(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


actually he does. even went through a great length what's the advantage and disadvantage of each formula type. but i can understand that he's very supportive of breastfeeding, especially since his wife is a La Leche League leader so he has this image to upkeep. of course, must take it with a pinch of salt. you're right it doesn't make fm baby any stupid and bf baby any smarter. he laid the facts, you be the judge. there are other factors, such as nurture, genes, environment, etc. i thought i'd put that up for mommies like Marissa to defend against anti-breastfeeding mothers or mils.



Let's meet when our babes are more 'stable' in their characters then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Seems like we have quite a number of west side mummies! Glad to know that Kayden is ok with paci and is crying lesser. So hard to do anything else when baby is crying non stop! Don't worry abt the paci mark on the face. NUK also leaving marks on Jadelyn's face everytime she sucks on it. But it's ok one lah.


Thanks for sharing that article. It's true that BM is best lor. Just hope the older generation will see it and stop pressurizing those who try hard in bfing to give FM instead.


Yah lor, we are very fortunate to be in the era where FM is readily available. Last time mummies who didnt have enough BM went under tremendous pressure and heartache.

Hi hi,

I am so tired recently. This girl of mine dun seems to sleep well in the daytime. Want to nap, made lots of noise but after dozing off for a few minutes, she will do some stretching and then eyes big big liao. Until later afternoon ard 4 or 5+pm, she will KO And start her sleeping marathon. Then comes my nightmare! After her night feed ard 3 or 4+am, she will start fussing and refused to sleep!! Carry her, sleep, put down, fuss. I am so tired just handling her from 4+am till morning!!! Sigh... I really dun know how leh... Anyone can help?


Yeah... Long time no "see"! Taking care of boy boy different hor? I now taking care of girl girl also headache. My boy seems to be easier leh.


Yah I think as mummies we surely want the best for our child. So don't care what those older generation think abt bfg lah. They will nv understand if they are set to be against it in the first place. As long as we know how best to provide for our child. As mummies we try our best lor! It can be frustrating to "battle" against such mil or mums but if it's for the best of the child, just stick to it!!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Rhea suddenly like that or all along already had this sleep pattern? Cld she be uncomfortable or gassy after her night feed? Try massage?


Dun know leh, she only started this pattern last week I think. We did notice that she fart a lot and we gave her colic drops too. Running out of things to try. Massage ah? I dun know how leh...


Yes, I also first time mom, so always need to research on what to do to cope better, super blur sometimes!


My gal same pattern as Urs previously n napping used yo be impossible until I swaddled her hands. It's becoz my gal is more prone to startling (Moro reflex) in the daytime. Some worry about addiction but more important to get bb biological clock used to napping and besides, Moro reflex will disappear gradually. I also "staggered" her feed vol. I feed less during the 7pm feed so can end up ending more during 12pm feed.

which makes bb more sleepy and want to sleep immediately. Can try? Of course another common solution is yaolan in

daytime. I have not tried that as swatting has worked.

Re diaper sales

Ian, not sure is it pack of 72. Thunk it is. I'll check out & update.

Marrissa, cold storage selling MP $20.70? That's even cheaper leh! 72pc? Hee...

Struggling with bb after his feed. Eyes big big!

I think he has caught my flu! Can hear his stuffy nose. Boohoo. I tot bf babies shld hv stronger immunity. Chey!

Hi Bblin, the blisters will take a few days to heal. Like what fifi said, bb can open up the blisters, same as what I mean by bursting. :p

After pumping/latching, my boobs always felt very sore, the pain will only go away 2 hours later... haiz, I can't even sleep properly. Anyone feels this way?

My bb went for his DPT/DT - 1st Dose (2 jabs on his left and right thigh) and Oral Sabin - 1st Dose here in the US. What a challenging day yesterday.. I even went out to buy fever medicine for infant cos doctor said some babies might have fever. After his jabs, we tried to give him formula milk at the clinic and he vomited. When we got home, he was on EBM whole day whole night and he finally got better today. Haiz... really dislike bringing bb for immunisations though I know its a must.

Morning all!

