(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


I know that my waterbag was leaking cos of the "bloodwater" stains on my pantyliner. And when I was lying on the bed, I can feel the "light flow" of water down there.


Hammiebao: I also think our pre-natal massage lady so so nia.... But origins seems to hav few diff massage lady, don know which one is good

woah...bluesoda ...take care...

angsc74...your water bag leaking :eek: meaning going to give birth soon :eek:

thanks jo on the black bean and ginger...hopefully the CL know what she is doing..cos i just got a pm from someone who engaged via agency and the CL and replacement sent all dunno what they are doing ...they either dunno how to cook or have serious hygiene issue..and ignorant and arrogant ..haiz..seem like engaging cl through agency also has it's woes...

woah sophia..you are really productive...did you start pump and feeding since the beginning ie in the hospital..my colleague told me..to start pumping since day 1 and within a week the supply will regular and be ample...izzt true ?

i m not as serious as u bluesoda.. been coughing and having blocked nose since last week.. i also feel xin teng whenever i cough cos bb position sure gana disturb..

btw, y having mucus discharge is an indicative to deliver soon?

oh dear, clover, i juz bought a brand new set of mustela for #2 leh... hope it's fine...

Bam, happy working today! Lotsa rest from tmr onwards!!

When water bag break, u still got ~1day to prep yaself to the hospital (as per my last atenatal notes).

For muscus plug, can go to the gynea but observe for more signs, like contractions/water bag burst/leak.

i heard, not everyone got "bloody show" de ..likewise not everyone will hv waterbag burst, up to individual..

for my case, i got "show" nia n of coz contractions la..

the contractions is unlike normal menses cramps de, it's like >100X the pain.


I sharing my experience for my #1 cos Diana was asking how we know that our waterbag is leaking.

For those mummies doing their confinement now, do you drink hot milk or those HL milk from the fridge??

RE : Black bean

I understand from my friend who just finished her confinement ... that black beans can help in the production of milk ... dunno how true thou no harm trying [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oops...angsc74 i tot you giving birth soon...

yah shan...1st i read story of the agency ..now it is another popular agency and all these while i tot agency less problem but seem not the case haiz...

btw my friend just told me , her CL asked her to get these herbal 当归,泡渗, 高丽参,龙眼, 红枣,黑枣党参,枸杞子, 黑豆 this is the 1st time i hear need 高丽参...i worry after getting all these herbal the CL dunno how to cook how ?

irene and other BF mummies,

all mummies jiayou ok!

just to share, i had bad cracked nipples and bleeding whilst BF my #1, and that affected my supply cuz bb couldn's really latch on properly (n i was in a lot of pain!)...also discovered from my LC that my nipples are very sensitive, so i was told to massage the nipple area by rolling my nipples in btwn my fingers to "harden" it...it made it less painful to BF then as well.

irene, are u using a nipple cream like lanolin? that really helps w the healing! apply and let it air dry (just walk around topless whilst its drying), and let bb latch on as much as possible, cuz that's actually better to increase supply compared to using the pump, even if ur girl isn't drinking her suckling will send a signal to ur brain to increase production..or u can pump on one side whilst latching on the other side (telling ur brain that u need to up the supply cuz got twins!), this is a bit troublemsome but it worked for me after a lot of persistence. BF via latching on isn't easy for everyone, n they don't tell u that! u n bb both have to learn how to BF..do go to see a LC to make sure ur latching well? try not to stress yourself too much with pumping, like Jo said, bb's tummies r very small at this stage..just try to enjoy the BF experience of learning to latch on well ok? do try the papaya fish soup too, that helped for me as well..


oh dear! hope ur feeling better now..can take some porridge water?


i'm planning to use cetaphil for my bb..#1 had bad dry skin, and cradle cap so was rec that by dermatologist. Its bout $30 for one litre at any pharmacy, but no nice bb smell shampoo smell lar


congrats on bb's arrival!

hi nov mummies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Black Bean:

Yes it will help to boost up BM n taste nice to drink, this soup is very soothing to drink n it doesnt taste too strong like other herbal soup,drink more black bean soup if u may feel heaty or sore throat if occurs during confinement. This soup n green papaya fish soup boost up alot of my BM when I gave birth to my gal last yr[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

enmummy: Yes... let's keep talking to BB so BB will arrive naturally...

Jo: Ya...my prenatal class also says wine dishes are fine thanks alot! My mum is getting some 2 big bottles of rice wine for me...

Bluesoda: Rest well and recover soon! BB as cherrios & Ange mentioend, BB has enough reserves in our bodies still. Don't worry!

