(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Bliss, ya lor. now hv changed to co sleeping. bb used to sleep in his cot and i was on separate bed in same room. i will ask my hubby to push his playpen to the rm instead. hahaha. And yes, mine also flip here and there from 12 to 6 o'clock position. heeheeh

missbluey, my bb beanie pillow used to be quite heavy and i removed some husk too.

Re : Baby flipping at night

Mine too.. that is why despite him able to sleep thru, but he will flip fr back to tummy and end up face down squashing the mattress early in the morning so i end up co-sleep wif him in his room now. Does sleeping bag help? Mine hate blanket so cant use blanket to secure him.. i am losing sleep becos of this new stunt.


mine too likes to sleep sideway now.. n i end up hv to keep checking on him cos scared he flip n face down again.


a lot of people jumping ship now.. so many of my ex-colleagues all left too citing good mkt out there. I am sure some company r still supportive of bf lah..


My bb also rejects milk when I feed ebm fr bottle. The PD say he wants to nurse directly fr my breast but I can't be latching him all the time, esp since I m going back to work next wk. Sigh, the PD told my parents they hv to b prepared that bb will go on a hunger strike n throw tantrums 4 a wk or 2 when I return to wk. Wah lau, my parents sure complain 1. I worry they lose patience n gif bb fm instead without telling me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].


Quite alot of places sell Sophie e.g. Tanglin Mall, Forum the shopping mall, United Square, Thomson Medical Centre, Liang Court... For a list of the shops, u juz go yahoo n key Sophie u will b able 2 get a list of retailers in Sg selling it.

koaru, i dont let her to sleep sideways at nite lor. at most let her sleep for awhile, comfy liao then i tilt back, facing up. sometime back she did the same thing, sleep sideways then face down. i got a scare. somemore my pillow beside her face.. then yesterday she did it again. she did once, i adjust back, then i went to brush teeth, wash up. come back she did it again.

by the way that is consider flipping? because when my bb is awake she only manage to turn sideways.

pooh_lover, no choice lor.. cant be help. there is no instant solution to this. but your bb rejects bottle from you only or anyone else? did you start training your bb at your parent's side?

serious, when bb reject milk, by right fm or bm also rejects.


I think there is a BP going on for Sophie I got mine from there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

baby moving at night

Its interesting that bb like to do that.. my bb cant seem to sleep in 1 position unless she completely knock out and she always kicks her blanket away! haha


thanks for your link on the weaning bag cos I was looking till give up then saw your post [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey mommies,

its been sooo long..how are all the mommies??

i am bk to work ..today is my 4th day....shiong manz..how i miss the ML....

re: bb flipping

my bb flip 1/2 whn he is abt 3.5mths or so...faster than expected..i guess, maybe its the babyplus....hehhe


is the mkt better?? me aso feel like jumpin ship bt becos my current office so near my hse...i always delayed until i am here for 5 yrs liaoz...

re: bottles

anyone using green to grow bottles? anyone hv prbs w the teats? wha lau..leaks most of the time..i tried to change the teats to dr brown bt my maid said my son seem not to like the teats...how uh??


considered in a way.. once she gets the hang of it, will do a complete roll over in a sec. Gotta watch out!


i will like my office to be near my place leh. No harm sending in yr CV to test mkt lor, if u still hv the energy!

pooh_lover, just share wif u..i remembered my nephew went thru this before. he was direct latch to his mummy for 4mths so when the mummy went back to work, the boy went on hunger strike for 2 weeks. just didnt want to drink fbm from bottle. my mum ended up spoon fed him and one fine day, he suddenly drank from bottle happily. so it's not that give fm wil drink lor. hv to have patience.


i always wanted to change job but im just lazy to go for interviews. hubby said i dun hv "shang jin xing" anymore. -.-

or maybe i should wait until i stop bf first, actually quite tired of pumping le.


you are welcome! =>

btw mummies, is the shape of your bb's head is nice & round? mine hor, hais, 1 side is round, 1 side is totally gone, as in slanted, very obvious de. he always turns his head & sleeps on his left, hence the left side very awful looking from behind.

so wondering any way to rectify it? even if i stuff pillows there, he will still turn to his left, hence the weak muscles there.

kelly, i using babyplus leh.. but no signs of flipping. and hates tummy time, resulting neck still not strong enough.

koaru, hahaha.. noted!

missbluey, my bb head also not round, at the back still flat. considering i uses the round infant pillow during 1st 2 mths. after that i change to flat infant pillow because she keep sleeping on the right side, then head become unbalance, now keep sleeping on the left side. already balance up, but at the back still flat!

missbluey, my bb head also not round. one side more round, one side slanted due to his sleeping preference. i will try to so so his head during milk time. it does help a bit.