Zuen, my thots exactly on the possible blockage. The baby shd be the best pump right? Anyhow I decided to see a LC next wk. Cos my inefficient boob is now decreasing amt! And my boy refuses to drink fm now when I tried to feed him. Will get my mum to give him the fm to see if its me or the fm. He has been ok with the 1 feed of fm for quite a while til he suddenly decide he rather go hungry for that night feed abt 1 week ago,

Apple/marrisa,hee...you might be right. I'm just surprised that at barely 3mths old, he will show such signs of missing me. My elder boy never really showed that to me.

Vivian, oh dear... I hate being waked up at the hour! Cannot let her cry it out?

Talking abt CIO, last night I thought I made my baby lose his voice. I dozed off while letting him CIO and when I woke up abt 30mins later, he was totally silent but fidgeting. Felt so guilty. But at 5plus he let out his loud cries again. Hee...was still thinking how to confess to my hubby abt it. :p

Zuen, my bf baby also caught my flu! Paed was asking who the 'culprit' was. Tells me will take 2-3 weeks to fully recover. Sianzzz


U oso one side ss significantly lesser? Share wif me ur findings ya, whether it is really blockage.

Take 2 to 3 weeks! Faint lor. His stuffy nose sounds bad, so poor thing.


you bulb syringe to suck his mucus out. i use the pigeon one to suck. let him latch often. drink more helps to clear his nose too. my boy recover in 1 -2 week. think depends on inidividual condition. pd may want to play safe by saying 2-3 weeks.

meeting in the west:

Starry, zuen,

want to meet next wed or thurs?


yes, you may want to change a bigger diaper. can you give me the contact of your massage lady who use hotstone to massage breast? i having block ducts. cant clear them myself. sms my m. she didnt reply. sian

Elle: me! My boobs still painful during n aft pumping & i can't figure out y. Tot shield too small So bought bigger ones but stil pain I now hv all sizes of medela breast shield n stil

Painful! I give up already jus grit teeth n pump...


Next Thursday is good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] JP again?


Tried pet pet, but find it very thick. Still prefer drypers.


U found pet pet to be better? Not thick mah? It's like very bulky on my girl's bum leh.

Re: stuffy nose

Jadelyn's nose get partially blocked sometimes and I use the cotton bud for babies to dig the pi sai out. It doesn't hurt cos she didn't struggle when I dug her nose few days ago. She guai guai lie down there for me to dig! Her pi sai is the sticky type. But if mucus then better use the bulb sucker..


YouTube has a lot baby massage videos. Or try playing baby music for Rhea? It works for Jadelyn when she's cranky.


It's ok for my boy when he was younger. In fact, drypers doesn't suit him.


issi ok to take flu med when breastfeeding? Will affect baby?

Shireen: both breast n nipple. Nipple can feel it's because of the pump suction n rubbing but I'm only using lvl 4. Breast very achy aft pumping like pump too much. Might be blocks I tried clearing them but stil same lei.

Shireen: I wana meet again too! But thur can't [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] wed I m free though n hb off so he can take care of bb n I m free to chat! Hehe.


Boohoo, later I go n buy.

Sad lah, I tot bf bbs are stronger. I don't rem dd falling sick in her 1st yr.


I dun mind thur n dun mind jp. Will be bringing Isaac for vaccination next tue. I hope all will b ok by then. But don't know if Isaac can go for vaccination if he has flu.


I never take medicine wor. I only have sore throat n mild flu. If u want to take medicine, better see doc n not those off the shelf. But I noe panadol is safe for bf.

Zuen, trying to make appt with LC now... For the stuffy nose, my paed prescribed nose drops. He advised not to dig out the mucus cos might damage their nose lining since everything is in mini-size. I also thot bf enables stronger. My elder son didn't fall sick Sunnis first year either.


Must check with ur doc whether can or not. There are some prescription drugs for flu symptoms (drowsy type) that are not suitable for bfing. That time I had eye infection and the doc gave me a pill which is commonly used to treat flu symptoms also. She gave me the weakest med as the rest she typically gives are not safe for bfing mums.


