(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

morning all!

sigh...my boy started to cry just as we were leaving the house for the schbus pickup. Kept telling me he doesn't like the sch cos he prefers his old one (which is not possible to go back to now). sian ah! Hopefully he will cheer up by the time he reached soon. Going to bring a cake to sch to celebrate his birthday today.

morning Ian n ladies.

Ian u not working today rite?

Emmie, I guess give him some time, he will learn to adapt, cos there is no other choice also?


thanks for organizing! I'm game for dim sum too! But where has good dim sum? I'm not familiar with dim sum high tea. Usually order ala carte but end up quite ex cos will eat a lot.. We can have ice cream after that but depends on where we are bah.. Ben & Jerry's and Haagen Daz are ok also. If wanna stick to swensen's dinner & buffet I'm good too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so set arh! I'll take half day next Wednesday le!!

Princess d,

looking forward to meeting jade! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


is this his first few days at the new school? Hope he'll cheer up once he sees the cake later!


this is his first week at this new sch. Now I'm reading online that there are actually bad reviews of this sch which is not helping. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

apple, there is always the choice of pulling him out and putting him in another school which i may go through the same thing of him not liking it.

Emmie, I guess got to trial and error, I am sure so many sch in Sg, there will be one that he like. Sometimes it is gd to learn the skill o adapability too, thou is hard. One who can adapt well n fast will reap many benefit. For me I can't really adjust very well n quick too. Jia you jia you. Once he settle in, everything will be smooth smooth.

Jac, I m worried abt my tolerance level for d day. Cos I hope everything can be natural without epidral but the checking cervix part I already ouch ouch uncomfortable Liao... Can't imaging giving birth.....

Cherry, can provide more details so that we can help? I only Noe the common one like goggle, yahoo etc. Wikipedia? What kind of info u need?

Okie, I declare I beengoing to the toliet to pee every 15mins. Now I m going AGAIN.


I need databases on some truth n facts to support and sumit a report to my firm. apple, i have tried yahoo, google n wiki.. not relevant for me. that's y need to ask if anyone knows of any other search engine.

Morning all ...

Yesterday had a terrible evening ... had my lunch at 12pm and didnt eat anything till my hubby was back and we went for dinner.

While waiting in the Q ... started feeling weak and breaking out in cold sweat ... think I was too hungry. Had dinner ... tot felt better bt after Q-ing up to pay the bill ... started to feel giddy and break out in cold sweat AGAIN!!

When I reached home ... puke puke puke *sigh*

Hope that today will be a better day for me =p

Let me know the dates ... if dim sum will have to be lunch right??

Wan Hao at Marriott serves Dim Sum buffet on weekday but dunno the price ... if keen then I call and check later =0

good morning ladies n Ian


A dim sum lunch Is great cos we ve Bern talking about it so much n I think we should go for it this time ! Wahaha ...

For wed, i might leave jade with HB but dun think can stay out late because I want to spent some quality time with HB n jade Alone before HB leaving for a long working trip on thurs[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If it's on thurs or fri, I m free! Yes, will be bringing jade out as well n meet all the beautiful mommies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shirlz ,

Yea, think is the same thing they applied on me la.. Dunno that's ice cream lor! Lol!!!!!


We ve been talking bout dim sum so much n I think we MUST go for it this time!Any votes for DS????[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lately been feeling restless ... Trying to fall asleep is a pain![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Can't toss n turn n feel terribly hot even in an aircon room with temp of 19deg[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Feet are cold but body is hot! Feeling abdolutely lousy ESP when night comes[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


morning mummies and Ian,

sigh sigh sigh...... i v v sian at hm. It's the 3th day and the town council still continue to do the drilling work at my blk. tak boleh tahan the drilling sound. Don't know when can they finish the drilling part. Hb tell me to go library to rest n relax but i v lazy to step out of the hse today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


hahaha actually i'm going to post the huggies link for free sample here too. i just requested already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ok mummies.. Thanks for the response [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'll be out in the morning till late noon so keep ur suggestions coming and I will be back to consolidate!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If dim sum there's a very nice dim sum place called taste paradise at ion. Tested and proven by my family [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] haha quite affordable too. I need to check what time the dim sum is available until [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the porridge, egg tarts etc.. Heavenly!! Slurps

I will be back later! Meanwhile have a great Friday.


