(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Like Jojo,

I juz let bb skin to peel n those red little rashes to recover on it's own.. Unless it's real bad? Mine so far quite ok tho first 2 wks look quite bad, esp the neck but all ok now. I guess it's ok as bb is still adjusting to outside world.


still can express but not empty unless u wanna freeze the excess. Express to a comfort level for u.. If engorgement really bad can use chill cabbage but will reduce milk supply so use as last resort n put at most 1-2 hrs.

Really, dun hv to worry yr bb nit drinking enuf cos they will ask when they r hungry. the harder thing to know is to suckle for comfort.. Since u din intro pacifier then u shld be able to tell fr their suckling.. Most bb need to suckle to sleep or cuddle.. It's sleep that they need but they will still act as if they want milk. Sometimes they fuss cos they pee or poo! So may not be milk all the time tho chances r u offer them breast they will take it but not for long.. Unless yrs a really sucky bb.. Then hv to be careful not to overfeed cos will upset their tummy too.. U can do it juz gotta trial n error n trust yr own maternal instincts!

Boots milkbag seem one of the affordable ones - nit sure still got spree on..

If latching still incorrect suggest u get a LC to help - bb needs to relearn the correct way to suckle so long term better for both. Check wif yr delivery hospi else TMC parentcraft got such services too.

Btw, I hv been bathing everday wif herbs n washed my hair every 2-3 days cos I hv oily scalp.. We need to be clean to bf our bb.. Juz make sure u dun get chill n blow dry hair.. I am so much happier after a gd wash up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


we all went thru ups n downs too as we tend to be more emo n sesitive ESP when pp comment no milk izzit? Bb hungry liao.. If pain muz take painkiller no need to tahan.. We need to love ourselves more ok?


Jojo, I didn't wash the cloth leh. My side has been raining for the past few days... I scared wash liao cannot dry in time... I find Zaliah's strength manageable... Today will ask her to press harder... Only feel painful when she massaged my breast... Lost 2 inches today after yesterday's session... and I binded for only 8 hrs cos start to feel itchy liao. I already bathe daily using the herbs since the day I discharged from hospital. Washed my hair once using the herbs too when I first reached home cos kept having the feeling of germs in my hair brought home from hospital... now feeling like shit... 1.5 week of confinement and I feel like dying...

Ladies, when i wash my 'down under' I notice that there are black bits on the floor. R those stitches? It will drop off wan meh? I still feeling pain on and off now. Was wondering whether I have accidently rub off my stitches while washing... Sigh


yes those 'll drop off on its own. so don worry. and yes you'll still feel pain down under its normal unless the pain is super unbearable.

hi mummies

for those who are lookin for confinement food - I've tried the free trial by Happy mums and babies confinement - the food they supply is good and service is great. not salty and taste good. so if anyone got fed up with CL can consider. price wise is about the same as others.

rabbit, so good ur massage lady knws abt latching.. how much she charge per session? my massage lady helped alot with my blocked duct but she duno abt latching.. normally i latch baby 1 side per feed (ard 15-20min), coz he cant finish the 1st side so i dun switch.. after latch i'll use my dual pump and pump both sides.. the side i latched will have lesser output. i pump ard 6min and by then no more milk dripping into bottle, then i'll take a short break, drink hot milo and wait awhile before pumping another 5min.. in the day will make baby feed 3-4hrly.. so pumping is after feed. at nite i dun wake baby and let him sleep as long as he wans.. so if breasts very full i'll pump out and store. if somehow i lose track of time and breast bursting liao i'll just pump 2-3min while hubby wakes baby.. the short pumping relieves the discomfort and some of the foremilk away so baby gets more hindmilk..

