(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

xinyi: I am still thinking how to make it work. will confirm when date is near. Feel like going dh's office n leave Gab there...dunno will kena hoot anot. hahahaha!


awbb, ok lah.. not only you drama.. yours ok leh.. still nature birth, still cheaper.. my online friend just c-sec lor, because bb overdue.. doc let them choose induce or c-sec.. induce might end up emergency c-sec also.. because she is not diluted at all! not even 1cm... end up got to c-sec..

awbb, can bring let us see or not? LOL! you scare of us ah.. CL unable to go, so baby gab is safe! wahahaa

Liz, once a while do rebellious act is very shiok. somemore awbb long time no go out liao..

Xinyi: ya this kind of situation better to Csect cos mostly will also end up that way de. SO save the energy for recovery than pushing =)

Sunnie: wow! u bake so well...

xinyi: lets see 1st...see how he is. If he is guai n can let me eat in peace, might consider bringing him along hahaha!

sunnie: oh...I got alot of contractions. then gynae gave me pills to delay birth lor. Though maxed out on the dosage, my contractions still there. Then kena gestational diabetes...then thyroid...

Abt 32 weeks or so, I 1cm dilated le...so confined bedrest. After bedrest abit, everything ok then suddenly 15 weeks kena "the show" n next day go gynae, she say I 4cm dilated got to admit le.

This is my story.

awbb, your story say until so short... not very entertaining leh.. LOL!

now i got a curious qn.. you all tested BFP hor.. how you all tell you dh??? lol..

Awbb, wow! Really not an easy pregnancy. But everything's okay now. & u have a beautiful bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

UK opks Low half my stash sold today.

please email me thnaks

[email protected]

i taking last orders tomorrow as i going away next week holiday. might be rushing work next week dont want to chance forgetting to post things out so orders close tomorrow.

Sunnie been a while.

you tried BD before OPK positive yet? it was a few of us de secret weapon. maybe hormones slow to reach pee la.

Xinyi: hahaha! lazy to type long mah...short n sweet! aiyah excitement is cos every now n then I got stories for u gals mah.

I remembered I buay tahan go n test then I saw BFP. My eyes open big big n I cannot believe it. Then after tat I rush out to my dh n show him lor, heehhee!

paisay hor i used wrong nick for posting on OPKS.


we just extended bed sheets spree anoher week

I'm in office liao...sorry just now MIA due to....hehehe....just glance through the archives...he bought Acer Aspire Netbook...white corour de...so gum dong lao bak sai....anyway, no occasion ar...just buy to make me happy lor...then before that he bluff me lor...he say he in station cos got alot of work...i so sad lor...then sekali he come back with the wide grin and my prezzie i so happy...machiam little girl... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vic ma - that one i can tell u...WAIT LONG LONG...he wun buy me another puppy until we move house...which is... another 3 years....


i thot i saw wrongly mah cause i tested quite one day before my BT date, then i saw a faint line.. so went to ask DH to confirm he saw but he said he didnt see wor... i dont believe...cannot be i self illusion mah .. so i went online to check the website on using HPT.. and then it says if its BFP the line will not go off de. so i put there for many hrs loh and see if the line goes off.

sunnie gal - oh...stss is u nor..i thought who... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ZZ, xinyi, bb dust - sometimes he quite salty leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] especially after work...

sunnie: all babies are beautiful la...just hope he grow up having a good character n not being a spoil brat. ehhh I love yr blog leh...saving it under my favorites liao ehehhee!

i feel less warmer now...mwahahaha...lalalala...i'm a xiao nu ren...easily satisfied...lalalalala...wah...1 week no BD nia already quite tight le...i can't imagine after giving birth............. *shudders at the thought of it...*