Pls take care!

Morning Ladies & Ian,

I can join if it is lunch instead of dinner. But won't be free on fri.

Princess D; Yah, it's been so hard for me to sleep too. When i lie on my side, bb press on my nerves, and i can't even lift up my leg to hug the bolster. Have to ask hb to help me into position instead. Sometime even cannot get up from bed, have to call for help and get someone to push me up.

Seabreeze: Hope you are much better today!

Shin: I have the hanamuguri Carrier. I used it on my boy after he is 9mths old. it's not suitable to use for bb, esp when they still dunno how to control their head movement and the carrier doesn't really have much support. Quite difficult to get him in & out of the carrier esp when he have long legs. I used it becoz it's getting difficult to put him in the MIM sling coz he knows how to wriggle out of it.

Emmie: Did you attend sch with him on the 1st 3 days? Probably different ppl have different expectation, so it might not be bad review after all. How old is ur boy now? Probably ask him why he doesn't like this sch and see what he said. It might be because he is still new there and doesn't have much friends.

dim sum

I just called taste paradise and yep, ds only available in the afternoon. Oppening hrs 11 plus till 3pm. Last order at 230pm.

re: dim sum buffet

shall we go Pine Court (Meritus Mandarin Singapore)? seems like the reviews there are fantastic. and it's dim sum buffet. but i'm not sure if they do for weekdays anymore 'cos website indicates for weekends only. anyone knows?


thanks for sharing the link! 10 free pcs is a lot. most only give like 2-3 pcs.

Tiffy ...

Used my hubby's name for my own address =)

So far so good ... think I was too too hungry last night but these days have been more prone to puking at night too *sigh*

Reminds me of my 1st tri ... sianzzz


you at work? hope you are resting..

princess d,

i feel the same at night. hubby will be huddled under the comforter but whole night i go without 'cos really HOT!! when i wake up i still need to on the fan in the room when hubby keep complaining he's damn cold. i told him i have a built-in warmer right now. heh heh! anyway, night time can't really sleep also.. if i stretch my legs, the calve muscles will strain till wanna cramp. every night like that without fail. sian...

Jac ...

Working working cos my staff is going off to support SYOG for the next few weeks ... I need to make sure that she do a proper handover to ME. So the next few weeks will be crazy ... do my own work and cover her work *sigh*

BUT if I can ... I will take half day to join u ladies for lunch cos I am really v tired!! Need to take a break =p

And yes ... I get cramp whenever I stretch my leg but once I get cramp ... instead of waking my hubby up (cos he will make lotsa noise though he will help to massage) I realise that just stand up will help to 'cure' the cramp q instantly.

Cant wait to pop and yet I am prob one of the latest in this thread cos my EDD is 30 Oct =p


Aiyo, I m gg to enroll my dd in pre-nursery next year too n it is a diff sch from her current playgroup. My dd adores her teachers now! I think I will have prob getting her to adapt to e new school then. She's timid n shy by nature. She took a few months to adapt to this playgroup. E teachers actually allowed my helper to stay inside e class for a few months n this helped to ease her anxiety. I think we wun have this flexibility with the pre-nursery. Die liao.

Jac ...

Here are the details from Pine Court ... dun think they have weekday buffet


Head up 35 stories of the Orchard Wing and arrive in style at Pine Court Chinese Restaurant, the home of authentic Cantonese cuisine.

Traditional recipes take on a refreshing interpretation featuring signature dishes such as Classic Peking Duck, Baked Champagne-glazed Rib with Lily Bud and Fried Rice with Fish Roe and Crab Meat.

Otherwise, indulge in a sumptuous Weekend A La Carte Dim Sum Lunch Buffet featuring an unlimited range of dim sum delights at $48++.