rainelle, so good ur gal will open big big for u... my lump also onli get softer but still there.. i'm tryin to see if massage lady can help me get rid of it by end of this wk.. but after she massage for me that breast can pump out more already, last time 30-50ml per pump for that breast, now 70-90ml.. so i guess her massage is helping.. my baby wearing diaper, we intended to use nappy and bought 2 packs but i tink nw addicted to diaper convenience.. i count the urine when changing soiled diaper. but normally i dun keep chking if diaper is soiled, mainly change if we hear he pooping or during changing or bathing time. so i also nt confirm each diaper has onli 1 pee.. mayb accum 2 pee i also wun know.. it may also b coz of this that i onli count 4 pees a day. i wipe boobs and wash below wound with warm water everyday.. ur baby's hands, legs and tummy skin also peeled? u apply anything or leave it be?

carebb jiayou.. just pump regularly... latch even better.. i read online that emptying breast sends signal to brain that supply nt enuff, so ur body will produce more milk.. i tink if breast emptied, it'll feel soft and if u hand express will onli get drops and nt squirts.. my pump cant empty my breast, after pump if i hand express i still get squirts.. but i dun realli empty it unless breasts still very hard and uncomfortable aft pump. wat pump u using?

koaru, i seldom empty breast coz my pump cant empty and if i wan to empty i need to use freestyle then use avent manual then massage and hand express.. too troublesome.. so long as breast nt very hard and uncomfortable i just leave it be after pumping, though not emptied.. but before i sleep i try to hand express some out, in case sleep too many hrs wake up very pain.. i can store more than 300ml everyday, with tbf and latching, so storage shld be ok for now rite? ok then i dun need to be so concerned abt emptying breast since i also scared the over supply hard to handle.. if i continue like this the engorgement will go away soon? i tink i agar agar know the difference between feeding and suckling. if feeding the jaw drop alot, can hear gulping sounds.. suckling onli the lips and front part of mouth moving, little or no gulping..correct? yaya, ur right my baby sometimes just suckling, but if i unlatch him he crys.. sometimes he dun wan drink, dun wan to b put back in cot, just keep crying no matter wat i do.. dun wan latch also, keep pushing my breast away.. then i just hope that he latch and suckle and fall asleep at breast also nvm, at least he stops crying.. nw i onli worry wart lei, everything also worried.. maternal instincts haven come in yet..! >.< where to find the boots milkbag spree? i getting a sample from the f00d f0r totz ppl coz they emailed me.. i'll try it out and see how.. my latching like got improve, coz nipples not as sore, rub agst clothes also quite ok le. and when feeding i hear gulps in the 1st 10min mostly, jaw drops quite alot too, instead of just dropping abit.. so i duno if i shld go back to parentcraft or is my latch good enuff already.. when u bathe do u use shower foam? u rinse off herb water with the shower hose water? wash hair also herb water? ytd i gave in to washing hair and bathing le, though i still used the shower hose most of the time.. the herb water i also used la but most of the time shower hose.. =x macham bo pa kay hor..

friends, come to tink of it i din measure before and after.. but tummy did look visibly flatter after i removed binder.. but after that popped out abit more again. i onli lost half my preg weight gain lei, still got 7-8kg to go.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] jiayou jiayou, 2.5wks to go nia...

my breasts feeling abit itchy on and off.. tingly sensation all over the place making me feel like scratching.. anyone experiencing the same?

for milkbags that're supposed to stand uprite, is it ok to make it lie down or upside down after its frozen? anyway frozen already hard hard so how we put it doesnt matter rite?


the lumps didn't really go away except now it's softer unless i didn't pump for long hrs esp @ night when i slp. breast massage helped to clear my blocked ducts though pain. massage lady said could be due to the size of my pump hence can't really clear all the blocked ducts. she suggested latch once or pump @ night.


jia you!!


so far, i didn't see any black bits when i cleaned down there. i only started using herbs to bathe yesterday. mil boiled the herbs, omg, scalding hot sia. had to add tap water in order to shower.

i only bind for 6hrs cuz couldn't tahan the hotness & started to itch after 1-2 days later.

now i occasionally wear my own girdle.

