(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

my Cl also rest from 10pm to 7am...

she's doing the night feed, bb and her laundry, cooking.

today is the 3rd day, so far mop floor once, never vacuum, maybe she dunno how to use my delphin vacuum.

she never switch on tv unless we watching.

whenever my boy cries, if she's busy then i'll carry,

but immediately, she put down her things and come take over... so i hardly carry my bb.

luckily now my gal being quarantine at my mum's place, otherwise she'll even be more busy...



yes do rem to hv a scan so the doc can check your condition. i went for routine check-up, requested my doc to do a scan and found the baby was so low, went thru emegenc c-s the same day.

my doc said it is very dangerous if i didnt hv the op.

eeyore, sunflower, MVH, & ann

my CL dun watch tv and rests ard 10pm but she is up at night when my girl wakes up for night feeds. she does naps whenever she can during the day. i wl give her a score of 6.5 out of 10 for nw.

Ann, dun need cl to do the nappy thing la. she oni taught me how to do it. demo demo. then we do it at home lor. i prefer to use diapers cause bb can sleep better.

my cl quite auto. she ask hbe to buy lemon, then she helped me clean my steriliser. she also went tidy up my fridge to make space cause i am a messy person and she buey tahan my messiness.

she helps us do laundry then fold clothes.

appreciated that though i did not expect houseworks to be done.

i ask her to nap she said dun hav e habit. i feel quite paiseh. cause my boy waking up 2-3 hours at night.

fumiko, jiayou~!


there is no perfect CL i think. this one is good, but she dun interact with bb de. unlike the #1 cl that i have, she is not as hardowkring (also good, v good) as this one, but she sings songs when bathing bb, and talk as and when de. hee

both i also like. both cookings also v good.

both of them have different styles, and you can ask your fren to contact me then i can elaborate.


paisek. I miss out your post. I cant do that as my baby is quite heavy. Hehe.


sound scary. I dun want c-sect. My gynae told me that my baby's head is quite low when i see him last week. He expect my baby to come out from 15th and before my EDD. Hopefully tomorrow got good news although i am not officially on ML yet


yup tat is why i warned u first juz now... i was not mentally prepared to hv the op tat day, wanted to go home and pack.

was disallowed by my gynae to go home and be warded immediately instead. the clinic even arranged for the hosp staff to bring the wheelchair to get to the observation ward, v drama!

i think wat is impt is we trust our doc and follow their advice.


i agree no perfect CL, though my prev one was almost! so cant help but to compare the both of them.

my hubby and i hv started to manage our expectations and aso let her know wat is ours.

things seemed to be less frosty, my hubby makes an effort to be more amicable as well.

we just hv to wait and see and hope nothing else crops up.

dreymin, mine poo after every feed, sometimes in between also. And today, after feeding her 100ml, she is hungry after 1.5 hour later. She is only 14 days old. Is that normal?


ha ha... coincidentally I have also been telling myself that I rate my current CL 6.5 upon 10.

Yes, my boy poos before or during every bf latch. Very siong to keep changing diapers..... I feel heart pain to use the Mamy Poko nb and Huggies nb that I have... every time poo, I see $0.30 flying before my eyes into the dustbin!


what nappy thing ah? I'm using disposable diapers leh.


There was once when my CL was watching TV and when bb cry, she still sat on the sofa watching..... but I only caught her doing that once so far lar... Maybe she was thinking that I'll pick bb up since I am doing all the feeds anyway.

wl, babies go thru a growth spurt between 2wks-3wks old. So maybe that's why after 100ml, she's hungry again...... U may wanna increase her intake if she can stomach it w/o puking?

fumiko, have a smooth and fast delivery!

cheekrene, dreymin,

the problem is whenever i latch him on, he will doze off half way, have to keep waking him to continue latching...


my girl feeds alot at nite....esp from 8plus onwards to 12mn

at times she can wake up almost every hr for feed till i dare not give FM during this timing

so long BM it's ok if they drink alot


haha..ya, i think so too.. but when i wake him to continue, he will still continue to suck, den doze off again.. ;p