mine also flat at the back n i thot cos i din use the dimpled pillow cos too small for boy n i din get another one.. nor did i get positioner since closing shop. No matter how hard we tilt the head, the next moment he will go back into his fav position. Ger still ok, no more chance to be bald but guy still hv NS! Already i hope he wun blame us next time if he got teased...


tats y maybe i so nua in looking for a job aso..i aso like my office to be near my pl...kekeke...


every bb is different so i aso nt sure if is it the bb plus...hahaha...bt i find tat my tis bb who used bb plus wakes up by himself w/o crying most of the time unlike my #1...so aso dun knw if it is becos of the bb plus...bt u neber knw, yr bb will jus flip veri fast...so gota watch it, ya...

re: bb head

normally i will always rub the head in circle so as to shapen the head, and if one time he slps on his rite, the next time, switch to other side.

gt frens to let their bbs to slp on yao lan...they said their bb head r nicer....bt i dun wan la...cos wait go out w/o tat then hard to make them slp leh..

Koaru, I read up on flat head. They say that sooner or later they will round up by themselves when they starts spending lesser time lying down. Another way is to wear head guard!

Hi Mummies...

My second week back at work, and I am super duper busy. Feeling so stressed up.


I PM-ed you last nite.

BTW, I am also waiting to seek PD advice on starting semi-solids next week when my boy goes for his jab.


We get our BBs to Hi-5^!!! My boy rejects his milk feeds too. Be it BM, FBM or FM. He can go without milk for 12 hours, din cry for milk. I tot of waiting for him to cry for milk, but he still din after 12 hours. I got worried, so resume his 4.5 hourly fixed schedule. When we are lucky, he can finish his feed in 20mins. He can drag and refuse, ended up taking 2+hours to finish. Worse, he only drinks when he is sleeping. If awakes, he gets distracted with the surroundings and keeps turning around or if not, start coo-ing/smiling at u.

Dun noe to laugh or cry right?

In fact, both my kids like this. My elder was like this last time. So spoonfed till he is almost 18mths, then he started to drink from bottle. That's becoz he finds it interesting and wanted to follow what his cousin is doing.


No offence... Some elders can really be those fans of 'guan-yin-mah.com'. I heed elders' advice, provided they make sense. If not, I just stick to close one eye and apply my own rules whenever necessary.

I guess, at the end of the day, the elders do luv the little ones just as much as we do. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rabbit, Missbluey,

I am not a yaolan fan, but my elder was on it. Great emphasis laid not to 'shake' and most of the time, he was left in it to doze off on his own.

As for bb now, either minimal shaking or put him into yaolan after he doze off. He naps in yaolan during the day and sleeps in bed at nite.


My boy stopped wearing mittens/booties/socks during the day since 2 mths old. However till now, he is still on socks/mittens at nite coz he sleeps in aircon room.

Of coz he wears socks when going out.

Oh... he cun fit into booties anymore. Feet getting too big. Oopsss... Hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Usually when it's bottle, my mother is the one who feed him cuz when feed him in bottle means I m not around.


I supplement wif fm 1x/day cuz bb had prob putting on wt when he was 1 mth plus. The strange thing abt my boy is that he will drink the fm happily but when it's ebm, he rejects. The

PD say he know it's ebm lor. Dunno true or not. I m really worried abt the hunger strike thingy...

Rabbit, no wor! I rem I have a fren who got really flat head leh. When she tied pony tail, it's very obvious.

Your gal is halfway flipping already, soon u will see her learning to use her neck muscles to flip completely. Maybe guiding her to exercise the correct muscles will help. I did help my boy by lending his two fingers of strength at the correct muscles.

Mummies using playpen, u all remove the bassinet already? I just realized my bb is over the bassinet weight limit, just took it out. They grow really fast, feel so emotional whenever I put away some of his things. Like clothes, play gym n now the bassinet. He seems to enjoy viewing his surronding from a different angle.

Wad DVD is good to introduce to bb now? That time "I can read" was mentioned right? Ok to watch at 4months? Where can I get them cheap huh?

my bb is also nt feeding v well, nt sure if it's because he's nt feeling well..

xiao xiin, there's a bassinet wt limit?? what is it? Oh dear.. i didnt check..

i tried using 'i can read' but it's so BORING that i dozed off.. but my bb watch a bit here n there.. he's super easily distracted.. nw he watches barney once a day on Jim Jam.. I called up starhub to upsize my basic grp.. nw got promotion. only 2.50$/mth for 3 mths.. and im recording all e episodes of barney so no nd to buy.. coz one dvd is 14.90$! so ex! any other gd series to recommend to record?

cath, r we gg to bp e ray cop or getting frm tangs sale? when's e sale ah?

