(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


I was having bad acne problem on my face since the beginning of my pregnancy. Was thinking whether I should go for facial or see my TCM physician. I didn't want to see dermatologist cos I don't want to take antibiotics or hormone pills which will harm the bb. In the end, I went to look for my TCM physician.

My physician didn't want to prescribe medine for me to take or give me acupuncture when I told her I'm pregnant. She just gave me mask made of TCM herbs to apply on my face 3 times a week. I used twice already in the past few days and found that it really helps in getting rid of the acne. I can see that red patches of acne start to disappear and my face is less oily. My mum also just commented that my face is much better now than just a few days ago.

Just like to share with you. Maybe you want to give it a try.

Hope it helps ;)

This is the contact of my TCM physician:

Wong Shuk Yan TCM physician

Tel: 6254 3629

Add: Blk 69 Toa Payoh Lor 4 #01-359


Angel, Irene,

I'm also a little lost on what to start buying. There are so many brands available for the bb items so must do some homework first before I start buying.

I plan to go to the Isetan private sale this Thurs to see whether there's any gd deal. If you are looking at Philips Avent sterilizer, they have a promo and is selling at $115. Seems to be a good deal as firstfewyears is selling at $169. They also offer a Pigeon bundle which includes a sterilizer, bottle warmer and 4 wideneck bottles at $175.

There'll be a Philips sale at Toa Payoh this weekend. Can check it out if you wanna get Avent products.

Bing - Hmm, I'm thinking of getting Medela breast pump leh. Heard that Philips Avent sterilizer can only be used with Avent stuff. Which do you think is better?

Will you guys be redecorating a room for the baby? I'm wondering when should start painting/redecorating. heheh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

Pls add me on the list.

EDD: 28 Nov 2010

Hospital: MAH

Doctor: Dr WH Kee

Current Week: 13 wks and 2 days

No Of Kids: first one


I also intend to get a medela breast pump. Which model will you be getting? I'm not sure whether I'll have enough breast milk so I'm wondering whether I shall get a manual pump first. If there's enough milk, then I'll get a better pump like mini dual electric or pump in style which costs 700+.

My friends told me that all milk bottles can fit into the Avent sterilizer. So I think I'll get an Avent sterilizer.

Hi Bam, pls add me too. The thread moves so fast that my previous two requests were missed out!

Edd: 10 Nov 10

doc: Dr M Tan

hosp: TMC

1 upcoming

gender: tba.

Hopefully this sat's scan can reveal!


Angel: Choosing strollers are like buying cars- jap or euro. Personlaly I like the euro brands because they are big and sturdy. But by the time your newborn hit 10kg, owning a euro brand stroller may not be so desirable anymore, it becomes quite heavy to carry up and down the stairs when you are alone. I think Maclaren is worth considering- stable and slim. Select the brand you want and check website for the specs and reviews. Baby Avenue at Balestier near to TMC sometimes have good offers on strollers and stuffs. As for crib, choose one that is sturdy and with a firm mattress. if you choose an odd size crib, Mothers at Work has custom made mattresses, so you can specify your dimensions and they get it done within 5 days. Also, Mothercare has this handbook about strollers, car seats and cribs that you can take and get an idea of what to buy.

Angel, Mummywong: Oh ya, both baby kingdom and hypermart always have a booth at the Taka Baby fair so if you are not in the rush, can wait. Visiting the marts is a quite a hassle and the stores look messy. One more Taka baby fair in Sept i think. FYI, the cost difference between an 09 and 10 model can range from $200-$500 depending on brands and models.

Mrs Lee, ckcs, gwhitecookies, gwen, nottoz,

Congrats & welcome! : ) More Nov babies!

CKCS: Don't think it's worth buying the car seat cum stroller, heavy, not cheap and have short lifespan. My friend had to give that up within 6 months cos her baby is tall and big.

I'm also having the same problem- whether to buy a full booster seat for my 22mth and let my newborn use her current convertible. Also, do I need a twin stroller? If yes, Maclaren's side by side, Peg Perago's front & back or Quinny's up & down? Anyone already looked into that?

