(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

jascmy, u are right.

cranberry juice can trigger contraction de, though not for all of us. some of us might not be table to take cranberry juice during pregnancy.

but hor, since it is near EDD liao, can take, then can deliver early??? (just a while tot) haha!!


yup, once they also posted the bra (i request for exchange) with return envelope with no extra charges.


how many lemongrass and ginger you put in 1 pail of water? old ginger?

they replied me le... top up for reg mail coz my area always missing normal mail de... cham liao... she posted via normal mail , say she forget... my $60....

Mamyvelle, sometimes it takes longer for the item to be mailed to us. There was once I received my item 1 week plus later then the date chopped on the envelope. At that time I also thought there goes my $$ too.

I'm also considered petite size... but so far my gynae didn't mention abt my pelvic too small for baby to come out. Maybe I should ask during my next gynae visit.

hi Mummies

am back.. i think, we discussed and finally my hubby and I have made the decision to do a c-sect this weekend.. we checked the price.. i dunno why all yr bills are cheaper but my gynae estimated the costs at 2.7k cash that i have to pay.. oh well..

I wanted to hold my bb already.. she's been in there for 39 weeks le.. i wanna spend more time with her outside of me than inside of me.. =P

Thanks for all your support, I really appreciate it.. =)

Congrats to all the mummies who have popped! at least now I dun have to wait endlessly anymore too!

Congrats cresent!

Congrats csy, good that yr bb changes position.. Mine din so super backache for a few days after delivery..

Rest well gals!


sorry, i typed your nick salah.. ;p


thanks thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

will try to update my birth story when i feeling ok.. heehee.. ;p

Mamyvelle, if u want u can get e Velcro binder from my massage lady, Mdm Ida.. She is selling at $30. Else I think ahnah got lobang?

Nature_lover, maybe ur gynae charges r more ex?

jasmine goh,

thanks thanks...

nature lover,

jia you n smooth delivery ya! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

juz wondering ... does the mucus plug fall off first for every pregnancy? anyone dun experience having the mucus plug coming out on its own?

Susan and Jasmine: Thank you very much, we all jia you together bah!! =P Gambatte!!

MVH: I think so too.. but she super ex leh.. kekeke.. and thats not inclusive of any other misc charges incurred e.g. neonatal hearing test etc.. gosh.. but I have no other options, so have to pay lor..

ahnah: thats why i say.. most of the guys are scared of me leh.. for i think, one punch from me.. they can fly.. they dare not stand by my side de.. heehee

mirai: seriously... yes.. my guy frens all smaller build than me de.. my hubby and i equal size.. u dun believe u ask haitang, ann, wl.. they have seen me before... =P

Im bigger than the average singapore men.. =P

ahnah: U dun bump into me can liao.. must know how to siam lah.. =P

jasmine: not about the weight.. more abt the bone structure and build.. ppl sun call me "big sized" for nothing.. =P

Mtg of course cannot lah.. u still owe the ladies here either bubble tea or soybean milk leh.. dun play play... some know yr number, some know yr car... heehee

Nature Lover, I also consider big size. My hubby too but my Bb also small size. Sigh. Maybe they will grow into big size only after they come out cos Mummy (me) absorbed too much of the nutrients and only give a few to Bb.

Thanks n_g. =)

xuan, i'm oso petite size & gynae did say tat the chances of having natural delivery is ard 80%....but he din mention anything abt pelvic bone structure. Think its the structure, not abt size bah...there are cases of petite mummies manage to hv natural delivery.....so jia you!

Jus to check....those mummies who had csec, did u put binder? is it a must to hv binder? does it realli help the wound to recvoer faster?

Ahnah: heh heh.. we have our ways.. lalala =D

jascmy: yah lor.. thats why my weight gain is all to me.. siao liao.. really gotta work out and tone up if I wanna go back to my prepregnancy size.. tsk tsk.. =P

Binder: Yah yah, let me know so that i can purchase one since me going under the knife too...

Nature Lover, me too. Need to go back to my exercise routine after confinement. Now everyone say my tummy is very big. One colleague even ask me am I preggy with twin. I told her most are my fats. Bb also still have space to hide from CTG. Amazing! I will sure have big tummy after delivery. Chiamp! Not easy to slim down at tummy area.


thanks thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nature lover,

yes, we will jia you together... :D

jascmy: hah yah everyone also say my tummy big big.. i also dun know how.. but have to try my best.. be determine enuf.. cos I wanna be a hot mama for my gal gal.. =P


heehee... My tummy oso big size. Eventhough I only gain 10kg but dun know y tummy super big. My dad dare not ask me personally but he ask my sister whether I amhaving twin on march! =D

Jasmine, i read this from the forum about the ginger and lemongrass months ago. maybe from one of the mothers here (dun mind that i copy it =p).

my colleague also prefer this method to the da feng cao.

"just put 4-5 sticks of lemongrass (crushed or bruised some term it) and 2-3 big old ginger (crushed/flatten) into the big kettle to boil.. you can use the same lemongrass and ginger to boil for the 2nd and 3rd kettle... just the 1st kettle more potent. Let the boiled water cool down and then bathe in the late morning around 11 am.

as for me i would need at least 3 big kettle to bath . My mom says this will help to rid the wind in confinement mommy."

