(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

ahNah, today is her normal appt checkup day?

I think she nvr loss lah. She is maintaining her figure very well. 100g different could be due to whether she had her meals or not. Did Bb gain weight?? Thats the most impt.


Yah.. her normal appt check up only. Plus the cream that she apply for the last 1 week (because of the red scar)

Duno bb got gain or not .. waiting for her turn now and I have to work in office. Can't accompany her

Eeyore_03: 4.5kg still can go natural? Wah ... Hopefully I can do dat too ... I see my fren after csec ... The wound like so pain I'm feeling scare loh ....

Charmaine, I'm ok now. Thanks. Jus hope nothing happened again tonite. Sian, ppl (woman) are having mil problems. Now my hubby having mil problem. He can't accept my Mum's habits. My Mum is suppose to move over but cos of him, she don dare to come now. I force her to come to stay for one mth to try out now. And something really happened!

I did told him I will also accept his Mum to move over next time. My Mum is very old and weak now, I need to take care of her 1st. My Mum also don have son to take care of her. His Mum is so young and healthy. But now I told him I will do the same as what he did to my Mum to his mum when she moved over.


can try la... i heard c-sec got longer recovery...

for me, #1 by natural, 1 week not pain liao.


just go Aug2010MTB and join in the group will do.

Charmaine, my hub also only son. But since my Mum is older and weaker, of course my Mum have to come 1st right. I'm trying my best. Hope won't affect my Mum. She need a place to rest and stay. She suffered so much giving birth and taking care of me. I hope I can take care of her too.

Daughters also have to take care of their own parents esp when they are in need. Man and woman mus be equal. We are all brought up by our parents, so not only son mus take care, daughters also have to. So I hope son-in law will also do the same. It not only taking care of their own parents but also wife's parents.

eeyore_03, some old lady habits. And also things that she want to change in my house so that it can be easier for us. I'm ok to jus listen and reject if I don accept. Most of the time I will accept. But Hubby is 100% don accept at all. He say she is trying to convert his house to her house.


usually men are more cincai right? i tot more problem with mil & dil. not the son-in law.

try to talk to him and tell him the benefits of having an old mama at home? i think it is v good to have someone at home too. plus your mum need your care, i guess your hb needs more time to adjust.

small matter wise then ask your hb to see open bah. it is not easy to change an old ladys mind.

my hb is not the oni son, but if mil were to come to singapore, she will stay with me cause i am working, i see less of her and less mo2 chak1 (abrasion). hee. just close two eyes can liao.

i'm so damn bored in the ofc today....nobody free in the ofc to entertains me :-(

so ends up i've got nothing to do.....haizzz


wad did ur mum do? normally guys will not hv much conflicts w the son-in-law 1....coz they normally will tries to keep quiet n not let their daughters b in between unlike MIL normally is out to make things difficult for DIL

QQ, mine is the opp. I'm more cincai. When his parents nag at me, I will jus think it for my own good so jus close one or 2 eyes and listen loh. For him, he will get very frustrated.

I told him all those liao. Even told him that he is creating stress not only for himself but for me, mum and even Bb too so jus see open lah. Good for everyone. But everytime he came home and see something different, he will get angry. I told him we ourselves took sometime to adjust when we 1st stay together. How can he expect a 70+ yrs of habits to changed so suddenly. Somemore she is trying to help to easy our lifes thats y for the small changes.

Not like his parents, did nothing for us at all.

Suika, I agreed! I'm sure his Mum will do that if she moved over. But for the seek of my Mum, I told him I will openly accept his Mum. Lucky I'm the cin chai want. The most is some a place to let out all my frustrations.

not like him, right in front of my Mum leh. Now make my Mum so sad. She got no place to stay in peace so she tot of going to heaven now. A place where everyone will accept her willingly.


u mean he showed ur mum face?


join us when u at home


here today oso very quiet...had went to do some online shopping then realised can't make trf....haizzz

i've yet to get my beansprout baobao for my girl....:p

suika, relax and talk to bb also can. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jascmy, yalor. jia jia you ben nan nian de jing, really hard to adapt but someone has to give in , or compromised. maybe u are too cincai, that's y. be more strict with your hb then. your mum already 70? wah... the more he should show concern cause it is nearly impossible to change a 70 yo women's mind.

suika, yup, he show her face everyday. So I can see my Mum very sad.

QQ, my mum 70+ liao. She gave birth to me when she was 40+. She stay in KKH for 6mths till I'm born. And I'm a very naughty Bb. She told me many times how hard she take care of me. Her arms swollen still have to carry me, nvr sleep for many months cos she have to keep shaking the sarong if not I will wake up and cry etc....

Now I'm preggie I can understand more...

Hi All,

Got these 2 goodies bag from gynae's clinic last sat...

inside there's diapers, bib, magazines and vouchers, do get from your clinic if there's any...


Sioka, I bought from ebay at $12 with additional cover leh. I jus got it from seller last fri.

I can give u the link to the seller if u interested?


ur gynea so good still got give u goodie bags sia

cheaper then BP? hmm....coz i see most of the time more ex so i no go there browse liao

Hi all,

Just back from gynae apt.. bb weighing 2.46kg at 34 weeks 5 days.. =) Next visit will be two weeks later and to do the bb heart monitoring thingy.. glad she's doing well.. but she's acting shy today, using her hands to cover her face.. =P

Tearybabe: you and I share the same doc.. our edd also quite close.. haha.. just your's is a boy and mine's a gal!


i also got the goodies bag from my gynae's clinic. inside got diapers (size S), magazines, vouchers, pigeon samples, panty liners and bib.


u got the left or right bag??

inside the left bag got sample of newborn and M size diapers, total there's about 6 pcs inside and a magazine.

ah nah > don worry....my gal was 1.8kg at week 33...now at 35 weeks+ she is 2.3kg liaos....go for high protein diet...next visit your bb shld hit > 2kg...


Hi, I'm also Aug MTB. Just to check do you know where to buy the Amway Nutrilite Protein powder?