Zinc, my bassinet wt limit is 6.8kg. The changing tray also

got wt limit. N also the playpen itself. Your playpen got zip in front? Mine dun have leh. Need to bend over really low to put bb in n out. Sian... That time when I bot this playpen, i asked for graco brand with zip, but they dun carry.

I can read is boring? I'm ok cos I think my bb cn watch anything n everything. News, commercial, wa meng ti, everything he also can watch. Where can I get this I can read DVD set?

6.8? then my bb long time exceed liao.. i didnt know.. will go n check later.. mine gt zip in front type..

ya.. v mundane.. my uncle passed it to me.. think robinsons shld hv.. saw it at centerpt b4..


For me, I remove e bassinet from the playpen once bb shows signs of flipping. Was told its dangerous.

To minimise bending over too low, can stack two to three mattress. I interchange the use of the mattress.

Aiyo I dunno wad's wrong with me leh. Got rashes spreading from my chin, neck then now whole face, ears n chest. Even my head also start to itch now. Going to see doctor, again!!

Doobom, Wah we have exactly the same kind of Bb! I don't dare to wait for my Bb to cry lor. Still feeding her 4 hourly. If she didnt finish, at least she drink some to quench Her thirst. Now I not very reluctant to bring her out lor. Haiz. later she fuss and cry in public.

Pooh_lover, hmm. How abt mixing abit fm into emb? To have abit of fm taste?

Xiao_xin, don't scare me leh.

Xiao xiin

Take care. What happen? Why suddenly?


Actually I heard tt closed dr Tangs sale is in mid nov. But exact date not sure, waiting for flyer. Anyone receive flyer must drop a note here ya. We 'll check out the tangs sale in case it's cheaper. If not, then we order direct.

Cath, that's a very good idea!!

Rabbit, really leh... U ask your mil to sor sor your ger's head as much as possible lor. Old ppl shd know better.

Jenn, cath, thanks! I also dunno allergy to wad. But the rashes seems more prominent on the side i carry bb on. Maybe bb play with saliva too much, become too dirty for me??? Spent $38 to see the lousy locum dr. Cannot eat nor apply steroids due to bf. Only gotten some super mild n useless cream to relief itch. I think my $1 snake powder works better lor. Hope it will go away by itself tmr. Arbo really gotta take the steriod medicine n stop bf temporarily liao.

Doobom, I only have one playpen mattress. If u stack 2-3 mattresses, wun it be too soft for bb? I also read once bb starts flipping, gotta remove bassinet liao. But I think flipping is ok la, sitting onwards is a big no no. So sayang to remove the bassinet right? Now got no more vibrating mattress pad n no more light/music box. N no more toy bar. My dog very funny, she tot I put bb in jail, went up to paw at the net, machiam like wanna rescue my bb. Then she stayed inside bb's room with bb. Guarding bb?

Hi mummies

i juz bot my boy for his overdue 2nd dose of 6-in-1 jab. PD actually gave green light for me to start solid feeding like few spoons of fruit puree a day if i'm eager to start.. as she did the assesment and his neck is firm . but i told her i wanna wait to nearer 6mths which she also encouraged as is good for their digestive sys.

PD also told me to cut his milk feed to 150ml (fm 180-200ml) as this shd be the right amt to feed a 5mth old baby


at night time, can let babies wear those sleep suit or rompers that comes with socks

i swear by Mothercare and Fox sleep suit!!

and if he feet feel cold during day time at home , i will let him wear socks.

when go out.. is a must to wear socks or shoes! to prevent them fm catching chill

job market..

i think now is employees market!! few interviews i went to.. the interviewers only ask me a few easy qn. they are start by selling me the position. and they actually talk abt their co. , job scope for 1hr!!


i also hv not went for interviews for 10yrs oredi. so when i went for mine.. was very stress, keep asking and calling my frens up on what qn to expect!

xiao_xin, you ate something wrong that cause rashes?

yaya, my mil keep sor my gal's head.. is me lah.. lazy one else forgot abt sor-ing.. thats why.. i seldom sor my gal's head.. usually done by my hubby, mil and my mum..

Gitz, your boy is feeding how many times a day?

and i think i should not ate crabs lor. which i did on sat. my gal is having some rashes. argh.


wat positions did u apply for? i flipped the papers leh...haha..but maybe i too hiam liao la..

tink many times, i am in comfort zone tat i do not wan to be moved....office too near my hse...and i hope to find new job nearby aso...kekeke

Gitz: who is ur PD? The kinderclinic PD that my boy used to go to always tell me that I m feeding my boy too much.. Always ask me to cut cut cut. But the PD whom he now visits tells me it's ok. Just let him take how much he wants, if he can drink. Two school of thoughts here.. Also dunno who is correct..

