(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


Today's an exciting day! Hope your wife has a smooth delivery! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ian ...

Good luck to ur wife ... so ur lil tiger decided to come out 'on time'

Princess Dia & Jac ...

The pump worked again when my hubby tried ... the motor just worked when my hubby plug in. He gve me that ... 'woman *shake head* - look' going to keep trying these few days cos wan pump out b4 massage to make sure everything ok.

Re: bb crying during bath

Mine v funny lar ... Cry bcos she wan to bath (when the time approaches) but once bath oso cry!! Can tear the hse down!!

Xin2 ...

Hope tt ur dr can remove the bag for u and ur bladder wld have recovered n able to function normally.

Sundrop ...

You rest well n just monitor ur bb bellybutton. Nothing much u can do except to keep the area clean n dry.

morning all...

ian, so today's the day! Exciting! quickly eat your breakfast hor. Dun be like my husband... for my first one, we had to wait for him to come back from breakfast before i can start pushing!

groovy, I hear you! my boy has been waking up almost every hour to nurse for the past few nights! I'm dogtired and cranky thanks to him! And this morning he starts to merlion alittle. Sigh... now he's finally sleeping. too tired i guess.

Gd Morning Mummies and Ian

Ian, u'r going to see your baby soon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jia you, u gotta support ur wife. May she has a smooth delivery


1st bb can take quite long to dilate. My #1 took about 15hours to come out! Wish her a smooth delivery.

Hi mummies,

anyone tried Four Seasons catering? They have this baby full month package which include red eggs, glutinous rice and ang ku kueh,plus 6 dishes, 2 desserts and 1 drink fro 13.88+gst pax.

Dunno whether to get this or get a normal buffet and get the red eggs,glutinous rice and kueh elsewhere.

If we invite guests for buffet already still need to give them the cake box? Hubby and I were thinking just invite for buffet and do away with cake box.


should be very fast le. You really reporting 'live' lei. Haha focus ALL your attention on your wife now. You can report after your baby's out.Jiayou!

nycmum, she's 'asleep' now~ just beside me only [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


For us, we only give cake boxes to those who can't attend the celebration.


Dun worry too much, am sure yr bb's belly button will heal soon.


Hope everything is ok for u after the removal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cyn, Momotan, Pinky, Xin and those facing MIL woes..

Juz open and close one eye, one ear in and the other out! hahaha

Remember nxt time we are oso going to be someone's MIL so muz take note dun repeat the mistake tis generation MILs do *wink*

Hi snoopy, thk u for e well wishes. If u updating e table again, my edd was 5 nov, with dr lawrence Ang, 32 tis year with one 3 year old boy. I located in woodlands.

Xin: how u get such gd supply? I been taking fenugreek, pumping only can get max 45 ml fr both sides when pump 30 mins..

Groovy, I usually bring my elder son to Baby Bear clinic. It's at woodlands dr 82. The dr not bad cos my boy fr young recover when take his medication.

Wah .. E thread move very fast cannot catch up!

Hi mommies!

Ian, bb is making you very anxious ya! All the best!

Irish, read your reply on the test that you din go for jaundice. I skip the test too. Thinking to bring my boy to see a PD to access his growth. Did anyone do that? Hmm... I also duno hw to know if his jaundice is cleared.

Re childcare centre...

Btw, saw you posting on the lookout of childcare centre for your boy. So serious the classes so full??? Which child care centre you intend to put him in??

Suwaiwai, last tue my boy jaundice reading is 128 & he's 6wks old le. Abt the same reading as yours. He dun look yellowish to us. Dun be bothered if anyone commented your bb look yellowish. Jaundice is common with newborns. When is your bb full mth day?

Hi destitonia!

We see the same gynae n stayed same location.

The clinic you bot your #1 is at where? Blk? Hv you heard of this clinic @ 888. He's not PD but my fren said alot children patients there. Consultation also cheaper.

So now you are having a bb boy or girl? Congrats ya!