Operating Hours

A la Carte Lunch

Monday – Friday

12pm - 3pm, last order at 2.15pm

A la Carte Lunch & Weekend A La Carte Dim Sum Lunch Buffet

Saturday, Sunday & public holiday

1st seating: 11.30am to 1.15pm

2nd seating: 1.30pm to 2.45pm

A la Carte Dinner


6.30pm to 10.30pm, last order at 10.15pm

Dining Reservations: 6831 6288/66

Email: [email protected]


Hope you feel better tdy! It's Friday! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


For that H carrier, it's not suitable for NB, baby must be at least 6 mths older or so before u can put your baby inside it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ade, i only stayed for less than 2 hrs on the first day cos my boy started to get very clingy and teary even though he was so excited that morning when we headed out. He's the sort who needs to be thrown in to sink/swim. Once I'm around, no teachers can get his attention. It was only at his last school that he changed for the better. Less clingy. I do know it's a tough adjustment for him. That's why I'm also reluctant to pull him out so soon. Scared it will be a never-ending cycle.

ZuEn, I can only wish you luck. Soemtimes it just takes that one teacher to make the child feel good or bad.

apple, I'm waiting for things to work out smoothly SOON!!! wouldn't have the energy to think about these in no time when the baby comes. And I do plan to switch him to another school next year cos now he's in full-day childcare. SG might have alot of preschools but good ones are always full.


in that case we go for taste paradise at ION bah. always see crowds there, should be good! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Mummies & Ian......

I think I am 90% packed for my Langkawi trip......Trying to recall if I have forgotten anything.

Seabreeze....hope you are feeling much better today.

Re: Dim Sum Buffet @ Pine Court on weekends......must jio me to go hor....I have the Mandarin discount card....can't remember how much discount though.

Re: Lunch on weekday, can only make it on Thursday as my girl is going for her dental checkup on Friday.


remember your passport! and multi-vits from gynae. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


*Pat Pat* the difficult is letting go, but someday we still have to firm..am sure things will get better and your boy will adapt soon.


Hv Fun! and Enjoy Yr Getaway! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello ladies n Ian [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah..I've been feeling really hot these days..yest showered 6 times loh..n nowadays don hv to turn on heater somemore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I tot we shld be feeling more tired than anything..but how come many of us r finding it hard to zzz at nite hor..I tot itz becoz I zzz too much for e past few mths :p


hmmm..I think once we wax b4 our big day..we shldn't hv a prob even if we waxed again like in 2 mths after we pop rite? As for e stitches, guess if still pain then wait for a while more loh..usually after waxing , I feel e hair growth is not as pricky n itchy as compared to shaving loh..it's really worth a try for u ladies contemplating going it..Ms Princess D.. Any views on tis?

Dim sum

y not try yum cha at chinatown ?? Think they got buffet rite n heard dat it's not bad..

Huggies free samples

Can we 1st time mummies apply for tis?? Coz some info I dunno wat to fill in le :p


Yup, you are absolutely right!

Can't explained much if one don't dare to try! It is depend on individual! If scared better don't go or even enquire about it cos will ne in dilemma! To me, if want to try n be clean ...[Nike .... Just do it]!!!

That's y I just do it regardless of ppl telling me the consequences which I found no proofs lor!

Since when re-growth hair will be prickly le??? Except shaving wat? Then there 'll be no difference between shaving n waxing lor! Wahaaaa

If shaved, then you get "brushes" instead of bushes!! Tio boh, sista? Lol!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ade, starry

Really bad huh! So suffering when comes night time! Sometimes I drained myself in the day just to hope that I can sleeps better at night but ah.... It's worst than ever! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cznt wait till oct...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wat bout you girls?

I'm a lil worried on how to handle 2 kids but then I know somehow I know I cam go through it!!

The first month I just Want To Rest!!!!!!!



Yup! Pine courts sounds pretty good! I am Ok with any arrangement to make things easier!! So long there's FOOD!!! Wahaaaaaa


Btw, how's your boy??

Hope yo meet you on our next gathering !

Seabreeze, apple

Just bought few packets of 1for 1 magnum !!!!

Thank you!!!!!! Haaaa ... Jade n I are stuffing g ourselves with ice cream now!shiok shiok!!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thumbs up!!