Bing, Angel:

If you are working then go for Medela Swing, fast and effective, easy and neat to carry around. All my working friends use Medela. If you are a SAHM, go for Avent, although more parts to assemble, it is more gentle to the breasts- like baby suckling them. Both have good resale value if you intend to stop having babies. I own an Avent dual pump and never regretted. I believe in investing in a good pump as part of successful breast-feeding.

Bing: Manual pump can be a lot of hard work. I suggest you either get a 2nd hand or borrow to try out first before buying it. Avent's set comes in both manual and electric. Don't give up yet, milkflow increases gradually and as long as you remain relax and calm, half the battle is won.

BTW, for those of you delivering at TMC, the parentcraft centre has both the medela and Avent breast pumps for testing. The nurses there told me breast pump is last to buy, so when you deliver, go try then buy. Otherwise, the decision basis should be which one fits your lifestyle.


i just got a full booster seat for my 22 mths. I guess it will b sufficient.

For going out, i ald got a ergo carrier to carry #2 till abt 9 mths n by den i wan my #1 to walk on his own le.

Hi all,

Pls add me in:

EDD: 26 Nov 2010

Hospital: KK

Doctor: Dr H H Tan

No Of Kids: first one

Gender of Baby: TBC in 30 Jun scan =D

Hello everyone!

I am glad to find this forum, but there are way toomuch info. I will need time to go through it all!

A few quick question b4 my sleepiness take over:

1. Anyone start to feel hot now? Body heat, etc

2. Anyone started on bird nest? How many times a week? My mum say don take too much orange n bird nest (my poor bro has asthma & have to go all the way to get his phlegm out few times)

3. Skincare - which one is recommended for face & body

4. Are you all stil wearing heels?

5. Anyone know of pre-natal yoga near North East line/ Sengkang/ YCK area? I feel bit guilty for not doing anything except sleep, eat, walk, sleep, eat, walk


Hi, do you have any bad experience with US medical care? We did our fair share of research before deciding on the hospital to give birth in. It'll be a hospital based birth, very much like in Sin. Tks for reminder, I'll discuss birthing methods with my practioner tmr. The C-sections in US are higher mainly due to the number of complex births there. All the pregnant women that I see at the clinic are morbidly obese. I'll also take a look at the book that u recommended, to find out more abt their practice.

The posts are fast and furious, can't keep up with them. There are so many things to buy for the baby, i'm having a headache just looking at the list of things to buy.

Bing - I'm not too sure which I'll get from Medela yet, but it won't be manual one. My cousin told me that it's really tiring pumping manually, and totally advised me against it. Maybe you can try borrowing a manual one and just try using it to see if it's really tiring before deciding? :D

Jo - wah~ That's alot of useful info! Thanks very much for all the advice! Haha, looks like I won't buy the breast pump during GSS then, unless it's really cheap. Will take ur advice and buy that last. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

holly - how come it's used only once leh? And won't you need it for the coming bb?

orangebb - congrates & welcome! Yah, always feel very hot nowadays. I can wake up in the middle of the night with sweat all over, and I didn't even use the blanket! Still wearing heels, but limiting myself to max 2". [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Bird nest - nope, I don't eat that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all

ya man tis thread really moves v fast. din come in yest already have so many postings liao.

mine details was missed out also. pls add me in too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

EDD: 12 nov 2010

hosp: Mt A

Doc: Dr lawerence ang

No of kids: 1 Boy + 1 upcomin

gender: tba

same thing dr lawrence ang say mine 80% girl which made me sooooo happy liao cos im dying 2 hv a girl den can close shop. but i stil dun dare to buy anything bb clothings though 2day go shopping so tempted man. seems like dr lawrence ang is getting lots of bb gals eh?


me too. am scheduled for detailed scan on 25th june which is so long away. me also tinking of some excuse to see doc to c can determine gender of bb anot. better dun let all our gynea c our forums eh.. haha...

i think i sure cannot tahan til den. sure will go c gynea again b4 den to determine sex of bb. my #1 wk 16 cfm liao not so keep in suspense man. is it true tat bb gal normally later den can cfm cos doc dun dare cfm s sometimes penis mayb too small or come out late?

ya my experience wif dr ang also chop chop not much talking. i also find his scan v fast. dunno detailed enuf anot leh.