Xiao_Xin: r ur rashes better?


is yr bb hving bm or fm?? my pd told me tat my bb weight is on the higher side, but since he is on total bm, then no nd to cut as it is gd fats but if he is on fm, then nd to cut the intake...how heavy is yr bb now and how many mths nw??


wat my nanny did is let bb sleep on the side which is not flatten. pop his whole body to that side and place the bean pillow to the side he's facing for him to hug. seems to work for mine. Btw, tot your bb in yaolan during day nap? how come flatten? or i mistaken liao?

xiao_xiin, take care. i also had rashes these few days. went to see doc and he said is something like what chinese say hong mo. due to skin sensitive to certain detergent, things i ate etc. for me, i think when i feel too cold, my hong mo will come out lor. my mum commented my body is weak that's why got it.

Kelly, he's on FM now. Was 7.6kg at 4months. I did cut his intake slightly at 3.5 months cos he put on 1.8kg in 1.5 months after he was on full FM. Even then, the PD said though his weight gain was v fast, still ok cos kids will lose it when they r older.

The other PD whom I mentioned, even when my boy was on total BM, he also asked me to cut.

re: my bb's not so nice head

have tried yaozi's method, but he don't like to sleep on one side. he likes to turn his head to his left instead, but body still lying on his back.

he only nap in yaolan during daytime.

now trying to 'sor' his head. he is a yaolan bb. my #1 don't have this problem.

perhaps we really neglect this area when he was much younger. now hope his head will grow to be round round.

xiao xiin,

aiyo, but doc nv said why kena rashes out of a sudden??


no worries. im not a fan of guan yin.com. i don't mind going to temples to pray but to ask guan yin/or any other god for advises & i can't bring myself to trust all these 'advises.

then what are docs/pd for???! to be tua bek gong?

only inlaws & hubby trust guan yin etc, cuz hubby ever witnessed one when he was young.


maybe draggin the hrs if u wan to increase the intake. Cos fm will be fuller ma as compared to bm...my son was 8kg whn he was 4mths old...he is all the while on bm....no doubt tat bb look cuter whn they r chubb chubb bt got to watch for their health aso.....

mummies, any idea where to get cheap bb clothes? i tot i will have enough bb clothes that last till 9 mths.. but i was wrong.. i end up having alot of infant clothes.. need to buy bb clothes to stock up liao.

I have joined quite a while and has been reading the post only. I think all babies are the same when reach a certain months when they will have colic, milk strike, etc.. we just have to take it lightly and not to be so gan chiong. Thats wat happen to me.. little little things, I will bring my boy to see PD and after seeing PD, actually there is nothing wrong with him..

Re: bb 'standing'

when i carry my bb he always like to 'stand'/step on my thigh.. but i realised when i let him 'stand' on a flat surface he is actually tip-toeing.. his sole is nt flat on e ground.. is it like that?

my bb is sick for e past wk and thus lost some wt.. nw my mum is suggesting that i give him si shen brown rice so that he can gain back e wt he lost.. -.- but i dont want to start solids yet leh..

Thanks cherish n zoie! Skin still rough rough. At least the itch stops after I took the yellow tablet.

Bluey, hong mo is due to hot weather huh? Hong mo rash is big n red patches. Mine is small n flat. More likely due to allergy.

I also think no need to control intake for tbf babies. They will control themselves.

Zinc, last week my bb was tip toeing too. This week no more. I like to let him stand on the ground between my legs while I watch tv sitting on the sofa. Sometimes I will walk him ard the house, but it's very tiring!


Yes it's normal to be tip toeing at this time. They don hv good control over their ankles yet.


Hope bb is ok. What did cardiologist says? My bb has to go back for review in jan. Cardio says that bb usually outgrown it after 6 mths.


Good to see u back here. Woah ur baby 's weight is good. Mine is still at 7kg.

Rem that time we were talking abt marriage?? I'm now in a fix! Recently, he was annoyed abt my dog sharing same AIRSPACE with bb and has even thrown my dog outta hse, locking him out for a gd 15 min!! Goodness knows wad will happen if he runs away!! I was super pissed and tk god i found him sitting nicely outside our pl lift lobby!!

Well ever since then, it's like minefield at home. Last night, he gave e ultimatium that it's either him or e dog. Frankly speaking, I had enuff of all his nonsense and without hesitation, I'll choose e dog. Yet, aft briefly knowing what is gg on, my parents were on his side! Simply cos they too think that having a dog ard isn't good for Bb!!

Will I not be concerned abt my own kid?! Why can't they co-exist?? I've just hired a dog trainer to better cope w my dog's behavior ard the bb

It's like I'm alone defending the dog.. Feeling so defeated


kelly, my baby is on 4hrly feed so I will not want to increase the duration. anyway, his weight is now okay, in the 50-75th percentile.

