(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

pekkle, if 1 week increase 100g, 2 weeks alter should be 1.9kg only..

unless is increase by 200g per week, then next visit is 2.1kg

nature lover, =) same at PEH, might see u at delivery, haha..

u have seen dr heng after 3 wks from last appt?

your girl is so cute to hide herself.

my bb is not shy at all, during the detailed scan, the assistant commented that he like to exposed himself. "sweat"

my gynae appt this sat, cant wait for sat to come.


now bb's weight dbl up v fast...try get ur wife to eat more...now bb's ideal weight shd b over 2kg

Sunflower: yup i'm wearing a green top? u sitting the same row as me? never notice u leh... hehehe..

u alight at which station?

eeyore: i have nt seen my photo yet.. and hav not choosen any pics...

ah nah > 2kg is v possible for your bb in the next visit...my gynae says at this stage, bb will gain 150-200g weekly....yeah! get your wife to take more hi protein food....sure can wan!

yawn yawn.. so sleepy...

monday blues.....

ahnah durian seems to be the most effective in gaining weight for bb but be careful of glucose level.

If your gynae din say anything then i guess dun have to be too worried. your bb's weight seems pretty close to average.


Dun worry too much.. Your bb will gain alot from now on..")

and they dun lose weight.. I lost 2 kg from the pass week and gynae say dun worry. bb will not lose weight.. ahaha

I eat a lot of those food but Bb still a bit small leh. But gynea say ok to the weight. Bb only 1.6kg at 31 weeks. My gynea nvr ask me to reduce salt but my family doc ask me to reduce salt cos my water retention very serious.

Hi CL,

i am member of Amway and taking the protein powder also. they have normal one, mixed berris flavour and green tea flavour.

i can help to get it if you are interested.

hello all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm back from test and gynae's visit, baby is now 2.1kg @34wks, gained 0.5kg in exactly one wk! Gynae was shocked and commented his machine might be down last week. Super relief and happy.

jascmy: I'm having prob with my MIL mostly.. haiz.. she came home commented her colleague full month cakes are very nice, etc.. my hb simply answered her saying if want nice, pay money only, but thing is, she does not understand we are really tight in cash now. Last sat, i paid for the installation for air con at his house, after the installation, his mum started to nag that the installer make the house very dirty.. sigh.. i agree that being preg is a very tough process and we should be grateful towards our mum, ask ur hb to be more understanding bah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sorry to hear about your family situation. if i were in your position i would surely have exploded, esp. now we are in our late pregnancy, already under so much stress. i am also sure your mum will know how to give-and-take, e.g. try not to change things around the house, then maybe your hb can understand the term "filial piety" and also give-and-take. btw, i'm also interested in the beansprout pillow, can PM me the link? Thank you!

wow, only managed to login now... unable to login since fri & i think for the most of last wk, the forum seemed quite unstable??

congrats to happie on ur bundle of joy! do share with us ur birth story when u r free k. hope ur dd will be discharged real soon & reunited with her parents. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sorry to hear abt ur cond. i hope all will go well for u & bb. take care!


i'm sorry to hear abt ur situation too. i'm an only child & very close to my parents. i expect my hb to treat my parents with respect too & i made sure this is made very clear-cut btwn us before we got hitched. me now living with my in-laws & i always tell him if he's nice to my parents, i'll be even nicer to his family but if he ever treat my parents shabbily or like shit, then i dun need him in my life too. anyway, this is just me lah. i do hope u'll be able to work this out with ur hb.

my updates:

my muscus plug came off 3days in a row since last thurs. on fri i went to see woody & he cfm i'm alr 3cm dilated & told me to standby for labor anytime liao. i still have 10days before my scheduled c-sect, still praying my bb can tahan till then. however, been having dull menses-like cramps since this morn.


Where do u stay? i already rest at home. so seldom go out unless i go to the factory to buy mentioned by sunflower. you know where is the factory?

I having cough and flu... already a week still havent recover yet.. will it affect the fetal?

Angel: Ytd n today I also hav increase of vaginal discharge.. Am only 35wks nia.. I was down with flu n sore thoart now.. So u shld be on stand by mode.. 3cm dilate u gt any feeling..

Eeyore_03: can check with u if yr dat frm bb ... Her first kid or?

Angel: thanx for yr concern [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


me 36wks tdy. the muscus plug is not really like the usual discharge. my discharge is mostly clear in color but my muscus plug is brownish in color. mine came off in a few chunks over 3days. looks jelly-like. not all mtbs will experience this though. the loss of muscus plug suggest ur cervix is opening up so i guess that's why woody did a v-exam.

i was quite surprised to know i was alr 3cm dilated. i din feel anything amissed though. i've BH on & off (not everyday affairs) but they din really bother me alot. this morn, i had menses-like cramps so still monitoring lah...

u take care ya, hope u have a speedy recovery soon!


keep us posted k.

angel, actually i hav BH long time ago. Gyane even gif me pills to eat till i tahan the bb till 36 WKS.. gg back to see her this wed.. and see wat she say..

i got more discharge shld not be marcus plug lah hor.. hahaha.. blur also..

ya lah, 3cm and u can't feel anything.. hehehe.. u take care too..

yalor. i typed a long post last night, then unable to post. sigh!

penguin, now relieve liao! good. heng ah!! must ask dr A to upgrade machine liao. jialat!

jascmy, give your hb and mum more time to adjust and accept each other. it is not easy, but no choice, have to do it. otherwise how?

Hi CL.

i am staying at Yishun. The factory is at Bukit Merah.

You don't accept PM, maybe you can PM me for more detail if you need.


i am having more discharge and at wk35 also. i have cervical stitch at wk14 and need to remove it before give birth. need to find out more from doctor tomorrow.

Anyone interested?


anny Breast Milk Storage Bags are now priced at a very economical price of S$11.00 S$8.50 for a box of 25 bags!

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ask dr Ang upgrade m/c? his m/c not bad liao lor....at least better then woody's 1 hor....his still can take 3D somemore hor

suika. haha!!!

dr A and woody must be good frens. haha!

i think he upgraded once, cause 4 years back his machine estimated a bb at 3.2kg, but came out 3.8 kg. my fren had a hard time delivering her huge baby.

but overall ok la. i hope my bb wont turn out to be a huge one but he said mine is average. *scare*

alamak.. penguin i went to see dr Ang the day after you leh.. does tat mean my bb weight measurement also not accurate? or issit he blur.. he really looked a bit lethgaric on that day i saw him..

oh.. tonite i m going to measure my waist.. hope i can remember.. 35weeks today! Yeah!



my friend's case lagi worst...estimated 3+kg but delivered a 4+kg bb instead....difference of 1kg lor...he replied saying he no change m/c coz he no wana incurred extra costs on us wor

they really r good friends....either of them on holidays the other will cover