few more days to the end of my confinement! can't wait!

missbluey yalo my lumps haven go away yet, same as u, they're softer unless too long no pump.. wat pump u using? waa u tahan soo many wks then bathe ar.. peifu... i tried to but realli bth liao, affecting my mood, so i gave in.. if next time old liao realli side effects i also ren ming liao..

i used to like cross-cradle better, coz side view easier to see if his mouth big enuff or not.. but hubby say baby seem to like football hold better coz seem to b able to latch him faster.. with cross cradle gotta struggle with baby for awhile, coz he fuss, push away my breast, hand come block, etc etc.. though i nt sure of my latch but at least i hear him swallowing and gulping milk down, plus my nipples soreness seems to have improved, so i tink though my latch not perfect and nipples still come out slanted, i tink shld b ok rite? since baby's drinking and im not hurting with "permanently" sore nipples as when i offer breast at next feed its nt unbearable or worsening pain, no bleeding also.. rite bliss? or u still tink need to get LC to correct the latch.. aiyo this latch thing is quite stressful..

Hi mummies, been following u ladies for a long time. Shy to post until now. Finally cannot tahan n decide to expose myself today. Haha...

I've given birth to my boy on 19th June, at mt alvernia, by dr fong yang. Today is his EDD. Getting a bit emo today cos the process from getting preggy to holding your baby in your arms is such a wonderful journey, even with its ups n downs.

Thanks mummies for sharing helpful tips n hopefully I can share my experience here soon.


> if baby mouth refused to open big you can pinch your aerola and shove it in. hold it while baby suck and it can get more aerola in. as long as baby is not sucking the nipple itself will do.


> Your baby is only 10 days old? if so you still have lots of time to let your baby learn. not all baby is able to latch well.

> Even my baby is love nipple sucking. So i always make sure he is awake before latching if not he also not serious in latching.


> I intro bottle the very first night when i brought him home cause his latch was good.

> Make sure latch is good before introducing bottle cause it will cause nipple confusion.

> If you are total latching till today and wet and dirty diaper count is good then you are doing very well already. So u can don't intro bottle so soon.

> i total breastfeed my #1 without bottle too and it can be done. although tiring but the bonding is irreplaceable.


> And try to feed baby after they wake up and not before their sleep time. Meaning feed when they wake up from nap, after feed do some activity like diaper change and after awhile put baby back to sleep. this is to have a good sleeping habit and not sleeping on breast.


> Carebb,

> every mummy is able to succeed in breastfeeding. very little woman have no milk. You have milk but low supply.

> Is latching okay ? if so continue to latch on demand. if baby latch 3 hrly, pump after latch.

> Touch your breast before feeding. feel and hold it. and touch it again after you feed and express. your breast should feel soft and it actually "sag"

> breast will never be 100% fully.

> but to increase supply they best way to do is to empty as much as possible and empty as long as possible.


> This is to send signal to our body that baby needs more milk. The more is empty the more body produce.

> think this way:

> if your car petrol left 3/4 you will not top up your petrol. but if is less than 1/4, natural instinct is to top up asap!

> That's the same logic. When baby is going through growth spurt it means baby needs more milk. Frequent latching is normal as baby wants to send signal to your body to produce more milk.

> Topping up with EBM/FM makes bb full and no longer keen to latch. So bb demand goes up but supply didn't go up.


> Breastfeeding is tough but is just initial stage. just tell yourself max is only 2 months and it will past really fast. After 2 months breastfeeding will be a breeze.

> I had a tough start for breastfeeding during #1. i had csect which is the most painful thing i experience but i insist on latching my baby on 2 hours after my csect.

I did it lying down and latch wasn't good. I force myself up with the help of hospital bed and sit as straight up as possible so i can cradle my boy to latch him on which i have more control of his head on the very first day of csect. But still latch wasn't good enough.

