(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

Our Waist Competition

Due Date: 35 wks

Prize for smaller : KOI from TPY (to enocurage gaining more)

Prize for biggest : Soya Bean Drink from Geylang (healthy choice since gain so much)

"Prizes sponsered are the courtesy of Ahnah"

Angel: 42.5" @ 35wks

charmaine1978: 35" @ 35wks

eeyore_03: 38" @ 35 wks

pekkle: 39" @ 35 wks

sunflower: 41" @ 35 wks

Looks like we got the winner for smallest waist.

dsqyvonne: 38" @ 28 wks

Nature Lover: 41" @ 31 wks

Saffy: 36" @ 32 wks

MVH: 42" @ 31 wks

ducklingeshop: 40" @ 31 wks

xpink_xuanx: 47" @ 30wks

winnie: 42" @ 32 weeks

ahnah: 34" @ week zero

white_lady: 37.5" @ 30 weeks

haitang: 36.5" @ 32-33wks

nekowong: 37" @ week 28

mrs ahnah: 42" @ 29 weeks

Starz: 39" @ 31 weeks

cheekrene: 37.5" @ 30 weeks

Bakaholic: 37.5" @ 29 wks

jascmy: 43" @ 29 wks

alibaba:36" @ 31 wks

Leobaby: 38.8" @ 28 wks

weiling: 39" @ 33 wks

purelyz: 39.8" @ 32 wks

scooby2010:38" @ 32 weeks

suika: 38.2" @ 32wks

luvingdaddy: 33" since yr 2003

fumiko: 42" @ 32 wk


Hi all,

I also type something this morning but cannot post la...

I think I will claim from ahnah prize only after birth due to my GTT result le..

I am at my 36 week today.. so scary... 28 days to EDD...

ya.. that's y my gynae never tell me bb weight and tell me that is an estimate from the size of bb head not accurate.. so the only weight estimate is from the sonographer during detail scan le.. also not accurate..

My hub say Unless we can take out bb and weight.. haha

Charmaine, u already on super light diet rite. No need to Cut down lah. U r already so slim. If Bb big, might be due to the GTT. USually those who fail GTT will have bigger Bb.


Is that so? because bb have too much sugar ar..

that's y I gonna cut my tomato sauce also. I dun eat chili stuff after I preg.. so noodle stall aunty always put tomato sauce and they see my tummy will put more noodle and sauce...

I better monitor myself..

Now my leg like elephant leg.. so swollen.. cannot see the ankle bone structure


it's supposed to b closed lah...but duno wad happened oni hers was so much way off when delivered lor....that time making us all so scared coz she's 1 of the earliest in that thread to hv given birth oso...heehee but lucky oni her case was off the rest of us under him all ok

Hi everyone,

So frustrated with this forum being so unstable. So frustrated with DBS ATM yesterday... sigh.

All these talks about bb's weight is getting me confused. My last measure of bb was 2.4kg @ wk 34. Is that consider too big?

With D day getting nearer, I'm getting more and more jitty and scared. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Fire drill in my office. Everyone so excited except me. A few mins later while office will be very quiet liao. I'm all alone here.

Thanks MVH & Suika,

Cos everytime I see my gynae, it's always chop chop. She usually doesn't say anything unless I ask. Just worry that BB is too hugh, then I will have a hard time.

A friend is mine just had a 13 hour labour... arrrggg... don wanna to suffer for so long! Scary!

penguin : so ur bb also reach 2kg liao. Sigh. Only my bb still stuck at 1.6kg. Din gain weight since week 30.

hi mummies & daddy,

its been a while since i last login.

forum cranky huh? bb will be turning 33wks this week and mummy is good too. Counting down to Deli-Day..


a BIG congrates to you, do take good care of yourself during confinement.


dun think too much, sure problems will be iron out somehow, when [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] just think of the moment of joy and happiness to see your bb coming to your family. cheer up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you do take care too, dun hesitate to call the gynae shld you feel no good somehow. jia you..


hey mummies to be,

does anyone ever told you that your tummy is very low, might be in labour soon?

