(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

yeap avocado is known for good nutrients n fats for the body n it can smooth our bowels


ya he did told me oct his kids exam so quite few days not seeing patiients n all sort of things which actuali turns me off abit cos one of the csec date tat i chose he say he won b able to do cos his kids exam... it wasnt a ridiculous day n time, its a sat morning cannot meh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tink its a bad mth to give birth in end oct, nov n dec. either doc's kids having exams or they gg holiday. not i bad mouth him but i hv read some thread abt him tat he purposly schedule many natural births ard same day same timing so tat he can do a few in a day. amazing rite?... i tot i won encounter such problems since i can pre chose my csec date but end up still difficult to accomodate to his timimg..


VT: same same, i also suffer bad indigestion/heartburn if taking durian even before preggy...even taking durian paste also cannot...

but then now even if no indigestion also cannot take durian cos now down with diabetic...ai..

Still catching up on my reading of this thread...

Diana, u so on, how come so many elders go KL, ur own parents, ur MIL? But had good time in KL? I miss travelling.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jewel, how goes the fu zhou barley experiment? My hummus experiment didn't work out today, I think my SO prefers me to buy the ready-made one after he saw all the washing up.

Bluesoda, for breast engorgement, the best (and makes most sense to me) advice I've heard is boob massage to clear the blockage. But will be damn painful (e boob massage I had w/ one prenatal masseur already made me want to punch her, it was that painful!). Frens have told me that cold cabbage might reduce the milk supply, so for me, coz I want to try TBF for a while, I won't use cold cabbage (dun want to affect milk supply).

I bought a cold/hot doughnut gel pack similar to Jewel's doughnut, but mine will come w/ a towel cover which makes it convenient to put it on the boob directly. Supposed to use these gel packs cold when it's painful, hot when u want to express milk/massage.

perineal postbirth spray from Little Dreamers or BP thread

Nana, hammiebao - I asked my gynae at KKH today abt these products (and what are the brands that KKH gynaes recommend). She said that the hospital dun recommend this kind of product for postbirth.

She explained that for most moms, there might be tearing or epistomacy (the cut!) during vaginal birth delivery. This tear/cut are considered as 'wounds', so the only thing the hospital will ask u to use is antiseptic to clean the wound. They dun want u to use anything else just in case the wound gets infected (which makes sense).

But before birth, if u want to use perineal pdts to massage the area (some ppl believe this makes the area more elastic, less prone to tearing, better for vaginal birth), it's ok coz there is no wound/no cut there now, so v low chance of any infection.

This perineal massage is the one that ueno was talking abt previously. My gynae said if really want to do perineal massage, KY jelly is good enuff, not necessary to have special essential oils or any other pdt etc. Basically, the doctors prefer products which are 'proven' safe to use for the vagina area e.g. KY jelly is used during sex, so it's safe to use.

Hammie: Use fruit scrub to scrub your BW area a few days before do your BW. This is to reduce pain and sensitivity of the area so you won't feel so pain during the process.

OrangeBB: If you are looking at maclaren strollers, go for the Techno XT series, they are for NB onwards. Its true that if you overload the strollers with loads, it'll topple backwards; but if baby is in stroller, it won't happen. Then again, don't load too many things behind. On the whole, the stroller is superb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jovialz: Ha ha ha... Great minds think alike! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Today I saw gynae, baby already weigh 2kg+! He said quite likely he will cross the 4kg mark! For this, I'm thankful that I'm going for c-sect!

Just went to see gynae. Am at 30wk n i have put on another 3kg, making it 13kg in total =X doc say it's a lot. But he din mention abt diabetes test. He just told me I'm slightly overweight. BB as usual is head down n weight approx 1.7kg. So it looks like Baby is getting chubbier together with me.

I ask him any strep b, he say it's not necessary for me, but he did the test for me, to assure me that everything is ok.

Am suppose to start seeing him every 2 wk now. Next session will be talking abt hospital admission.

So fast entering third trimester n gonna be drinking my favorite thai coconut. Ah! Lovely! Yum!