I had cracked nipple and start bleeding after a day. as i had over supply and latch not good (meaning breast wasn't empty and body keep producing) i had engorgement the second day.

> and my wound was so painful that i hardly walk. My 3 days in hospital is the most terrible period where i latch baby for the whole day. When he is off my breast i'm pumping as i get so engorge till i pump and cry and the same time.

> my engorgement only ends when my boy is 3 months old.


> when i'm weaning off my boy at 1 year old, i have an infection in my nipple as my boy bite my nipple and it became a 1cm long cut between nipple and aerola. It was bleeding everytime i pump and i tear whenever i latch. Until everyone in my family asked me to stop as it really get so bad that is infected.

> So my bfing journey starts painfully and ends painfully too.

> But everything is worth it when you are able to bond with your baby in a very special way and baby is healthy too.

> Somewhat breastfeed your baby is once in a lifetime thing. Once you wean off it can come back again...




you have lump in your breast? Swaddled your baby while feeding. This will really helps in a good latch. Stop those little hands from blocking and you can position baby better in this way too..

If u have blocked ducts or lump, nurse in all sorts of different ways.. It can help to clear it away..

Rabbit - I latch on during the day and pump only at night. Sometimes baby would sleep after one breast and I would pump out the next one.

May I know how much you girls pump out after one week? I only achieve about 25ml and baby needs 60ml. Sigh.....

Rainelle - use hot water bottle and massage the area. It should reduce the lump.

chu chu,

i can only pump 40-80ml combined together after 1week but still not enuff for my bb. if u stressed or tired, will affect bm. bm will increase slowly de. just continue latch & pump.

any mummies "break" the rule of don't carry ur bb too often? my bb likes to be carried else will cry. how ah?

i thought of using yao lan after confinement, scare he will be too used to baobao, then maid will die lor especially when i return to work.

Thanks for the encouragement, missbluey. I am not giving up. Working hard at it.

Bliss - your story is insipring. Sorry to hear that you have gone through so much. Mummy is the greatest.

Does anyone haveproblem coming to this forum?

chu chu,

u r most welcome. this forum is to give us mummies encouragement ma, i think it really helps lor.

yup, im having problem logging into this forum. it kept stating "under maintenance" for don't-know-how-many-days. -.-

Jojo, i nv apply anything for the peeling skin.. they will just drop off themselve..

missbluey, my lump/block duct oso only get softer and wun go away no matter i latch or pump..

welcome xiao_xiin

chu_chu_pp, the forum is down and up, down and up.. mother will sometime chat in fb.. lol.. you can join June MTB 2010 in facebook.

my BM seems to be getting lesser.. tried to pump every 4hrs but the supply on 20-30ml combined!!!! den i pump abt 9hrs later, oni get 90ml combined. tried latching again at 5am but failed again even with the help of my sis. tink really must get fenugeek or sacred tea to help increase supply.

feel beri sad coz the umbilical cord of my gal is lost.. dat day my mum put it at the playpen side basket but it went MIA, search whole room also dun have.. asked my nephew if he took it n played with it n he said no. want to cry lor..

also feel bad for keeping up my sis whole of last nite to pacify my girl who is always wide awake fm 2am onwards.. even if she sleep also for a mere 1hr, must carry and cannot put down one. she like got sensor lor.. put in playpen or bed, confirm will wake up within 2 mins n cry like mad.. have to start all over again to make her sleep.. continuous 2 days my sis ended up waking up late and in turn caused my nephew to be late for sch for at least 5-10mins.

Hello mummies,

which milkbag is good and come with zip lock? I'm currently using LANSINOH milk bag.. it's good but dunno where to get it liao.. gotta from a mummies over the forum.. 1 box only..


so far, the lumps only appear if i didn't pump @ night.

those sprees do sell, can check under Bulk Purchase.


sorry to hear about your bb's lost umbilical cord. i know how precious it is.

don't pump 9hrs later even if u got latch. must pump 3-4hrs, then supply will slowly come.

i got my fenugreek online, for my case, it helped. cuz #1 i tried pump, only a mere 5ml, depressing!

mine don't latch very well, so i pump.

my bb also loves to be carried! aiyo, headache lor. especially in the late morning/early noon. zzz.

super heavy rain now! must go nap liao, must enjoy this rainy weather ma, haha.