I was reading a booklet ine mt A goodies bag on 'mummy, u have milk'.. It stated bottle-fed bb can be overfed.. As bb likes to suckle, so even when they r full, they will still suckle but slowly for comfort.. But latching on need more efforts than suckling on e bottle.. Dunno how true is this...

finally have some energy to login and read the threads but too many and still reading now. so tiring trying to look after the baby, keep up with the pumping to get the milk supply, my stitches are still abit painful as it is swollen due to too much walking ard and trying to get enough sleep. my hubby abit energy drain already last week as he not entitled to paternity leave now as he is on his 1 mth notice period so he only took 2 half days to accompany me abit at hospital and to fetch me & baby home, the rest of the time he is working. at nite he also tries to help out as much as possible like washing the pump, bottles, changing diapers & feeding the baby even when i tell him to sleep as he needs to work.

also finished my postnatal massage with Mdm Ida, in the end only did 3 sessions as she say actually not necessary for me to do so many sessions. can save the money. very nice lady, also have she massage very relaxing. now without her mssage abit backache again when i sit too long.

currently also sick, was very heaty the 1st few days after discharge from hospital, then the flu came so try not to direct breastfeed the baby.

Now i finally understand why mummies after maternity leave abit cannot bare to go back work. You will find urself spending alot of time just looking at their every little action even if they are just sleeping.

btw anyone has any good PD/GP to recommend for babies? I find the one assign to me at TMC not very good, should have got the contact from the lady beside me, her PD seems better. more proactive in giving information especially useful for 1st time mummy like me.

ahnah n luving_daddy> prepare ur hands for all the squeezing as she will definitely need ur hands when she goes into labour. after i deliver, 1st thing i asked my hubby is "Is ur hand still alive?"

taka baby fair> anyone been to the fair? any good deals? especially on breast pumps?

Hi dreymin,

you mentioned tat sometiems ur baby wan another feed immediately so did u feed your bb?

MIne will ask for milk ard 1hr+ later....i'm worried will overfeed her...did any other mummies face the same prob? & hw u handle such situation? btw, my bb is 10days old...


I went to taka sales twice, same as previous sales...

I got medela swing pump during my confinement at $419, free nipple cream, never intend to use and a free baby leggings.


haha funny "$0.30 flying before my eyes into the dustbin"...

dont worry lar this is just a stage that will soon outgrow...


my girl oso like that esp during 8plus to 12mn time....so i latch n EBM then after 12 i'll give FM n she can last longer thru the nite

ahNah, clever! Never offer yr hand to your wife in labour (without epidural)... its very "dangerous".... hahaha, she may twist your arm.

I will try to go in with her, take photo/video and try to cut the cord instead of anyone's finger lor.

Not scare of blood, but scare of cutting myself.

by the way, ahNah, yesterday u told me to show my CL who is the boss...... so I told her that I'm changing bedsheets and ask her to wash the whole load.... End up, she's not so "song" with me.... After that, she snapped at me twice already over other things..

Don't worry.... U can do it... Its just a normal pair of scissors.

Video of your baby boy or video of your wife pushing? :X


If your new boss ask you to do something, and she discover you not "song" aka "not happy" with her.

And after that, you snapped at her 2 times already over other things, what do you think your new boss will do to you ? ask you to go ?

haiz.. U have a point. I guess I've kept quiet and closed 1 eye so far cos I dare not offend my CL cos scared she dunno do what to my baby or to me... That's the challenge of having a stranger in my home..

Usually the nurse will say u can video... only thing u cannot video is the surgical procedure ie the stitching up part. But that part too gross lar... U and yr wife won't wanna see too...

The stitching at below part I dun want to see. Do you wan to see the stitches on my forehead as well ? 6 needle due to accident. Bleed until the hair turn colors.

Re : CL.

If only a few more days, close 1 eye lor. But blacklist her and let other ppl know.

Sigh.. Nearly quarrel wif my mil just now..