abt birdnest- i took plenty during my #1 n now taking lots of it for #2, so far no prob wif pleghm leh. so i tink it shld be fine. how often? dun hv standard timing cos my mom jus make a big bucket of it den i put inside fridge den everynte take one bowl eat lor. will be consecatively for few ntes

for breastpump- my personal experience, i BF my #1 til 1 yr old. i been using medela electric pumps. so far so good. value for money. but for 1st timer mayb suggest u try out c if u hv lots of milk b4 committing cos its not cheap to jus buy den later no use which im sure lots of ppl experience tat. mayb can borrow frm some close frds to try out few wks if really useful den ask hb go buy. tats way i did last x.

i personally nvr tried the manual pump b4 but my frd who tried both b4 said there is a diff in milk output bet manual n electric. cos i hv lots of milk i cant imagine using manual ones, tink my hand will break pumping

i deliver my #1 in mt A. the whole experience is quite okie...

now my gynea can choose frm TMC or Mt A. Anyone any suggestions comparing mt A n TMC?

for stollers n prams-- my personal experience-- cos my son is big in size n wt, i hv bought quite a couple of prams n strollers. stil tink maclaren is worth investing. really user friendly n lasting.

Hi, ladies! Am back surfing the site, haven't been able to do it coz quite busy walking ard Taipei. Wor, so fast already nearly archived everyday.

Bam, thanks a million for updating the file. Promise I'll help when I come back to Singapore. Good that the skittles worked for u! The bonus part is that we get to indulge in skittles with a legit reason.

Shan, weather in Taipei is good. Have seen a few heavy rainy days but when it's sunny, it's still quite cool and not as humid as Singapore.

Novembaby, I totally get what u mean abt Taiwan food. But maybe my stomach is a bit sensitive due to the pregnancy, can't/dont want to'eat too oily food. So ru rou fan/ pork belly rice is out. Just came back from Shilin night market today.

Did quite a bit of cosmetics shopping, and for my frens. Nearly cleared the My Beauty Diary shelf at the shop for my frens' orders. Can't believe how cheap it is compared to Singapore.

Oh, I also read some Jap pregnancy catalogue magazines in Taiwan... the Japanese have tonnes of stuff for expecting mommies and children. So envious. Does anyone buy stuff from Japan/spree? do share....


coz i prefer manual pump.. although hand will cramp la. but is faster n easier for me. coz i am a SAHM i need to do everything fast so i can handle my kid...


checking in from taipei? wow!! i miss the food, the shopping and everything!!! i love taiwan!!!


i m still wearing heels.. i feel better wearing heels in fact. my back dun ache that bad coz with heels my posture seems more straight. with flats is too comfy n i tend to slouch....

Whim - I got craving for ru dan in first trimester, had to search the whole city for taiwanese food, hubby very sweet, found out how to make so that I can satisfy the craving, of course, not as good as the taiwanese kind, but can do. Ru Rou fan.. yum yum

Heels - read that flats are not very good once u reach week 20, cos it doesn't support the back. Will promote backache. It is recommended that we wear thick 2 inches.

Hi all, for breast pumps, I used the Amenda twin pump.. Robinson sales usually before $400. Can check it out if u r looking for 1.. but I didn't buy until i see supply coming in...

Bam, thanks for updating...

Jo, were u in the sept 08 thread previously?? Ur Nick looks familiar...

Orangebb, Cheerios,

Hi! and welcome!

Cheerios: My gf is residing in US and is expecting #2 in aug. If you want to hook up with her, let me know, I'll ask her.

Orangebb: Tell me about body heat! I really feel like I'm a walking heater! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Feel so dirty despite at least 3 showers a day! wonder why- I took cold showers bu the minute I stepped out of the shower room, I perspire already. And the pesperation is as if I've played a game of tennis- trickling down kind.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I don't remember eating lots of heaty food. When I was preg with #1, I only experienced this during confinement but now even during preg. Anyone has good tips to beat this? I feel it's so tough to get nice preg clothes with this prob- seems like cotton is the best then again, being a vain woman, i like varieties! :p

Holly: Thanks for sharing. May i know which brand and model did you buy? I'll go check it out. Wah, you really can! I gave up on manual pump after inly one try and am thankful to people who invented electric ones! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]How old is yor #1? You are a SAHM too?

Jaymickey: Ermm... I hope my nick is not linked with some bad stuffs! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I created an account in 09, but only participated in desitin and book sprees then as far as I can remember. Was only a silent reader of the 08 forum.