Hi BlueBeri_lilTigger, I'm aso a Jun (err, to be exact May) Mummy. My son is like ur gal who is always awake at nite and must be carried. Do you "wrap" ur gal? I didn't and realised that whenever I put him in his cot or our bed, the moment he felt the "space" is too big, he will start crying which I concluded the sense of insecurity. Thus, I will always lie down and cuddle him to sleep the moment I placed him on my bed. Only when I feel that he has really fallen asleep, then I will get up and do my own stuff....it kinda work with my son...perhaps u wan to do the same with ur gal

Oh, 1 more thing, u must make sure that she's full liao, otherwise, she will likely wake up very soon and cry for milk again. Continue to latch on to increase ur supply, and if someone can help in the middle of the nite, prep formula milk to supplement the feed...

Chu Chu,

For me, today is day 10, as of yesterday, I can pump ~40-70ml. Hope to get more, bb currently on FM and EBM, sometimes also direct latch, but I paronoid whether she is drinking enough from direct latch...

BluBeri, dun be sad.. maybe a few days later u might be able to find it.. unless someone actually threw it away..

missbluey, i realise my lump like gone? think massage and pump for a few days help.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sweet dream! lols.. cooling sia..

missbluey, my bb wants to be carry all the way at nite fm 2am till 7-8am.. cannot put down one lor, unless sound asleep.. but like i said earlier, she got sensor one.

missbluey, i try not to carry too often.. after feeding if she dont sleep i just put her down on the bed 1st and do my stuffs. but usually is because she not having enough milk then wont sleep. then at times she will open eyes in between her sleep, i also dont carry her. i only carry her if she crys or makes alot of noise. So far she is fuss for us to carry her.

bluberi, cannot pump 6 hrs after.. after that sure decrease in supply. like telling your brain you no need so much milk.. must pump/latch more often.

soon-to-be, i nv wrap her coz very hot.. when i wrap her, her temp will go up to 37.4deg n i get paranoid.. will try to wrap her tonite n see how.

Rainelle, both my mum and i suspect is my nephew take n play den throw away.. but he scared we scold so he said he never take.. when i tink of the missing cord, i get super upset, told my hubby last nite n he nagged why nv keep properly in the first place. i tot my mum already kept is, who koes she oni put at the playpen side basket. cannot blame her also coz she was busy helping mi with bb and didn't expected it to be lost.

bliss, ya i pinch it like a sandwich and try to shove as much in as possible.. now the baby is not just sucking nipple alone, but the areola just surrounding nipple is in his mouth too.. but my nipple still comes out slanted.. but since he's drinking and my nipples are better le, the latch shld b ok to live with ya.. my baby 12 days old.. babies who are nt able to latch well can still tbf with latching so long as their weight gain, pee and poo output is well rite? i latch better on right side.. left side harder to latch coz the nipple bigger..jialat, must good latch then can intro bottle ar.. PD says to intro bottle 1 feed per day when he 3-4 wks old.. i dun tink i can latch good by then wor.. if continue current latch and intro bottle, really pray hard he no nipple confusion as i realli dun wan to 100% bottle feed ebm... dirty diaper count is ard 4 urine, 3 poo per day.. but the urine may be more coz maybe 1 diaper got more than 1 pee as i dun chk all the time.. so by the time i notice and change he may have pee more than once already.. ya i total latch till today.. dun intro bottle so soon is when? if i intro bottle for 1 feed per day when he 3 wks old, ok? i gg back to work after 2 mths.. so need to start intro bottle before i go work..

