL is here she do massage n bathing baby n maid help her! I super scared to do yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yayyyyyy our babies going to be 2 month tomorrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] congratulations ! !

Mommies here, possible to provide some advise?

I have been using Medela bottle and teat since day 1 when i express and feed cos its easier. So my boy is used to medela's teat. Now that he is taking 150ml, I would need to get a bigger bottle soon. Instead of staying with Medela, I thought of changing to other brands...

Tried NUK since it has anti colic capabilities and extremely pretty bottles (hahah). However, i notice that the teat is not the standard type like medela. It is a little bent at the top and when my son drinks from it, he don't seem to take it well. He drinks extremely slowly, falls asleep as well. Is there other teat or other brands with anti coli capability with a straighter teat?


thanks..im so worried tat need to throw away the EBM..


yup..will wear mask when need to contact baby..

Hoshi, chabby

yaya..meet up meet up..


yeah..congratulation! Our baby is now 2 months old...

Pumping milk now...zzzzz

Hi, I delivered on 6 Jan. My 6+ week old son is drinking about 130ml bm. Sometimes his stomach looks so big yet he cries for milk after 2hrs only, I dunno to give or not. Maybe can put up a table on drinking habbits.

Funny that in the day when I bottle feed he cries for milk around 2 to 2.5hrs interval. In the nights I latch on and he only cries for milk 4 to 6hrs interval.

This is my 2nd child, I am July 09 mtb to a boy too. Any mummies here who has an elder child who is close in age too? Can share with me how do you place your car seat since 2 car seats in the back of a normal sedan car takes up so much space, and an adult sitting in between will have to be small size to climb to sit in the middle.

BM and EBM taste different, how come? I tasted both n found out tat fresh is nicer to drink...now i feel bad for giving my sweetheart EBM...=(


Yr boy has good drinking habit! That shd be the way, shorter drinking interval in the day n longer at night cos eventually u want to wean him off night feeds. As for his tummy bloated, check if it's bloated with wind or not. Is it hard or soft?

I hv an elder child born jan08, I squeeze 2 carseats at the back and climb in to sit in the middle, it's possible. I hv a friend who drives a vios and she has 2 carseats too. But she got the smallest one available which is a combi convertible carseat.


Somehow the longer u store BM the taste changes, not sure y but theres nothing actualy wrong with it. U shd try BM tat has been frozen for several mths :p

Tat's y some bb will drink fresh ebm but reject frozen ebm.


u wan to try avent? they have anti-colic version too.

guess your boy is not use to the design of NUK teat. mine is using NUK since birth and he can slurp down 120ml in 10min!! think he needs time getting used to or u can consider changing the teat of other brands which are compatible.

one thing i hate about avent is that their products is not a standard size design. you can only use avent w avent.


think can rebond and dye la. but i'm worry about hair loss. so i'll wait till i'm about to go back to work then go do my hair. hopefully by then the hair loss phrase is over..or none at all.


tummy got wind? i'll tap his tummy w finger lightly to hear the sound. if it sound hollow "pong pong" type of sound, it's an indicator that there's alot of wind.

it's good that ur boy ask to be fed at longer interval at nite. easier to train him to sleep thro the nite and for u to get rest. i'm hoping mine is like that.


now the EBM tat i gave is about 1 month old..is this consider old or fresh? My sweetheart drink v little..2 months old today, drink only 100ml n sometime cannot finish cos she almost fall asleep during every feed, we gotto feed half way then put her back to her cot and usually she will strain a bit then we quickly continue the feeding. She can take 45minutes to finish the milk. Has changed the teats but still...haiz


My girl is born on 5 Jan and is my 2nd child. My first child was born in Sept 08. I am wondering how much milk should our bb be drinking by now cos i think she's drinking 80-90ml now. I latch most of the time thus not sure of her milk intake. She's latching on every 1 1/2 - 2 hr in the day time.

Kimmy: my baby was 2.7 kg at birth and 3.7 kg two weeks ago. Now she can only finish 90 ml the max every 3 hour in day n 4-5 hr at night. Sometime, I only latch for 5 min n she satisfy for next 2 hour in day. I think it is ok cos every baby is different and as long as the poo, pee regularly and have 2-3 hr interval, it is fine!

If u are really concerned then see PD [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummy, help...

My boy seems to have mixed up day time with night time already. These 2 days, he can sleep like nobody business during daytime. But, duing night, he cranky all the way, last night cried from 11pm to 4am (dozing off a bit in between).

How to adjust his sleeping schedule? Cant bathe him now coz when he is forced to wake up n do sth he does not want, he will cry n scream the whole house down.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Charleen: you may get the breast pads at http://www.***********.com/Promotions.html. Is cheaper and free delivery now if you cant wait till baby fair =)


Ebm frozen for one mth got the 'frozen' taste already.