I'm also sending jade for N1 next year! She ll br independent there n I can no longer accompany her throughout the lessons! Will see how she react.. Crossing my fingers that she will be ok!

Tempting you all to shop again:

Hub's shop got 10% off storewide (exclude factory outlet) and 20% off Pedipeds/See Kai Run shoes. The 20% is not very often so worth looking for those who have older kids. Its 5 day sale only for National day. If you need the link, let me know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello mommies and Ian!

My boy is having fever thus no time to come in chit chat. Now he still having slight fever..hope he gets well soon.


I have tried all so far all are ok to me, depending on what kind of toys u r looking for and slot availability.


Yes i bought the same toys as you from the Taka Fair on the next day during my lunch hour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Pine court dont have tim sum buffet on weekdays only weekends. Shin suggested taste paradise at ION i heard good review we can try it out!


Dim Sum is great Im in! I can make it either wed and thur [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Enjoy your trip! Blink blink your toes on the beautiful white sand!


Rest rest rest! Hope u r feeling better now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey hey Princess Diamond, I have exactly the same issue with u. My feet feel so so so cold yet my head feel so so so SO so so hot. Even blast the fan in front of my face I still feel hot. I told my midwife she asked if I shivered. I say no. She say if accompany with shiver maybe got infection. Otherwise okie. Do u Noe why we will feel these way? I know we will be warmer than usual but how come is only the head?

Re: Makan

Do eat more now... grinz. After delivery, there are a lot of foods to avoid for some time.. e.g. seafood, yam, bla bla bla...

Jac, u say ur leg will cramp if wan to stretch, so did u stretch then huh, otherwise how? Cos I got cramp a few time I tried to stretch, then dun stretch also a little hard. My midwife prescribe magnesium for the cramps but I haven eat yet. Dunno will overdose or not.


when i stretch will feel like the cramp wanna come then i quickly stop. so far no actually cramping yet. since you've been having cramps a few times, then just take the magnesium as prescribed see whether got improve or not. don't think you will overdose if you follow dosage levels bah.

Emmie, actually yesterday I got a small scare in the noon, just before my mid wife suppose to come n see me, I went to the toliet to wan to pee. Then I see a big patch abt the size of last day menses quantity kind of water mark on my dark purple undergarment. I smell, no smell. Got a little scare. Scare is waterbag or wat

She came n I told her, she check for contraction n heartbeat all normal n did a physical cervix check also, say I got alot of white discharge n liquid but look normal so not quite sure, ask me to monitor n see maybe can go hospital to do the test to know if it is. I feel I leak alittle like tap water leak a drip a drip kind but stop 1 hr later n by the time my Hb came home, my panty linear also not much thing. Keep asking Hb, in the end decide not to go do the test cos erm like the water also not alot n the previous few times I also do leak a little just slightly less quantity. N Hb say I dun feel pain or anything at all.


S*&%!!!!THanks for the info!!!!

My doggy been eating Eukanuba dry food...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Just open a new packet not long..that's terrible!!!

If suddened changed of food think she will rather be on hunger strike![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sigh....how man???


I know we naturally feels hot during pregnancy!But his time whenever im sleeping,my feet feels cold even when im wearing socks at night![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sometimes in the day,my feet a re colder..

That day when we went out...Starry ,irish and snoppy saaw how bad i perspired...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

And it's terrible!!I dunno why too..??

TOuch wood (no shiver) just uncomfortable...


Im sure your boy will be goo din no time!!GIve him more TLC adn you must rest too whenever there's a chance!!

Taste Paradise not bad too..!!hahhaha

DO i sound like a glut here?Everything seems ok to me...hehhehee...

How how ?Next Wed On???If not can meet continuously for 3 days lor..hahhahhahah..LOL


Enjoy your trip!!The SUN and the SEA!...COCONUT TREEs..MOCKTAIL BY THE BEACH...ahhhhhh.....HEAVEN!!!


Hope you are feeling better now....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


princess d,

how much did you pay for your fitflop electra? i'm thinking of trying, 'cos recently walk for a while and my toes/sole area will have cramps. think it's the lack of support in sole area. that day went out with you mummies also cramped.