for past midnite feeds, if baby sleep on breast i just let him be and wait awhile for him to sleep deeper before puttin him back to cot. coz i realise at nite he not as easy to go to sleep. even if he stop drinking alrdy and fall asleep at breast, he'll be wide awake and even start to cry aft awhile when i put him back in cot.. day time wun like that one.. duno y nite time will. wow ur engorgement onli end aft 3 mths? i tot engorgement onli last 1-2wks aft milk comes in.. ya i got 2 small lumps at the side of left breast.. massage lady helping to massage it and i continue to latch and pump regularly, 3-4hrly, except at nite sometimes 5hrs.. ok i tink i'll swaddle him for latch next time.. coz parentcraft ppl say unswaddle so he can feel me.. bt the hands always in the way.. =.= i alternating between cross cradle and football hold.. but coz now i attach my freestyle handsfree on 1 side when i nursing the other side, so as to collect the leaking milk.. with the bottle attached to 1 side i can onli do football.. unless i waste the leaking side and put breast shell instead, then cross cradle is possible.. but so far till now the lump still haven go away... 1 wk already.. its softer after pump and latch and massage but still there lei..

chuchu, my baby in his 2nd wk, i can pump 60-130ml on average.. max was 170ml.. when u latching baby, other side will leak, u got collect the leaking milk? how u know baby needs 60ml? u express and bottle feed?

mandy, the via cup instruction book says can use until its looks worn out or something like that.. so i tink can keep re-using? anyway i use the via cups for freezing so wun be re-using them so soon also, after freezing 2nd use will probably be 3 mths later.. yes, can sterilise. but when new, the cups are pre-sterilized and sealed so dun need to sterilize, but i sterilized the caps coz not sealed..

angelbliss, jia you! dun worry if she's not having enuff, she will cry.. my girl is to the extend 10ml of milk she will oso make a fuss to ensure she get what she wan.. =X

BluBeri, yupps yupps! swaddle your baby as it make her feel like someone is cuddling her.. sense of secure.. but if you already swaddle her and she's doing this, maybe she's used to ppl carrying her?

Mummies let's flood the forum while it's up!! =X

jojo, how long you pump?? if i pump after i latch i can only get about 45 ml. but i only pump for 15 mins. just now i pump with full breast was 85ml, also pump for 15 mins only. my freestyle pump doesnt seems to be able to empty my breast fully. 1 hr later my boobs sure feeling full again.

as for lump, sure got lumps here and there and is very inner side. i also have, tried to massage but cant seems to reach it also.

jojo, how long you pump?? if i pump after i latch i can only get about 45 ml. but i only pump for 15 mins. just now i pump with full breast was 85ml, also pump for 15 mins only. my freestyle pump doesnt seems to be able to empty my breast fully. 1 hr later my boobs sure feeling full again.

as for lump, sure got lumps here and there and is very inner side. i also have, tried to massage but cant seems to reach it also.

bluberi which pump u using? i realise some pumps nt as effective so even if u have milk it cannt be pumped out.. u tried hand express to see if realli no milk after pumping?

Rabbit, same same.. i oso only carry my girl when she cry.. but usually is over milk.. but she can cry real bad over it.. =.= face red red like tomatoes..

BluBeri, if that's the case den dun blame yourself too much.. afterall, there's so much thing we are kept busy with.. wake up for the baby.. else mother will chase us to rest more, slp more.. btw, it's impt to have enuff slp to be successful in bf..

Hi mummies... I m here, still following thru e posts.

My updates - I delivered my boy via elect c-sect on 24 jun. He is 3.1kg, @ 51cm. Was home since 26jun.

Had no choice as I was having severe engorgement since nite 2, hence requested for early discharge from hospi stay upon approval fro gynae.

Suffered a few days w/ e engorgement n all was only getting better aft using hot compress before expressing milk.