Trismom: I think both Mt A and TMC are superb places for giving birth- both are maternity-focused hospitals? I gave birth at Gleneagles but used the parentcraft services at TMC cos i think the breast-feeding and post-natal support at Gleneagles is horrible, not sure about now. nurses at Gleneagles are not bad tho, they know their stuffs. I stayed because of distance, familarity with doc.. Many of my friends switched the above 2 hospitals when they have #2. So far, all are happy with their switches and have no regrets.

Trismom: Oh, and if you ask me to choose- TMC will be my choice. You have tried Mt A so go for TMC! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Irene when u going for next checkup ? Hopefully next visit can see wor. Bing ur desciption so cute ! Bb is hao LIAN hahaha. Seagal & ange am counting down to see dr anandakumar.

Holly, yes, am still in Taipei for a short trip. I agree with u, Taiwan is lovely! Cannot really buy clothes andh shoes this time, but still having fun buying their local food and cosmetics. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Only thing is I can't really read traditional Chinese very well, so have to keep asking ppl.

Novembaby, ur hubby is so sweet!!! Am sure it must be really difficult to buy the spices/ingredients for the ru dan in USA. Not to mention that our pregnancy tongues are so sensitive to taste. Which city in th e US are u based?

I have a S'porean fren who just gave birth, maybe she can share with u some tips on confinement etc.

Hi OrangeBB

1. Anyone start to feel hot now? Body heat, etc

PTB7476: Yes... esp at night, think i need to low the aircon temp further =))

2. Anyone started on bird nest? How many times a week? My mum say don take too much orange n bird nest (my poor bro has asthma & have to go all the way to get his phlegm out few times)

PTB7476 : starting to take now...once a week

3. Skincare - which one is recommended for face & body

PTB7476 - nothing ...just clean it as per normal :p

4. Are you all stil wearing heels?

PTB7476: had drop them since 1st Trimester

5. Anyone know of pre-natal yoga near North East line/ Sengkang/ YCK area? I feel bit guilty for not doing anything except sleep, eat, walk, sleep, eat, walk

PTB7476 : never heard that there are any in these area. for me i am thinking of picking swimming soon...

Wah, looks like quite afew mommies recommend maclaren strollers. Think I'll juz follow advice and get that in future. :D

Holly - Will hand pump be really faster than electric? Never used both before, and really don't know. I should think hand pump can stop in the middle of expressing. How about electric? Can just stop or got timer or watever? :p

Welcome all new mummies!

I'm just popping in for a quick browse.. this thread moves real fast!!

Sharon, your appt with Dr Anandakumar is 3 Jun right?

hammiebao/OranFeBB: congrats and welcome

OranGeBB: i have been feeling very hot nowadays too..after bathing, came out of bathroom n started to sweat liao...really jia lar. its normal that preggy has higher body temp but then i hot until frustrated...really hope weather can turn cooler soon...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_frustrated.gif]

im still wearing heels but those platform type and ~2inches only, with low gradient so hope wun put too much stress on my back.

whim: wow..so nice...do have a great time at taiwan! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sharon: oh my next gynae visit is on 19jun..still long way to wait...like tris mom, think i cannot wait till tat long to determine my bb gender..thinking of finding some excuse to see gynae next week..heehee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_wink.gif]

Hi ladies,

I haven't been posting for so long, so many more mums I feel new here too :p Hello all, welcome, congrats!!

You'al discussing so many topics, hope you'al dun mind I just put in my 2cts worth here and there k.


GSS coming so exciting huh! I personally prefer those shopping centre sales eg Taka bb fair compared to those fairs at Expo. At the Expo may have more freebies, but got a lot of sales pple harrass you oso, eg the banks and slimming centres. And so many pple, very hard to shop too. Taka BB fair feels more comfortable to shop even though may have a lot of pple too.


When I had #1, I was so fearful of going out alone with him at 1st. Took me months to get enough courage to go out with stroller, baby, diaper bag, so much barang! Then I realised I needed a light weight one that I could handle with 1 hand. Especially when opening and closing it with only 1 hand while carrying baby in other hand. Wah, super balancing act can. Even though most probably the driver or passerby may help you, but have to consider worst case scenario. Cos infant, cannot just put on the floor or inside the car 1st mar. For this purpose, I must say a baby carrier/sling is very important in the initial stage.