PTB: Previously we have discussed 当归 is not good for BF leh... and my mum is not getting this for me too. Read in other threads to best avoid it in early confinement since it's quite heaty... do check... here's what I gathered:

"Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Dong quai should not be used during pregnancy because it may cause the uterus to contract and raise the risk of miscarriage. Nursing mothers should avoid dong quai because information on its safety is lacking."

Source: http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/dong-quai-000238.htm

Jun: Me like you also having blocked nose... juz wondering when the rain will pour to rid the haze.. let's drink more water and rest!

Hammiebao: My friend recommended Pureen head-to-toe shampoo which is very affordable and good for his BB gal and I bought California Baby Shampoo & Bodywash after reading raving reviews from mummies in forum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Using these 2-in-1 till BB is 6 mths then will think of switching to shampoo & bodywash separately lo..

Here are only a few sources out of many more that discourages the use of dong gui / 当归 for reading:

Herbs to Avoid:


Dong Quai - What You need to Know:


"•Dong quai may contain estrogen-like compounds and should not be taken by pregnant or nursing women, children, or people with breast cancer."

Dong Quai Facts:


"Do NOT use Dong Quai if:

you are allergic to any ingredient in Dong Quai

you have a cold, the flu, or diarrhea

you have a blood clotting or blood platelet disorder

you are pregnant or breast-feeding"

PTB: Ooppss.. it's your friend? Get your friend to double-check again and talk to the CL again who asked her to get it? Hope this helps...

thanks tenderhearted. these herbal are from a friend who just gave birth 2 months ago and too late..she finished her confinement already .... these are herbal her CL told her to get...now i know what happened and why liao ...btw it is quite risky right diff CL tell diff things...how are we to know what is good and what is not good ...i think to do intense research liao...else will kena con by CL..thanks for the link

Hi mummies,

How to know if CL knows how to cook or not? I very scare CL anyhow buy expensive stuff for me, or stuff that I dun eat at all, cos I quite picky on food. Fish and Ginger, pork, im fine...i know during confinement requires to take alot of red dates drinks. I also dun know how much to buy??

Can anyone advise me?

PTB: ya... cannot blurblur take CL at their words... since me FTM too, so I try to read more and also check with mummies in forum to double-confirm... we have each other [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tenderhearted ...yes...we all should help each other...dun get conned by those CL esp when we are FTM hehe...

btw i heard from my mom... during confinement it is ideal that we eat certain part of the pig.. and each pig only has 2 piece of that !! so need to chop aka booked with butcher... but i still dunno which part of the pig she tokg about...do you guys know haha

michele yah i also scare either the CL anyhow buy expensive stuff or things that shouldnt buy like what my friend's CL did...haiz...btw red dates when u got those medical shop it is one big pack...think can drink for long time haha

ptb: i think ur mum is toking abt the vinegar with pig's trotters. Famous dish with lots of vinegar and ginger.But i personally dun like the dish, as its too sour for me and too much ginger. But if need to eat then no choice also.

CL: Gals if you scared u kena conned by CL, why nt ask your mothers or MIL to come by and then tell the CL to tell them to get it for you. Cos they see elders, they somehow will dare not anyhow ask to buy things. I most likely will get my MIL to come by and negotiate abt the daily fresh food and herbs stuff with the CL.

For me also, the CL agency provides the herbs as well so i now dun buy first, later nt enuf then buy. My house downstairs is very near the wet market and provision shops with lots of medical shops so i dun worry at all.

Dong Quai: Did not know that cannot take wor...wonder is it the cause of making me pop so early [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

thanks everyone, im feeling much better today. My appetite improve and can take solid food. For the past 2 days, my baby din move alot and really made me very worried. Was so hungry this morning and decided to have a good breakfast. Went to Macdonald for breakfast...feeling so much better...my baby too, so energetic and kept kicking me

Bluesoda: pls take care n rest well.

There's good news, my bb gal is doing great! Now according to the nurses she's drinking 40ml per feed. Her breathing is gd nw n jus a little jaundice nw but they say nt a big issue.. Docs told my hb BB still need to go for one more x-ray on her head to confirm if she's completely ok n if BB is fine n well, she will be able to come home either tmr or the day after..felt so happy to know she is doing great..

The only irritating thing nw is my hse upstairs, they are still doing all those knocking n hacking after i had delivered... frm big tummy till i delivered le still drilling n hacking... haizzz...

im so elated nw n am hoping she can come home real soon...

Btw, where can i get my hb to buy the pigeon milk warmer? thks mommies!