Thanks, btw isit really necessary to express every 2-3 hours to keep milk flow gg? I'm exhausted w all the pumping and feeding but my flow seems to be decreasing. My boy latches on but only on 1 side n he never empties my breast, always falls asleep.Even w the fenugreek and previously a pill my gynae recommended. Express til my nipples sore oso no use. So depressing...

thanks snoopy & bluey for the update!~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks bblin!~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats, Ian!

How heavy was Baby Wui supposed to be? Saw e fb pic of him on e weighing scale.

I'm going to be induced for labour tomorrow...

Yeah, still thinking what to eat before tomorrow.

Think calamari and scallops are both no-no food during confinement. Ate prawns just now for lunch... there's only dinner and breakfast left!

Am still keeping my fingers crossed that I will somehow dilate during the night, so maybe tomorrow, I dun have to be induced, but can go for vaginal labour.


I'm planning to see a PD about the growth assessment thingy too. Perhaps then will be a good time to ask the PD about jaundice. Not sure when is a good time for the assessment tho. How old does the baby have to be?

Grace still has a yellow tint but its getting better. We tried to feed her FM for the 1st time last night, the plan is once per day at night so that we can help to bring down the jaundice and for us to sleep longer too. But she woke up within 2 hrs le!! I tot FM suppose to make them sleep longer? haha HB and I felt so cheated!


Congrat Ian and hello Xavier! Must take good care of Xavier's mama [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Im going to visit my usual PD next month for 6in1 vaccination which include 2nd dose hepatitis B, usually PD will do a growth assessment on every visit.

Re childcare centre.

Yes it is..all the classes full le for babies born in 2009, my friend just told me that all childcare in sembawang area forever always full have to put on wait list. I intend to put him at my little campus just next block from my house, anyway i just managed to confirm his nursery 1 enrolment for yr 2012 when he is 3yo and also to reserve for lujayne for yr 2013. Think woodlands area also having same problem leh, enrolment open next year for our 2010 babes if u wanna find one near your place think u have to check it out now..btw u will have priority if if any sibling already in childcare.

As for now i can only send him to various playgroup programme till he turns 3...


U must be excited! All the best for tmr delivery! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also not sure when is best time to bring for growth assessment. How old is Grace?

Normally she is on tbm?how long she ask for next feed? How much you given fm to her? For me, BF last 2hrs, FM 3hrs...

Re diff bt pram and stroller

Any differences?

congrats Ian and wife!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: childcare

Wahhhh need to book place 3 yrs in advance???? Then what?? I've to start thinking abt it now?? Hahahaha

I just had my first massage today... Shiok shiok!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] although a bit uncomfy when she massaging my tummy... She say got water and wind inside.. Haha... The long cloth she use to bind the tummy quite effective ah...

Time flies so quickly... Just some time ago we were all chatting abt gatherings etc... Then now... More or less most of us has given birth and so bz with our little ones... And it's gonna be nov Liao... So so so fast!!! It's like I was just pregnant ytd... Haha![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes u have to start thinking le...seriously no joke. Its never cross my mind until my girlfriend was telling me how come i did not book a place in advance for my boy and i replied her Siao ah! dont be so kiasu still early leh! Scarly end up now im scratching my head! ~~~


Ok.. This is scary!!! But better to be kiasu than not right?? In that case, I better start reading up abt such things... Must have 5 yr plan!!! Hahaha... Plus plan the route to what pri sch he shld go too... Ohh man!! Usually never occur to new moms that need to think of such issues when child is barely a month old... Lol [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Childcare placement problem is I encounter last yr dec. That time I am trying to conceive but we know nobody can help take care of my girl if have another bb so we intend to put her in cc by this year Jan but the cc next to my blk fully booked. I thought it is not those famous cc so shouldn't have prob enrolling her, who know principal told us try the little skool in marsiling but I don't want. So we appeal to the principal by cheating her with some reason in order to get my girl in this yr January. Really lucky appeal letter approve by ministry that why I am lucky my girl can get in this Jan while I am successful in conceiving. And now we also have put Jaren in 2013 list in the cc already.


If u already have intention to put into cc, u have to start looking ard n book a place

congrats Ian n welcome bb Xavier !!