I don't think tbf-ed babies are 100% immune to viruses out there, even those common flu. Viruses also mutate and get stronger mah. And in fact, I read that as babies grow, they will catch some viruses but their little bodies will learn to produce antibodies to fight these viruses. So it is not entirely a bad thing for babies to fall sick. Of course I'm talking about common flus and colds that are fatal lah.

Ade, starry

is the cut like mp/nepia(wide) or huggies/drypers (long)?

Drypers does not suit my boy.. Alway leave red elastic mark on his thigh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I tried nepia n goon but cant hold much. At least every 2-3 hr now i change during the day. His pee really a lot.. Sometimes mp maybe 3/4 full every 2~3 hrs.

is there any other cheap brands?

ZuEn> strangely, my bigger boobs produce less BM.. Maybe got blocks.. I thought it's my Avent pump that can't pump it out, but Ameda pump also the same :S. Can't pump the hard part in my bigger boobs.

Bblin> my Avent pump is ok one..

OMG!!! I just received brochure from robinsons, ameda lactaline is 299 for cardmembers!!! I just bought last Saturday leh... Really very unfortunate.. Rugi almost $100!!!

zuen, stella, starry, babydes,

i am ok on wed too. i will bring bb. milk ss falling. need him to SUCK.


did u use hot massage your breast with hot towel before pump? hand express some milk until your breast become more tender then express. maybe this will help.

Destitonia, can share with me your ML contact also? Think mine gone on holiday cos her phone is switched off these couple of days.

Ann, nepia n goon no good? Headed good things abt them but never tried before. Now Ntuc having special for dryers weewee dry mega packs - 2 for $32.45.

Stella, we are in the same boat! I was using Avent electric pump before I changed to Medela freestyle. The pain from Avent was worse actually, like the pain will spread from the breasts all the way to my shoulder and arm, kind of cramp up the area. I think it got to do with the sensitive veins running across our chests. I felt better with Medela cos the pumping session is much shorter, about 20 mins max, before that was an hour at least. With Medela, the pain only comes an hour after pumping, like the breasts are filling up with milk again. Wearing bra also uncomfortable but I still want to persevere for bb...

just came back from jurong point. JL having sale on Thomas and friends romper set. 1 set with 7 rompers ( mon to sun) cost $29.90. very nice and cute. they have size for 6M, 12M and 18M. I wanted to buy 6M but worry too many and my ds willl outgrow. He has many hands me down from his gor gor too. so being a Kiasu mummy, i bought size 12M. but hor, i still tempting to get the 6M. can wear for Xmas.

Zuen, Stella,

anyone interested to share romper set with me? i take picture for you see. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi long time not in forum as was busy nursing baby back to health.

He was down with flu virus and was warded for a week in KKH for monitor (as he develop a fever), lost his voice (almost totally) and to open up his air ways (he got bad block nose).

finally after 2 weeks he sort of self-recovered [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Sort of as I brought him to chinese sin seh since the western doc said no medicine for babies under 6 mths besides nose drops.


Aiyo, $299 only??!! Waste $$ but I couldn't wait. Hoho.


Take photo lah. I dun mind sharing.


Need to admit kkh? How come? I tot flu will recover by itself? Wat makes u send bb to kkh? Fever?

Gathering @ West side

Should we do the gathering at somebody's place?

Groovy, Hee I Thot your avent pump spolit too. Sorry!

Sigh... Nipple still pain! Last nite i tried to clear away the blister & i can see more milk flowing out when i pump. Really dare not let my boy latch now. Too painful le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] boohoo


$299 so cheap? That time saw at Taka baby fair selling at $399, almost wanted to buy but went to get Medela freestyle instead.


I had milk blisters once a few weeks ago too. But not painful, just felt a little tender when I touched. It cleared on it own after 2-3 pumping sessions. Don't prick it ok? Try rolling your nipples between your fingers to clear it. Since so painful, don't latch ur boy. Keep pumping and it will go away on it's own. Jia you!


Gd idea to meet up at someone's place too. Wld love to open up my house but unfortunately it's in a mess now and we'll only be back on Tues from M'sia so tidying definitely cannot be done by Wed afternoon.


On Thomas rompers on sale? Anything for little girls?