Last nite she was telling me to suntan my bb since she is still yellowish.. Then I said yes but not too long abt 20mins per session can Liao.. Coz last few days they (inlaws n parents) tried to tan her more than 30mins continuously.. Then she a bit buay song said so yellow need to tan more.. Then I said yes but bb skin very thin cannot too long.. Then she walk away.. Then after that I wanna give my elder gal her nite milk feed before bed at 930pm, she said so early, drink later then sleep later.. I said she always in bed by 10pm, though still

Tossing ard till 11pm.. I said this is her routine.. Then she not happy..

This morning she came, e first time she asked is got suntan bb or not in a buay song manner.. I said CL said got suntan at 8am Liao.. Then she was thinking to sun my bb again.. It was 9am n e sun is glaring.. I said dun tan Liao so hot now.. She again not happy.. Sigh.. We used to be on talking terms but now dunno why like that..


Next time dun bring bb to suntan, ask MIL to make advance booking to bring bb to suntan lor.

She scare that you wan to snatch away her grand children. And she scare nothing to do.

MVH, it is our hormones, i think. now we see things a little bit buey ngam also easily buey song de. it is normal.

about suntan, u are bb's mum, u make the decision. dun feel bad.

dreamz, u having flu? take care. but hor, since u having flu u should bf even more le. or pump out and feed. the reason is your bm got the antibodies, and if bb drinks that then bb wont get flu so easily. even if bb gets it, also can recovers v v fast .

Ann, if u want u ren3 for few more days. if not then end the service early.

Sorry to disturb again.

I have 5packet (84pcs) unopened M size Pet Pet pampers unused for sale.

Price negotiable (ntuc sell abt 18 each), please sms me your reasonable price, self collect at admiralty link please 93621700, thank you

Ann, forgot to tellu. same here, my ah boy also colic last night. drink milk le then kept crying. auntie said cannot b hungry la. then carried him a bit, and walk walk. he kept quiet. jialat liao. after a while then sleep.

but he cried non stop woh. cannot let bb cry too long cause they get even more colicky?

tonight then see how.

i think he has colic liao. starting.

gd morning everyone,

have not logged in for a long time. i don't have a CL so also doing night feeds myself so i end up sleeping or half-sleeping throughout the day. evening still need to spend time with my son, who is showing signs of jealousy and is more attention-seeking than ever now.


does your MIL listen to doctor's advice? sometimes when the old folks nag abt the way i do things, i just tell them that i'm just following the PD/gynae's advice and she will stop pursuing the matter. i also find it quite strange abt in-law's. before we had kids, she was quite nice to me but the moment the grandchildren come into the picture, she becomes over-bearing and naggy, and downright strange ( i posted last wk abt how she 'mistakes' the maid as the kids' mum instead of me ), like she will treat me like i'm invisible.


you are lucky to have such a helpful and 'on' hb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mine was also like that for my #1, but this time round he can just sleep through all the wailing like nothing happen. rest more la, although i love joining your sprees i think maybe give it a rest for the first couple of weeks at least?


not to worry lah...ur girl more impt....coz the best timing to sun is 8-10am but 8am is the best liao....coz it's the sun that we wants n not the hotness n glare... u must let her noe that sun bb too long bb will b dehydrated....i bet she oso no want anything to happen to bb rite....mayb she buay song coz u keep saying everything cannot ba? nvm lah....no matter hw good we r to our MIL to most of them we're still outsider....oni a handful will treat their DIL s their own daughters to treat 1 lor


dun think can take video lor....oni after delivery u can take pics of bb or mayb video of bb ba....mayb u can bring those distress balls let ur wife to squeeze instead of ur hand? heehee but blessed that ur wife not like me that time bite my ang's hand.....heehee


QQ, or u can try the 'ba bao san' can get from yu ren shen....no good to let bb cry too long coz will hv alot of wind go into his stomach n later no comfortable.....


daytime after feed u take short naps so later u'll hv strength for ur son...my boi oso like that n i'm doing the nite shift too....but at nite mi no feed 3hrly....she wakes up then i feed so now i'll give her last feed after 12 n FM instead n she can last quite long till 6 or even later....if too late we'll wake her up for feed