Now that #1 is bigger, I can use our Maclaren stroller which is sturdier, but only I can't use 1 hand to open and close it. But now he can stand on his own ald so still not so bad.


Have you'al heard of www.mumsfairy.com ? They sometimes have booth at baby fairs. I bought my Ameda pump from them and found the owners very friendly and helpful with breastfeeding. Just an enquiry over the phone, they gave me very honest opinions about the different brands and shared their own experiences with me, even though I haven't bought anything from them back then.

When I discovered I was pregnant again, I was thinking of getting a new pump. Because I used my old one until very koyak ald (it pumped every single bottle for my baby for 16mths as my baby didn't latch on at all) and I didn't get it serviced b4 the warranty expired. I told her I wanted to get a Medela PIS this time, she recommended me a new pump called Hygeia Enjoye. Think I'll be getting that next time. I trust this lady. She BF her kids for 4yrs (I think)... still going strong, quite unbelieveable right?

I had an Avent manual pump and oso the Medela mini electric. The manual pump pump until my fingers cramp. The Medela mini electric, was so loud I felt like I was cutting grass each time I used it, very embarassing if bring out to use, and it was painful to use too.

Good luck

to all the mums going for further scans.

My OSCAR test turned out ok last week, but still dunno gender yet. My detailed scan scheduled for 7Jul, hoping next week can find out, no need to wait so long.


Last week I thought my appetite getting better, then ate a bit more, who knows the next day I throw up like mad. I dunno was it stomach flu or just a bad combination of food, but I eventually ended up being dripped because of dehydration in the hospital. So end up now cannot eat again. Xian. Have lost 4kg since becoming pregnant.


We're seeing the same gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I feel hot... but not sure if it's because the weather is crazy, or because of the body. I think we'll be getting hotter somemore as we get further in the pregnancy... so not looking forward. Nowadays I always hide inside aircon room.


Electric pump oso can stop halfway de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jo, which state is your friend in?

Re:breast pump

Bought the avent manual before giving birth to #1 but after 2wks of pumping, gave in and bought the medal freestyle and i never look back again... I personally think a good pump aids in how successful the breastfeeding goes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re : Carseat

Irene - i got my combi combined infant & toddler carseat for abt $300, i like the soft comfortness of the carseat and its compact enough for my ger. Nw she's 25mths and still using. Guess price range is ard $200-$400 depending on the brand and model. The more popular ones are britax i tik.

Re : Pump

I was using the medela mini electric and switched to Ameda dual pump as its faster and gentler, of cos less noisy. Ameda been serving me well so far, its quite easy to use. Medela mini one is pretty painful to use but after awhile when ur nipples are used the pumping effects it gets ok. Medela mini bring to office or go out usage, cos mini and easier to use, then can use batteries in case cant find powerpoint outside. I heard good comments abt medela freestyle, tik its very compact and powerful, maybe u gers can check it out.

Re : Steriliser

I got a handdown one (duno wat brand) from my fren and still serving well. Most impt before buying is to check if the steriliser can fit other brand bottles cos u might not want to be restricted to just a bottle (bearing in mind cases whereby some bb are sensitive / fussy towards bottle and need to change). So far i see pigeon ones seem big and spacious enough to put more bottles in there. I got habit of getting more bottles and sterilise them at the same time (save electricity) so getting a spacious ones is more economical.

Re : Stroller

I bought a combi basic one but its quite small and so happened my ger is long, seems like she looks quite 'squeezed' in the stroller, i tik the combi miracleturn is bigger, but too bad my booth size is small so we have to conside a compact one. Might want to consider getting one that is of appropriate size for your bb and consider if ur car can fit those strollers, some are really huge and its hard to put them into the booth area. Also take note of the weight of the stroller if u need to handle it alone, normally those steady ones are much heavier and tougher and harder to manage.

BrieBaby - thanks for the advice! Wah, I was kind of thinking of getting Medela mini electric. But after hearing you say that it's very loud, I think I may need to reconsider. Can't imagine everyone around me hearing the noise and knowing what I'm doing! So paiseh. hehehe

Experienced mommies: How do you choose which breast pump is the most suitable for you? I'm thinking between Medela's freestyle, PIS and swing. All seems rather good, portable, and can be used when I go back to work after maternity leave.