PTB: thanks, ya FTM usually blur, cos alot of hear say thingy, dun know which is real and good...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Mummies: anyone has pop at the week 36? doc said mine would be early, so im scare...this morning felt quite pain suddenly, i was so scared...

tenderhearted and lilyn, thanks for those comforting words.

btw wat's Dong Quai in chinese words? thanks!

babywonder, finally your galgal can be discharged soon. =)


Personally, i feel tat using warm water to warm the milk is faster than the milk warmer. My milk warmer is sitting in the store collecting dust after a few usage lor.....

for new one i tink mayb NTUC AMK Hub shld hv ba.

Tenderheart, Clover, lilyn

Thanks for the reply on baby body wash, guess I will get the GAIA since 26 it's organic and not really exp like CB..


Ya lor.. Like so so leh.. I email OJM and wait for their reply lor.. More expensive abit but I read quite alot of good review about their company.. Anyway I also read good review even from those mummies who did not request for certain ML..

Congrats to all mummies who had popped!! And jiayou to us who are waiting to pop.. Haha.. Let's enjoy our little "freedom" before confinement starts..

Babywonder, good that ur girl is going home soon!! Jaundice is very common, so no worries! Pigeon warmer quite easy to find, I think all departmental store and kiddy palace has it..


Just buy 1 pack for everything first then after the CL arrived and then get ur hubby or mum to go buy with her, then they can control the price.. U can buy those at reputable medicine hall so u don't need to worry to much about quality.. But will be alittle more exp than market lah.. Then u can know the price also..


I believe your mum is talking about "yo bak" ... i think it is the meat near the kidney. That part is the softest and yet leanest of the pig.


it is definitely comforting and happy to hear that your lil gal is doing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks angsc74...yo bak... what's so special about this part except being softest and yet leanest :p

btw i just checked...seem like even confinement agency are puting up confinement meals made with dang gui...


but i did surf some chinese website on why dang gui not encourage..hmm... cant help but wonder should i go check with my TCM gynae on what herbal to avoid haha...but abit weird for me to just call her and ask leh in dilemna now

bbwonder...you should relax now..BB is progressing well..hehehe... dont you agreed tomorrow always turn out to be a better right ;) .

michele...seldom hear 1st time mom pop at 36wks unless got complication...

Babywonder: Great to hear your BB gal coming home soon! Rest well and smile [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] She'll be in your arms soon! Ya like what Diana & Hammiebao say, Pigeon Food Warmer can be found at bigger NTUC Fairprice, KiddyPalace and Giant too.

Hammiebao: Ya.. Gaia is also organic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] True we muz enjoy & rest to the max before popping!

Nana: Dong gui is 当归 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Michele: Hock Hua Tonic is having some anniversary promotional sales till 29 Oct so can go see see : http://www.hockhuatonic.com/english/special/tonic-promotions.html

janiviy: You took a lot of dong gui when preggy ah?

PTB: Go call your TCM Gynae if she doesn't charge on consultation :p Think TCM will advise according to individual body type and let you know? So maybe some can take dong gui? But I will steer clear for the first 2 weeks in confinement lo since that is when I need BM supply to come in...

Hammie: shower gel for bb not advisable to apply direct for a start, just one pump into the water, then just use the water to bathe the bb. Both brands you mentioned are good and gentle to use.

PTB: Is GPLS the confinement agency (the one u post above with dong gui recipes) the same agency where the 2 nightmarish CL come from in a previous web forum you posted ah?

the tmc gynae is from raffles hospital I think she will charge haha I still not friend with her until she can give FOC advice haha .. too bad the gynea i wanted too busy to accept me and i have to go to my currebt gynae else i may be able to get free advices hahaha yah I think better to believe than not too will stay clear for 1st few weeks bah

Ptb: I suggest you leave gao li Shen and dang gui out. Both has to be carefully used. One Chinese physician told me the former is a no no pre or post birth but I forgot the reason while my mum told me the latter will cause hormonal irregularities when not consumed properly. For your discretion.

Thks mommies, yes tommorrow will always better !

Im so happy tt BB is progressing well now and hopefully she can come home tmr.

Btw, can the pigeon milk warmer fit advent milk bottles?

thks mommies!

Babywonder: glad to hear the good news. Which hospital is baby in? If TMC, then the retail shop has it. Otherwise, NTUC , giant, kiddy palace, robinsons, Tangs...all ve.