As long as yr bb has lots of pee and poo regularly, and putting on weight, I dun think u shd worry how much she's drinking. I 100% latch n monitor my bb by weighing her every 2 days. My elder girl was bottle fed ebm and drank abt 90-100ml every 2.5-3hr until she was 6mths old.

puix2: mine too.. day time he slp like angel. Night he wanna to be carry whole night, he dozed off put him down he's wide awake n cry. really dunno what to do.

Puix2, karis,

U hv to try to keep bb up during the day. They need only abt 16hrs of sleep a day. If u think abt it, that's 8hrs of waking time. if u dun let them hv at least 6hrs of awake time during the day, they'll be wide awake at night lor.

I usually wake up my bb by wiping her eyes and face with a wet towel. She'll be grumpy for awhile but eventually when she opens her eyes and gets distracted she's fine. Sometimes I even hv trouble putting her back to sleep after shes awoken even thou she didn't want to wake up in the first place!

My CL left last week and baby started to get cranky at nite! Terrible nights for me ever since CL left. I'm so tired to even switch on my laptop.

My gal can wake up at 1am for her feed n dun go back to slp under her next feed at 4am! So I'm dead beat after that nite.

How do u mummies regulate ur babies' nite feeds?

Re: infant care

Any mummies here used infant care before?

Any good ones in the north to recommend?

hoshi, I coloured my hair last week but mine is herbal treatment for covering white hair (white hair will be tinted reddish). If I don't go and colour soon will look like yellow-faced aunty liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

El Chan, mine is also 6+ weeks and he weighs about 6+kg, he's already drinking 150ml. Even my gynae commented he's a milk guzzler :S Sometimes he can wake up for milk like 2 hours instead of 3-4 during the day, think he's trying to make up for the missing feed during the night since he sleeps 7 hours straight.

Karis Nel, the one I bought from BHG is $13.90 for 60+12 free, so roughly around same price as your link. Not sure if the promotion at the website is ongoing?

puix2, karis, bethel: my boy also.. gets cranky and eyes wide awake at 9 plus and refuse to slp till 11plus, sometimes 1plus.. driving me mad but amuses my husband..

grumpus: i tried keeping BB awake in the day time, but once he's awake, he screams to be carried, if ignored, he will scream the whole hse down.. sighhh.. =( i'm afraid of him being awake lo... worse still.. my parents at home kept nagging me for keeping BB awake in the day, say BB must sleep all they can.. sometimes i'd just rather get a nanny to take care of him rather my parents always nagging me to do their way..

elekos: envy you!!! your boy can slp 7 hours straight at night! mine wakes up every 2 - 3 hrs for his feed.. when did ur BB start slping for so long hours? and his 150ml feed is every 3 hrs? FM or BM?

Been very busy with baby..

EL Chan, my #1 was born in Oct09. I put his car seat the front seat and the #2 one behind him. In this way, there's more space behind and when my hubby's driving, I can help to look after #1 & #2 also without my #1 distracting my hubby.


Wow yr bb so good, can be awake and not cry. My bbs once wake up sure cry, that's why we all rather they sleep. Hmm, now I'm wondering if my bbs are sleeping too much. I don't think they're awake 8 hrs a day.

chabby, grumpus

thanks. ya I gave ridwind initially but dun give anymore now. he was stretching alot making funny noises, it's better now.


I feel comforted now. My boy was born 2.685kg, now drinkg 130ml 2-2.5hrly in the day and latch on at night. at 5 weeks he was 4.7kg. envy you so young sleep 7hrs. guess u r right to say they make up for wat they miss in the night. how big was he at birth?

My girl used to sleep a lot during the day too then at night 4am eyes big big. So now I let her be more awake during the day. Sometimes I dun need to purposely wake her up. Like after her milk feed she hasn't really gone back to sleep yet so I will take the opportunity to keep her up longer.

Of cos she will not sit quietly by herself for 1-2 hrs lah so everyday we play musical chairs :p

I will put her in the rocker let her kick kick until she start to fuss, then carry little while she calm down already put her in the pram push her to the kitchen with me, then after awhile she fuss again, carry then put in the cot to watch her mobile etc etc

If yr bb can sleep all day and all night then leave them be cos sleep is good for them but if they r awake too much at night then no choice hv to try to keep them up more in the day

giNa, my boy can only sleep like 30mins-1hr before he fussed up, so my afternoon revolves around him and nothing else! ;)

He started sleeping such long hours since 1.5 weeks ago, probably because he's awake most of time after his bath till evening. He usually sleeps around 11pm-12 plus am after last feed.

His feed is every 3-4 hours during the day, mostly FM as my BM supply is low.