N yes, war happen to the gathering. Btw, i thought it's dinner? How come becomes lunch?

PTB & Jolyn: Fuzhou is gd for baby's complexion. Eating it once/twice a week shld be ok.. everything excessive is no gd of cos, deps on individual.

Piggydog: All protein stuff (beancurd, soya bean & beans etc) will create uric acid in the body. Only excessive intake of protein then will cause joint pain if the body cant handle the accumulation.

Liu Lian:

I find it v ironical, some ppl like me, Irene & Jollymummy etc. trying to hands off durians & sweet stuff & there are those who are encouraged to eat durians cos bb too small... different ppl come with different set of prob.


yes, need to make yr $$ work harder. Putting in the bank is just so damn miserable. But b4 start, shld access individual's risk profile & deicide on long or short term investment.

Jo: Thanks for ur recommendation on techno xt. I'll check it out.

Diet: looks like I gotta reduce my intake too since both BB n me on chubbier side

Itch: it had reduce. Gotta stop wearing some tighter maternity skirt n pants n more on dress. Seems that the folded cloth layer at the waist may be big tight n this may cause lesser blood flow, thus worsening stretch marks

Am using aloe Vera gel all over tummy n breast area which was sensitive n a bit bumpy of rashes. Let it dry n followed up by cetaphil moisturizing cream. Verdict: am feeling good n smooth =D

Ah! A visit to gynae always makes my day happier =D

Angel KKK: Welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chris: The lactation consultants advised against using cabbage cos it will stop milk flow. So if breast is engorged, use hot towel or heat pack to ease pain.

Jewel: I also like the dessert from Temple Street! Yummy! But remember not to eat ginko nut(Fu Zhu Yi Mi has it) at least one month before delivery.

hello all..

finally im back..

i only can see archive from yesterday..

i will book buffet at either 1. Please choose ONE.




Marina Mandarin Hotel

Aquamarine Restaurant

6 Raffles Boulevard, Marina Square

(S) 039594

Tel: 6845 1111

Traders Hotel


1A Cuscaden Road

Singapore 249716

Tel: 6831 4374


- 15% off total food bill

Valid till 31 Dec 2010

Noble House

UIC Building #06-13

5 Shenton Way Singapore 068808

Tel : +65 6227 0933


1) dolliepollie + hb + bbDarius = 2Adult 1BabyChair (20th to 22nd Sept)

2) shan - 1pax , maybe #1boy ( 20th - 22nd)

3) juv - 1 pax (20th to 22nd)

4) naf - 1 pax (20th & 21st)

5) trismom - 1 pax (20th & 21st)

6) orangeBB -1 pax (20th)

7) Ange - 1 pax (20th, 22nd)

8) jewel - 1 pax (20th)

9) Chris - 1 pax (20th)

10) ueno - 1pax (20th)

11) bam - 1 pax (21st / 22nd)

12) shauna - 1 pax(21th-22nd)

13) cin_bunny - 1 pax (21-22nd)

14) Hammie - 1 pax (21st / 22nd)

15) Jo

16) flin

17) jollymummy

18) whim

19) clover

20) Cookiemonster

21) tubao

22) Newbiemom

23) Janiviy - 1 pax (KIV)

Please sms me to confirm. Those who are not coming please DO NOT sms me.

Got 3 venue. please choose ONE.

I will book the dinner on Friday. ;)


Boohoo. I can't make 20th. Looks like I will only get to meet u mummies next time round.

Welcome angel kkk. Do take care !

Going for mt a tour this sat. Anyone else goin?

Agree w Jo tt mclaren is really one of the better strollers to handle. And I hv had bugaboo n quinny before, my hubby likes those better :p

whim> may i noe where do you get the doughnut gel pack? If cold cabbage will reduce milk supply, i wun wan to try it. Thanks!!

jewel, agreed with you...while we are all struggle to stay aways from durian ...others are encourage to eat them... soo envious and ironic

Jo, whats the reason behind to avoid ginko nuts 1mth before delivery? omg..4kg, u got urself a real healthy chubby boy.. hehe!!

dolliepollie, so 20th is dinner isit? if so, i'll text u to confirm. i'll opt for Mandarin.

whim: i got my combi stroller from a local small store at Tampines area. It stalks up old stocks and its relatively cheaper. I usually dont go to big departmental stalls to get my bb stuffs and go for warehouse sales and small stores.

welcome angel kkk to our board.