I m trying for total breastfeeding, on 4-hrly expressing intervals. BB is 8 days old, taking 70ml on 3-hrly feed interval. On average,I manage to express 180ml for each session. Giving my elder boy for his milk feed. Like to ask if it is likely to have loose/watery stools? My elder boy (age 2.5yr) is having it aft on breast milk. Is it norm?

BluBeri, how old is ur gal now? U can try to swaddle her, but if she rejects, like my son now, I no choice jus to cuddle him tight tight till he's deep in sleep...

grats doobom!! for baby taking bm it's normally to have watery stool.. not too sure for 2.5yr boy.. maybe other mummies can advice..

Rabbit, ya lors.. dirty girl.. lols.. u and dh sneak out, but still got ppl taking care bb rite?

Yes BluBeri, my girl can sleep longer if I swaddle her. I only let her wear diaper and a shirt and swaddle using cloth diaper(the traditional thin square cloth diaper)


u can try hot compress to clear e 'hard rocks'. I pathetically use hand to press n massage on them before trying out e hot compress. So painful till feel like crying.

Bluberi & soontobe,

it's gd to swaddle BB during 1st few weeks as it makes them feel more secure especially during night. If worrying abt being too hot, dress less. I recalled e hospi only wear a short sleeve shirt n diapers for BB under e swaddling blanket. At home, I use bigger sized cloth nappy as e swaddling blanket coz most of e blankets r of thicker material. U may waana try?

Doobom, my son is already 1 mth old, so a bit difficult to force him to accept being swaddled...so instead, I cuddled him v tightly and closely against my body....

hi mummies

finally! i've popped! pls help to update! delivered on 27 jun via natural with epidural.. baby's name, Megan, 3.35kg, 51cm!

tks..! will share more coz juz discharged & trying to adapt to BF & etc!!

Doobom, envy your milk supply leh... I never pass the 100ml (combined) b4... but I think it's becos I sleep thru the night... only in the day, i will diligently pump every 3hrs...at nite, i will pump around 11pm and the next morning around 7-8am... Lazy mummy hor?!

doobom, mine cleared.. and it's not painful unless i use a lot of strength to massage it.. lols.. trying to clear mah.. den dunno why today nv felt till yet.. and I did try hot compress.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Looney, grats grats!! ^^

Just wondering any June mother turns out to be July mother.. haha..

Friends - you mean u can skip the pump at night? For me, I can't. The 2 hard rocks and and the leakage will wake me up..so I have to drag myself out of the bed and pump.


i'm also low BM ss through pumping. now can only get 60-80ml after 1mth

wanna share some tips.. if you are using elect pump like medela :

after pumping like 5-10min.. you can off - on pump again and start off with the initial phase again

or you can remove the breast pump of breast for 5-10sec and put it back to pump again.. you can feel more jet of BM coming out.

can also use hands expression after each pumping session.. helps to get 10-20ml of BM.

though i can't give my boy total EBM.. at least i know i put in effort in 2-3hr pump session incl night time

so mummies don't give up!


me too.. My heavy rocks r my alarm n I hv since been woken up by leaking bm cos silk pj dun absorb bm as well as cotton but now leaking lesser but will still auto wake up at most after 5 hr sleep.

I din give my gal my ebm tho.. not that I hv a lot excess, I juz freeze them.


my elder gal cord also went MIA n our conclusion was somehow being discarded during diaper changing cos it's so small n dark looking... Now get to keep my son but seriously also dunno keep for wat.

I am using kidopotamus Velcro swaddle - tho warm but very secure cos my son super strong! Also he sleeps in aircon.


hi ladies..

im worried for my girl and see if you can give advice.

im giving BM and FM to my girl.

thing is, abt 10min aft feeding her, she will poo.. is it norm? and becoz of that, it affects her sleep and she always wants us to cuddle&carry her.

I think she has tummy ache, and when that happens, her eyes sometimes go cross-eyed which made me really worried..

Any PD near to Joo Chiat area you'd recommend?