EL Chan, he was 3.415kg at birth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinky_j, where did you buy your jin feng san from?

Bought a bottle from ZTP yesterday, $13.50 as my mom has VIP card 10% discount. The lady kept persuading me to take 6 bottles for 20% discount but I told her I want to try first.

She said could be taken till 1-2 years old. As 1 bottle can only last for a week, which means I will have to invest about $50+ monthly for the next 1 year.

Elekos... I not sure where my mil gets it from.. I am not sure how big the bottle you bought.. But each time I feed is very little.. Probably 10% of a teaspoon ba.. A very small amount will do.. Too much bb may not b able to take the taste... So the bottle u bought can last you at least a month bah..

pinky_j, the bottle height is 3/4 of ru yi oil bottle. yup i feed like 5 cents coin size only and do it during his sleep. would you mind asking your mil where she got it from and price? just want to compare price. thanks!

the lady at ztp was even trying to recommend me higher grade of pearl powder, those tiny pearls that can be grinder into powder. now sure if all ztp staff are that pushy, kind of hesitant to go back there to get more bottles of jin feng san.

My gal also refuses to sleep at nite, like last nite she was awake from 11pm+ till abt 3am+. I try to keep her awake during the day but maybe din try hard enuf.

Any mommies know if it is beneficial to give bmilk to older kids like 3 year old? Cos I got extra bmilk, thinking of giving some to my older one.


i did give some ebm to my 3 yr old. errr dun think it's really beneficial lah. to me it's more like drink for fun only cos anyway 3 yr old already eating and drinking a wide variety of foods.

but no harm giving it to yr older one lor, better than going to waste right?


I thinking i m having sore throat n block nose now.. Did you go to see doctor? Wat med did doc prescribe to u that are safe for bf?

Elekos.. My mil gets it from the tcm shop at teck whye.. Blk 16.. 1 bottle for 50 bucks.. About the height of the large ru yi oil.. You give 5cents coin size ah? That's a lot! I give probably half of 5cents coin..

Thanks karis nel, I bought from taka [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] $13.90 for 60+12 pcs pigeon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

now trying to set a sleeping sched for my girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] want her to slp more at night n awake in morning. Last night put her to bed by 930pm but after all the feeding, changing etc, she fell asleep only at 1030pm. Now am used to waking up to latch her on b4 she is fully awake n aware of hunger. Cos she will start waving her hands n turning her head while asleep but feeling hungry. Norm abt 3hrs interval. Once a while 4hrs n we are all very happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] found tat she is less cranky if enough slp at night n have her way of latching on [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but I tink I spoilt her... In day time, she MUST slp in a particular posture in my arms. Else she will shout for companion or in uncomfort. :p so means my day time gone :-/

reg heaty rashes, is bathing w Guinness stout sticky? Bitter gourd is buy what kind? Can advice? This 2 days my girl a lot of red rashes on her body [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

reg ebm- it taste terrible, thus I only store them for rainy days. 1night I was so tired till i told Hubby to feed her w ebm, my girl's face was sooo crumbled upon tasting it. Haha! Kinda cute :p

she is too used to latching n getting fresh milk that now I think unless she is super hungry else she wun drink ebm.

But I realised our milk change taste as BB grow , to suit her body needs too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

am very happy today as for wks, I only have enough with prob 100ml extra to store. Last night till today, start to have the engorgement feeling :D getting extra to store! :D haha!


Thanks karis nel, I bought from taka [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] $13.90 for 60+12 pcs pigeon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

now trying to set a sleeping sched for my girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] want her to slp more at night n awake in morning. Last night put her to bed by 930pm but after all the feeding, changing etc, she fell asleep only at 1030pm. Now am used to waking up to latch her on b4 she is fully awake n aware of hunger. Cos she will start waving her hands n turning her head while asleep but feeling hungry. Norm abt 3hrs interval. Once a while 4hrs n we are all very happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] found tat she is less cranky if enough slp at night n have her way of latching on [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but I tink I spoilt her... In day time, she MUST slp in a particular posture in my arms. Else she will shout for companion or in uncomfort. :p so means my day time gone :-/

reg heaty rashes, is bathing w Guinness stout sticky? Bitter gourd is buy what kind? Can advice? This 2 days my girl a lot of red rashes on her body [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

reg ebm- it taste terrible, thus I only store them for rainy days. 1night I was so tired till i told Hubby to feed her w ebm, my girl's face was sooo crumbled upon tasting it. Haha! Kinda cute :p

she is too used to latching n getting fresh milk that now I think unless she is super hungry else she wun drink ebm.

But I realised our milk change taste as BB grow , to suit her body needs too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

am very happy today as for wks, I only have enough with prob 100ml extra to store. Last night till today, start to have the engorgement feeling :D getting extra to store! :D haha!