Jo yah. I too have doubt of those 2 items when my friend told me her CL told her to get it. Cos I too remember being told these 2 items cannot anyhow take :p but since she already consumed them during her confinement so I also dare not tell more or research more :p

mummies, for bb's body wash, do you all use non-rinse formula or just use normal bb's wash and pump a few pumps into the water to bath for baby? if use normal bb's wash like J&J, will it be harmful? cos its supposed to rinse after wash...

wow, so many postings....and so many mummies have popped. Congrats to those who have popped.

babywonder, glad to know tat ur bb is going home soon.

me gng to 36weeks this thurs and yet i hv nt even pack my hospital bag lor...


prev for #1, as per Mrs Wong's advice at the prenatal class at TMC, I used normal J&J'a bb's wash, one pump into one tub of water, no rinsing off..she said ok mar..

but then after that i've swapped to cetaphil, which can be no rinse

mummies who are intending to bf

its still not too late to use nipple cream to "condition" your nipples b4 you pop...my doc advise me to do that two weeks ago when he talked about breastfeeding...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bluesoda: glad that you are feeling better...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pls take care and rest well....i understand how it feels like not being able to take painkillers cos' i am also allergic to them and when i get fever...my gp also shake head and say there is nothing i can take except to sponge myself to make the fever subside...

baby wash

i got sebamed which is of neutral pH...smells quite nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ...will pump just a little bit into water bath...newborn's skin dunneed too soapy cos' still very delicate...

Jo, thanks!! WBB said that too..

Baby wash,

WBB class said get non rinse one better.. now I thinking to get GAIA or CB.. I saw GAIA 500ml about 26+ and CB 17.5oz $28+... the price quite reasonable as Avent and mustela also not cheap and smaller bottle..


those 2 are different companies.. jamumassage owned by a malay lady, originsjamumassage owned by a chinese lady.. both also not bad I think, but I see OJM got hot stone massage and the recent promotion quite good.. 718 for 10days with free 4 packs of Goo.n diapers.. quite worth it bah..

lilyn, for my #1 i used j&j as a start too then changed to mustela..now thinking back i was wondering isit gd for her skin..haha...cos every bb diff ma, dunoe if #2 suitable or not..but i guess i dun try i will know also...

hey mummies,

totally forgot about my spare tube of nipple cream until enmummy raised it up!

dp any of u want to get a tube of lansinoh brand lanolin (2oz) from me? it cost me $12.50 when i ordered from spree (i bought 2 cuz its cheaper tt way). i can just let go to whoever is keen at the same price, postage cost on top of that..anybody wants? if not i'l post up on wts thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hammiebao, ooo..din know CB got non rinse formula..gotta check it out...my gal using mustela also pretty ex..and now that she is bigger used very fast! Haha..this mummy put alot :p mayb should downgrade to a cheaper alternative but i love the smell..smells sooo gd..haha..

ok mummies, i'm just highlighting what i happen to know about chemicals in baby bath products. i'm no expert in dermatology. this is quite a tricky subject, so i suggest mummies who are concerned to do some googling and read up.

some of the harmful chemicals, e.g. Phthalates (in fragrances), 1,4-dioxane or formaldehyde, or both (probable carcinogens), Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (skin irritation)

From this article


"Both formaldehyde and dioxane are considered "contaminants," Malkan said.

A contaminant "is a chemical that is not intentionally added to the product but is a byproduct," she said. "Those are all exempt from labeling laws ... Companies don't even have to know themselves."

Also, a report of just a small tested list of bath products available in US


J&J and Mustela were tested.

i have used j&j on my boy before and found it very drying on his skin. the squeaky clean effect is not good for a baby's skin. if a bath product was designed to clean off dirt or even oil, hence to me, it will cause more harm to leave on a baby's delicate skin.


California Baby® Calming™ Shampoo & Bodywash


purified water, aloe vera, decyl polyglucose (extracts kukul nut oil, jojoba oil, citrus seed extract, Vitamin b-5, small amount of methyl/propyl paraben (food grade preservative/anti-bacterial), proprietary "calming" essential oil blend (that includes french lavender and other essential oils).

Johnson's Body Care, Melt Away Stress Lavender & Chamomile Body Wash, 20.3-Ounce Bottles

Ingredients: Water, ==Sodium Laureth Sulfate==, Glycerin, Sodium Lauroamphoacetate, ==Cocamidopropyl Betaine==, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, ==Polysorbate 20==, ==Fragrance==, ==Sodium Citrate==, ==Sodium Benzoate==, ==Styrene/Acrylates Copolymer==, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Polyquaternium-7, Tetrasodium Edta, Red 33, Blue 1. may Also Contain: Citric Acid

Those ingredients marked with == means moderate hazard & onwards, and cross-referenced with http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/