I agree that the forum is a bit bonkas for me, i couldnt seem to log into it since yesterday 2pm.

melissa: no need to worry too much abt bb weight, if your gynae is not worried then so be it. It is all based on individuality, no need to compare ard. Sometimes its just not meaning the more food you eat, the more the bb grows. it could be more abt the absorption rate of the bb. For me, I have gained 5kg till far and bb is ard 1.5kg at week 29-30. As long as he grows more i am fine.I am just trying to balance all my herbal tonics and pu stuff to once a week or two..so i wouldnt over indulge and push cholesterol, blood pressure or diabetes into the picture which might makes things more complicated during delivery.

Like the girls here all say, its all abt moderation.

bluesoda, I got my doughnut gel pack from online from an overseas mummy brand (have other stuff from them, so was quite confident that their pdt is ok).

Jewel bought hers from a BP here. Hers cost less than mine (coz I had to pay for international shipping from Taiwan to Singapore), but hers is just the gel pack, mine has the fabric cover together w/ e gel pack.

Just sent u the pic over fb so u can see .... this is the one I bought.

Why am I sleepy even after catching up on sleep yesterday??

vallous, warehouse sale is good! But only v squeezy, that's all. But I think I find it v hard to resist buying things at warehouse sales.... it's the "cheaper now, just buy 1st", "sure will use next time" and "this will be good for Fren ABC/occasion XYZ" factors coming into play.

I was packing bb stuff and found my bag of stuff that I bought at the Pigeon warehouse sale earlier this yr. I bought the Pigeon manual breast pump, now I dunno wat to do w/ it since I have an electric one....


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb again. have added new items. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge.

items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs, items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls PM or SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do not leave postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them.

calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!


im abit confused here. jus wanna double cfm if any1 is ordering the doughnut gel pack. im keen to get one set too if any is also ordering.

to ease ergogement, best is to latch on den sure can release block ducts v fast. cos after 1st mth i seldom latch on, my bb kinda refuse to latch on. n wen i hv engogement he refuse to help. tell u all sthg... i ask my hb to help suck so as to ease engogement kinda immediate effect.

so a tip u gals can keep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun ever use cabbage to ease. tats to lessen milk supply

Cin_bunny >> I m going to tour MT A next sat. Do share on ur experience whn u r bk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thks.

Cabbage for breasts :

Oh no, if it reduce milk supply, I also don’t wan2 use. But whn I go for TMC’s pre natal class, we were advised to use cabbage leh. Hmm… I probably miss out the part on reducing milk supply. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mrs Lee: Ginko nut thins blood like aspirin, so don't overdose and not encouraged to eat especially before delivery or any operation- will cause oozing of blood and slower in clotting.

Tell me about it! Now I'm really huge, waddling everywhere, not walking!

jo: i also puzzled like mrs lee...why cannot eat gingko nut har?

whim: *hi5* back...i pm-ed u liao...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i got my combi stroller from tai sing...they don't give discounts but previously they had a promo where you can get 10% worth of rebate in combi products...so i chose feeding cups and spoons that may come in handy when baby gets older...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whim, tell me abt it.. am feelin real tired for the past few days!! always sleepy in the morning, noon n night! doze off even while watchin tv or waitin for hubby in the car.

jo, thats realli bad for me.. i shall avoid it, cos im havin low blood count. havin 2iron pills daily, i tink ginko will jus kill everything away. ha! thanks for the enlightenment. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

trismom, i guess thats jus no choice to ask hubby to help us. bet if we can reach our nip, we will do it our own! lol..