I think for breastpumps, u should consider how and where you'd be using it. If say you're gg to pump at work, then u should consider portability - bring everyday to and from home, or extra set in office, also the possibility of battery operated in case there are no powerpoints. You also should consider how you'd be storing expressed milk. How many times you can pump in the office, and how and where you'd be washing them. You can oso consider how much time you can afford to pump each session - thus if you need a double or a single will do. Whether you want handsfree or no. Say if you're pumping in your workstation under a nursing cover or inside a private room.

I think the Swing is single side, so you'll need double the time. I asked the mumsfairy lady and she told me the difference between freestyle and PIS is that the freestyle more "lifestyle", smaller, nicer thus more expensive, although both is meant for on the go mums. I was going to go for the PIS before I heard of the Hygeia.

Things that were useful : carseat, baby carrier ( baby bjorn , ergo when my daughter got bigger), aprica stroller ( lightweight easy to open n close useful in malls but not good on roads)

as for breastpump, I rented the from medela their hospital grade pump coz that worked best for me. My friends use the freestyle n it worked well too. You can buy a pump after giving birth, coz only then will u know whether you will breadtfeed e baby.

Hope everyone is well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BrieBaby, Koori, thats alot of information.. thank u!!


Seems like the popular brands for pumps are Medela and Avent.. but avent is really expensive, approx $600+. So any difference to get single or dual pump? guess we will take in advice of borrowing it from frends before purchasin it, in case there's no milk.


Ive stock up the birdnest, low sugar.. but haven start cos its too early, may not go to the baby. So my mother suggest to start when im 6th-7th mths preggy.


any ladies encounter this? and how can we avoid since we can go for any massage session.. Do cold drinks realli cause these bodyaches?


Popular brand i tink its Mclaren huh..expensive but worth investing. Seems like Ive gotta buy separate stroller n carseat since its not goin to last. Perhaps source for 2nd hand stroller n carseat. ;p

welcome all new MTBs... looks like we are having lots of tiger babies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BrieBaby - my cousin advised me against getting swing, cuz like wat u said, it's single pump. So it'll take longer to express at work. Think most likely I may consider getting freestyle. Although it's more x, but will be able to use for this and future kid. Thanks for the points to consider! :D

Experienced mommies who have used Medela Freestyle: is it noisy when u use it? I think I will be paiseh to use the pump if it's noisy. hehe.. besides Moms & Babes at United Square, is there any other places where I'll be able to see a sample of the pump? Just wana hear how noisy it is and how heavy the whole thing is.

Mrs Lee - I've started to have body ache liao. Most of the time at my lower back and between my shoulder blades. If feel bad, will get hb to rub. My gynae said tat cold drinks are fine, and will not affect baby or make us have bodyaches. It's the weight of the baby that causes us to have aches.

wow...thread is moving fast..haven been reading the forum for few days.

on the pump, i am looking at Medela PIS or Hygeia Enjoye. Am planning to bring it to work to express it out since there's a nursing room in my co. need them to be as quiet as possible.

On the stroller, my colleague was recommending me graco cos they say can fold it with 1 hand..esasier if we have to carry the baby in e other hand...so i think it's best to go test it out ourselve...i'm considering of buying a wrap too...there's so so so many things to buy.

by the way...have you ladies confirmed your post natal massage? i just confirmed mine...$50/session/1hr.. how much is yours?

on the ailian spree, sent the orders to the seller le. She is verifying the status. So far some ladies have gotten email from that your items are out of stock and will not be replenished. The longest wait for other items are ard 7-10 days. So hopefully by 2nd week of June we can receive our items.


Re : Pump

Good to get dual pump, really saves alot of time in pumping esp if everyday u need to pump 4-5x at home, its a saver. I had single pump before i bought the dual one & found the dual one really much more effective. Single pump i just keep in my handbag for going out, more portable easier bring out and less heavy.

Nana - breast size don determine quantity la. Heard fish papaya soup can stimulate the milk ss, so its good to have more during our confinement.

Bbmiao - mine also abt $50/ session i tik. I gg for 7 sessions, she say more effective.