Finally !!! Hope your wife is doing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Where do you intend to put your child at ?

It's not kiasu lor ... Seriously.. Really gotta think wwaaaasyyyyy ahead !! Jade had a seat at Z

Chiltern House but after signing in ... We didn't get good feedback for the east coast center [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

So we look around now n no seat available for her ! No choice but to out her on waiting list n play by ear ! Double stress!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Congrats ian!!

Ladies, can i jus confirm.. I read dat its ok to bf even when mommy is having fever or flu coz the antibodies produce while sick will flow to baby..? Im having flu from

lack of sleep. Din latch directly but still pumping

Mommies, my boy has been crying after feeding (latching) for an hr... Wonder really I not enuff milk or wat. I really feel frustrated and despair lo! I can't stop him from crying lo!! I pass him to my parents to settle him... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I didnt know childcare is so in demand now leh! How old was sherry when she enrolled? Which childcare did u send to in woodlands?

Princess D

Oh i didnt know u in this stress too! haha think many mommies are in same dilemma! Luckily I just confirmed a place at My Little Campus for nursery 1 in 2012 for my boy, heard positive feedback on this CC and its just next to my block its more for convenient sake. I thought Chiltern House is good? is it a subsidary of JG? Intended to send him for 18mths and above toddler playgroup in CC but totally no place so for now i may send him to JG playnest first and play by ear next till he turns 3years old.


I bf/latch on directly still when i had fever,flu and cough!I took antibiotics tat is suitable for bfg ...check with your doc...My doc encouraged me to bf and don't stop!Everything was fine[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

However i know many gp's will ask you to stop![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Is he not feeling uncomfortable?did you changed him?gassy tummy or need to be cuddle or burp?


dun stress. it happens tome too. sometimes my mom has to take over. we are still learning,

grace is 4 wks now. her 1s mth party is tomor!

I usually feed her 100ml ebm, not sure if i shld feed her the same amt fm or follow the instructions on the tin


yep!It is subsidary of JG and bcos she was ex student of JG she gotten a place for next year N1!i thought i were lucky enough not to go through all the searching...arrghh!!!heard there's a management changed in East Coast CH..and therefore many new teachers![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Some of my friends opt their chidlren out half way!

I am looking at NAFA,Lorna Whiston or Odessey now...Had put JAde's name in NAFA but doubt can get a place la...LONG LONG LONG waiting list lor!If can get half way nex tyear,will for go the deposits n put her there...she is crazy over ballet now..so thought that the activities provided are pretty ok,i don't mind changing![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Kiasu abit..next mth will visit the new centre of Lorna Whiston in East Coast..will put her name there too!hahahaha...Heck la..whoever reply i will put her there..Crossing my fingers now!!!

i ve got craving for chicken meat!!crazy rite????

Jsut now went for Kenny Rogers for lunch and now im gonna eat KFC!!HB think im crazy!!!Chicken MeaL!!whahahahahhaha...

Princess d, suwaiwai,

Duno why he cranky.. Top up and he took 20ml FM and he's

fine le... He wet his cloth diaper. Changed him le. Right now he just wan to be carried. put in down on rocker dun wan... In the Yao LAN also dun wan. Once carry him, he's ok le. Headache ahhh!!!

Congrats Ian & wifey!

Bblin, my second is a boy also ;) The pd I always go to is at blk 849. I brought my #1 to see gp at woodlands mart before couple of times but always end up waste $$ cos he doesn't get better. Then I have to bring him see pd eventually. But pd super ex, tts why must take gd care of him if not one time go pd I go broke!

Snoopy for yr record purpose, my boy is 52cm and 3.855kg


He just want to be cuddled...Meghan was like dat last week!heehee..so we jsut carry and put her down n repeat until our backache!this week was okay abit...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]take care.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh yes Grace is gg thru this stage too! Yest morning, I did the pick up from cot, put back to cot 4x within 1 hr! Today I had to eat my lunch with her in a sling... give up. If not I have no peace so I decided carry la.. but it comes and goes.. so I hope it just a passing phase