Tris_mom >> Thks for the tips. Ur hubby is ok to hlp? Hw does breast milk taste like? I heard tat it taste awful. Tonite I go ask hubby if he will hlp mi in future. Personally, even the sight of mine now turns mi off, esp w the darker and wider aerola, stretchmarks, veins and etc. I really hate to look into the mirror nw.

jo: just read your reply...i c...thanks..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just to share mummies...i was amazed to see my baby's hair from the normal black and white ultrasound....not 3d scan....doctor pointed out the white strands floating...hubby and i were so amused...and hubby super happy cos' he keep hoping she has quite a lot of hair...hahahaha...ger mah...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but can oni see the back part...hope its evenly distributed on the top too...kekeke...

Mrs Lee, Enmummy: Can eat just don't overdose and don't eat them before delivery or any surgery, really potent and can be dangerous.

Mrs Lee: Do you eat beef? They are good source of iron also; so is cod.

Melissa: Eat cheese and drink full cream milk, good source of calcium which we need now and post-birth. The baby's bone density will also be promising compared to added weight from fats.

Chris: If we eat sweets, the milk will taste sweet and if we eat fish oil, the milk will stink! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Overall, it's not creamy but blend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whoa enmummy, can see the hair from the normal scans? I often cant even make up what the heck i was looking at. Just rely on wat the doc says abt bb growth.

Chris: me too...i kinda dun like to see the sight of my two boobs..it does turns me off..other than the increase in boobs size...

melissa: if you arent drinking milk, perhaps you are like me - lactose intolerant. I dun drink milk too and am on calcium pills. Dont worry abt lack of calcium as the 2 pills are more than sufficient for the daily intake. Take normal food like ikan bilis or fortified tofu or soya bean milk. no need to take in excess , just in moderation.

Mount A classes also said using cabbage is good for relieving the breasts engorgement. But the nurse did say only when subsided, dun need to use anymore.

jo: actually when i eat fu zhok...i always leave the floating gingkos to hubby...haha...eat one or two oni...kekeke...so shud be alright...i like the creamy one at the wanzai hk cafe at imm...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vallous: yes we didn't expect to see it too...but gynae was trying to scan my baby's face and while waiting for her to turn...he saw the floating white strands and told us those are hair...hahaha...tink he can read our minds wor...cos' we were still thinking whether to ask him can see or not before the consultation...kekeke...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dolliepollie :

sorry for my last min reply. been away. unfortunately i cant join on mon night. in charge of dinner at home.

have fun!!!

enmummy, I emailed u the details on the thermometer liao, did it last nite. Did u receive my mail?

trismom, e doughnut gel pack, dun think anyone is selling/ordering in our thread. I can help u all order from the one that I'm getting but must tell u 1st not cheap coz I was asking ard in our thread previously whether anyone has seen a cheaper version of it. Think must ask Jewel what hers looks like and which BP she got hers from.

Mine will arrive, most prob end of the month (I think), can share pics of the actual pdt vs the original pic then.

Tris mom - your hb is so cute!! hahaha.. and very helpful!


TMC class said to use only 1 leaf / boob at most everyday. When the leaf becomes soft, then remove it from the boob. And don't buy lettuce instead of cabbage by mistake. keke.


Don't think it's a good idea to rebond before delivery. The chemicals is stronger than dye.


Actually you are right about pre-natal boob massage. It does helps in the milk flow. Only thing, difficult to do it post natal lor. Personally, my son was the best relieve for engorgement, he can really clear the breast when he latch :p Can use cabbage but the moment the engorgement subside, must remove the cabbages.


You'd tasted own BM like I did ? Whenever I need to go oversea for work then, I drink up my own breast milk (cos airline don't allow me to hand carry it and I don't trust checking them in). Generally it taste blend with slight sweet after taste. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes its impt to watch your food diet during breastfeeding, still must eat as per normal to improve milk supply and do not go on diet. Usually its more of gg back to shape easily and due to lack of sleep cos breastfeeding requires feed on demand. Lack of sleep will definately lead to drastic weight loss in the long run.


Baby not really bothered about the milk's taste. But we do have to watch what we eat as it goes to baby too. Like cannot wack too much on ginger or alcohol or heaty food cos it goes to baby too. Still in general , everything in moderation.