Hoe ur boy recovers 100% soon! Must have been a very tirin week for u while he was warded for a week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Glad that he's better already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The pet pet diapers are almost identical to drypers. But texture feels different. U want to try some? I can pass u 10 pcs or so to try out as I have excess. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You can try NTUC brand like what Ian said. Or try Piccolo, new one from Italy. Giant and Carrefour have it. It's very thin and holds pee very very well. Price is like Mamy Poko.


Heard that ntuc brand ones are very bulky. I think diapers are also 一分钱一分货.. Gotta pay for quality.

Re : diapers

I quite like piccolo...tried 2 sample pieces. Didn't know it's same price as mp... It's quite good. Ued it for overnight...more than 12 hours..can really hold the pee n not bulky after that

I oso dun mind opening up my plc but I m bringing Isaac for vaccination on tue and worried that he will b running a temperature on wed. If that happens, I dun think I can join e gathering. Any western mummies can open up their plc? Otherwise, we stick to jp?


U mean u got married mid 2008 too or we really share the same date? Hehe


Nepia is really soft n similar to goon n mamy poko. But i found both very thin.

My son use nepia nb which is good coz change often. But after passing 2 weeks plus... Leakage! So is goon. For goon i only try 2 samples n both leak after 2hrs.


So the cutting is same to drypers? Dont mind having some samples from u but why jadelyn did not use them? If to small for her then definitely cannot fit my boy.. Hahaha..

Ntuc brand,

My hubby's colleague said that the gel even fell out of the diaper hahaha.. But quite cheap right, abt 10+ for 60 diapers??

Ian, u hv try ntuc brand before?


Price cheaper than mp? Or exactly the same abt 30cents per pcs?

Actuallu i wanted to search for cheaper substitute for mp during the day. Used to use cloth diaper but now with my condition quite lazy to wash the poo n putting them into washing machine. Have to bend down etc. Also, my mum refuse to use he one size cloth diaper.. She said its too complicated n she also doesnt want to do the laundry for it.. Hehehe..


Hope isaac will recover soon.


Glad that ur bby has recovered. Really heart pain to see little one suffer n hv to be hospitalised some more.


I sort of tried massaging my boy before but he is very ticklish. Will wriggle n stretch everytime i touch him.

Anyone tried massage at baby spa? I hvnt got a chance to bring baby there to swim n get massaged. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but my friend said that during thr massage session her baby farted n burped all along.


If u think ur baby is gassy, other method to help bby let out gas is through baby exercise. U can google baby yoga n see some video. I do not know whetehr it works on my baby but i do it for the fun of it n he also likes it when i try to stretch him all over..

Emmie, Ann,

Piccolo is ard same price as MP.. Saw it on sale at $16+ for 48 pcs (42 + 6 free). Works out to be abt 30cts+ per pc. But if can last 12 hrs without leaking and not bulky, I think it is very cost effective!


Jadelyn doesn't seem to like pet pet! She will fuss and wants a diaper change before the pet pet diaper is full. Found out after some trial and error. She's ok with drypers though. But when it gets too full, it will leave red marks on her thighs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I have quite a number of one-size cloth diapers. Will let Jadelyn try them soon. But yeah, the washing part is quite difficult if on 100% cloth diapers. Ian, ur boy still on clothies?

What luck, been trying to post message since yesterday.

Buddy, Welcome. Thanks for the infomation and lobang. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Gathering @west:

i don't mind open my house as back up if zuen cant make it. i have to say my house is super messy one.


will upload picture later. i am busy pumping now. today very sad. i normally can pump at least 100ml after latch. now ss drop until 50ml. this is the result of laziness. have to start up my ss. if not, when i get back to work, ss surely not enough.


there is only thomas romper set on the carts. didn't see gal's rompers. no need to worry. there are so many nice gal gal clothes available. Fox is having sale too.


i tried many brands of diapers before. My personal favourite are Pampers and Goo.N. They are good for night use but they are ex.

Huggies has high cut and is quite good when baby 4 -5 month old cos my breastfed #1 has big thighs. Mamy Poko is value for money. I will try Picolo