I am very stressed now. I am now in week 33 but my colleagues and my mum think that my tummy is very low and might happen in next 2 weeks. Occasionally i am having contractions for half an hour, after that it is gone. Every day seem to be routine for me. Kinda of worried now.

hi mummies & daddy,

its been a while since i last login.

forum cranky huh? bb will be turning 33wks this week and mummy is good too. Counting down to Deli-Day..


a BIG congrates to you, do take good care of yourself during confinement.


dun think too much, sure problems will be iron out somehow, when [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] just think of the moment of joy and happiness to see your bb coming to your family. cheer up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


you do take care too, dun hesitate to call the gynae shld you feel no good somehow. jia you..


yay forum is finally up. so funny, only our thread was down.

my bb is 2.5kg, 36 wks.


ya, my gyane! had a scan yesterday, baby position is low so I was told that very likely baby won't be waiting till EDD to come out. I am expecting around wk 37-38.

cheekrene, dont worry too much.. there was one anutie who was behind the watson's pharmacy cashier asking me wanna delivery soon issit? that is 2-3 weeks ago (which i was 32-33 weeks).. she said becoz according to my tummy size, the baby head is down and ready to delivery.. i was puzzled as to how she judge.. anyway, now i m 35w (still going strong i think) though i have hardening (BH) every day.. recently BH even more obvious coz difficult to walk, even to toilet.. have to go very slowly..

MVH : Yes yes. i think im too stress up over many things until having headache since yesterday. I have to relax!


dont worry about that, contraction shouldn't last for half an hour... it's too long, might be just BH.

If u sstill feel unsafe, just check with your gynae.

cheekrene, saffy,

yeah, mine also very low..3 wks ago, the sonographer has to scan all the way down, almost near to my private area, just to scan the head..she told me that my baby is very low!

i'm also aiming 38 wks.


better relax urself hor.. that shldnt be contraction lar.. cos if real contraction, gynae say will come with pain de.. so dun scare urself.

Rest more rest more..


Ooo.. Aug MTB starts to have lots of bb pictures to be posted soon right??


try the myth lor.. if dun want long labour, the moment u are abt to go into labour, when u are at hospital, get someone to open all ur house windows, doors, cupboard doors and drawers.. heard will help with smooth delivery.. Lots of my friends tried and their labour only 4 to 5 hours and smooth delivery woh..

hi all, I'm selling Medela Swing @ S$250 (price negotiable). In super good condition. Used the Medela Swing only twice.

Bought it just last Friday cos I thought it's the breast pump that's causing my low supply.. But I think I'll stick to my old breast pump instead.

Box includes:

a SoftFit breastshield (24mm), PersonalFit Breastshield (24mm), yellow valve and white membrane, tubing, 1 bottle (BPA free) and cap, 1 bottle stand, power cord, drawstring bag and shoulder strap.

contact me at [email protected].


saffy & MVH,

i can feel my baby's head near my V. it's very uncomfortable. she tend to push down when i walk. i still have 5 weeks to hit week 38.


sometimes i do get cramps, sometimes i do get pain. even at night, i can wake up with pain at bottom part of my tummy. anyway i really can't differentiate as long as i know it can be extremely pain when contraction come.


thanks. by the way, really got such myths about opening drawers, etc. my colleague told me but i said i never heard before.

yah.. heard from lots of pple. even those who are not superstitious de, oso told me they plan to do so..

if no one at home then main door cannot leave open lar.. or if raining, windows at most open abit lor. but cupboards and drawers in master bedroom are to be opened up. Not too sure what is the meaning there.. maybe means smooth flow bah..

but i think quite a number got the this myth when watched the "little nonya" show.. and somehow it worked woh (for those friends who had tried lar).


i think i've been having it since wk 32-33 as well. i know what you mean, it's v uncomfortable to walk, change position in bed etc right? actually i think haitang had the same problem and she bought a belly belt to support the weight. not sure if it helped?


hehe.. ur colleague oso heard of it hor.. actually quite interesting..

Oh.. remember to open the drawers and cupboard of ur master bedroom hor.. not ur mum's house room hor.. keke..


that is the feeling. i also have problem when changing position. i even can wake up with pain when i think it is contraction as the feeling is like going to poo. it pain awhile then i tried to sleep back. my colleague ever ask me to get belly belt but i keep thinking my tummy is not that heavy. it's my weight that push my legs down.


i also find it funny.. hehe

Maybe we can all do a poll when we pop to prove if the myth works! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i bought 200 pieces previously le.. so no need buy liao..


hehe.. oo.. i oso have pain when turning during sleeping that time..


haha.. yah.. good idea hor.. hehe..

but of cos.. i still wish all of us have smooth delivery.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi penguin,

Just to check. U commented tat doc ang said his machine might be down last wk....so is ur bb's wgt suppose to be heavier or lighter? I went chkup last wk too...den my bb's wgt shot up alot...got a shocked! I know that he changed the m/c....so dono whether is the machine down or my bb realli grow so big within 3wks.



i bought 50pcs of lansinoh milk bags. Dun think will need much when at home. Now, i thinking to get bottles for storage cos if supply low, put into milk bags very wasteful.

Me now sit or lie down also aching. Changing sleeping positions also painful. Can feel pulling pain and must do it very slowly.