Chances are you'll feel hungry all the time and tends to eat more. Do remember to control when you intend to stop. I'd lost weight initially (below my pre-pregnant weight) but gained back more after I'd stop breastfeeding. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mrs Lee, I saw that you plan to book your BW on 2 Oct which is a Sat evening. Any mummies thinking of going on weekday evening which works better for me....Let me know. Can book together[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Some interesting article on BM,



Personally I'll spread some breast milk on my nipples after feeding, really helps to prevent sore nipple. No sore nipples for me during the whole breastfeeding period of 1 year plus [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Only pain come from the baby who had developed teeth and naughtily bite you to see your reaction [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha....ya lor...but my parents still rather fit lah...juz tat my MIL is much older tink abt 66 yrs old + she got high blood pressure and she is also taking medicine for her leg or wat lah...

Actually, we are used to travelling with my parents coz they can help to take care of my son mah....so we know wat to expect. In fact during our 1st trip to HK (my boy was 15th Mths old and cant walk properly yet), they help to carry and play wif him. Then when we gng for our 2nd trip to Penang, my MIL was very keen to join us, but as there is no one to share room wif her since my BIL do not wan to go for the trip, she did nt join us. then this time since we are staying in apartment and there is another room, so we ask her along lor. but still mainly is it my parent helping out to take care of my boy lah which we are more fang xin wif mah.

to me this trip is nt really one tat i really enjoy neither did my hb, but it was fine lah...as long as our boy is enjoying and also the old folks esp my MIL as this is her first trip wif my son mah. for me i am only glad tat there is no conflict between my parents and my MIL and it is nice to see that my parent will help to look after my MIL too.

Formula milk.

My boy was drinking Enfa when he was a baby. then later i switch to Friso for stage 2 lor. coz although Enfa is good, i find tat the milk is harder to dissolve and it is more pricey as compare to Friso lor...and my boy have stick to Friso till now.

Mrs Lee,

I am not sure abt the pricing for Honeypot but i find them more hyiene coz at least they got a toilet for u to clean up below first before they wax u lor....

Since my EDD is 25th Nov, think i likely gng for BW in early Nov ba...then I will call and check their pricing and slot lor...

enmummy, ur gynae scan machine so good.. can see hair somemore. me usually scan so express that i can hardly figure out what is what. i only focus on the heartbeat. tats all.

diana, ooh.. okok, cos pink parlour also allows u to take a shower before the treatment, so i dun mind goin back to them for 2nd time. hehee!

hpc, i dun mind weekday too, but gotta see which day. cos im workin on shift.

jo, jovialz, actually me intend to taste my BM too. hahah!! always been curious how it taste like. i would even think of drinkin the leftover since we can reheat or mix w other batch of BM. hahha.. ;p

i feel so demoralized...

Today is the 1st time i did pricked myself... i had 2 slice of wholemeal bread with margarine + a glass of HL milk as per nurse suggestion for breakfast and the result before meal is 5 mmg that is ok but after meal 2 hrs is 7.6mmg that is not good... and now i cant help but worry ...what must i do or eat to keep the sugar level low

i really dont want to reach a stage where i need to inject insulin

Mrs Lee,

Where is pink parlour? got website to see?

i also ever taste my own BM before and it taste sweet...guess it is wat u eat ba

ptb7476, *hugs.. dun get discourage. is HL milk high in sugar?? why not u change to other milk instead. cos i personally find HL milk sweet, vanilla taste v strong.

diana, yes they do.. u can try google. they have afew outlet. clarkequay, marina square, fareast n i tink Ion..


*Sayang* don't be demoralized. Could be the HL milk, I find it sweet too. Perhaps when you go grocery shopping, compare the sugar level for different type of milk.


Are you girl buying those pigeon cloth nappies ? I was washing my son's baby stuff in preparation for my girl, I'd wash quite a bit of the cloth nappies. I didn't use them as cloth diaper but used them as burp cloth (just fold into 1/3 size) and swaddle. Very useful and after wash it drys very fast (fast turnaround). I'd tried both pigeon and tollyjoy, I find pigeon's quality is better and don't fray.

